It was wednesday.

Mary hated wednesdays.

The soft breeze cooled her neck, as she wiped her brow and sighed. At least it was sunny, if a bit hot. Last wednesday it was pissing down. Not the best weather for fishing, but it wasn't like she had a choice in coming. Frowning slightly, she adjusted her knee until the pole wasn't digging into her leg as much. There was no way Anne would have let her break their 4 year habit.

Every Wednesday, her and Anne would go fishing. They don't even remember how-or when- it started. All Mary knows is that now every wednesday she gets dragged along a fishing trip when she could be spending time at home with her cat. Except Anne wasn't here today, which should mean that Mary shouldn't have to go. She remembered their conversation.

" But Annie, whats the point in going if your not there?"

" For the fishing, Mary! Life skills! Enjoyment! Don't tell me you only go because I drag you along!"

Actually, she did rather enjoy the fishing trips. It meant she could spend time with her mate, without being near her alcoholic boyfriend Jack who was always staring at Marys chest. It was also calming, the sea. Something about the silence of sitting on a rocking boat, surrounded by nothing but the ocean. It was nice, sometimes.

Not when it was as hot as balls, though.

" Well, no, but it won't be as fun or as rewarding-"

" Im sure you can survive without me for a day, Mary. Just try not to drown, okay?"

Sighing, Mary glanced at her watch. Two hours to go. Two hours till she can go home and eat the microwavable pizza thats sitting in her fridge.

If only it wasn't so bloody hot…

The snap of the reel and the pain of the pole digging into her leg snapped her out of the doze. Uncoperating fingers fumbled for the rod, grasping a hold just before it was dragged overboard. Immediately her muscles strained, trying to keep her grip. Giving a slight grunt, she leant back to try and get more stability. No luck. What fish was this, a bloody shark?

Her arms were getting tired, but was no way in Hell was she going to lose this thing. It must be at least a hundred pounder, she could already imagine Annie's face when she walked in with this in her hands-

Suddenly the pole lurched forward, flying out of her grasp and shooting into the water like a harpoon. The momentum caused her to stumble forward, nearly falling off the boat. " Shit!" She cursed, slamming the metal. That was a 400 dollar fishing rod! How on earth was she going to replace that?

A sharp buzz caught her attention. Fishing her phone out of her pocket, she read the text. It was from Annie.

Come ovr 4 dinner? Made sponge cake ;)

She rolled her eyes. Right, Annie was too sick to come out with her, but was still able to bake a cake. Sighing, she packed up what was left of her gear, shooting an angry glance to the sea below.

Stupid bloody fish.

Annie wasn't there the next wednesday either.

She was still sick, so yet again Mary had to go fishing alone. And this time, she had a crappy 5 dollar fishing rod that felt like it was going to break each time she got a bite. But hey, at least the fish were biting this time. And it wasn't stinking hot either. So this time was much more pleasurable, even if she was alone this time.

Humming to herself, she cast her rod back out. Somehow a small smile snuck a way onto her face. Huh. Maybe coming out here alone wasn't so bad after all. Sometimes having quiet time was nice. And when your out in the ocean surrounded by nothing but simply the sea, sky and wind, it was pretty peaceful-

Until that demon fish was back.

Thrown forward, at least this time she managed to hold onto her rod. For Gods sake, did this thing have a grudge or something? Mary was positive it was the same fish. There was no way that it could be a different one.

Straining her arms-and slightly surprised that this pole was holding up- she secured her grip and bent her knees slightly, feet sliding and jamming into the crevice where the wall and the floor of the boat met. Grimacing, she fought to hold control as the line went wild under the water. What the hell? Was this a bloody shark or something? Trying a different tactic, she yanked at the pole. The pull -impossibly- strengthened. Panting from exertion, she yanked again, a small grunt escaping from her clenched teeth.

Pull. Yank. Pull. Yank. It went on like this forever.

But then suddenly all of the force opposing her stopped. So suddenly, in fact, that she flew backwards and skidded nearly a foot before slamming into the small bump in the floor that indicated were the ladder was. She rubbed her back and cursed, dropping the rod that was still firmly grasped in her hand. When she finally dared open her eyes to see her catch, her jaw nearly dropped the floor.

There was nothing on the end of the line.


At all.

Scrambling to her knees and ignoring the screech of pain coming from her back, she fumbled the rod. The hook, sinker, line, everything was still there except the catch. A small cry of despair fell from her lips. All that effort, for that thing to disappear into midair? What was the point of all this if-

" You absolute son of a bitch!"

Mary spun around, slipping on the wet surface and planting her butt firmly down on the floor. Where the hell had that voice come from? She looked around wildly, shakily and carefully getting to her feet. Did she hit her head or something? Did she imagine it? She was sure she heard something.

" I come here to do somebody a favour, and what do you do? You fucking maul me! What kind of god-forsaken person does that?"

Okay, she had definitely not Imagined that.

Making her way to the side of the boat, she was slightly afraid to peer of the edge. After all, there was a voice, coming from the ocean, when nobody had been there before. But curiosity won out.

She nearly fell out of the boat.

Sitting there-well, not sitting exactly, kind of floating- floating there in the ocean, was a fucking merman.

A honest to God fucking merman.

Not a good time to think it, but he wasn't to bad looking either.

He glanced up at her, scowling. Only then she noticed the blood slowly clouding the water around him. " Oh, shit, uh, need any help?" She stammered, franticly looking around for something to-to what? Staunch the bleeding? Haul him up? It was the best she could do when she had, in a matter of seconds, seen a hot mer-dude and noticed that he was bleeding. Probably because of her. Her response was earned with a splash of cold water to her face. She wiped her eyes, spluttering. " Do you think I need help? No, I'm just bleeding because I bloody well can." He snarled, shoving his shoulder length blonde hair away from his eyes. The sarcasm was strong with this one. " Well, what do you want me to do then?" She retorted, glaring back at him. He puffed out his cheeks, looking away for a split second before turning those bright blue eyes back to her. " Do you have a rope?" He questioned, tone easing slightly. Nodding, she turned out and fumbled for the trapdoor latch. The cold metal bit into her fingers as she tore it open, slipping down into the underbelly of her boat. Blinking a couple of times to get used to the sudden darkness, her foot slammed into the wall and she winced. She really needed to get some torches down here. She didn't want to fall into the meter deep dent that was filled with water at the end of the little room down here. She used it sometimes, when they captured something big like a shark or large tuna and wanted to sell it. Snagging the rope from the hook next to her, she pulled herself up back into the sun. Making her way back to the edge, she held up the rope triumphantly. " Yea? Rope." She grinned. He rolled his eyes and snorted. " Wow. You managed to get some rope. You are a true genius. Congratulations. Now chuck me one end. " The smile was gone and it was all she could do not to throw the end at his face. His gorgeous, snarky annoying face. Chucking the end of the coil down, she raised an eyebrow in question. " Next? Or do you just want to insult me again?"

He let his gaze flicker upward before grabbing the rope before it sank into the bloody water. " If you had just been stabbed in your leg, would you be kind to the person who did it?" He challenged. " Well, when you put it that way…" She shrugged. A cocky smile spread onto his face. " Exactly. Now secure that rope somewhere. Tight."

Glancing around, she pulled as much rope out as she could before her eyes latched on to the small metal handle that was used to lower yourself into the water. Tying the knot was hard with trembling fingers, but she somehow managed it. She threw a thumbs up over the side, before she realised he probably didn't know what that meant. " Uh, all good!" He seemed to have heard her, because the rope went taut. She gave one more glance her end to make sure the knot wouldn't come lose, before rushing over to give him a hand. He was slowly inching his way up, muscles straining and small groans escaping from his clenched teeth.

Yet again, Mary was reminded how hot he was. Not a good time.

She offered to give a hand, arm, anything, but he just brushed her off. She bit her lip, anxious to help. If she didn't, her guilty conscience would give her hell later. He reached the lip of the boat, and just hung there panting. Grabbing a hold of his lower back-which she secretly enjoyed- she hauled him up and over the edge with a solid and painful thunk. And then they just lay there, breathing heavily.

Moaning, he got up onto his elbows and glanced over at her. She frowned questioningly, sitting up and wincing at her re-injured back. " Well then lad, I do believe you owe me the pleasure of your name. Since Im bleeding all over your boat, and all." He gave a rusty laugh, and soon Mary had joined in. " Lass, I have to correct you sir. " She held out her hand, giving him a wink. " The names Mary. Mary read. " He took her hand, shaking it firmly. " Edward. " He grinned.

" Edward Kenway. "