A 17 year old celestial girl, was walking on the edge of the platform. Following her back was one of her spirit name plue, he was trying to catch up with his master while trying not to fall on the river.

"You know something plue... today at the guild was weird" Lucy said while looking up at the sky.

"Pu?" said the spirit.

"I don't know how to explain it,but it was like something was odd today...but i probably im just been paranoid" Lucy said

"Ah!" someone suddenly scream.

"Come on plue!" Lucy grab plue on her arms and start running toward where she heard the scream.

Wend Lucy arrive at the scene, she saw a man with messy black hair standing in front of a woman who was trying to stand up. Behind the woman were two kids trying to get her up while hiding from the man in front of them. The man has an ax on his right hand while the other was holding a lady purse. Lucy quickly hide herself behind a trash can and observe the scene

"If you let me your purse in the easy way, then I wouldn't have use violence." Then man said while forming a creepy smile on his lips.

"Fine you got my purse, now get out of here" said the woman with a weak and scare tone.

"I would... but that wouldn't be interesting" Said The man while while walking slowly toward her.

"W-what are you gonna do?" asked one of the kids.

"I'm gonna have some fun with your mother" He suddenly grab her chin violently. "...Not bad at all..." he whisper to himself while licking his lips.

The other kid trow a little rock at the guy "S-s-s-s-stay away from mom"

"Or what?" the man glare at the kids.

"or I'll have to beat you up" Said Lucy while walking out of the hiding place while still holding plue on her arms.

The man turn his gaze toward Lucy and grin evilly "You think that you can beat me?" He left go of the woman chin and stand up "What are you gonna do Blondie? Trow that weird thing at me?" He asked while walking slowly toward her. "You got one heck of a buddy"

Lucy glare at him. "what a pervert...Don't you think so plue?"

"Pu!Pu!" Plue said while moving his shaky hands up and down.

"Its not my fault that you have a great body" Said the man.

"Please miss! get away from him!" scream one of the kids.

"He has super strength!" yell the other kid.

"I can still beat him" Said Lucy while putting plue on the floor.

The man chuckles. "Then don't start begging for mercy" Then guy start running toward her while raising his ax on the air.

Lucy grab on of her keys "Open the gate of bull, Taurus!" Yell Lucy while a spirit appear right in front of her.

"Mo! I will protect Master amazing body!" Taurus block the ax with his own. "And i wont anyone hurt her beautiful body!"

"Woah! how cool!" The kid say.

"Mama! did you see that" The other said.

"Yes... She is a mage from Fairy tail" Said the woman while sitting up

The two kids start to scream "No way!"

They guy start to laugh. "Ah mage huh? I'm starting to like you more and more beautiful" he look at her up and down

"Moo! i wont forgive you for looking at lucy-sama like that!" Taurus swing his ax.

While they where fighting Lucy sneak behind the guy back. She then start running.

"Lucy kick!" She raise his leg and hit him right in the ribs, making the guy crash against a wall.

"urg..."the guy try to get up but his rib start to hurt badly making him fall to the ground.

Lucy walks toward him and take the purse out of his hands "That's what you get for trying to steal woman purse" she then kick him in his but.

"Nice kick miss lucy-sama!" Said Taurus while plue start to clap his hands.

"yeah! nice kick one-san!" said the kids while jumping up and down.

Lucy giggle and look down at the guy. "get out of here" she start glaring at the guy.

"Tsk! you just got lucky" said the guy while slowly walking away from them.

Lucy look up at Taurus. "Thanks Taurus!" she give him a heart warming smile.

"Anything for you amazing body miss lucy-sama"Taurus said while looking at her boobs with hearts on his eyes.

Lucy pick up his keys with annoyance. "Go back to the spirit world Taurus..."

"MO!" he disappear to the spirit world.

Lucy walks toward the woman and fall toward her knees. "Are you okay?"

The woman look up at her with a weak smile on her face "I just got punch in the face and got kick on my legs...But im okay" She try to stand up but fail.

Lucy put her right arm around her waist while with her left hand she grab the woman hand and put it around Lucy shoulders. "Here let me help you" She start to help her standing up

"Thank you miss" the woman said with a smile.

"Yeah thank you one-san!" said the kids in unison

Lucy giggles. "No problem! now let me help you get to your house"

"really? I hope im not bothering you that much" The woman said with a nervous smile.

"Is not a bother at all right plue?" Lucy asked while looking down at her spirit.

"Pu! pu!" he said while raising his shaky hand.

"woah! is he one of your spirits?" asked a kid while he stand in front of him

"Yeah yeah is it?" the other kid said while imitating plue shaky pose.

Lucy laugh a lot "Yeah! he is a great friend. Now let get you back toward the house"

Lucy start walking while supporting the woman, while the kids start walking behind them while holding hands with plue.

At a couple of houses behind them, there was a big muscular lightning slayer watching the hold scene with his arm cross while resting his back against a wall. He was staring at Lucy back with a small smile on his face.

"that blondie...doing my mission without her knowing it" Laxus said

He turn his gaze and look at the man that Lucy beat up laying on the floor, but tie up with a robe. Laxus look back at Lucy with a smirk."At list she made this job easier, since i didn't even want to do, but i got force by master."Laxus walks toward the guy and carry him like a sack of potatoes. "I better take him to the magic console"

He then stop walking and look back at her. "She made be the right person for that..."

-30 minutes later with Lucy-

"This is my house" Said the woman while pointing to a small old house.

Lucy walks toward the house. Before she could open the door one of he kids open the door for her.

"Thank you" Lucy smile big making the poor kid blush a little.

"It's n-n-n-nothing..."

They walk inside the house. Lucy lay the woman on a sofa that was on the living room. The kids start showing plue their toys.

"Hey miss are you okay?" Asked the woman with a concern look on her face.

Lucy was sweating a little but give her a small smile. "I'm okay...It just that I let plue gate open for a long time and lose a lot of magic." she pick plue keys. "You can return to the spirit world now"

"Pu pu!"Plue waves goodbye at the kids and he return back to the spirit world.

"That feels a lot better" said Lucy with a smile of relief.

"Do you want some water?" Asked the woman.

"No...Im fine and beside I'm going to leave now" Lucy said while waving goodbye at them.

"No! don't go yet"One of the kid said while hugging her right leg.

"You just got here one-san!" The other one said while hugging her left leg.

Lucy pats both of their brown hair "Don't worry... I will visit you ?"

"Really?" they both asked in unison.

"yep! now what's your names?"

"Im ian! i am the older one" The kid with brown hair and blue eyes said.

"I am mizuki and im1 year younger than him" The kid with silver eyes said.

"And Im Miranda. So please come soon so that i can repay you for helping me" The woman said with a bow.

"You don't have to repay me. So goodnight guys!" Lucy said while walking out of the house.

"Bye one-san!" The kids yell while closing the door.

"Well it's pretty late already so i better get home soon." Lucy start to walk away quickly.

-At her apartment-

Lucy walk inside her apartment. She turn on the light and her eyes wide open while she back away quickly against the door. Lucy didn't believe what she was seeing. Laying on her sofa was no other than Laxus dreyar. He had his arms behind his head while listening to his music with his eyes close.

"Laxus?" Lucy asked with a low voice.

Laxus open one of his eyes. he lower his gaze and sees her staring at him with a confuse look. "About time you got here Blondie"

A vein pop out of her forehead "It Lucy and your blond too!" She glare at him.

Laxus smile big while he start lifting his body up so that he was standing on her sofa. "I'll still will call you Blondie no matter what"

Lucy sigh while walking slowly toward him. She stop while standing in front of him with a save 2 feet of distance. "What are you doing in here? Better yet...How did you know i leave here?"

Laxus took of his head phone and look at her brown eyes. "I need you too do a job with me"

Lucy raise one of her eye brown while looking at at his blue eyes. "What? why me?" She give him a weird look.

"cause the job said to bring a dragon slayer and a celestial mage. So are you in or not?" he said while scratching his neck.

Lucy look down for a minute until she look back at his eyes. "What are we gonna do?"

"We are just gonna defeat a spirit that is destroying a city" Laxus said

"a spirit?" she look at the window "destroying a city..." She look back a him while giving him a smile "sure! I'll go do the mission. How much is the reward?"

"2,000,000" said laxus simply.

"REALLY! that great! now i can pay for this month rent"She exclaim happily.

Laxus suddenly stand up "Will be meeting at the guild at 12 p.m. so pack enough for 1 week or more" he start walking toward the door.

"okay! see you tomorrow at the guild laxus!" Lucy wave goodbye at him with a bright smile.

Laxus cheek turn a little red but he hide it by turning his back at her. "whatever, just don't make me wait to long" he walk out of the door while closing it.