A/N This is it everyone. The final chapter. More author notes at end.

As it worked out, everything was going to be fine.

Regina and Emma continued to be together, even through the few disagreements and arguments along the way. They spent time equally at Regina's home and Emma's, studying, talking and making out.

They celebrated Regina's birthday in Feburary with a small party that even Mal attended and was so happy to hear that Regina and Emma were together.

They made love that night.

And a year later, Regina went off to university to study English and law. While Cora had managed to help Emma get into a police training facality near by.

Where they lived together in a small apartment, that Cora had also arranged and spent many evenings enjoying themselves and enjoying their life and when Regina and Emma returned home. They were welcomed with a party at Regina's parents house

"Welcome Home" Both sets of parents shout as Regina and Emma walk into the lounge and both jump and look surprised.

"Hey" Emma beams, as Mary Margaret rushes to hug her.

"I've missed you so much" she says and squeezes Emma tight.

"Mom" Emma moans "Your killing me here" she adds and her mother leans back and says "You havent changed have you"

"Thanks" Emma chuckles and looks to her dad, who has come to stand next to them.

"Come here" he says, opening his arms and she gives him a hug, spotting Regina hugging her father and it looks like the brunette is crying. All of which she knows is because Regina had missed her father greatly.

Emma then leans back and says "How have you guys been?"

"Good...we both got promotions at work"

"Thats great" Emma grins.

Meanwhile, Regina is wiping her eyes.

"I knew this was going to happen didn't I tell you Henry" Cora says and Regina huffs.

"I have got everything in order that you asked for dear" Cora then says and Regina nods. "Have you told Emma yet?"

"I want it to be a surprise" Regina mutters and looks over to Emma who is being hugged again by her mother.

"I hope you have been nice to her parents mother" Regina says seriously.

"Of course" she smirks and Regina "Hmm's"

A while later, they are all sat around the table, eating a roast dinner that Cora had cooked them all.

"When is Zelena coming over?" Regina asks.

"I told you she is poping round at 7"

"Right" Regina bites her lip.

"We should get going after that Gina, as we got to do alot of sorting out at the appartment" Emma tells Regina, who nods and thinks that's already been done my love.

At 7.06pm Zelena walks through the door arguing with her man friend.

"ZELENA" Regina says with a wide smile and Zelena stops arguing and looks to her sister with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, I didnt realise you were coming today..I thought it was tomorrow" she says in surprise and goes to hug her sister.

"We changed our plans"

Zelena pulls back

"And look at you sis in your posh pant suit" she looks her sister over. "Your look good sis" she adds.

"So do you"

Emma then appears, sheepishly and Zelena shouts "EMMA" and pulls her into a hug.

"Hey" Emma squeaks.

"Oh my god you still got that jacket" Zelena says and shakes her head.

"Yeah of course dah"

They chuckle and Then Regina looks to the man and says "A friend of yours?"

Zelena nods.

"Yes, this is Marcus. His actually my boyfriend"

"No way" Emma blurts and Regina laughs and says "Its nice to meet you Marcus"

"And you. Zelena talks about you alot"

"Oh really?" she gives her sis a look.

"Nothing bad promise" she smirks and they then all go into the lounge where they catch up and after a while Regina and Emma leave to go to their new home.

Which is close to Emma's parents appartment and as soon as Emma walks in she gapes.

"I...I don't understand" she says in disbelief as everything is set out.

"I know.." Regina takes her hands and leads her into the modern kitchen.

"You know I had that all day training to go to two weeks ago?" she asks Emma.


"Well, I came here and your parents helped me get this place sorted. Theres still a few boxes still in the bedroom but its near enough done..what you think?" she bites her lip and looks around in awe.

"I;m just glad I aint got to unpack lots of our stuff" she jokes and Regina rolls her eyes playfully.

"Oh my god Regina, theres beer in the fridge" Emma says upon opening it.

"Of course" she smirks "I just thought it would be a nice surprise" she sighs.

"Yeah definatly.." she looks around. "This place looks better than the photo's your parents sent over"

"Indeed" she smiles at Emma. "And theres one more thing"

"Whats that?" Emma grins.

"Theres a present for you on the dinning table"

"Really!" she beams and hurries off to get the present.

"What you got me?" Emma asks and Regina bites her lip and shakes her head.

Emma then picks up the small wrapped box.

"Oh..." she mutters and begins to unwrap it..her eyes widen upon seeing a white gold ring within a box.

Regina clears her throat.


Emma looks to her, speechless.

"I remember the first time I laid eyes upon you. My mother had brought you to Miss Belles class and when I looked up and saw you, I felt something...I didn't quite understand it at the time but I felt it. I loved you the first time I saw you. You were standing there in a fennel shirt..your hair was tied back and you had that awful backpack"

"Oi that backpack with cool" she chuckles nervously but then says "You remember that?" softly.

Regina nods, a little shyly.

"I remember alot of things Emma because you are the most important person in my life and I love you so much"

Emma beams.

"and I know this is not the most romantic way of proposing but I wanted to do it on an important day and this is important..our first day here in our new home our new begining and I want us to start this as more than girlfriends..."

Emma swallows, her eyes go teary.

"My life is so much better with you in it Emmah...You make me laugh, even through the times where we been stressed"

Emma nods.

"You have patience and are the kindest person I know...I admire your will and it makes me want to try harder myself, to be like that"

"You are" Emma says breathlessy. As she stares at Regina in awe.

Regina swallows thickly, her palms sweeting and her anxiety rising.

"I'm hoping your spend the rest of your life with me...Will you marry me Emmah?" she asks, pleads even.

Emma takes a deep breath and looks back to the ring, which is beautiful.

"Regina..." she says shakily, looking back to the anxious brunette. Who now is starting to panick.

"Of course I will marry you" she smiles goofily and Regina breaths a sigh of relief and goes to embrace Emma.

"Thank god" she says over Emma's shoulder and holds her tighter.

"I'm just bummed I wasn't able to propose first" Emma then says and chuckles.

Regina pulls back and looks into Emma's eyes.

"When was you going to propose?" she raises an eyebrow.

"When.." she looks to Regina's lips, getting distracted. "I got the guts too"

Regina smirks and then is kissed passionatly by Emma. Who then pulls away and says "The first time I saw you I knew too.."

"Oh?" Regina asks curiously.

"It was on my first day and you didnt see me, but I felt it too. I remember you coming out of your mothers office, going to the stairs and looking down at your books"

Regina smiles.

"The most beautiful girl I had ever seen and still are" Emma then says and smiles back.

"I love you" Regina then says softly.

"And I love you" Emma replies meaningfully and leans in and pours all her emotions into that one kiss. To show Regina, that her love for her will always burn bright and will never fade...

The End.

I hope you have enjoyed the ride as much as I have and I cant believe I started this in sept 2014! and I must appollogize for the long wait for its finish but where has the time gone!

& Thankyou to everyone who has followed/faved or reviewed this story I really do appreciate it and I'm glad you have liked the story.