It has been years since I last set foot in Forks. It feels like a lifetime since I last saw Charlie, my Dad. The word dad feels unfamiliar in my mouth, having not really said it in a very long time. Both Bella and Mum call him Charlie, but maybe now that I'm in Forks again he'll stop feeling like such a stranger to me. Although I'm only a year and a half younger than Bella, I seem to remember much less compared to her about our time in Forks before our parents separation. I can't seem to remember much at all when it comes to this place I used to call home, but now that I'm here I hope that will change.

As we drive through the little town, nothing looks familiar to me. The only thing I do seem to recall is Charlie's sad expression. I remember the last day I was here, some five or six years ago, he looked a lot like he does at now. Only fifteen minutes ago, he was so happy when he picked us up at the airport but now that he's driving us home, he lets his façade slip when he believes no one is watching. I constantly glance at him in the mirror as we drive home. I thought that perhaps Bella notices too, but when I look at her she wears her same blank expression. I can't even begin to understand what she's thinking about when she looks like this. She's always been so good at hiding her emotions, unlike me. I'm rather easy to read compared to Bella.

That isn't the only difference between Bella and I. We look much alike. We have the same brunette hair, although I prefer to keep mine longer. We have a similar build, although I am slightly taller and far more tanned compared to Bella due to my love of the outdoors. One of our main physical differences are our eyes. While Bella has deep brown eyes, mine are hazel. Our similarities seem to end there since we have completely different personalities. I'm more social while Bella on the other hand is far more secluded. Our interests differ, too. I have a love for various sports. Bella has never been a fan anything very physical thing, ballet being a key example. I carried on with my lessons while she quit at a young age, deciding instead to shut herself in and spend more time in school and at home. I picked up gymnastics and developed a love for archery as we grew further apart. We often bond over our love for books, but other than that we hardly speak to one another. In Arizona there was a lot more to do. Now in Forks, I know it's going to be different. Maybe this is our chance to build on our estranged relationship.

"Here we are," Charlie sighs as he pulls up to our house, a small smile on his face. "Welcome home."

I smile at the word home. It is a little different to what I remember but the dark house still makes me happy. Bella notices my expression and even smiles a little.

"Ready?" She asks me as Charlie retrieves our bags from the trunk.

I pause before I answer, realising that she's not asking me if I am ready to get out of the car, but whether I'm ready for this change, ready for this new life.

"I'm ready," I answer truthfully.

Bella replies with a curt nod before we both exit Charlie's cop car together.

The house somehow smells the same as it did the last time I visited. I also notice that my room is untouched since the last time I was here, except for a large, new bed which replaces my older, much smaller one. My seven year old self really shines through the pink walls and the NSYNC posters plastered over the them, which makes me cringe. It saddens me to think that Charlie has been forced to walk by my empty room for all these years, constantly being reminded that we left him. It had never occurred to me that by leaving we really hurt Charlie, maybe now that we're here again it will make up for it.

I unpack my bags and put my toiletries in the bathroom I'll be sharing with Bella. I take down my old posters and replace them with some pictures of my friends back in Phoenix, along with some cliché inspirational quotes that I can't hep but love. Placing my delicate trophies and round medals on the shelves, I take a step back and admire my old but improved room.

"Not a fan of NSYNC anymore?" Charlie asks, peering into my room with his hands in his pockets.

"Not anymore," I smirk. "Thinking back, I don't think I ever was. I just liked the poster. They've broken up anyways."

He nods, a small smile on his face. He eyes my trophies and medals before saying, "I was going to order something in for supper. You okay with pizza?"

"Pizza sounds good," I yawn. "I'm going to sleep for a while though, the flight really tired me out."

"Okay," Charlie pauses. "I'll give you a shout when it's here."

"Thanks... Dad."

"I don't think there's much point in you two starting school this week," Charlie says, chowing down his third slice of pizza. "There's only two school days left, best if you start fresh on Monday. What do the both of you think?"

"Sounds fine with me," I reply. Bella nods.

We continue to eat in silence, which I don't particularly like because it feels awkward. It shouldn't feel like that but it does. After all these years I don't know what to say.

"So, are there any sports clubs around here?" I ask, genuinely curious. If I'm going to live here now, I might as well start adjusting back into my normal routine.

"Well," Charlie thinks for a moment. "The school has a football team but other than that, no. You like sports?"

"Yes. I did gymnastics and archery back in Phoenix. I just thought now that I'm here I might carry on with it."

"Shoot, of course," Charlie remembers. "Your Mom said you did a big competition a few months back. How did that go?"

"Not as well as I hoped," I look down at my pizza. "But it's okay."

Charlie nods, choosing not to get into it when he can tell I don't want to talk about it. "There's a YMCA over in the next town that may do that sort of stuff?"

"It's okay," I smile. "This past year has been pretty hard because of my busy schedule. Thinking about it, maybe I should just give work and my extracurricular activities a rest and focus on school."

"You've been working already?" Charlie seems shocked.

"A part time job at a café, yeah. Doing both archery and gymnastics was getting really expensive for Mum because of memberships and competition fees," I tell him. "It wasn't fair on her especially because I didn't want to quit either of them, so I got a job to help pay for my lessons and everything."

"That sounds really tiring," Charlie looks a little worried.

"I guess it was," I admit. "Competitions always went well but they haven't been worth the stress. And trying to do all that while balancing my grades and my job wasn't always easy. Maybe focusing on just school for once is best."

"I think you're right," Bella adds. "You've been so exhausted lately. You hardly even saw your friends these past few months, which is very unlike you."

Appreciating that Bella also gave her impute, I nod in reply, taking a bite of my pizza. "Yeah. If in a couple weeks I feel like I still want to carry on with it all, I'll find out what my options are."

By the time we've all finished eating and done the washing up, I'm exhausted. Practically dragging myself up the wooden steps and into my room, I land on my bed with a loud thud. I drift off to sleep easily, dreaming of sweet nothings.

A loud thud jerks me awake. I groan as bright light seeps into my room, blinding me as I rise out of my bed. Looking down at myself, I realise I fell asleep without changing into my pyjamas. The sound of talking attracts me to my window. As I lift it open, I squint at the blinding sunlight. Leaning out, I see Charlie chatting to a familiar looking man in a wheelchair out on the driveway. They stand next to a red truck. I notice Bella sitting inside, a boy sitting in the passengers seat. He too looks a little familiar, but I can't quite remember from where.

"Good morning," I call down from my window, moving my messy hair away from my face.

Charlie glances at his watch with a little smirk on his face, "Good afternoon."

"Oh," I'm surprised. I never normally sleep in this late. "Good afternoon, then."

"Hello, Kirana," the familiar man says to me. Everyone calls me Kira, I kind of prefer it, but I don't have the heart to correct him. "It's nice to see you again. Do you recognise me?"

Staring down at his long black hair and olive skin, something in his eyes reminds me of a man who often let me braid his hair. "Bill?"

He chuckles lightly, "Well, yes. You did sometimes call me that. I'm Billy. Billy Black."

"Of course," I smile, the memories slowly coming back to me. "How have you been?"

"I've been quite alright, thank you," Billy smiles up at me. Just then, Bella and the boy exit the truck, slamming the doors. "You remember my son, Jacob?"

He looks a lot like his father. The same jet black hair, which is also long. The same olive skin and black eyes. He has strong features and he looks around the same age as Bella but he could be a little younger, although he's certainly taller than her. Unfortunately, I can't quite seem to remember him. "I'm sorry, I don't..."

"Ah well, you were very young the last time you saw him," Billy glances at Charlie quickly, which makes me frown a little.

"Hi, Kirana," Jacob waves up at me. "Good to see you again. You've grown."

I laugh lightly, "Yeah, guess I have."

"What do you think of Bella's new ride?" Charlie motions at the red truck with a small smile. I glance at Bella, even she seems happy.

"You actually got her a ride? You obviously haven't seen her drive yet then," I smirk.

"I drive just fine," she reassures Charlie, throwing me an annoyed glance.

"The truck's great, Dad," I smile over at him.

"Won't you be driving soon, Kirana?" Billy asks me.

"I haven't really had the time to learn," I admit. "But I mean, maybe this is my opportunity."

I glance at Charlie pointedly and he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck. Mom taught Bella how to drive. This is Charlie's chance to teach me. I'd honestly rather it no other way.

"Well," Charlie shoves his hands in his pockets. "You'll be sixteen in a few weeks and as long as you don't mind sharing the truck with Kira, Bells, I don't see why not."

"You're turning sixteen already? Damn, time flies," Billy laughs, looking at Charlie. "Be sure you all come round ours for dinner to celebrate soon then."

Charlie claps his best friend on the shoulder. He looks so happy. "It's okay, I'm not a big fan of celebrating my birthdays," I tell him. Although Mum always likes to celebrate with Bella and I on our birthdays, my ideal birthday celebration is ordering take out, watching movies and sleeping. "Dinner sounds wonderful though, thank you. I should really go change," I excuse myself. "It was great seeing you two again."

Smiling, I wave goodbye to Billy and Jacob Black and close my window. Opening my bedroom door, I stretch and yawn, still feeling tired even though I've probably slept for over twelve hours already. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, I open the fridge. Taking out the juice, I search all the cupboards for a glass, eventually finding it in the one above the sink. That's going to take some getting used to. I sigh, debating whether I should go for a jog. Looking at the clock, I notice it's nearly three in the afternoon. At home in Phoenix, I would have been up around seven in the morning. I probably would have gone for a run if I didn't have an early gymnastics session before school. But I'm not in Arizona anymore, I'm in Forks. With Charlie. Dad. I should really stop comparing my life here to my life in Arizona. It's not going to be the same. I don't need the same routine. For once, I can just do what I want when I feel like it. I don't need to keep a schedule here. This is my opportunity to figure out what I really want in life. Sounds easy enough, right?

Reaching into a drawer, I take out a spoon and grab the jar of crunchy peanut butter from the counter in front of me. Eating a spoonful, I smile.