Zero's POV

Waking up was different this time. Before with my blackouts or when I woke up after Mother Elf was done bonding I would have every sense instantly aware. However, this time I felt nothing just a vague awareness of something, but the all my senses began to come back to me.

First came touch, I felt the hard surface of the building beneath me and the flow of the air over my body. Then came smell, the cold damp air smelt more vivid than before, or was it just me?

Next was sight, the first sight that greeted me was the grey sky, not a single shaft of light entered through the low clouds as they threatened to rain again. Slowly I rolled into my side and began to push myself up. My joints groaned in protest from the sudden movement, but I had to do this, I had to finish the job.

Finally came sound, the howl of the wind and a noise, like a metal being grinded on a tough surface. It stopped suddenly and I had a good clue as to what it was so I spun and activated a wrist blade stopping the incoming attack. Weil stood there in his knock off body with the look of desperation in this face. But before he could strike again I activated my other blade and sliced him diagonally through the chest.

A clang of a dropped sword rang though the air as the two pieces of Weil fell. I looked at the sword he was using, it was my own sword, which was now casting its' cyan light on the ground. For a few moments I just stared, before shaking my head, picking it up, and turning. "It's over", I whisper to myself, but I got a malicious giggling in response.

Turning back to where Weil lay he was chuckling to himself. "It'll never be over, Zero" I looked at him with caution, he could still have a card up his sleeve "What do you mean?" Weil strained his neck to look at me. "You'll never know peace while you're alive."

I started to walk towards him, "Hmm, why's that?" I asked with a little spunk, he couldn't be serious, he was the last, and no one was left to fight.

He laughed again, this time spitting oil "As long as you live, you will always bring death and destruction, you're a God of it," he explained "the Sigma Virus, originated in you, the Elf Wars? The technology was made from studying you Zero, if anyone is to blame for what's happened it's you."

I shook my head and turned around wanting to leave he man to his miserable death "Funny isn't it? The reploid who wants to so desperately save the day, also causes the danger, how does it feel to be a God of Destruction and not even realize it? What do you thing Ceil would say?" I spun and threw my blade right under his chin, completely separating his head and ending the madman's life.

I looked at the body, little pieces of him were scattered around in a pool of oil, but the most sickening thing was his face, even in death he smiled at me with such cruelty it seemed that he was still alive.

Soon his body began to look even more revolting, I had seen scenes like this countless times before, but his words began to haunt me, was it really my fault, would all this have happened without me?

I turned around and walked over to the ledge, I was done this battle, but why did it feel like more weight was put on my shoulders. I began to feel my hands tremble with and in an effort to control them I rested them again the small lip on the edge of the building. As soon as I put weight on them they slipped, turning them over I realized for the first time I was covered it splashes of oil.

Trying to flick it off I looked down let the ledge to see the intersection we completely demolished. Holes in buildings and cracks in asphalt, the area in in a deplorable state. "You're a god of destruction and you don't even realize..." The words came back, was I truly doing more good than evil? Was I the problem?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice a blonde women with a pink jacket pull up to the disaster zone.

Ciel POV

When I got to the intersection all I was met with was destruction. I couldn't even drive to the center of the connecting roads, instead I had to stop nearby and proceed on foot.

The entire area was ravaged. No building was untouched and no inch of pavement was not cracked. As I sifted through what was left of the small area of city.

Eventually I looked up from the destroyed landscape, it could have been anything that pulled my eyes onto him, but in the end I was dashing into the one building that had not been severely damaged and started my way up the stairs

I didn't trust the elevator, but after the 10th floor I realized how out of shape I was, sitting behind a desk had not been beneficial to my stamina. There were thirty floors in the building but as I made my way to the top each felt like they were taking longer to navigate.

Finally I reached the door which led to the roof, I hesitated, what would be think of me? What would he say, my worst fears had been created before my very eyes, but there was only one way to find out for sure.

Opening the door I was treated to a less than beautiful site. The body I had worked on for so long was now in prices and luring in a pool of its own oil. I spotted Zero instantly, he was still by the edge looking over the city and even from behind he looked rough.

Chunks were missing and cracks had formed throughout his armor, but I wouldn't know the full extent of the damage until I saw him fully. I cautiously walked beside him and rested against the buildings lip, but it didn't get any reaction.

Then I realized how savage the battle must have been if the intersection wasn't enough evidence. Not only did he have massive amounts of oil leak get from strips of armor missing but he also had major slashes and burn marks from Weil's sabre.

"Took you long enough to get here" he said suddenly, I was concentrating so much on the damage that I was startled when he spoke. "Looks like you finished what you started." I said referring to Weil, I could care less if he rotted away in his afterlife.

"I just want to know, why, after all that happened with copy X, what could have possessed you to make a copy of me?" He asked angrily, his hands had turning into fists by that point. For a moment my mouth just sat open, I knew the words I wanted to say, but I physically couldn't say them.

Shame rolled over me in waves, I could tell him so many different things, but only he could tell if I was lying. "It felt like every night I would wake up from nightmares," I started, my eyes were now on my hands which rested on the side of the building.

"It was always of you," I looked up to him, nothing in his face reveille any sort of feeling. "Have you ever had so much guilt, that it jaws away at you like rust to metal, eating away at your insides?"

He just looked at me " didn't you learn anything from copy x?" He asked. I just went to looking at my hands again "I though..." The he cut me off. "No, you didn't think, that was the problem." He said shaking his head and looking out at the city.

"What could you possible need me for, there was no crisis, no mission I left incomplete, so what was it!" Tears started to form in my eyes "I don't know." I whispered. "That's a lot of crap Ciel and you know it, tell me!"

"There was a reason!"

He blinked a few times at me; he probably wasn't expecting me to yell. "I needed you, no one else, ME!" Now I was slamming my fists on his chest, but they slid across it from all the oil.

"YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE SAFE, AND YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD BE BACK," I cried, by now tear formed in my eyes "I NEEDED YOU AND YOU WEREN'T THERE!" By that point I was done pounding on him. And fell to my knees. "I just wanted you back." I whispered

I looked back up to him, as he began to kneel to me "You blamed yourself for my death, didn't you." I just nodded weakly. He sighed and took my hand that rested in my lap. Holding it with two hands he looked at me "It wasn't your fault, it was no one's fault but Weil's and if you think different then you're a fool, and I don't belong here."

With that he stood up and walked to the ledge "Do I belong here?" He asked I looked up to him, I could have screamed a million things at him, I could tell him anything I wanted right now by instead I stood up.

Faster than I could react he picked me up bridal style and with a slight grin "The stairs are too slow, besides it's just like old times." With that he jumped and as both out hair ripped through the wind and the impending impact with the ground approached I couldn't find the want to be anywhere else.


The lab was in a mass frenzy. Small machines scuttled about, carrying materials, collecting data, or prepping for transport, all were occupied. One man stood in the center of the room, If you could call him a man, and watched the situation unfold in Neo Arcadia from inside his tube.

He smiled as the remaining drones were destroyed and Weil was defeated. Served him right, the old fool had the idiotic idea to connect the drone's interfaces with his cheap Omega suit thought the man.

Seeing that nearly all materials were packed and ready to move out his tube suddenly stood up on four different insect like legs. He stood there and contemplated his next moves, everything would fall into place it had to.

His own personal robot rolled up to him; since he couldn't effect the physical world he instead had them do it for him. Nearly thinking of his desired action the robot extended a single arm and placed a small box onto nearby ledge.

"Are projects one and two ready for transport?" he asked out loud, instantly he was fed the answer and nodded. As all the machines headed out of the old degrading lab he turned around and took one last look at the place he had called home for decades.

"Your move Zero," he whispered with a smile "I just hope you can weather the coming storm."


Wow, that took forever. In my defense I forgot about finals and then I got lazy so….. yea. Anyways that's it folks, hope all that actually read it liked the idea, even if the writing is terrible, but whatever. Anyways I'm doing a Percy Jackson fic next though that wouldn't be start for a month, maybe two? I was working on that even before this story, it just needs tweaking. And now that that shameless plug is out of the way yes, there will be a sequel, but I only have VERY rough drafts done. So I hope you enjoyed this please leave reviews as they lighten my day and I actually need feedback.

Shadowfang out.