A/N: BOOM! Finally got this long chapter done! We are getting into some goof action here. But I am still open to ideas as well.


"I. . . I cannot believe I ever did such horrific things." The shocked voice of Megatronus echoed off the walls of the confined base. Optimus merely nodded his cobalt helm to the distressed gladiator. It was early the next morning. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead had recently departed to accompany the children to school, leaving only the Prime, Ratchet, and Megatronus left inhabiting the old military silo to 'explain' the silver mech's forgotten life to him.

"But why me? Why not one of their own loyal followers?" Megatronus questioned, trying to complete the monstrous puzzle that was currently smothering him as he slowly placed himself on a dusty supply crate.

"You appeared to be a strong candidate for the position, being a gladiator of Kaon as well as a highly looked upon and strategic figure." Optimus answered almost instantly, having planned out exactly what he would say to his old friend word for word the evening before.

Megatronus' helm slowly moved downward as his electric blue optics locked with the floor as if both were head to head in a staring contest. Guilt and disbelief were apparent in his tone as he spoke once more. "I just cannot believe that I caused the destruction of our home world as well as the majority of our race."

"There was nothing you could have done, my friend. They completely rearranged your processor after apprehending you, knowing you would never agree to such tyranny, and then they removed your memories of life as you once knew it, replacing them with dark ambitions of which you would use to rule the Decepticons. It was not until you become a puppet of Unicron's will that these long suppressed memories returned." The Autobot Leader concluded, laying a comforting servo upon the mech's shoulder plating.

Ratchet listened to the conversation from behind the nearby computer console, an unreadable expression across his faceplate. He never imagined witnessing Optimus lie. It was very un-Prime of him to do such a disrespectful action. But under these circumstances, it seemed that even Optimus was willing to make an exception and Ratchet did not blame him. If Megatronus were to regain his original memories, the raging war would only continue father, causing even more chaos. A few lies were well worth worldwide peace.

It was also an ingenious plan to explain why the Decepticons, if Megatronus ended up meeting them, would refer to him possibly as 'Lord Megatron' or attempt to convince him he was their leader. Megatronus would, most likely, refuse to listen to them knowing how the deceived him.

But what really had surprised the Autobot Medic was how well Megatronus had taken the news that Orion Pax was now Optimus Prime. He had actually congratulated his friend despite of the fact he had strived to achieve the position himself. Though, the gladiator did understand that since he was made an evil tyrant, someone had to be elected to counter the force. Optimus had learned from him after all.

Megatronus released an aggravated sigh, slouching forward in his sitting position, optics not removing themselves from the ground. "I know. . . but I still greatly regret everything I have done, whether I did it intentionally or because of some twisted voodoo. If I could return to the past and change things. . . or at least help in some way, I would do so in a sparkbeat."

Optimus genuinely felt his spark clench. Megatronus was just so. . . innocent, so clueless to the reality of his experiences. He hated having to blind him from the truth, but it was the only possible way to keep him in check. "Well you can assist us in attempting to make peace between us and the Decepticons. I fear that even with you no longer a part of their cause, they will continue their ambitious campaign under new leadership."

Megatronus visibly relaxed and his gaze moved up to the Prime's faceplate as he slowly rose to his pedes. "I swear on my life that I will help reverse what I have set in motion and I will do that by following your command, Optimus Prime."

Optimus was about to reply when a familiar series of beeps sounded from the nearby computer console.

Ratchet yanked his attention away from the two mechs and switched his gaze to the illuminated green screens, scanning the messages flashing across the screen. "A new Energon spike has just been detected."

Optimus' ped steps thundered off the rocky walls around them as he approached the Medic's side. "Lock onto the coordinates and activate the GroundBridge. Megatronus and I will investigate the source."

"But. . . Optimus." Megatronus spoke up from his new position behind the Prime. "You really trust me after all the horrid events I caused?"

"Of course. There was never any doubt within my spark that you could not change." Optimus replied, not directly facing the mech in question as he approached the now open portal.

Megatronus hesitated once more, thinking over exactly what his old friend had just said to him. Finally, after a few seconds of pondering, he followed in the red and blue mech's ped steps through the swirling green vortex, the light sending glimmering waves across their metallic armor until both figures disappeared together.

Ratchet was quick to return the lever to its off position after they were safely through. A small smile pulled at his faceplate. Megatronus and Optimus together again. . . Maybe this will finally be enough to bring some happiness into Prime's life.

Optimus and Megatronus appeared on the other side of the GroundBridge just before it sealed up once again. Now surrounding them were vast cliff sides on each side in the midst of a towering mountain range.

The Autobot Leader's gaze traveled from side to side. "Hmm. . . Far too much ground to cover."

"Well then might I suggest we split up?" Megatronus questioned in agreement with his old friend. Earth certainly provided quite the diverse landscape. "I shall take the north sector and you can head for the south."

The crimson and navy mech mentally debated the plan for a few moments before nodding in approval. "Very well. But contact me immediately if trouble surfaces or the Energon is located."

Megatronus returned the solemn nod and rotated away from Prime, trekking off in the proper direction he had assigned to himself.

Optimus waited a few seconds, observing the gladiator get smaller and farther from view, worry suddenly clenching within his pulsing spark. For the first time in eons, he was stricken with similar emotions from his life as Orion Pax. The revelation he had yearned for was finally coming true. The strong bond he once shared with Megatronus was strengthening once again. He had his friend, his brother, back and worried for his safety, never wanting to lose the mech again.

Realizing he had zoned off, the Prime quickly shook the dwellings he had on his new found feelings away and headed off in the opposite direction, without another thought.

It didn't take much walking before Megatronus stumbled across something well worth checking out: A cavern gaping out of the cliff side large enough for the gladiator to easily fit through. He had debated contacting Optimus but decided against it for he hadn't immediately spotted any Energon upon entry to the seemingly empty cave, though his optics were not quite yet adjusted to the dim light provided. His heavy ped steps echoed off the rocky interior that seemed to slowly be closing in on the silver mech.

Megatronus, after what felt like an eon of wandering in pure nothingness, was relieved when the dark tunnel finally opened up into a fairly decent sized chamber. Morning sunlight poured in from the overhead skylight, illuminating the abundance of blue crystals scattered across all sides of the cavern. The shimmering stones left Megatronus in awe for a few moments before he approached a stash of them, carefully examining their features. It was the real deal alright. This would be enough energon to last for at least a jour. The mech thought to himself as he plucked a crystal from the earthly stone.

A strange feeling crept up Megatronus' frame and he stiffened suddenly. He wasn't alone. His gladiator instincts involuntarily kicked in as he whirled around, raising his cannon to fire upon whoever dared to sneak up on him. Much to his dismay, the silver mech reacted a nano-klick too late for something blasted him right in the shoulder, missing his neck cables by merely a hair. Staggering backward, the shot sent him crashing into the hard rocky surface behind causing him to wince in pain as reached up to clutch his now leaking injury.

A cruel, devious laughter echoed around the open space as a mysterious, winged figure stepped out from the shadows with an energized red blaster poised to fire. "Well. Well. Well. If it isn't 'Lord' Megatron."

Megatronus' gaze altered instantly in the direction on the Cybertronian, his optics thoroughly examining them. I don't know who that is. . . how do they know me? He thought to himself. It must be one of the Decepticons Orion - I mean Optimus - told me about. Therefore, the enemy. Megatronus forced a threatening expression, though the pain from the impact was still apparent on his face plate as he spoke. "Who are you?"

The figure, who appeared to be a mech, faltered in his approach of the bot, confusion suddenly corrupting his faceplate, though his weapon did not switch from its ready position. "What do you mean?" The unknown bot asked, until a misled realization came to him and his expression hardened once more with that of an endless rage. "Enough of your pathetic games! You have clearly weakened much more in my absence, as one could expect. But soon I will lead the Decepticons, and you will be sent to the scrapheap!"

Absence? What is he talking about? Megatronus wondered, not remembering even a single shred of a fact about the possible Decepticon endangering him. It sounds as if he left somewhere. . . well whatever he means, I must determine a way out of this situation before he has a chance to offline me! The gladiator forced himself up to his full height, towering over the mech as he took a step toward the newfound enemy. "I suggest you back down before events turn against you."

The Cybertronian burst out snickering sadistically. "Oh really? You plan on stopping me after I crippled your fighting arm? Ha! I may have been aiming for your helm, but I am still rather pleased with the results."

Megatronus knew quite well that the bot had a valid point, but it wasn't within his honed gladiator nature to give up. As he once was required to do in the pits of Kaon, the silver framed mech powered through the intense pain of his stinging injury and raised his large fusion cannon. Once his opponent was in the crosshairs, he released the highly damaging plasma blast at the enemy.

The offending Cybertronian barely ducked out of the way, surprised Megatronus could still fight with the severe wound he had received. He quickly brought up his arm containing a second identical missile to the first, which had already been used in the original attack, and once the mech across from him appeared within range, he released the rocket from its holster.

Megatronus dove instantly to the side as the missile made contact with the abundance Energon crystals, causing a series of rapid explosions up the sides of the walls. The gladiator, who had fallen onto his chassis, returned to his pedes as fast as he could, given his weakened shoulder.

The mech who fired the rocket yelped in terror as the cavern filled with constant booms, sending rubble soaring and dropping from all directions. He twisted around, forgetting all about Megatronus, and darting for the exit, not realizing that the silver mech was trailing right behind him to escape the doomed Energon deposit.

Both managed to slip out of the exit before the final destruction of the mine occurred, sending tremors through the surrounding mountain range. The mechs tumbled forward, frames skidding and sliding across the rocky terrain and metal screeching from the intense friction.

Megatronus groaned, the impact causing his shoulder pain to only intensify as he carefully hauled himself up. But the sound of a blaster priming immediately made him stiffen as his gaze traveled forward, falling upon the same winged mech who attacked him mere moments ago. The mech who didn't seem to have any extreme injuries minus some dents and scratches from the blast.

"Now. . . where were we?" He sneered, though he already knew the answer as a wide, devious smirk spread from each end of his faceplate. His red plasma cannon aimed only a few inches or so from the gladiator's helm. Before Megatronus could do anything to react, something rammed into the opponent, knocking him well away from the injured mech.

A familiar steel servo gripped Megatronus' good arm, lifting him back to his pedes though he released a few quiet grunts of agony escaped him. "Optimus. . . you never disappoint."

The Autobot Leader did not reply directly to his old friend, but merely shielded him from the opposing mech a few feet away by standing firmly in front of the silver frame. When he spoke, his tone was low with an almost threatening spin to it. "Starscream."

"Optimus Prime. . . working with Megatron?" The surprised Seeker said, his piercing red optics wide with confusion once again. "What is going on here?"

The Prime watched the former Commander carefully, his servos still transformed into his energized plasma guns in case Starscream made a move. His processor raced with how to answer him without creating consequences. He knew for a fact if he told Starscream Megatron has left the Decepticons that he would, in turn, swoop in and take the position of Leader for himself, causing more senseless war. Though, what else could he say that would explain the situation logically? Megatronus was injured and Optimus needed to find a way out of this dire situation fast before the tables turned against him.

As Starscream stared at the two mechs, his attention drifted away from the Prime and to his former Leader. For the first time, he finally took notice to the obvious changes in the mech. Optic color. A calmer, almost innocent, expression. The way the mech held himself with such pride. It was all too clear the Seeker was missing a major part of the puzzle. He was growing impatient and raised his blaster toward the duo. "Answer me or prepare for the worst!"

Optimus aimed his own plasma weapon at the Seeker to counter the shot if he went a step further and opened fire. But the event shifted suddenly as GroundBridge spiraled to life next to the Autobot Leader's position, though the navy blue mech did not tear his gaze from Starscream to look, praying to Primus it was not the Decepticons responding.

Arcee leaped from the shimmering portal, almost immediately locking onto her target and firing upon Starscream while positioning herself in front of the Prime to provide him with cover to move out. "Thought you may need an assist!"

The Prime was grateful for the royal blue femme's help but hesitated to leave her alone. Though, truthfully, he knew she could handle herself so he took advantage of the distraction and placed Megatronus' uninjured arm over his broad shoulders, assisting him toward the GroundBridge.

Meanwhile, Starscream was completely taken by surprise at Arcee's appearance, therefore was currently falling back from her array of shots. Having no other choice to save his spark, the rogue rapidly transformed and blasted off into the atmosphere in full retreat.

Before joining her allies, Arcee sent the Seeker a few more farewell blasts before returning her servos to their normal form. Turning, she was pleased to see her Leader and Megatronus, though she cared me about her Leader's safety, had successfully entered the green vortex. The femme was then quick to follow them back to the old missile silo.

Starscream continued rising in altitude until he reached the proper level and straightened out, gliding across the light breeze. The image of Optimus and Megatron functioning together still had not left him. It just doesn't add up. The Sky Commander thought to himself. Why on Cybertron would two mortal enemies suddenly just 'make up'? Especially long lasting ones such as the Prime and Megatron.

The questions continued to prod at the Seeker's processor as he drifted at a moderate speed. And Megatron. . . he was not the same one I abandoned only a short time ago. . . He pondered possible explanations but came up empty. Well whatever is happening here, I intend to and will find out.

And with the determined thought of finding the truth fresh in his mind, Starscream lifted upward and disappeared into the layers of clouds covering the sky above.