Authors Note: I was inspired by a story I read: Unwell for this fic. Thank you for reminding us that there is another side to warfare. Oh, this will be a Yaoi and eventual MPreg. There will also be signs of PTD (Post Trumatic Disorder), as well as Anger, Self Loathing, etc. takes place after book seven and certain aspects in the aftermath will be changed. Too dark or Yaoi not your taste, please use the back button. Thank you.

Chapter 1: Broken

(Hogwarts a little before graduation)

A bloodied and battle weary Harry Potter was ready to call it quits. Both sides, light and dark were battling furiously, trying to get their ideals across in the worst way possible. So many lives were lost and for what? For the betterment of the Wizarding Dumbledore would've put it. Harry scoffed. When he was eleven, he believed that ideal, blindly, putting his trust in the old man. But now, at eighteen, Harry was ready to tell them all fuck you. He never wanted fame. All he wanted, and at every turn he was denied it: was a family, to be loved for himself, to be normal. But since the cradle, that plan was moot. There were times, just like today, that Harry just wanted to turn his back on all this bullshit. What stopped him? The deaths of his parents and loved ones. He wanted revenge. But once I have that, then what? Harry thought to himself as he searched for the snake fucker. He just wanted this seven year hell to be over.

"Ah, Harry, are you ready to die?" Voldemort hissed. "Why fight for a lost cause? If you join me, you will have power beyond reason."

"You're no better than Dumbledore." Harry countered acidly. "You both want recogization and power, you both don't care who's hurt by it. You both use and manipulate people to benefit your needs and tie up your loose ends. Well you know what, you can both fuck yourselves. I never asked for this. To me this is all bullshit. I've had it with all of you. It's like a giant fucking chessboard and I'm the god damned pawn. Well this pawn's had enough." Voldemort was genuinely stuck on stupid on this one. Harry was right, on every aspect. But the boy had to go.

"So, let's make this easy, lower your wand and it'll be over quick."

"I'm pissed to holy hell but I'm not stupid." Harry growled, taking a sighed but did the same. Was he afraid to die, sure, but he wasn't going down without a fight. At the same time they fired at each other and met blow for blow. But who wanted it more? That was the question. Both dodged a blast and Voldemort smirked. He brandished his wand once more and said the Killing Curse. It bounced off of Harry and pissed him off further. Harry placed a hand into his left boot and without thinking twice, stabbed himself. Voldemort was about to laugh in victory when he coughed up blood and saw a blood spot in the same place as Harry.

"What have you done?!" Voldemort demanded as he bled more. Harry looked at him and chuckled weakly.

"You thought you were so smart hiding a Horcrux in me. Haven't you figured out by now that I really don't give a shit what happens anymore? I've dealt with enough shit to last me a lifetime. Like I said, you and Dumbledore can go fuck yourselves. I'm done and now," he rammed the dagger deeper into his body. "So are you." With that they both collapsed, both dead to the world. The last thing he remembered, was someone frantically calling out to him.

The first sense that returned to Harry was his hearing. He was as if he was in limbo. He was able to hear footsteps and pick ups in conversations. Now, he hated easdropping, but it turned out that it benefited him, when he least expected it. He had a feeling that Ron and Hermoine were in the room with him, they always were when he got hurt, but this time, it was different...

"What the bloody hell are you doing here Ferret face?" He heard Ron sneer, Harry was shocked to say the least. He didn't think that Draco Malfoy of all people would come to see him. Harry heard a slight growl in reply before a deep rich baritone answered.

"Back away from him Weasel. You are not truly concerned for him. What do you think I am, a fool?"

"What are you getting at?"

"I know some of your family was paid off to befriend him. I've known from the beginning. You, most of the lions here, your parents, almost everyone Harry came to care for, it was all an illusion. I on the other hand, am the real deal, have always been. He never wanted this. I'd be damned if I treated him like a fragile doll. My godfather knew it too. Why do you think we treated him the way we have all these years?"

Harry couldn't respond but he did think on what Draco said. He had always known that befriending Ron and his family was a bit 'convienent'. And although Draco acted like a brat at the time in Madame Minkins and since, with all that went on and from what he was told, Harry was never really given a choice. He remembered Hagrid being genuine, telling him about his family and all but he, and Draco really rang true blue. Then Professor Lupin, Tonks, Dobby, Luna, Neville, Professor McGonagall, only those who showed some form of tough love made the list. Snape was no exception, in fact, the greasy bat took the number one slot. Two was Draco. Without them in his life, Harry wouldn't have strived so hard. To prove himself...

"Malfoy, why are you here, let Harry rest..."

"Granger, I would have thought you to have more bollocks like you had in third year when you punched me. What was it? Did this Weasel worm his way in and oblivated your common sense?" Draco scolded, his voice surprisingly calm, his rage colored a bit. "You've always been free spirited. Don't let this fool change you. You always did things your way. If you really care for Harry as you claim, show it. You know the weasel is more dangerous than he lets on. I strongly suggest you and Harry end it here and now with him."

"Don't try to manipulate her you Snake!" Ron barked. "You've always been jealous of Harry..."

"May seem that way to someone who can't see passed their nose." Draco countered. "Now I will not say it again, for I hate repeating myself. You will step away from Harry now, you can do this willingly, or you will be forced to."

"Make me," Ron challenged. Harry heard a dark chuckle, heavy footsteps. and then heard Ron curse as he was obviously grabbed and lead out of the Hospital Wing.

"Is it safe to move him Madame Pomfrey?" Harry heard Draco ask.

"Yes Mr. Malfoy...oh sorry, Lord Malfoy."

"Quite alright Madame Pomfrey, I'm still adjusting to the title myself." Harry heard Draco chuckle good naturedly. Then he felt himself being lifted off the bed and into a strong yet careful embrace.

"Where are you taking him?" Harry heard Hermoine ask carefully.

"I'll be taking him home with me. After he recovers and we graduate, we will see about the next course."

"Take care of him Draco."

"I will, Hermoine."

Yes it's a bit short but there will be more later.