Chapter 7,

Bella's POV,

I felt Paul tense beside me, I looked at him frowning but he wasn't looking at me. I turned my head and saw all the Cullen's in front of the pack and knew that's what had Paul on edge, I let go of his hand and stopped walking for a moment. When Paul noticed I had stopped he turned to look at me.

"You ok baby?"

Was I ok? No I wasn't, I was furious with this whole situation. I mean who the fuck do the Cullen's think they are? They leave me like I was trash, dickward played me like a fiddle and threw me away when he got bored of me. Better still he used me as his prey used his fucking lure on me, who does that? And now here they are demanding me at the meeting, thinking they have any right to me what so ever. I was furious and I was damn well gonna let them know that to.

I looked up and noticed Paul was still looking at me, oh yeah he asked me a question I took a deep breath and shook my head. I stepped closer to Paul who put his arm around me pulling me close, I reached up with my right hand to lace our fingers together and my left arm went around his waist, I looked up into his eyes.

"I'm not ok, I furious. But I'm with you so everything will be fine I just b nwant this over with so we can focus on us"

He nodded his head and we both continued to walk forward. I looked in front of us to see all them looking at us. The Cullen's all had different emotions on their faces, Esme looked hopeful and guilty with a slight amount of disgust on her face. Carlisle looked intrigued, like he'd love to use the pack as experiments or some shit. Emmett looked hurt, guilty, angered and hopeful, Rosalie had her usual look of indifference.

Alice looked like she was constipated, while Jasper looked like he was trying to control so much around him it w's draining he also looked extremely sorry. And then we got to Edward who frankly put looked pissed he was glaring at the arm Paul had wrapped around me.

I walked through the pack and stood next to Sam, I let go of Paul's hand to grab hold of Sam's. I knew between Sam and Paul I would be safe, I knew the pack would protect me but Sam and Paul made me feel the safest.

Nobody spoke, so I took that time to take stock of my emotions, I was afraid but there was no lingering love or any left over emotions from Edward's lure thankfully that went away when Paul imprinted on me which I was grateful for. I was bought out of my thoughts by Edward speaking.

"Isabella come here"

The little twit even held his hand out to me like I was some child. Me I just burst out laughing, did he really think I was going to go back to him?

"Edward I'm fine where I am thanks"

"Isabella my love, you don't know what your saying. You belong with me not that dog."

I really don't know what I saw in this idiot, oh yea I do he dazzled me the fucking sparkling idiot. Oh and how dare he call Paul a dog pot calling the kettle black anyone.

"No Edward I don't belong with or to you, you used your lure on me that was all it was I never had feelings for you and I don't now. Oh and Paul is not a dog he is a wolf and my mate. I am not coming back to you so back the fuck off you albino fucknut"

That comment had Paul chuckling, I looked at Sam and saw a smirk on his face also I also heard some noise from the ones still phased and knew it was their way of laughing in that form. Alice took a step forward towards me which had me stepping back slightly behind Paul, yeah I didn't trust this bitch.

"Bella don't be silly come on your meant to be part of our family not with those mutts"

And once again the sprite held out her hand like I was just going to grab it and go back to them, I probably would of if the lure was till there but it wasn't thank god. This though had me pissed the fuck off. So I was damn well gonna let them know that, I knew Jasper felt how mad I was cause he took a step back and away from his family.

I moved out from behind Paul and stared down the coven I never wanted to see again.

"Alice I'm gonna say it one more time, so you and your coven better listen up. They are not mutts, dogs, beats, monsters or anything else your judgmental minds can come up with they are wolves, protectors of their tribe and they deserve respect from you ass's for not killing you that is a testament to how much better they are then you and your kind. So if you can't give them that respect then this meeting is over before its even started"

With every word I spoke I could feel myself emotionally closer to the pack, their trust in me and for me was building which is what I wanted. Paul knew the truth he knew none of it was me, and for that I was glad I was glad I told him my story when I did. With every word spoke I could see the anger on Alice and Edwards face build they knew their time was up, whether the rest of the family knew about the lure or not they should of noticed something was off.

I felt a wolf move closer behind me to the point that I could feel their breath on my neck, normally it wouldn't bother me but I knew without looking that it was Jacob, I had no idea why or what he was thinking and at that point I didn't care, I had made it clear with him that nothing would happen between us but he didn't seem to care about what I wanted. So with anger in my eyes I turned my head to look behind me,

"Back off Jacob"

I felt Paul tense and grab my hand which had me moving in front of him, my back to his chest, his arm automatically wrapping around my waist his chin on my shoulder. This wasn't Just for Jake's benefit though this was for the Cullen's so they knew I was serious about this.

Thankfully Sam saw Jacobs movements ordered him back into formation.

"Jacob back to your place or leave"

I didn't even bother to turn around just kept my eyes locked on the vamps in front of me. Thankfully Esme spoke up the silence was starting to really annoy me.

"Bella dear I don't Understand, your Edwards mate why are you leading that poor man on. Your only delaying the inevitable from happening we all know your going to forgive us and come back to Edward"

When he said I was Edwards mate Paul's growl was so loud, it vibrated through my whole body, which in turn had me shivering in desire. I felt Paul smirk against my neck where he presses a kiss.

When the desire had gone my anger came back full force how dare she.

"Esme why you be a dear and shut the fuck up! I am not coming back to Edward now or ever, he is not my mate never was he was in love with my bolo and silent mind that's all. Now I'm going to say this once to all of you, I hate you every single one of you, your pathetic pretending to be human when clearly your not.

Your all so ashamed of what you are, you hide yourselves and yet its because you hide yourselves that make you the real monsters. I don't love Edward I love my mate, I love Paul, I love being alive, I love that I have the choice on whether I want kids or not, I love the pack I may not know them all well yet.

But Sam is my brother and I know he will never leave me not matter what, the pack will protect me even if that means destroying you. They don't make me feel inferior to them or like I made of glass, they treat me like I'm equal to them. None of you are perfect yet you act so much better then everyone else.

When Edward left me in the woods all those months ago, I was a mess for a while but that was the lure working its way out of my system, thankfully I met Paul who... you know what it doesn't even matter I don't have to explain anything to you. All you need to know is I am not coming back to you or Edward."

I left it there, I felt like a whole different person, this was needed as much as I dislike the way the Cullen's demanded me here this meeting needed to happen. They needed to know I am not that naïve little girl anymore and I wouldn't be fallen for any of their shit anymore.

Before anyone could say anything, Edward flew towards me and made a grab for me, me and Paul didn't even move as the pack was all suddenly stood in front of us growling at him, Sam had his hand around Edwards throat and was growling at him. Even Jasper was stood behind Edward, Jasper had Edwards hands in his and his arms behind his back pulling to the point of pain. But it was Sam who was speaking to Edward and what he said had my heart missing a beat in happiness.

"Bella was right, me and the pack will destroy you if we need to. That woman you just made a grab for is my sister by everything other then blood. I will do anything to keep her alive and happy even voiding the treaty if I thought it was best. You crossed over onto our lands tonight for that I can rip you to pieces right here and now but I won't. I'll give you all one warning leave and do not come back here or we will destroy you"

Before Edward could say anything back Jasper spoke up for the first time.

"I will help them Edward. I have no love for you or your coven anymore. As of now I am a nomad, if I get your scent anywhere near here or Bella I will rip you limb by limb do you understand?"

Edward just nodded his head, or well as much as one can nod while their being strangled. With that Jasper let him go and Sam threw him away from our side, which had Edward flying threw the air and hitting a tree crumbling to the floor this had me giggling at him.

I wasn't one to enjoy others pain, but seeing him so weak, so vulnerable it gave me some sick satisfaction. When Paul heard my giggle he pulled me closer to his body, Sam looked over to me and smiled at me which had me smiling back at him.

Jasper walked as close to the line as he could while staring at me with a soft smile on his face. When he spoke I heard his Texan accent come through

"I wanna say sorry to you Bella, your birthday was horrible and my actions that day still haunt me. I promise you your blood doesn't affect me in that way"

Before he Said anymore I leant towards him putting my hand over his mouth not letting him say anymore.

"Jasper please don't be sorry. I remember that night clearly, your eyes were the only ones that remained golden. You were only acting to protect me I don't Know what the family have been saying to you but I can make a guess. I saw your face Jazz you were acting on your protective instincts for your little sister. If anything you did me a favour getting me away from that coven was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I may not want them in my life but I definitely want my big brother"

I said smiling at him, I also sent him all the brotherly love I could so he would know I was speaking the truth. He looked at me with nothing but love on his face and I knew I did the right thing in taking away his guilt.

I obviously have no idea what the family said to him but I can imagine, the Cullen's have such a "I am better then you" complex that everyone gets treated beneath them.

I pulled him into a quick hug then walked back to Paul, I could feel his worry for me through our bond.

I felt like there was nothing left to say, but the Cullen's couldn't just leave it there Rosalie hissed at me then growled at me before trying to launch herself at me. Thankfully Emmett grabbed her around the waist before she could even get to me.

"You stupid human, who the fuck do you think you are? We saved your life and this is the thanks we get. Edward could give you everything yet your choosing this dog over him"

That had me losing my shit who the hell does this bitch think she is.

"Hey little miss Barbie I wouldn't of needed saving in the first place if fuckward stayed away from me. As you said I'm human his the one that should of known better. Better yet Carlisle is your coven leader he should of made sure I was left alone. Makes me wonder how many other humans you have done this to"

As far as I was concerned there was nothing else for me to say so I looked at Sam and smiled.

"Sam I have nothing else I need or want to say, I'm done with this meeting can Paul take me home now?"

He looked at me smiling

"Yeah sure. Paul your free to go but don't forget your patrol."

With that me and Paul walked away. I didn't even look behind me that part of my life was over. Paul phased once we were back in the forrest, lowering himself to the ground so I could climb on and we were off, like before it took no time at all getting back to his house. I climbed off my wolf placed a kiss on his snout and walked into the house.

I felt his arms come around me before I got to far, I felt his breath on my neck.

"I'm so proud of you baby"

I turned in his arms and smiled at him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you Paul"

This had him widening his eyes and smiling at me he placed a soft kiss to my lips then pulled back.

"I love you to baby. How about we watch a movie?"

I nodded my head and walked over to the couch to sit down, Paul walked over to the DVD shelf and I just kept watching him.

How could I get so lucky to have a forever love, one I knew would never end. I knew that no matter what came our way or got thrown at us we would be happy because we had each other.


They you have it another chapter out of the way. I have no idea whats gonna happen next or where this storys gonna go as it changes all the time.

Thanks for sticking with me, I have another idea in the pop line to for a Klaus story. If your reading any of my others they will all be updated in the next couple of weeks.

Have a nice weekend
