Chapter I: A Bleached Life

M.G. Crystal: Yo readers & Bleach fans! I'm here with the official chapter to "Shinigami Dreamer"! So enjoy!

Sakura: Yes, "Mistress Galiancrystal doesn't own Bleach or anything else, only me, her OC."

[Sakura's P.O.V.]

"Captain Kuchiki!" I heard my teammate, Lily, shout and kicks the ball to me. I swiftly catch my ball with the feet and give it a powerful kick which flew over one of the opposing teammate's head, and landed a goal. "They did it! The Tranquility Blitzers have won! With the final shot by none other than Sakura Kuchiki!" The announcer yelled through the microphone as the whole Tranquility Blitzers team circled around me and lifted me up. Our fans cheered with us in victory as I was put back down and then my smile faded to a frown. I have to go home to see him. The poor excuse of a human, my adoptive dad, Kaine. He had been abusing me since my adoptive mom, Taylor, left us when I was 13. "Hey Kaze, you okay?" Asked the team goalie, Mira, as she put a hand on my shoulder. "Yes," I sighed. "I have to go back home to Kaine." I told her, she was the only person who knew of my bruises and scars I get. "Sakura, remember what I told you. If he does it again, I'll call my Dad to put him arrest." She once told me that her Dad works with the police and if trouble happens again, he'll come over to help. And when she calls me by my first name, I know that it's some serious business.

I nodded in response and the team walked to the locker rooms to get change from the soccer uniform. I changed back to a long-sleeve slim-fitting black shirt with a hoodie, a army green vest like the one that Kakashi from Naruto wears but without the fancy stuff, just a regular looking vest, dark blue that looks black cargo pants, black Skechers, and black biker gloves. I also wore a cherry blossom pendant which I don't remember when I got it but I think that it was from my biological parents, whoever they are. I grabbed my backpack and placed it over my shoulder and walked back home. When I got near that place, my smile faded from my face and no emotions shoed whatsoever, much like my favorite character, Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach. Is it a coincidence that we have the same last name? I always thought of that question whenever someone mentions him. I sighed and walked through the door, and then something flew past my face and I heard it shatter behind me. Another one of the beer bottles came and shattered where one of the pieces went across my cheek, making a small line of blood slowly drop from the thin cut.

"Looks like the worthless b**** is here." Said my "dad" from the couch surrounded by empty or half-empty beer bottles, sitting on the couch in front of the TV, watching football or something like that. I walked up the stairs, letting the beer bottle pass by me until I reached the top of the stairs. I walked into my room, locked the door and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Silver grey eyes looked back without any hint of emotion, black hair that reached my shoulders with a two fringes that reach to the corner of my lips on my left side of my face, and a new scar under my right eye. I sigh with my eyes close and I pull out a bandaid to cover up the cut. I look around my room to look at my stuff. Mahogany cabinets, a twin size bed with dark magenta, dark purple, and light pink sheets covered the bed, posters of Fire Emblem, Bleach, Final Fantasy and a small poster of Super Smash Bros Brawl decorated my walls, and on one of the cabinets was an old photograph of the three of us, when we were happy. Before that happened.

My eyes held sadness but never shed tears, I couldn't cry or scream in pain anymore because of those torturous 3 years in this hellhole that was once called home. I grabbed my iPhone and SkullCandy nimbus grey earphones and listened to "Last Night" by Skillet while drawing in my sketch book about a recent daydream I had. After five songs, I saw the vision more clearly. It was none other that Hyōrinmaru in his human form and was giving a little girl a piggyback ride on his back, the girl's eyes was closed so I didn't know who she was but she looked familiar. "Why…" I said and looked at the window and saw the birds chirping and flying freely. Then something disturbed the peace from outside it was…


Later After The Police Arrived

"Can't believe a man like him would harm her." Said gossiped one of the neighbors as they watched what had transpired not too long ago. It turns out that they told me that a girl named Mira Harvey called saying that I was being abused by my adoptive-father. "Miss Tatsumaki," Said one of the officers as he came over and bent down to my level. "Please, just call me Sakura." I said as I looked at the car which held Kaine in their. "Well Miss Sakura, do you have any relatives?" He asked me and I said, "Well I-"

(Play Here To Stay~ Bleach OST)

"Yes, she does." I heard a voice cut me off as we both turn our heads to the owner of the voice. We turn to see a man of 6'0 that looked about in his late twenties or early thirties with grey eyes and messy light blonde hair that almost looked like pale blonde with strands framing the sides of his face and hanging between his eyes, and a chin stubble. He wore a dark green suit over a white button-up dress shirt that had a striped army green tie, and black dress shoes. Heck, he looked familiar and sounded familiar too. Just who is he? "And may I ask who are you?" Spoke the officer to the mysterious man I dubbed Hat-N-Clogs. Wait, Hat-N-Clogs? Where the heck did that came from? "I'm her uncle, Kisuke."

"Oh." Said the officer as he saw that our eye color that seemed to match. "Well Mr. Kisuke, I need proof that your Miss Sakura's uncle." He said as Hat-N-Clogs pulled out a file (where the heck did he get that from?) and gave it to the officer. After five minutes of examining the file, the officer said, "Well Mr. Kisuke, now that I have proof. You can take Miss Sakura." He said as Kisuke nudged my shoulder with his hand as a signal for me to get up and walk with him.

(End OST Song)

After we were away from the scene, I said to "Kiskue" this, "Okay, spill the beans bud. Who the hell are you because you just can't be the Urahara Kisuke. And don't tell me "Oh I broke~ the fourth wall~!" 'cuz only Deadpool can break it."(A/N: Thank you Mysterygirl145 on Reality Shift: Birth By Sleep)

"Well~… It looks like you just answered the question yourself." If this was an anime, I think I would have the surprised face with my jaw on the ground. I then regained my composure and said, "Prove it then. Prove that you really are Hat-N-Clogs." Then said man's suit disappeared to Urahara's outfit and grabbed his fan from God-knows-where in that sleeve of his. "Well aren't you like you father." He said and starts waving his fan at his face. My eyes widen in shock. "Ah, so you don't know him? That's a pity. I can help you find him and your mom. That is, if your willing to help Ichigo of course."

"What do you mean, Urahara?"

"What I mean is that if ya come with me, you can change things." That's when it hit me, I can prevent some of the events that will occur. "I guess that's a yes." Said Urahara as he summoned his crane/Zanpakutō and opened a Senkaimon. I stood there in shock when he opened a Senkaimon. "Well come on. You got a family to see and a world to save." I smiled and ran through the Senkaimon. Then everything turned to whiter than snow itself.

To Be Continued In…

Chapter II: Nice To Met Ya, Uryū Ishida!

M.G. Crystal: Sorry how this was short you guys. But I hope you liked it though! The next chapter will be longer, I promise! So review or it's Nozarashi!