Hello everyone! Its been a long 4 years since I have last updated. It sucks I know because some of you may have still stayed with Weapon is Found, Chasing Z and Riders of the Real World.

Weapon is Found I'll try to get updates in between college classes and work. This story I know will be finished even if its slow updates but hopefully I will gather longer chapters for them to be more worth it. I am hoping to get back to this story However, updates will be slow and non consistent.

Chasing Z will be on a tentative Hiatus for now. I wanna finish Weapon is Found before I do anything else because I think that was an issue I had. Starting 3 stories with not a lot of time probably was a bit much for me to take on at the time. Probably still is. This one will be revisited but it will be done at a later date.

Riders, I am sorry to say I don't think will be finished. I recently read the books again hoping to get my mindset back in with more ideas but it just wouldn't come to me like the HoN books have so I am labeling this as Permanent Hiatus. However, if someone wants to adopt the story they can but I do wish a little credit, even if you discard the characters completely. Just a nod in the first chapter and I'll be good. If someone does, you can message me about anything like where I was going with the plot, characters, personalities etc. If someone does just message me and once I get someone who does I'll let you guys know. I really am sorry about this fic but it's something I don't think I can pick back up.

Thanks to whoever stayed with me during these long years since the last update and I hope to have one out very soon.
