EDIT 2016: After I finally had some time to continue this story, I decided to change few things in earlier chapters. Nothing too noticeable, just some vocabulary tweaks and corrections if something doesn't feel right. Dedicated to Jules, who used to RP as P'Li (boom-boom-girl on tumblr) and created the character of P'Li's little sister, Lien-Hua. I just ran with it and hopefully get to finish soon.


"No! Pleaseā€¦ I have a family!" the man stumbled, his movements frantic and uncoordinated in attempts to escape from sure death, but he wouldn't get out of her range even if he sprinted.

Why would anyone want to kill such a man? He's just a poor peasant, not a mortal enemy, P'Li wondered, orders still ringing in her head.

"This morning, my guards will escort you out of town to hills. Those filthy farmers and shepherds live there, completely forgotten by the world. Their very existence is meaningless. Shouldn't be too hard to kill the first one who appears."

Of course a man like Daigo would say that. He doesn't value human life at all. I, of all people, should know.

However, when she looked at his face - horrified, pleading, his eyes full of tears - P'Li knew as ordinary as he was, he would stay in her memories forever.

She breathed in deeply, hoping to calm her wild beating heart. Daigo's guards were watching her, ready to observe any sign of inaccuracy or reluctance. The more she wavered, the worse for her. And yet...

The image in front of her started to change, the man's ugly wrinkled features forming into smooth, delicate face of a child. The brown of his irises turned into pale gold. The look of horror remained. Lien-Hua, her dearest sister, right before she was slain.

Although it's been over a year - P'Li stopped counting days long time ago - she never faded from her memory. Partly because that day haunted her in nightmares even now.

Stop. There's a mission to finish, a reminder whispered, ice cold. You're only making it worse. She felt herself agree.

Why should I have mercy? No one had any for Lien-Hua, yet she deserved to die even less than this wretch.

She closed her eyes and with another inspiration sent her qi rushing into the third eye tattoo, until it accumulated enough to sting and burn. Just before her forehead could split open, she released a deadly blast. The man's scream was devoured by the sound of explosion.

P'Li couldn't believe her own eyes when the smoke cleared. The man was still there, standing on trembling legs a few metres away from a crater. Once his self-preservation fought off the shock, he ran, tripping over his feet.

I missed. I never miss.

Then the realization of what she had almost done hit her.

I was ready to do it. A killing machineā€¦ just like everyone said.

No, not yet, she corrected herself. I wouldn't have waited and missed if I were the heartless weapon Daigo wants me to be.

With his name, her self-loathing was immediately replaced by panic. His loyal guards were already all over her, binding her hands with handcuffs and covering her tattoo. They would never be merciful enough to conceal her failure. Even if it meant inhuman punishment...

She used to be braver, more defiant, then he broke her spirit completely. She had stopped trying to run. Why would she, anyway. After watching her little sister die, escape felt meaningless. What could he do more to hurt her?

While the guards were leading her back to the compound, P'Li felt as if something was shattering to pieces inside her. Was it what was left of her humanity, or hopes? Whatever it was, it left her feeling empty and oddly calm.

What's left of me is claimed by a man who stole my everything. What does it matter if he takes my life it if I no longer have something to live for?

As this is the first fanfic I ever published online for everyone to read, I didn't know if I did a good job. Now I'm a tad older, I assume it's okay, though there still is lots of room for improvement. Any kind of feedback really helps, tips on what to change, pointing out if I messed up, or just simply telling me what you enjoyed, heh.

See you later :)
