Disclaimers: I do not own NCIS or its characters. They belong to the show-runners, creators, and CBS.

Warnings: Tony/OC, fluffy

A/N: Just a cute little one shot (at this point) at this time. Had a bit of a rough day so I needed some fluff. Promise a longer story is in the works for this series :) Enjoy and please let me know what you think! I promise I don't bite :)

Tiny Photographs

Cold, harsh winds rattled through the city of Washington that night. Crippled and shut down by the biggest blizzard to hit the area in years, the nation's capital was pretty much a ghost town. Tony DiNozzo was glad for that. It had made for a slow day being on call at the office.

Now, he kicked the snow from his boots before climbing the stairs to his apartment. Mrs. Reynolds—the landlord's wife—hated when the tenants tracked snow and slush into the building. He always did his best to make sure the only evidence of his venturing out in the storm remained on the front stoop. Tony shook the cold from his body once inside the warm brownstone apartment building. He climbed the stairs to the second floor and fumbled about with his key, shoving it into the lock. "Ciao, bella!" he called into the cozy residence. "Is that your mom's recipe for chicken pot pie I smell cooking?"

Leah rose up from underneath a mountain of blankets on the easy chair in the living room. She turned her head and smiled at him. "You worked all day in the snow. Mom always used to make chicken pot pie for us on snow days back in Boston."

Tony hung his coat up in the entrance hall closet. Wiggling out of his shoes he left them on a rubber mat by the door and went to his wife, peering into the kitchen as he went. He smiled at the left over signs that she had been cooking. Being married just over five months had changed him. He didn't stay late very often at the office unless it was necessary. He came right home and spent the night in front of the television snuggling with his new bride not out at bars trying to pick up women. Most of his designer suits had been sold to put some money away and Leah made sure that he ate a home cooked meal at least five days a week. Life…was good.

He lifted the first layer of blankets up and snuggled down into the large chair with her, kissing her hair. "It was a slow day, actually. Not many people out to commit crimes. I'm sure the universe will make up for it tomorrow." He pushed her hair back behind her ears. "You look like you're feeling better."

"Doctor gave me something for the nausea," Leah said with a tired smile. "Glad it's gone."

"I bet," Tony replied, kissing her nose. "And me too… it was no fun watching you be that sick."

"Aw, I bet you're going to be the kind of guy that has sympathy pains when I'm in labor."

"Only if they can give me the drugs too."

Leah giggled and kissed his cheek. She put her book down onto the coffee table and handed him a small package, wrapped in white paper with a navy blue bow. He looked at her suspiciously. "Happy fifth-month anniversary."

Tony chuckled and took the package from her. "I thought when we started dating last year we agreed we were not going to celebrate these silly month milestones? Or did I just imagine the conversation?"

"Open the package, Tony."

"Our anniversary was a week ago."


He smiled and began to tear at the paper. The box was incredibly light so he couldn't begin to imagine what she had wrapped in there. When he pulled the lid off he was confused to see a stack of tiny photographs. He pulled them out and glanced at them. They were blurry and grainy and obviously medical related. They were time stamped with the date and hospital that they had been taken at. And they reminded Tony of the ones Breena had showed of Baby Palmer… "Leah are you…?"

She smiled and bit down on her lower lip. Her eyes were filled with nervous apprehension but also joy, and she blurted, "Yes."

Tony looked at the sonograms in his hand. His child. His son or daughter who was no bigger than a kidney bean or peanut or some other kind of small nut at this point. They had talked about kids, of course, but… he was so overwhelmed by his happiness at that point he couldn't think of what they'd said… or what to say now. I'm so happy! This is the best day of my life! Those seemed so cliché.

Leah was taking his silence however as being upset. "It's why I've been so sick on and off the last few weeks. Doctors… well… they estimate that I'm eight weeks pregnant… and everything checks out. The baby is healthy and…" He silenced her by kissing her, hungrily, the sonograms falling to the floor in a heap. She pulled away a bit surprised but finished her train of thought from before, "I have another appointment in two weeks… you can come if you want."

"Nothing could keep me away," he whispered, resting his forehead against hers. "I love you, bella."

"I love you too," she sighed. "Are you happy?"

"Yes. I'm…I'm ecstatic, Leah…I never thought I'd have a family…not after…well…not after a lot of women broke my heart."

Leah sighed and snuggled into his embrace, as the blanket tightened around them. She felt his hand rest on her stomach. She didn't think he'd be upset that she was pregnant…but there was just that small bit of uncertainty that had nagged at her for the last several hours while she waited for him to get home. After all they had only been married five months and they really were planning on waiting a bit longer... obviously it seemed that the universe had other plans. "What do you think our baby will look like?"

Tony kept rubbing her belly, affectionately, as if the touch would transfer all that affection onto the baby inside. "Hope she is a beautiful as you…has your eyes and smile."

She smiled at him then, a great, big, beaming one and it was true—pregnant women did have a glow about them. "What if we have a boy?"

"Oh well…without a doubt he's going to be as dashing as me."


Tony finally took his hand away from her stomach and leaned back, searching her eyes. Before, when he had set out for work in that storm today he didn't think he could love her anymore than he already did, especially after she sent him out into the cold with a thermos of hot cocoa to keep him warm…but it had happened. He loved her more than ever. She was carrying his baby, nurturing and fostering it while it grew and got ready to arrive in this world. Smiling he took her by the hand, kissed it, and the spent the night curled up on the easy chair, eating pot pie, watching television, discussing baby names…and neither one of them could think of a time they had been happier.

Like I said in my author's note... right now this is just a little one shot but I might be willing to expand this into a short story where Tony informs the team, etc. Drop me a review or PM, let me know what you think :)