I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, (I could fill up several hundred sheets of paper with these) so sorry for sbasically abandoning this story for almost 3/4 of a year. I, currently, feel like a large pile of crap.

You can berat me all you want in the reviews and I will not complain one bit (that is if any of you are still reading this).

I do hope you can all forgive me.

Here's the next chapter though.


Bee and I had been walking for what seemed like forever. The cold of our dead planet chilled us right to the bone. It was a sad realization knowing that humans didn't feel any true comfort when they stepped onto the surface of Cybertron as I wished they would. I had been sad when Jack came to Cybertron to help Optimus regain his memories. Even though Jack seemed so utterly happy with being on another planet I just focused on the fact that he couldn't see it in all of it's glory. Alive in other words.

Raf had programmed a signal into what he called an "iPod" so that Bee and I would be able to locate where the relic was exactly. It should've brought us right to where the signal was coming from on the tracker Ratchet and the others had. So, we would technically meet up with them eventually.

"Do you think we're almost there?" The blond asked to my right side.

With a sigh I looked down onto the screen. The blinking dot was what seemed to be about one more mile away from where we were.

"We're almost there. Maybe like another ten minutes or so." I responded.

He gave a confirmative grunt and nothing more. He had begun to get a bit tired from the looks of it about a mile back. I assumed it had to do with the energon poisoning affecting him, but since he hadn't started complaining I chose not to mention it. It would only make him upset that I had noticed.

A few more minutes passed before a structure came into view right in front of us. I checked our tracker once more and saw that we were approaching our destination. It looked to be a giant cave that was made into an old cybertronian building. Possibly a home to someone who lived here long ago.

"This looks to be it, Bee." I reassured him as I noticed his questioning glance.

He smiled and looked me in the eye, "Let's go find the relic then shall we?"


We had been in the cave for a while, and judging by the continuously growing signal being given by the relic it seemed we were getting much closer with each corner we turned.

"Do you think there are any scraplets down here?" Bulkhead suddenly asked behind me breaking the endless silence that was only filled by the sound of our footsteps.

"Scraplets? I heard of those. Didn't they attack all of you back at base a while back?" Smokescreen said with a sly tone to his voice.

"How did you hear about that?"

"Miko told me that was the time you screamed like a little girl."

A loud grumble came from whom I assumed to be Bulkhead. He didn't retaliate any further than saying Miko's name in a low irritable tone,

"And to answer your question Bulkhead, there's no real way to know for certain what's dwelling in this place." I answered with a bit of disgust at myself. I hated not knowing things. Especially when it came to things that could very well kill one or all of us.

"Um . . ." Smokescreen said behind us. One less pair of footsteps were heard walking which I assumed to be his.

"What is it Smokescreen?" Optimus asked.

"I think I hear someone coming . . ." the young Autobot told us as he looked down the way we came. I looked down the direction he was looking. Sure enough a few flashes of red showed down the way at a turn. They came in no real pattern.

"What is that?" Bulkhead asked as he got his blaster ready for whatever it was in case it was an enemy.

Suddenly a bloodcurdling scream went off at wherever those flashes were coming from. Right after it a large group of Decepticons came running around the corner directly at us followed by a swarm of Insecticons.

"Ratchet go ahead!" Optimus ordered as he readied his own blaster and sword, "Smokescreen go with him!"

"Yes, sir!" Smokescreen yelled as he ran at me and grabbed my forearm, "Let's go doc!"

The last thing I saw before we turned the corner was Bulkhead and Optimus clashing with both Decepticon and Insecticon alike.

"How far are we until we finally get to the relic?" Smokescreen asked after I wrenched my arm out of his grasp.

"We still have quite a few tunnels to get through." I told him.

"Why are the tunnels so long anyway? I don't remember anything like this before the war."

"If I had to guess I'd say that the Insecticons dug these tunnels as their hive." I shook my head in disgust, "It's just like the Decepticons to make the relic appear all the way down here."

"That's quite offensive doctor." came a sudden sinister voice ahead of us.

I skidded to a stop shortly followed by Smokescreen.

Ahead of us two Decepticons came into view. One was Megatron while the other was Soundwave. How did they even get down here so fast? Soundwave probably was able to get them both down here with ease. How bothersome.

Megatron looked down at his palm that I only now realized was holding something.

"I trust you can go on ahead and at least find the relic?" He asked whatever was in his hand.

"Of course, sire." Came the recognizable nervous voice of Starscream. Still in his human form standing in the person who I could imagine squishing him without second thought's hand. He wore a mask over his face with a tube that ran all the way to a tank on his back. I assumed the tank was filled with oxygen. Really, there wasn't anything else it could be.

Megatron set him down unbelievably gentle, "Their scout and the femme may very well be here too. Keep watch for them."

With that Starscream ran down the dark tunnel in the direction that our tracker said the relic was located. For being in a small, human body he sure did move fast. I don't think I'd ever seen Rafael, Jack, or Miko run anywhere near that quickly.

"Now then." Megatron spat as he turned to face us with his typical sinister grin, "Where were we?"


When we entered the cave we immediately heard what sounded like metal clashing against metal. There was probably a battle waging in there. It was no doubt that the Decepticons were here for the same reason that we were.

The relic.

As soon as we did hear it we ran toward the sounds. Thats was most likely the right way to the relic.

After turning multiple corners and going through many tunnels that seemed endless we made it to the battle. There were five Insecticons, eight Decepticons, and two Autobots. Optimus and Bulkhead no less. And, what's more, they were all clashing with the other two.

"C'mon," I told Arcee grabbing her hand. She had a strange reaction to my motion. I saw a slight blush invade her cheeks. It was only slightly noticeable in the dark cave, but I still saw it that's to the slight glow of her blue eyes.

I gave her a small smile before pulling her with me toward the battle. I made sure that we stayed close to the wall. Giant footsteps that could easily squish us were being sporadically stomped everywhere. Beams from all the sides weapons were also flying through the air illuminating everything in the cave to varied colors. Optimus' sword was also being swung and I was pretty sure that if one of us got hit by that thing it would not be very fun.

Suddenly a beam hit a Decepticon and sent him flying right in front of us nearly flattening us. I grabbed Arcee and put her in a protective embrace to protect her from any feral debri that could very well hurt her.

"Hey, there's two humans here."

I turned back towards the giant Decepticon to see that he was looking right at us. WIthout any warning his giant hand came forward in an attempt to grab us. Before he could though I dodged it, grabbed Arcee into my arms, and jumped over both of his legs with some strange burst of great strength and endurance.

Before I had anytime to try to get answers for what I had just done the Decepticon was reaching for us once again.

"Run!" I yelled at Arcee and pulled her away once again. I was running out of breath fast I could feel it. Now was not the time to have another energon poisoning attack. We could be killed right here if I did.

I had to look around for somewhere where we could hide. A small ridge was a little ways away made from bent scrap metal most likely from whatever this structure once was in the past. That was as good as any other place in this labyrinth of tunnels.

We ducked behind said scrap metal. I could tell Arcee was holding her breath, but I just couldn't. If I did it would most likely be turned into a fit of coughing. Instead I just put my hands over my mouth and tried my best not to heave air into my lungs too loudly.

I listened intently to be sure I didn't hear any approaching footsteps. When no were heard I allowed myself to breath as I pleased, which mostly was a strange wheezing sound. My eyes were closed so all I had to do was concentrate on 'breath in' 'breath out'.

When I finally caught my breath I opened my eyes. First thing I saw was Cee's glowing blue eyes staring at me with worry. Her eyes fixated on my own. Mouth pressed into a straight, concentrated line. I noticed then that her hands were pressed gently on my shoulder and chest.

"You okay?" She asked after a while with both of us staring at eachother.

I gave a slight nod, "Yeah, just over exerted myself a little bit." I said with a reassuring smile.

"What was that?" She suddenly asked, "That thing you did back there."

I cocked my head to the side. I had an idea of what she was speaking of, but I wasn't too sure.

She sigh then made some sporadic movements with her hands, "You jumped over that con's legs. They were both taller than you and you just jumped over them like they were nothing."

I laughed a little, "I wouldn't say 'nothing'. I was just hyperventilating." She didn't laugh with me. It wasn't exactly funny so I didn't blame her.

"Maybe it has something to do with the energon poisoning . . ." She mumbled before standing up and offering me her hand.

I took it gratefully. When we were both standing I turned to look at the battle. Well, the reason the Decepticon wasn't trying to get us was because Optimus successfully got rid of him. He and Bulkhead were still fighting the Insecticons though.

"They have things here." Arcee said clutching my shoulder lightly, "We should continue forward."

I nodded and we continued running down the tunnels. Arcee had asked if I wanted to walk, but that wasn't exactly an option at the moment. If we didn't hurry then the Decepticons would have their hands on the relic. Ratchet and Smokescreen weren't back there so they were probably up here somewhere trying to find the relic same as we were.

If we came across them we could help each other. I had seen back in the cave when I had over exerted myself and was unable to breath that I could very well be the cause of Arcee's death if that circumstance was to arise again. But, with Ratchet and Smokescreen they could keep Arcee safe if I was to have another attack from my energon poisoning.

All those hopes were immediately shattered once we turned one specific corner. Right before us lay a very familiar red and white Cybertronian along with a mostly white Cybertronian further along the tunnel.

I skidded to a stop shortly followed by Arcee who let out a gasp. I gaped at them right before I willed my legs to go further. I ran passed Cee and headed for Ratchet.

"Ratchet?" I called as I approached. Several pieces of metal stuck out at strange angles all over his body. None of the physical damage even phased me once I saw his optics and their complete blackness.

"R-Ratchet?" I once again mumbled as I placed my stupid, soft, flimsy, vulnerable hand onto his limp forearm.

The sound of slowly approaching footsteps behind me told me that Arcee was coming forward. She set a gently hand on my shoulder before passing me and setting off for Smokescreen.

I felt the need to go check on the rookie myself, but I couldn't bear to leave Ratchet. Ratchet, the Autobot who had saved my spark back at Tyger Pass. Who had carried the burden of me not having a voice on his back all these centuries. The bot I owed a great debt to, and yet couldn't even stop this from happening to him. To any of them. Smokescreen who lay further along. Optimus who had been captured by the Decepticons and then nearly died trying to rescue me. Arcee, who had suffered the same fate as I did even before we turned human with being shot by that relic with me unable to stop it.

"Bee!" I heard snapping me out of my thoughts, "Smokescreen's online. C'mere!"

I snatched one last glance at Ratchet's face before sprinting over to Cee and the rookie. If it was true that he was online then he could tell us what had happened.

When I approached I saw the bright lights of Smokescreen's optics staring down at Arcee and her slightly dimmer eyes. I stepped in front of his vision so he didn't have to strain himself with trying to see me. Standing next to Arcee I could see Smokescreen's optics as they gleamed down at us in what looked to be utter confusion.

"Wha-what are you two doin' 'ere?" He said with a slight groan.

"That doesn't matter right now." I brushed off his question, "What happened to you?"

The rookie gave a sigh, "Megatron is further down the tunnel. I guess he decided to give us a welcome party before he went on with his business."

I gave Arcee a startled look. If Megatron was here that was going to make what Arcee and I were going to do even more harder. Maybe even impossible.

"That Soundwave guy is also with him." He told us, "So, is scrawny Starscream."

"Alright," Arcee said in a tender tone, "You stay here with Ratchet . . . okay?"

Before he could answer Arcee grabbed my arm and pulled me with her toward the direction of Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream.

"We have to hurry, Bee!" She almost sounded as though she would scream. The way her voice trembled was definitely abnormal. Especially for her.

As we continued running I heard metal coming closer and closer to us from behind. I stiffened with the fear that a Decepticon was approaching that somehow escaped from the battle that was further back.

I looked behind my shoulder and nearly passed out with relief. It wasn't a Decepticon nor an Insecticon, but rather our leader. Optimus.

He skidded to a stop when he finally reached us. I would have been a little more relieved if it wasn't for his anger filled visage. He gleamed down at us with his glowing blue optics. Having known Optimus for quite a while I know that when he gets that look on his face it means he is a quite a bit mad.

And I couldn't help, but feel that some of that anger was aimed toward us.

"I had told you two to stay at base!" Optimus said in the tone that showed he was very much disappointed in us.

"Optimus, we couldn't just stay back and let you risk your lives to fix our screw up." Arcee called up to him, "Sorry, but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't come.

"Arcee, your continuous disregard of orders is getting a bit out of hand." Optimus said with a little less of a rough tone.

The large Autobot that could very well squish us had he been an enemy let out a loud sigh before kneeling down so that he was closer to us. Without another word he set his hand on the ground in front of us and waited.

"I'll assist you to where the relic is. It'll be quicker." he said after we looked at him with mild confusion.

I turned to Arcee who had a slight smile on her face. Without needing any other encouragement we hopped onto the large metallic hand.

Before we knew it we were once again rushing towards the relic. This would hopefully be the final battle for this experience and soon we'd be back in our Cybertronian bodies.

As I had said above. I feel very bad about the long wait and I hope you can forgive me for it.

Please review.

By the way, I'm fairly certain that next chapter, or the one following it will be the last. The next probably will be and then I'll make an epilogue of some sort.

Until next chapter my dear readers.