Chapter 1: The Truth

She stood panting, blood dripping into her eye and the completed jewel grasped tightly in her hand. The final battle for the cursed jewel won with heavy costs. Inuyasha had been absorbed by Naraku and there had been no way for them to seperate his essence from that of Naraku. In the end, he had died at the hands of Kagome. It weighed heavily on her heart to destroy her once great friend. Lord Sesshomaru had allied himself with her pack in exchange for the return of his arm. She had restored his arm to him. Sango and Miroku had died, but Sesshomaru had been able to resurrect them with the use of Tensaiga. Tetsusaiga lay tattered on the floor, sheath shattered and weilder dead. Shippo and Rin had been left behind with Jaken and Ah-Un.

Kagome approached the mourning sword and picked it up in her free hand before approaching the lord of the west. "Take it," she told him, no sorrow in her voice. She was done mourning.

"Miko, you know this Sesshomaru cannot grasp that sword."

"But I think you can," she stated calmly. "You have something to protect, right?" He could faintly hear his father's question.

"I do." He remarked as he reached forward to grasp the tattered hilt of the Tetsusaiga. It had not rejected him, instead it beat in rhythm to his heart. When her hand was free, the blade transformed into its magnificent shape. It was weightless in his hand.

"Protect her," Kagome murmured. She could feel the magic of the jewel engulfing her form. "Goodbye." She faded from their view. She knew she was being returned to her home on the otherside of the well.

Kagome made her way into her family's home. She was worn out from battle, but she still felt accomplished. She had questions that needed answers, and knew her mother was the only one that could answer them. Something in her had been awakened during that last battle but she wasn't sure what it was.

"Mama!" She could hear being called, both panic and disbelief being housed in her kid brother's voice. "Come quick! Kagome's back." He was standing at the door to the house. Hurried steps could be heard before she saw her mother standing in the door way with her brother. Her mother rushed her form.

"Kagome, dear, what's wrong?" Her mother was quickly checking her over for injuries.

"It's done. The battle is over and the jewel is complete." She started coming back to herself. "Mama, what am I?" She saw the sad look that came into her mother's chocolate eyes, that were so different from her blue eyes.

"Kagome, I think you should come in and have a seat."

He looked at the image Heimdall showed him. It was his daughter in Midgard, covered in blood and injured. He had watched her grow when he had left Midgard all those years ago. Thor and Loki did not know of his weakness and unfaithfulness to Frigga. He knew it was time for the truth to come out.

"She has grown so much," Odin commented offhandedly.

"In age and power," Heimdall added. "I have watched over her as you have requested. There are times when I cannot see her. But I can tell you that she has come into the power you have gifted her."

Odin sighed heavily. He knew his daughter had not had an easy life. Each time he saw her within the last few years, she seemed to have aged. It was not apparent in her body or face, but it was in her eyes. They held so much wisdom for someone so young.

"What will you do, All-Father?"

"I think it is time for her to come home," he stated as he walked away from Heimdall and the bifrost.

Heimdall knew what that meant. He would be bringing her to Asgard after her conversation with her mother.

Thor and Loki had been summoned to the throne room. After a bit of time, Thor had figured out that Loki was indeed alive and was running around the palace disguised as guards and his father. Thor had brought it to Odin's attention. After what Loki had done for Asgard and the nine realms, his sentence in Asgard had been withdrawn, so long as he didn't try to pull another stunt like he had done with the Chitauri. He had been good for the most part.

"Thor, Loki," Odin greeted them, a sadness in his eyes that hadn't been there since Frigga's death to the dark elves.

"Father," Thor greeted boisteriously.

"There is something we must discuss," Odin said. "It is not known, but almost two decades ago I had been stranded on Midgard after a fierce battle with frost giants. I was gravely injured and had no way of contacting Heimdall to return me to Asgard. I had been spotted by a woman known as Kunloon. She had brought me to her home and took care of me. I had no way of knowing how long I was going to be stranded there or if I was ever going to make it back to Asgard. She had offered me a place to stay until I could find my way home again. I had developed a fondness for her and had lain with her. A week after that encounter, Heimdall was able to find me. I had said my goodbyes to her. I had you two and Frigga to return to. I had told her who I was and where I was from. She hadn't believed me at first, but after awhile she realized just how different I was. At the time I had not known that she was with child."

"Father?" Loki asked, Thor too stunned to say anything.

"You have a sister."

Kagome looked shocked at her mother. It turned out that the man she thought was her biological father was not actually her father, even if he had acted like it. No, her father was some god that already had a family somewhere else. She could not blame her mother. Her mother had been lonely when she was younger. And if what her mother said was true, the man, Odin had no way of knowing if he would ever return to his family. If he had not been found by her mother, then there was the possibility that she would never had been conceived, seeing as her mother hadn't found her father until a month or two after Odin had left her pregnant. Her mother and what she used to believe was her father, were so in love that they had married shortly after meeting. She was raised as a normal child up until her fifteenth birthday when her life was flipped upside down.

"I have a feeling you will be going to his home soon, Kagome." Kunloon was close to tears. "You could never live a normal life now, Kagome. He can teach you what I can't."

"Mama." She hugged her mother, tears in her eyes. "I will visit whenever I can." Kagome said.

"I knew this day would come," Kunloon said as she drew back from Kagome. "I had not known that it would be this soon, but I was still prepared." She pulled a small bag from the closet. "Somethings to remember us by." Kagome nodded and gave her mother another hug before taking the bag. They walked to the back of the shrine grounds and Kagome looked up into the air like her mother said her father had done.

"HEIMDALL!" It was answered with a light shooting down around her. She was pulled up into the light and was soon gone. The only thing that gave away what had happened were the celtic designs carved into the ground in a circle.