Hello my amazing fellow readers! I'm very sorry to say that this is indeed the last chapter of "The Part That Is Hidden." :'( It has been a privilege to write for you all and I will hopefully get another story up sometime later in the summer! XD But, I will be working on my Harry Potter fanfic, "Overcoming the Darkness," for the time being, since I haven't really been focusing on it. And I advise all of you HP fans to read it please! You know I won't disappoint, and besides, the story isn't really grabbing a lot of people's attention and I haven't gotten many reviews, so PLEASE if you like it, then read it! But, I love you all anyways and thank you for loving this story! Okay, read on my friends, for the last time! XD

The same strong arms still held the turtle in blue, never easing their grip.

All the while, Leo's eyes were shut tight. He closed them immediately when, whoever it is, hugged him, so he doesn't know who it is for sure.

It was strange. Leo was excited but also scared to find out who, though he already had an idea. Judging from the flash of red, Leo was sure it was his brother...Raphael.

He so desperately wanted to open his eyes, find out it was Raph and return the hug, making up for all their wrongs...but something inside Leo didn't want it to be true.

He secretly hoped that it was Casey in a red t-shirt or something...but he knew that was stupid. He just didn't want to face the truth and all their problems yet. Leo was scared of what Raph might think when he confided his emotions to him. That was his worst fear right then...

Raph still hating him, after what Leo would say.

But that was the future...the possible future. It didn't mean that would actually happen, though. It could turn out all to Leo's liking, and everything would be well again...everything.

Leo needed to focus on the present right now, and what he really wanted to do more than anything was not to run away...but to open his eyes and see that Raphael, his younger brother was holding him in his arms.

And in a split-second decision, that's exactly what Leo decided to do...and what he saw made him smile.

It was Raph that was hugging him.

He pushed him away a little bit, but not too much, so that he could see his brother's face

Leo was more ecstatic than nervous at that point, and seeing the tough turtle in red, tears dripping down from his tightly closed eyes, almost squeezing the breath out of Leo, erased and calmed all the nerves and doubts he had before.

With no hesitation whatsoever, Leo returned the hug, with all the force he could muster, almost knocking them over backwards.

And there they were.

At last, two brothers who went through so much hardship, suffering, anger, and pain were finally together, forgiving each other with each passing second. Each tear that was shed, each breath that was took, and each moment that passed added to both brother's undying love that they shared for one another.

It seemed that the world had stopped spinning, and both turtles were caught in those few wonderful seconds...pure and beautiful seconds that would last in their memories for a lifetime.

Nothing could take away from these precious moments...nothing, absolutely nothing.

Neither of them seemed to want to let go of the other, perhaps afraid of losing them if they did. But reality had to come back around sometime and both brothers were pulled back to the present, as they let go at the same time.

Leo took one, good, long look at the turtle across from him, until he was grabbed and hugged by two other people, who he knew immediately as April and Casey.

Then he felt two other strong pairs of arms wrap around him from behind, which he knew were his two youngest brothers, Mikey and Donnie, who then in turn hugged Raph.

Both youngest turtles forgave their oldest brothers for everything and Leo and Raph knew it, too. Everything was okay again, and they were back together as a family...although-

"Uh, Raph..." Leo started to say but drifted off, his gaze having averted to the floor.

It was awkward, the way they all were now. There was some tension, considering they had to address the "elephant in the room."

"Why don't we go out on the balcony," Raph suggested, slowly.

Leo, thankful for the save, said, "Sure," and followed his younger brother through the narrow window and out onto the fire escape, the moonlight engulfing them.

Raph closed the window behind him, but surprisingly, didn't turn around to face his older brother. Leo saw him hunch over a bit and clench the window frame with his hands so tightly, that his knuckles were turning white.

"Why?" Raph asked, rather angrily.

Leo flinched a little, not expecting this kind of tone from someone who hugged him mere minutes ago.

"What?" Leo asked, confused.

"You know what," he snapped.

Raph's tone was bitter, but calm, which made Leo worry a little. He never acts like this...but if he wants to be that way, then...

"What? Cutting and almost killing myself?" Leo spoke in the same tone as his brother.

Raph visibly flinched and his grip on the windowsill lessened. He straightened up a bit and took his hands off the sill.

"Yes," he said, with the same amount of anger, still not turning to face the turtle in blue.

"Why is he being like this!?" Leo thought. It got him so infuriated!

"Oh well, let's see...maybe it's because you said I wasn't your brother and made me feel absolutely worthless!" Leo yelled, his temper rising.

There was a small pause.

"What are you doing?" Raph shot back, with a little more aggressiveness than last time.

"What do you mean?" Leo answered, with the same emphasis and matching his tone, but a bit confused on the inside about what he meant.

"I mean," Raph snapped, "Why the hell are you acting like me, huh!?" he shouted, as he rounded to face Leo, anger clearly written on his face. "I'm supposed to be the one who yells! I'm the one who snaps and argues all the time! Not you! You're the one who should be calm and collected, always trying to keep my temper under control!" his anger morphing into sadness on his face, but still yelling. "I mean, you're our leader, our Fearless Leader, Leo! You're, you're not supposed to fear anything!" he continued, tears forming in his eyes. "Even on that night in the sewers, years ago, y- you saved me from the S- Shredder! I was a- a coward! I was weak! B- but you," he said, now crying a little and finding it difficult to speak. "Y- you weren't scared and you stepped i- in to save me! Y- you saved me!" crying even more. "I- I'm sorry I didn't help you! I'm s- sorry I didn't step in! I- I..."

But Raph's sobbing overtook him and could no longer speak, as he sunk to his knees, his head buried in his hands.

There was no words to describe Leo's initial reaction. None at all.

Leo was absolutely heartbroken and it physically hurt him to see his hot-headed younger brother break down like this. And besides, Leo has never seen Raph cry before, and it worried him immensely that he was. He must have been holding these thoughts and feelings in all this time...and Leo never noticed.

Although Raph has made mistakes in the past, Leo couldn't help feel deeply sorry for him. So...

"Raph, hey, it's okay," Leo said gently, as he knelt down to his younger brother, still sobbing.

Leo put his arm around him and continued, "I forgive you Raph...for everything."

Raph picked up his head, tears streaming down his face and said, "You do?" his sobs subsiding.

"Of course," Leo said, "We were young and I don't blame you anymore for hiding...if I was the younger brother, instead of you, I hate to admit it, but I probably would have done the same thing."

"But you didn't," Raph said sorrowfully. "I was the one who was scared. I couldn't help you-"

"Hey," Leo cut him off. "It's done. I'm still alive, aren't I? You still have your older brother. And do you know what?"

"What?" Raph asked.

"I'll never leave you," Leo said, with a genuine smile plastered across his face, and he meant it, too.

Raph was taken aback at this statement, but smiled and said, "Leo, you don't know how much that meant to me..." and that was the truth. What Leo said just then was probably the best thing he could have said in that moment, and was exactly what Raph has wanted to hear for years.

"And I'm sorry I said you weren't my brother," Raph continued, "because my life would be absolutely miserable if you weren't in it. I love you, Leo. You're the most amazing brother I could ever ask for."

Leo was beaming, but something he remembered quickly replaced his happiness with worry, and Raph noticed this sudden change.

"Leo-" Raph began, but was cut off.

"Raph," Leo started. "You have to promise me that you'll never try to kill yourself ever again," he said, as he surveyed Raph's bandaged arm. "That's the main reason I came over here. To make sure you were okay. I-I don't know what I'd do without you-"

"Leo," Raph interrupted. "I'm sorry for trying to kill myself. I thought that if I suffered the same way as you, then I'd redeem myself...but I was wrong, and yes, I promise I will never do it again..." he said with a worried look on his face, as well. "But Leo, you have to promise me too. I don't know what I'd do without you either."

"I promise," Leo said, with no hesitation. "And I'm sorry, really really sorry. I was just angry at myself and thought cutting my arm would be the best way to ease the pain...but I too was wrong. I love you, bro, and I'll never do that to you and this family again. I swear."

Leo smiled, and Raph returned with one. And before they knew it, they were hugging again.

Moments passed and they stopped. They both got up and were about to head through the window, when...

"And how did this all happen?" Leo asked, with a smirk on his face, trying to get things back to normal. "All because you slept late? It's no surprise. You do it all the time."

"No no big brother," Raph retorted, with the same smirk, chuckling a little. "I think it was because of you sucking up to Splinter, as usual, making me look bad," and clearing his throat, he added, "Oh Daddy, Raph should be punished because he's so lazy!" he spoke in the most girly-ish voice he could manage.

"Hey, I don't talk like that!" Leo shot back.

"Oh really?" Raph laughed, as he received a small punch from his older brother.

Both of them laughed and returned through the window, where Mikey, Donnie, April, Casey, and surprisingly Splinter, was waiting.

The entire rest of the night was strictly on apologizing and making up for their mistakes.

Leo and Raph explained that they've made up and promised to never do something like that again, Leo apologized to Splinter when he yelled at him about that night in the sewers, Raph apologized to Mikey and Donnie for yelling at them, and both Leo and Raph were deeply sorry for everything that they've done.

In the end, the turtles and Splinter returned to the sewers and April headed back to her own house. Everyone left on good terms, and were all happy to leave this whole painful ordeal behind them.

Life moved on and their family has never been closer as their bonds continued to grow...especially between Leo and Raph.

And there they were.

A perfect family, having all been through rough and difficult times, but standing and living together, as one.

Splinter, Mikey, Donnie, April, Casey...and Leo and Raph.

But over the years, the memories of this time started to fade, and all seemed to forget, as they grew older and older...but Leo and Raph never did.

They never forgot.

They never forgot one memory in particular, though...

And one day, years and years from this very moment, with Splinter and the Shredder already deceased, the great and mighty Leonardo too was on his last dying breaths...and guess who was also dying at his side as well?


And they both remembered the time long ago when Leo had his arm around Raph, both on the floor of Casey's balcony, tears in both of their eyes, and Leo saying the most important thing Raph would ever hear...

"I'll never leave you..."

And Leo was true to his word...for they both passed at the same time and were together forever.

But they didn't know that would happen until the time came...so right now, Leo and Raph ran home across the tops of buildings of New York City together, with Mikey, Donnie, and Splinter close behind.

All was well after that.

All was well.

Hey everyone! I'm sorry but this is the end of my second TMNT fanfic :'( But I hoped you loved this story and trust me, it has been an honor to write these stories for you! XD And I want to thank you all for believing in me and supporting my writing! You don't know how much it means to me! And I want to let all of you struggling writers out there to keep trying and one day you will be noticed and write amazing things, because I believe in ALL of you! And you all have brought me so much happiness when I read all of your amazing reviews, so, without a further ado...

Thank you to the people who reviewed:

Savita, my best friend!

Lone Wolf of Shadows

















Ember girl




Isabelle Brehm







Ahsoka Hamato





Jasmine Porlin








And thank you to all my followers and people who favorited!

Thanks again, I love you all, and continue to write and read! :) XD
