I received the idea to do this prompt from Deoxys. I hope this is everything you wanted and will continue it if you want! For everyone else, I hope you enjoy!

CHAPTER ONE: On the Road Again

"Come on, man. He won't try anything again. He ain't worth it." Sam rolled his eyes at his brother's need to finish things as he watched Dean slam yet another fist into the hunter's swollen face.

They had been in this small Wisconsin town trying to create some more deals because their dick of a boss wanted better numbers coming in. But of course, hunters couldn't mind their own damn business and Dean being the fight hungry demon that he is, wasn't letting this one go without a fight.

Plus, this wasn't the first time they had run into t his particular hunter. This whiskey drenched man had been a major pain in their ass for years ever since they were old enough to go out and start closing deals on their own.

Sending a glare at his brother, Dean shoved the grizzly looking man away from him, the hunter's back hitting the gravel with a thud.

"Big bad Dean Winchester takes orders from his little brother. I gotta say I'm disappointed. I guess the rumors aren't true." The man spat, grabbing his worn baseball cap from the ground next to him, making sure to never break eye contact with the infamous demon in front of him.

Dean took a step forward, eyes flashing black as he stepped with his scuffed boots on the man's hand. Sam sighed with frustration at the sound of bones snapping before he placed a forceful hand on his brother's shoulder, his own eyes being enveloped with darkness.

"Dude, let's go." Sam pleaded, the sound of police sirens sounding in the distance.

With one last swift kick to the hunter's ribs, Dean followed his brother down the dark alley.

"Hope to see you real soon, princess!" The hunter quipped, wincing slightly at the pain in his chest.

He heard the cocky demon snicker right before the elder demon sent a wink over his shoulder.

As he watched the duo vanish, the man pulled himself to his feet, glaring down the now empty alleyway.

Throwing his hat down on the gravel with annoyance, the hunter couldn't help but to yell with frustration. "Balls!"


"Yeah John, I know. The older one isn't as sensible as the other one is." The old hunter had just settled in the seat of his aged truck when he heard the familiar sound of his cell phone ringing. Although he hated the damn things, he had to admit they were pretty convenient. That is, when it wasn't John calling to bug the shit out of him.

"Mary always told me Dean was the trouble maker." The hunter could hear the sadness in his old friend's voice whenever he talked about his boys.

From his best understanding, John and Mary had fallen madly in love when they were in high school, becoming the stereotypical high school sweethearts and marrying right after graduation.

That was right before John had found out Mary's secret.

When Mary was five years old, she watched as a demon killed her father right in front of her. Being the innocent child that she was, she didn't know the mess she was getting herself into when a black-eyed stranger offered to bring her father back with just a kiss.

The hunter made a disgusted face at the memory, he know how a firm belief that all demons were absolute filth.

Mary was dragged to Hell at the age of fifteen, spending eight months down under where her soul eventually twisted into that of a demon.

The remarkable thing is, she was able to live a normal life and control any demonic tendencies she might've had. After enrolling in school, she met John Winchester who she couldn't help but love.

After they were engaged, Mary couldn't go on without telling John the truth.

But, John was unfazed and still insisted on marrying her. Somehow or another Mary got pregnant not once, but twice, the second time being four years after the first.

"This would be so much easier if Mary was still alive." John said with absolute sorrow his tone.

"Don't worry, John. I'll find them again and let ya know." With that, Bobby flipped his phone shut, ending the call.


"One of these days, he's going to get the better of us." Sam reasoned, flipping through the TV channels in the musty motel room.

Even though they didn't need to sleep, Dean still insisted they stopped somewhere so he could at least try to. He found enjoyment in the simple act and Sam couldn't help but give into his brother's stupid obsessions.

"That'll be the day Hell freezes over so there won't be a point anyway." Dean smirked at his little brother before flopping down on the bed, throwing an arm over his eyes.

"I just don't get how he found us. I mean, we cover our tracks pretty well." Sam continued, not caring that his brother wanted to sleep.

"I don't really give a rat's ass." The eldest Winchester grunted lazily, trying his hardest to ignore the pain in the ass that was his brother.

Sam rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked over to the map they had taped on the wall. He picked up the red permanent marker from off the wooden table before putting an X over the small dot that symbolized the current town they were in. As the taller demon took a step back, he admired all the different places they had hit in just a week. They were blowing through the northern states fast, closing over a hundred deals in just the past four cities they had visited.

"Where to next?" Dean asked, giving up on the useless task of sleeping as he made his way to stand next to his brother.

"North Dakota."


"They're going where?"

Bobby had probably explained the brother's plan at least six times to John, but for some reason he just wasn't getting it.

"They've been making their way west for a while now, so I think they're going to North Dakota. They start in the city capital first before migrating to the smaller cities that surround it. They're closing a bunch of deals John, I'm thinkin' they might need to be-"

"No." John answered sternly, stopping his friend from continuing the same thought John had had only a few minutes before. "This time I'll go with you. That way I'll be in town and the second you find them I can come running."

Bobby sighed heavily as he squeezed the bridge of his nose, feeling the start of a headache. "Alright, meet me there as soon as you can."

"Oh, and Bobby?"

"Yeah?" The old hunter asked impatiently.

He could hear John take a calming breath in, obviously worried about the whole situation. "Be careful."

"Always am." Bobby tossed his phone into the seat next to him as he pressed down on the gas pedal, heading to North Dakota.



Please leave reviews so I know whether or not continue. Thanks for reading!