Worth The Fight

Hyelloh! So, when I first started out, I would reply to every single review I've got. I've stopped, simply because I thought it took away from the actual story itself. But now, and forever (hopefully) I shall reply to each review I receive! But also, can you believe I wrote the first chapter in third person? Scandalous. Simply because my very weak point is that pesky third person…

This is the first real-ish chapter to this story! Yay, fire the confetti! *pop* Anyways, the real reasons behind my lack of updating was because of work ethic. Mine is horrible, but I'm working (hah) on it! And also work overload. School is horrible!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own and do not claim to own Every Witch Way. It belongs to people that is not myself. I simply own the idea of this story plot.


An amazing writer, ghostgirl19, has allowed me to use her theory from her oneshot "If Only". Everything she writes is great and that is no exception. So go do her a favor and check it out, and drop a review! Write how ingenious she truly is. Link to one shot in bio!

During the next period, the teacher droned on about the importance of annotating.

Yay...fun. For the slightest distraction, Jax swirled a pen around his fingers, anxiously waiting for the bell to ring.

"Do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?" A sweet voice asked, from his right.

He didn't even have to look up. It was Emma. Wordlessly, he plopped a wooden stick onto her glitter-clad notebook.

Confused as to why Jax didn't make a wise crack-or even look at her- Emma responded with a small 'thanks' and shook it off; figuring he was just having a bad day. She picked the pencil up and began to take notes on the topic Mr. Walsh was ranting about.

Fifteen minutes later, and Emma's head hadn't quit on trying to decode the great mystery that is Jax Novoa. Was it something she did wrong when asking for a pencil? What if it was his last one? Or his favorite? So she tried to strike conversation again.

"Did the rain wake you up last night? Because it woke me up!" She said with a giggle.

Jax looked up and shot her a quick smile, going back to inspecting his blank sheet of paper. This class was absolute torture. Being so close to the girl he was still in love with and not close enough.

I don't have all day

This class is so boring

Do as I say

And send time soaring!

Jax quickly shot at the clock and instantly the bell sounded. He gathered up his stuff and was the first one out of the room.

In his shadow he left a very appalled Emma. She didn't know why, but she left English that Tuesday with an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

Walking out of the classroom Emma bumped into Daniel. "Hey Em," He said, an all-too bright smile plastered onto his features. "How was class?"

She immediately thinks about how weird Jax was being and how her stomach still feels heavy. "Great!" She smiles. "We learned about the importance of annotating and how the reader's interpretation of the chapter was important in means of understanding."

"That sounds really boring."

"It was," Emma admits. "And annotating is tedious and totally useless. So today's English lesson was more useless than normal."

"Ugh," he groaned. "Wish me luck."

"Wait, Daniel."

Her voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Yeah Em?"

"Are you coming to my house for movie night tonight?"

Daniel scratched the back of his head, clearly uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I have to babysit the T3."

The look on his girlfriend's face was almost enough to make him blurt the truth. "Stupid last minute date nights for my mom and dad." He explained lamely, scratching at his head again. Did the bugs come back? "Sorry."

A ghost of a fake smile brushed on her lips as she said, "No, it's fine. I understand."

"Thanks. You're the best." He pecked her cheek.

Staring at his retreating form, she realized that's the second time she was disappointed by a guy within seven minutes. She turned and briskly walked against the diminishing time she had to get to Science.

"Ah, Ms. Alonso!" Mrs. Jones smiled as the bell rang. "Late again."

Emma subtlely rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry." She wasn't the slightest bit sorry. Maybe she was sorry Mrs. Jones was still employed here.

Mrs. Jones didn't buy her lie. "I'd send you to the principal, but your dad would only send you back." She clicked away to the front of the room in those stupid sensible shoes.

Emma took a seat in the way back, trying to be as far away from her teacher as possible.

This did not go unnoticed by the hag, as she patted the empty seat in the front with a leering smile.

This was going to be fun.

Emma took her time in shuffling up to the front, dragging her feet and allowing the sound to echo throughout the classroom.

"Today, Alonso."

She dropped her books on the desk and sat in the chair, waiting for more commands.

"Now pay attention, this could be on your test Thursday."

The witch rolled her eyes and stared at the board, copying her homework with a pointed sour look. Her teacher either didn't care or was too consumed on her take on Newton's Laws. Emma, personally didn't see what made it so important. She's never really paid much attention to the laws before and she's made it through life just fine.

Oh, this is going to be a long class...

...yay for short filler chapters that take the author months to write! woohoo

Really sorry for my absence, I'll try to make up for it. And sorry for the less-than-up-to-par chapter. :)

Daddy Directioner- Thanks! I'm glad I found a new someone that likes the idea of their close friendship. On the wiki, they're listed as frenemies. And I'm like, "Why you gotta do me like that?"

Aipom4- I hope I do too...

keyondraswag- I did.

MustacheManiac- Thanks for finding my intro funny! But I really did feel sick when Emma said that to Daniel...and then not have it said back. I'm sure Daniel deeply cared/cares for Emma, but I understand he wasn't really ready to say it back. But dude, she was being sucked into a magical hole with a high chance of never returning. Grow something. And also, I was annoyed with her for saying it so soon. You're fifteen, and you've had an on-off relationship going on for how long? Then she chooses Jax in the next season finale. Talk about love.

HOAMixerFan- Thank you. You watch HOA? I never have, honestly, but it looked good!

ghostgirl19- *giggles* Tanks! Don't worry though, they'll be tons of build up to the point you'll be begging me to make them kiss. Or maybe my fangirl imagination will run off and make it a slightly shorter story :)

Guest- And another for the Jandi positive relationship! Glad you're excited!

Guest- Sorry, you'll be waiting for quite some time then. ;)

3- Thanks! Another one for the Jandi positive relationship! And I'm super glad the summary was understandable. It was hard to get it under a certain amount of characters. But I'm glad there was a limit otherwise I'd be rambling with trying to explain everything. And here's your update!

Guest- This was a little hard to understand, but hey! That's cool! You go and ship Dandi if you like. Glad you're mostly Jemma.

Anonymous Girl- I like your name. It makes you sound mysterious. And thanks for your love! It's good knowing I've got lots of support you helped to contribute to!

Kehaulani- Thanks! And haha, I love Jemma.

Lauren- I will most certainly try!

Guest- I'll try. Glad you liked it!

Guest- I ship Jemma, mostly. I don't ship Emma with anyone else, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't harbor feels for Jandi.

JaxIsHotAndMineILoveHim- Seems like you'll have to battle someone I know for Jax then! Yeah, man, I'll try.

snowy. mkc- I'm glad I've got your stamp of approval...just slightly curious as to what you mean though...
