Akihito smiled it was five years ago today that he and Asami had met, and though their meeting wasn't under the best circumstances, everything that came after was more than worth celebrating.

Akihito looked at the clock, in two hours Asami would be home and they would celebrate with a candle light dinner made by Akihito. It was a surprise and he had already talked to Kirishima to find out when Asami would be home. Akihito had spent most of the day working on their romantic evening. Since he had the day off, the house was cleaned and his plan was ready for action. As he started making dinner, he went over his plan and check list and smiled. This would definitely work...

Two hours later...

Asami walked into the penthouse right on time. Akihito walked around the corner wiping his hands on an apron he wore around his waist. He had bought it two months ago because he was tired of sauce stains from cooking and Asami was tired of him wiping his hands on his pants.

"Not that flour stains on that hot ass isn't attractive but at this rate you won't be walking anytime soon," Asami had joked.

Akihito smiled at the memory "Welcome home Ryuichi, dinner will be ready soon," said Akihito as he took his briefcase and jacket.

"I ran a bath for you. Why don't you go get washed up?"

"Thanks that sounds great," Asami smiled and gave Akihito a chaste kiss as he walked by and headed for the bathroom. Only after the door closed did Akihito head back to the kitchen. He had to act fast, Akihito grabbed the candles and vase from the kitchen counter and quickly took them to the table. After lighting the candles, Akihito put the vase with exactly five red roses on the table. Akihito still remembered how this tradition was started...

It was their second anniversary, and Asami was about to pick Akihito up to take him to dinner when Akihito heard a knock on the door. He couldn't help but smile and run to open the door. There stood Asami in his usual three piece suit holding two red roses "one rose for every year I have cared about you." It was the most romantic thing Akihito had ever heard...

It wasn't until the next day, that he learned Asami had bought a dozen roses but Souh had sat on them in the car and only two survived. To this day, it still shocked him that Asami had come up with those romantic words on the fly. With the table set and dinner finished Akihito went and changed into a suit. He doesn't usually wear them but today was an exception. Having finished changing, Akihito went to wait in the living room. He didn't have to wait long. About two minutes later, Asami comes out of the bath wearing a dress shirt and pants. Akihito knows he isn't going anywhere because he wasn't wearing socks or a tie and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone.

Asami smiled "What's all this?"

"What, did you think I would forget our anniversary?" Akihito remarked.

"No, but I didn't expect anything like this," Asami answered.

Akihito stood up from the table and hugged Asami "Happy anniversary Ryuichi."

Then they sat down and ate the Lemon Pepper Shrimp on a bed of linguini Akihito had made from scratch.

After dinner, Asami surprised Akihito by getting up and standing next to him, "Akihito, I know I don't say it much and I know that I'm not the easiest to get along with... I know we will have our arguments and bumps in the road whether it be because of my position, your job or one of us, most likely me, saying something stupid. But Akihito even though I don't say it much I do love you. You own my heart and even though it may be hard and black in places, it is still yours to heal or destroy if you so choose. What I'm trying to say Akihito..."

Asami gets down on one knee and Akihito can't help but gasp tears welling up in his eyes.

"... is would you allow me to love you not just now but for forever and always? Akihito will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me so we can belong to each other for the rest of eternity?" With that Asami smiled and pulled out a platinum ring with his insignia carved into the front.

"Oh Ryuichi, of course I will... I will love you for the rest of forever!" With that, Akihito threw himself into Asami's arms and kissed him. The moment they broke the kiss, Asami slid the ring onto Akihito's finger but not before showing him the words carved inside... Ryuichi a small rose and Akihito it was enough to make him want to cry. Instead he kissed him again and looked into his eyes. "Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Akihito asked.

Asami smiled "Yes, I think I do."

Akihito smiled "No, you don't but I'm about to show you, all night long."

Asami smirked "I look forward to it..."

With that said, Asami picked Akihito up bridal style and carried him to their bed, shutting the door with his foot. Akihito's screams of ectasy could be heard for most of the night as they showed each other exactly how much they loved each other.

These are their stories, their adventures, their forever and always.