Disclaimer - I do not own any original Twilight characters. I just like to play with them. All other parts to this story are the property of KF Goodyear, so please don't steal.

This is it- the last chapter :-( Sniffles...

You ladies have been absolutely fabulous and so understanding, supportive, just plain amazing and I cannot thank y'all enough. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

I will start posting another fic very shortly. Sooooo...if you are interested in reading something different from me, be sure to alert me.





"Carlisle James Masen, get your butt down here right now and give me my dolls back." Bella bolted up the stairs at the sound of Cassie's shrill voice. This fight seemed never-ending between the two of them. Carlisle would go into Cassie's room when she wasn't looking, snatch up one of Cassie's porcelain dolls, then stand on her desk and make goo-goo faces and sounds with the doll.

He seemed to get much joy out of his sister's tantrums.

As she rounded the corner, there was Cassie, in full out tantrum mode with her hands on her hips and her left foot tapping rapidly against the floor.

"I'm going to give you to the count of ten, then I'm going to go and put your GI Joe in the toilet."

Bella held back a chuckle as she heard Carlisle gasp, "You wouldn't!"

Cassie, true to her snarky ways, smirked, "Oh, but I would."

Carlisle made a squealing noise and jumped down from the desk, gently placing the doll in Cassie's waiting hands, before he darted from her room, almost taking Bella down with him as he flew past.

"Hey, Mom. Gotta go, Mom."

Cassie turned towards the door, smiling as she saw her mom leaning in the doorway.

"You know I wouldn't flush his action figures, right?"

Bella nodded.

She knew Cassie wouldn't. She was far too nice to do something that would cause her brother such distress, and that boy sure was attached to those plastic figurine characters.

"But it sure is fun making him squirm like that," Cassie continued. Bella smiled back before stepping into the room and taking the doll from her daughter's hands.

"This is one of the ones from Nana, right?" she asked softly.

Cassie nodded softly, her bottom lip quivering slightly.

"She'd be so proud of you, baby Girl. So proud, and I know she's always watching. I just know."

"Thanks, Mom," Cassie sniffed as she gave her a one-armed hug. "I should put this up higher. It would really hurt if Carlisle accidentally broke it."

"I have a better idea. How about we go down to the mall and buy some display boxes for the older dolls, huh?"

Cassie smiled brightly before placing the doll safely back on its shelf. "I think that's a good idea, Mom. Thanks."

"K, get ready. I'll get your brother and meet you downstairs."

Once in the hallway, Bella pulled out her cell phone and dialed Edward's number. He answered after the second ring.

"How's my beautiful girl doing?" She still blushed when he said things like that. No amount of time would ever find her tired of his sweet nothings and loving words.

"I'm good, babe. I'm just about to take the kids down to the mall to get a few things. Do you want to meet us there? I have something I want to share with you all."

"Is everything okay?"

Bella smirked and rubbed at her stomach. It sure was, but that didn't stop her from being nervous. Not one bit. The doctor had told her after having Carlisle that having another baby would be even more difficult. He actually encouraged her to abort the pregnancy, fearing she wouldn't make it past the first term. That was why she had waited until she was four months pregnant to tell the kids and Edward.

She felt kind of shitty for keeping something like that from them, especially Edward, but she had her sneaky suspicions that he already knew.

"Yeah, I just want to share some news with my family. Maybe we could go to dinner at that small restaurant right out front of the mall, and we can talk over dinner?"

Edward chuckled softly, gaining Bella's attention, and curiosity. "Alright, Bella, that sounds good. I'll be at the mall in thirty minutes, then you can tell me and the kids over dinner that we're having another baby. See you soon, my love."

Bella gasped and stared at the phone in her hands.

That sneaky bugger. So she hadn't been dreaming the other night when she thought she heard Edward talking all baby-like; he had been talking to her stomach.


I hope you enjoyed that lil glimpse into their future.

This was written to help support SU4K. I hope most of you did, thus already having read this. It is a great cause started because of a beautiful person.

Alright, ladies, one last time, or for some of you the first time, make me smile, lemme hear from you :-)

I'm hitting ' complete' right...now- sniffles some more.