
**First try at properly writing, reviews would be great but go easy on me!**

'Please Pitch, don't do this,' Jack yelled over the howling wind and sleet which was determined to blow him off of the top of the Seattle monument. It was nighttime, and Jack Frost could barely see the King of Shadows on the other side of the roof. Jack squinted and saw the infernal glow of Pitch's eyes and malicious grin. He was holding a semi-conscious Tooth and had a wicked knife at her throat.

'That's the thing Jack, I don't have to if you simply choose for me not to,'

Pitch didn't have to shout, his voice reached Jack just fine. Jack didn't speak as he tried to comprehend what Pitch was saying. Through the gusting wind, Jack heard the tinkling of one of North's portals, and out popped Bunnymund and North next to him. They were instantly drenched, and only had precious seconds to understand what was happening.

'Jack,' North bellowed, 'we came as soon as we got your message!'

North's familiar accent instilled a little hope in Jack, but it was soon squashed when Pitch started moving toward the ledge. If Tooth fell, she wouldn't be able to fly since Jack had accidentally frozen her wings in the initial fight, which was what caused her to pass out.

'It's your choice Jack,' Pitch said. His voice was different to when the Guardians usually ran into him; Jack could tell he was planning something. Perhaps he'd already won.

Jack was snapped back to reality as Pitch let Tooth go, but she was caught by tendrils of dark sand that carried her well over the edge of safety.

'Chose quickly, Jack, or your friend will have to pay,' Pitch simply stared at Jack, a lop-sided half-smile on his shadowed face.

'Wind!' Jack roared, 'Cut it out!'

The storm died down around them in a second, but kept on raging outside the protective bubble.

'What do you want?' Jack said, full of steel. Pitch smiled like something out of one of Jack's nightmares.

'You, Jack,' Pitch said.

'No!' North and Bunny yelled, but Jack had other plans.

'Alright, I… I'll go with you,' Jack said, hardly believing the words out of his mouth- he had no clue as to what Pitch was planning. Jack could feel North's horrified expression and Bunny's unbelieving look, but his eyes were focused on Pitch.

No sooner had Jack said the words that Pitch sneered with glee and threw the knife at the tendrils, severing the magical connection. As the sand disappeared and fell to the Earth, Jack saw the knife had sunk deep into Tooth's side, jolting her from unconsciousness. She looked into his eyes for a second.


And plummeted downwards.

'No!' Jack shouted, and with the full force of the storm outside, he launched himself towards Pitch, rushing past him to catch Tooth. But, just as he flew past Pitch, he felt the Nightmare King's cold embrace, and the last image to reach Jack's eyes before he passed blacked out was Tooth's terrified expression as she fell to the earth.