A/N: Hi friends! Thank you so much for your patience in following the story of One Night in Bali! :3


Chapter 15 – Epic


As the door of the holding room opens, Kendall lets go of Logan's hand discreetly, to avoid any actions that may get them further into trouble. Although Indonesia doesn't have specific laws against homosexuality, and in fact any discussion of sex and sexuality is considered taboo because it is regarded as matters that should be discussed only in private, Kendall thought they can't take any more risks by him being caught holding hands with Logan. A tall and stocky man in immigration officer's uniform then enters the room, carrying a clipboard with some papers in it and a pen.

"Good evening, Mr. Kendall and Mr. Logan, my name is Irwanto from Immigration. We summoned you here as a precautionary measure as we have detected some minor discrepancies with your paperwork and luggage. Please stay here while we continue verifying your documents and proceed to bring your luggage here," the immigration officer said before proceeding to leave the room, shutting the door quite firmly in the process.

Logan looks worryingly at Kendall and holds his hand. Kendall starts to worry about Logan as he felt the extreme coldness of the brunette's hand. Logan also notices that Kendall's hands are also starting to feel cold and clammy.

"Relax, Logie, everything will be okay. I'll find a way out of this. I'm sure Matt and Cathy will find out that something bad happened and will help us out of it. We're innocent, so we have nothing to worry about, even if we get framed or something." Kendall assures Logan.

Logan tries to hold back tears caused by being extremely frightened. He has read a lot of stories of foreigners being framed by other people and ending up in really scary prisons in Bali. Logan knows he and Kendall are innocent and they don't want to end up behind bars for something they didn't even do.

"Thank you, Kindle. I trust you." Logan says as his cold and clammy hands clench Kendall's equally cold and clammy hands firmly.

They then let go of their hands and look at their phones, and the phones are still searching for a signal, probably still unable to automatically reconfigure themselves fast enough so that they can call Matt and Cathy.

A couple of minutes later, Officer Irwanto enters the room again, holding the same clipboard and pen. The huge officer is frowning, and shaking his head in what appears to be disappointment or disbelief.

"Mr. Kendall and Mr. Logan, Immigration and Customs are halfway finishing with inspecting your records, travel documents and luggage. All we need you to do now is read and sign this document."

Kendall freezes in fear as he realises that the official could be trying to coerce them into signing a waiver of some sort. He wanted to refuse signing the document, but it could land them further into trouble. And so, in surrender, he reaches out for the clipboard and pen.

Kendall and Logan are expecting a jumble of texts in Indonesian, which they won't understand (or at least Kendall being able to understand barely a handful of it), but instead they found a blank paper with the Immigration Directorate General header at the top, and some words scribbled on the paper with a Sharpie:

Love, Cathy and Matt (heart sign)"

Kendall and Logan then look up at the same time at the officer, who is now grinning. He goes back to the door and opens it. When the door fully opens, Cathy and Matt peek inside, grinning and trying not to laugh.

"Gotcha!" Cathy says in delight.

It takes Kendall and Logan around ten seconds to finally realise what just happened. Matt and Cathy pranked them. The two boys stand up in confusion and disbelief as Cathy and Matt enter the room.

Cathy then runs towards Kendall to give him a reassuring hug. Matt also runs towards Logan to give him a comfort hug because the brunette was about to cry.

"I'm sorry Kendall and Logan! It was Cathy's idea!" Matt then defensively says while sheepishly pointing at his future wife.

"Well, you agreed it was a good idea to scare the hell out of them!" Cathy then says while sticking her tongue out at her future husband.

Kendall finally comes to his senses and fully absorbs the reality that they weren't in trouble at all.

"Catherine Anne! How could you?! You scared the vajeepers out of us!" Kendall blurted out, without thinking what vajeepers actually meant. "But how did you manage to pull this off?"

"Well," Cathy sheepishly answers. "We asked the airport management if we could accommodate you as VIPs, since you are US celebrities, and they agreed because it will help promote tourism here. And then I suddenly came up with the idea of pranking you as well, and Matt thought it was a good idea too." Cathy continues as she looks at Matt, who is now blushing and, being cornered, just managed to react by sticking his tongue out at Cathy.

"So the officer guy is really in on it?" Kendall then asks.

"Yup. This is Mr. Irwanto. Like some Indonesians, he doesn't have a last name, so yeah he's Mr. Irwanto. He's also a very good friend of ours." Matt answers.

"Hi again, Mr. Kendall and Mr. Logan! Selamat pagi! Welcome to Bali, Indonesia! I hope we didn't scare you too much!" Officer Irwanto then says smilingly as he shakes hands with Kendall and Logan.

"And you can relax now. Sorry if we gave you such a fright. Your hands are still cold and sweaty!" Irwanto then continues with a laugh. "I'll get you something to drink and eat while you wait. We are actually processing your passports, immigration stamps and also your luggage. We traced your bags via barcode and RFID chips and they'll be brought in here in a bit. Would you like coffee, tea, water, juice?"

"I think orange juice would be nice," Kendall answers. "Our throats are so dry right now!"

"Awwww I'm so sorry Kendall and Logan if the prank got too scary! I'm just getting back at you for scaring me with your goddamn zombie costume last Halloween. You know I'm terrified of zombies!" Cathy says.

"Oh yeah… But no fair! My Halloween prank was like 100% scary, but this prank was like 500% scary! But okay, fine you got us!" Kendall answers as he finally relaxes and begins to smile.

Airport staff members then arrive, carrying trays of sandwiches and juices for Kendall and Logan, and also for Officer Irwanto, Matt and Cathy. The five then engage in some lively conversation, until another batch of airport officials arrive to hand over Kendall and Logan's passports, with Indonesian arrival stamps on them, and their checked-in luggage as well.

After visually inspecting Kendall and Logan's carry-on and checked-in bags, Officer Irwanto then concludes that the two have nothing to declare, since the alcoholic drinks and cigarettes they bought duty-free from Singapore meet the maximum Indonesian requirements per person. Kendall also volunteers to have all their bags checked, but Officer Irwanto says that they've already been cleared by Customs before being transferred to the room, which was actually one of the VIP reception rooms at the airport.

When the five finish their drinks and sandwiches, Matt then gestures to Cathy and Officer Irwanto that they probably need to bring Kendall and Logan back to their house, as the flight from Singapore to Bali was quite a long one. The officer then shakes hands again with Kendall and Logan, and also with Cathy and Matt, before he accompanies them to the airport exit, where Matt and Cathy then helped carry some of Kendall and Logan's bags as they proceed to the carpark.

"Oh, wait! We need to get some Rupiahs," Kendall says, referring to the currency used in Indonesia.

"Oh, don't worry Kendall! We have enough Rupiahs back home in case you need to purchase something. Plus, at least you'll get a better forex rate with me than here at the airport" Cathy says with a smile and a wink.

"Okidoki, Cathy!" Kendall then says.

And so Kendall, Logan, Cathy and Matt board the car and they proceed to leave the carpark and the perimeter of Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport. Logan got bewildered at first, but then realises that, just like in Singapore, Indonesian motorists drive on the left side of the road, and the driver is on the right hand side of the vehicle.

Kendall quickly figures out that Logan briefly got disoriented because they were on "the wrong side of the road."

"I hope we don't get disoriented while driving when we get back home!" Kendall jokingly says, to which Logan answers silently by sticking his tongue out. Kendall tries to retaliate by trying to nibble at Logan's tongue but thankfully remembers just in time that Matt and Cathy do not know that they were already boyfriends.

After around 30 minutes in moderate traffic, they finally reach Matt and Cathy's house in Jimbaran, somewhere along Jalan Uluwatu (Uluwatu Road). They turn to a narrow road which seems to be lined with trees, but barely lit by a few lampposts and lights from the houses lining the road, and at the end was a cul de sac where Matt parks the car at their designated spot. They then unload all the bags and proceed down the stone stairs leading to their house.

As Kendall and Logan enter the thick wooden doors of the main gate, despite the darkness of the evening, they could easily see how huge Matt and Cathy's lot is. Their property is located on a mountainside, just like a few more above and beside theirs. There were two houses in the walled compound: the single-storey one being Matt and Cathy's main house in the far right corner from the gate, and a two-storey house at the near left of the gate which serves as the guest house. There was also a decently-sized infinity pool in the near right of the gate, accessible to both the main and guest houses. An Indonesian helper then meets and greets Matt and Cathy, and they introduce him to Kendall and Logan.

"Kendall and Logan, this is Putu, one of our house helpers here." Cathy says.

"Hello Mr. Kendall and Mr. Logan. Nice to meet you. Selamat pagi! Welcome to Bali, Indonesia! If you need anything you can call me anytime thru the intercom or just call my name out," Putu says with a smile.

"Hello Putu! Nice to meet you! And thank you for the offer!" Kendall and Logan answer as they shake hands with Putu. Kendall then sneaks in an Indonesian expression, "Terima kasih," which means 'thank you', to which Putu laughs and answers "sama-sama" (You're welcome).

Putu then carries their bags to the guest house, while Kendall and Logan are guided by Matt and Cathy to the main house for dinner. As they enter the main house, Kendall and Logan admire the modern interior design.

"Hey, Cathy! I love your house!" Logan says with a beaming smile.

"Awww thank you, Logie! I hope you'll love the guest house when we show it to you later!" Cathy says.

Matt then calls out from the kitchen. "Hey guys, have a seat at the dining table! I'll be bringing out the food in a bit"

But Kendall and Logan answer, "Oh no no no! Don't treat us like actual guests! Let us do some of the work too!"

Cathy and Matt try to persuade them to just let them pamper Kendall and Logan, but the Big Time Rush celebrities wouldn't have any of it. The engaged couple finally agree to be helped by the secret boyfriends.

And so Matt, Cathy, Kendall and Logan bring out their dinner for that night into the dining table. They were having baked scallops, baked mussels, grilled fish, grilled prawns, stir-fried watercress, barbecued pork, and rice.

"The seafood, vegetable and barbecued pork were actually bought from Kuta beach. Do you see the smoke coming from the beach down there?" Cathy says as she points towards the wide door and towards the smoke coming from a lot of lights in what appears to be a beach. "We can go there if you want. Just tell us when you wanna go there."

"Oh, we don't want to be too much of a bother to you. You and Matt just be comfortable in finding your convenient times to tour us around" Kendall sheepishly answers.

"Oh, bollocks! You're not a bother to us! You're our friends, and our guests! We'd love to tour you around for the first three or four days, and then you can get to spend the rest of the week just staying here so you can fully relax before you return to LA. Deal?" Cathy says.

"Sounds awesome! Deal!" Kendall answers.

And so they dig into their dinners and enjoy it with a mixture of beverages: Coke Zero, water, pineapple juice, beer, and white wine. And after dinner, Matt guides Kendall and Logan towards the hut near the pool, which also has a large dining table. Cathy brings out a fruit-cheese-and-bread platter to go along with the bottles of red and white wine that Putu is carrying. And they continue enjoying the evening with wine, fruit, cheese and bread.

Cathy also reminds Kendall that they can smoke anywhere they want, and since there were two ashtrays on the table, Kendall and Logan didn't feel too shy to light up. Cathy was a non-smoker from the beginning. Matt stopped smoking years ago after being traumatized of that incident when a strong hiccup made him suck the half-finished (and still lit!) cigarette into his mouth and nearly chokes on it. Matt considered it as a warning from 'someone above' and vowed to stop smoking for good. As for Kendall and Logan, they did discuss one time that they plan to stop when they turn 35, which is said to be the approximate start when the human body becomes much, much, much more vulnerable to the effects of smoking.

As they continue to enjoy their wine, and in Kendall and Logan's case, their nicotine, the two actors look around and admire the beautiful houses and lot that Matt and Cathy owned. There were a lot of bauhinia trees adorned with paper lanterns, but lit by yellow LED bulbs. The beautiful eerie neon blue glow of the pool adds to the serenity of the place. Plus, they could see a lot of lit houses and the Kuta beach from where they're sitting at.

They spend a few hours catching up on stories and reliving memories. And, after some time, Cathy and Matt notice that Kendall and Logan are politely trying to stop yawning.

"Awww, you guys are already too tired. C'mon let's get you to the guest house so you could rest already." Matt offers.

"Thanks, Matt. Yeah, we'll make it up to you guys tomorrow!" Kendall says as he and Logan accept the offer.

And the four stand up and walk up the stairs towards the guest house. Since the lot rests on a mountain slope, the guest house is situated higher than the main house. As they enter, Cathy tells them that the guest house's living room and second kitchen is located upstairs, and they are free to use the appliances, and especially the airconditioners, for as often as they need or like. And then she points to the two opposing doors at the bottom of the stairs that leads to the upper floor.

"These are the two master bedrooms for the guest house, and each has its own bathroom. Would you like to have separate rooms or do you mind sleeping in the same room? And mind you, both rooms only have single-queen sized beds and a smaller day bed."

Kendall and Logan have already decided that they'll sleep in the same room.

"We'll just stay in one room, and yeah we don't mind having a single bed. We're used to sleeping together on the same bed sometimes during tours using the pullout couches on some buses." Kendall says and explains, as if being automatically defensive as to why he's willing to share a single bed with Logan. He mentally slaps his forehead at the silliness.

Logan, in turn, concentrates hard not to blush because he was already imagining the multitude of things that they could do in that bedroom.

"Well, that sounds great! We'll leave you two so you can finally rest. As a precaution though, we recommend that you lock the house main door and your bedroom door, just to be sure. Bali is a very safe place anyway, but it's better to be really safe." Matt says

"Sounds like a good idea! Thanks Matt!" says Logan.

"Goodnight, Cathy and Matt!"

"Goodnight, Kendall and Logan!"

And as they close the main door and their bedroom's door, and after Logan turns the room airconditioner on, Kendall grabs the brunette and begins smashing his lips against his boyfriend's lips. Logan kisses back and wraps his arms tightly around his blonde boyfriend. The brunette then slowly guides Kendall, as they continue kissing and embracing, towards the day bed. He then gently guides Kendall into lying down on the bed and undoes Kendall's shirt and jeans, and Kendall does the same to Logan. In less than a minute, the two were down to their underwear, and the two pull each other's briefs off and lock themselves into a nude embrace. They briefly stop kissing, and look at each other straight in the eye.

"I love you, Logan," Kendall whispered with a smile.

"I love you too, Kindle" Logan whispered back with his own squirrely smile.

And they continued kissing each other passionately while running their hands all over their bare skin. Logan then gently pulls away from Kendall's lips and smirks as he turns his body 180 degrees, and with Kendall's hardon directly in front of his face, Logan proceeds to put Kendall's manhood into his mouth. Kendall briefly closes his eyes and moans in pleasure, and then opens his eyes so that he could see Logan's throbbing erection dangling above him, and he puts Logan's organ into his mouth. Logan lets out a moan while sucking Kendall, and the vibration sent shivers of pleasure into Kendall's body. The brunette then lies down sideways, so that both of them can comfortably suck each other in the 69 position.

In just a span of just a few minutes, Kendall and Logan felt that they were close to climaxing.

"Kindlh, Mmm cmmmng" Logan mumbles with Kendall's hardon still in his mouth

"Mmmhhh, mme too Lggggnnn" Kendall also mumbles back.

The two boys' bodies then tense up, and they felt each other's dicks tense up as well inside their mouths, and with loud moaning, Kendall and Logan climax into each other's mouths. The guys savoured each spurt from his boyfriend, until the throbbing had finally faded away.

After cumming and catching their breath, Logan turns around 180 degrees again to face Kendall.

"That… was… amazing, Logie!" Kendall says while still breathing deeply.

"Thanks, Kindle!" Logan answers. "You were amazing too!"

"I love you, Logie"

"I love you, Kindle"

After a few minutes of rest in each other's arms, they then retrieve their toothbrushes and toothpaste, and proceed to the bathroom to brush their teeth and take a shower before going to bed. Upon opening the wooden door, they were surprised as to how cavernous their bathroom was. It was the same size as the bedroom, probably measuring at least 50 feet in length and 40 feet in width. And the entire bathroom was tiled in what looks like textured granite. On opposite sides there were sinks and large mirrors. A toilet was in the far corner, and a large shower stall on the opposite corner, and a bathtub that can accommodate two people is positioned in the middle of the huge bathroom. There was also a backdrop of lighter-coloured granite tiles with a waterfalls effect, plus a small fountain and plants-lined pond behind the bathtub. Kendall and Logan were in awe at the size and beauty of the bathroom.

"Looks like we're REALLY gonna like it here!" Kendall naughtily mentions.

"Yup, definitely" Logan couldn't agree more.

They then proceed to the two opposing sinks so that they could brush their teeth much faster and get on to showering together much faster.

After brushing, they quickly walked towards the shower stall and set the water to lukewarm. The two then began lathering each others' hair and bodies to wash away the dirt and sweat of all the day's activities. As always, Kendall and Logan got aroused. So, after rinsing the shampoo and soap off of each other, they proceeded to jack each other off while kissing deeply until they reach their second climax.

They then towel each other dry, and enter the bedroom once again. The feeling of the cold air on their bare skin made them rush under the thick blankets and then embrace each other under the sheets.

"This is nice," Logan says.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see the whole place tomorrow morning" says Kendall.

"Me too. But hell, that was one epic prank they pulled on us"

"Hahaha yeah! I didn't expect it, and yep, that was one fucking epic prank."

"Do you plan on getting back at them?"

"Maybe. I'll think of something. We have to prank them back. They nearly made you cry" Kendall teasingly said as he scrunches up his nose while grinning at Logan. Logan then briefly pouts and then pokes his tongue out at Kendall. The blonde then nibbles on the brunette's tongue, and they end up kissing passionately again. After a few more seconds of kissing, they gently pull away from the kiss.

"I love you, Kindle…"

"I love you, Logie…"

And they fall asleep while locked in a naked, warm embrace…