As much as I want it, the ownership of Inuyasha will remain forever out of my reach.

For a month this continued as a daily routine. First archery practice, which lasted longer and longer each day, and then meditation. Eventually, Kagome was manipulating her powers in the real world, rather than just her mind. Unfortunately, that began another set of commands to show her the futility of attacking Sesshomaru. It seemed that the commands programed into the cuffs were practically a dictionary. Or maybe Sesshomaru was able to make them up as he saw the need. No matter which it was, Kagome began to dream of the horrible 'accidents' that could befall both the sorcerer and daiyoukai when she was able to regain her freedom. Then Sesshomaru summoned her to his study, and Kagome learned what was really in store for her. "Miko," Sesshomaru said coldly "you are now at the point where this Sesshomaru will make use of you. From now on, you are a weapon for the western lands and will behave accordingly. When this Sesshomaru commands you to attack, you will do so without question. You will also accompany this Sesshomaru on his patrols. Make ready, because the first patrol begins tomorrow at first light. You are now dismissed."

Chapter 7: A Friendly Betrayal

Inuyasha was annoyed. That corrupt Houshi had once again conned his way into free room and board. If it wasn't for the fact that he could see the jewel shards, Inuyasha would have ditched him ages ago. Thinking about the jewel, Inuyasha growled. They had only collected a handful of shards, and all of those had been stumbled on by luck. He Needed to get Kagome back. Miroku could see the shards, when they were right on top of them, but could not sense them from far away. Besides, the wench was not a half-bad person. She had accepted him after all. Looking around at his small pack, Inuyasha noticed that the small kitsune was nervous. Why he let the little coward follow them he would never understand. He had avenged the brat's tou-san by killing the Thunder Otokos, that should have ended the relationship. Still, he remembered what it was like to be a kodomo alone in the world, so he took pity on the kitsune. But that would not mean he wouldn't make brat stronger. "What's with you runt?" Inuyasha snapped. Miroku looked up and asked in a kinder voice "Shippo, are you okay?" Shippo looked at his companions in amazement "can't you two feel it? There is a hugh youkai aura off to the west." Inuyasha jumped up, stretching his senses out as far as they would go. "Sesshomaru!" He shouted, immediately dashing out of the inn and running towards the aura. Miroku and Shippo froze for a moment, remembering the story that Inuyasha had told them regarding the daiyoukai and the young Miko that had been kidnapped. Then they began running after their friend, hoping that a rescue was in the works.

Kagome was walking behind Sesshomaru. So far she was having a hard time figuring him out. He called her his weapon, but she was hardly treated as a slave. They had been away from the shiro for two weeks and the daiyoukai always made sure that she had enough to eat, was well dressed, and was warm enough. The few times that they had come across jewel shards, he allowed her to defeat the youkai and a gather the shards. Although Sesshomaru insisted on holding them after Kagome had purified them. She was even allowed to ride Ah-Un whenever she was tired. However, he also persisted requiring absolute obedience and respect. And he continued with periodic interrogations. Just then, Kagome sensed a youkai aura, and Shikon shards. "Sesshomaru-sama, someone is coming. They have more than one piece of the Shikon No Tama." Sesshomaru raised his head and seemed to sniff the air. "Hn, the hanyou approaches. Jaken, take Ah-Un several miles away and wait." "Of course Sesshomaru-sama" Jaken said, bowing. He then began prodding Kagome with his staff. "You heard Sesshomaru-sama wench, hurry up." Sesshomaru gave the toad youkai a cold look. Had he so soon forgot the lesson that his temporary demotion had provided? "Jaken, this Sesshomaru said nothing of taking the Miko. You have been spoken to before about anticipating orders. Must the discussion be reiterated?" Jaken gulped "N-no, no, Sesshomaru-sama. Please forgive this lowly servant. I will nev..." "Jaken, leave now." The daiyoukai's cold stare and voice sent the imp scurrying. Turning his eyes to Kagome, he looked at her hopeful expression. "Do not entertain thoughts of rescue. This Sesshomaru is more than a match for the hanyou and any companions he may have gathered. While in my ifu kyodai's presence, you shall address this one as 'Master' is this understood?" Kagome stared at Sesshomaru, his demand freezing her voice. Even though he had always required she treat him as her superior, he had not treated her like this since the first days of her capture. Sesshomaru glared with obvious annoyance. "This Sesshomaru is not a patient one, slave. Do you understand your instructions?" Kagome felt tears prick her eyes, though she refused to shed them. He obviously was serious about keeping her. "Y-yes Master, I understand your instructions." Sesshomaru nodded in apparent satisfaction. "Good. Approach me." At the command, Kagome felt the familiar pull on her aura and the pain that would grow until she obeyed. Walking towards her 'Master', she wondered why he had to use the command. It is not like she would have disobeyed. Standing beside Sesshomaru, Kagome turned to face her friend.

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Inuyasha was running as fast as he could. Now that he was closer, he could pick up Kagome's calming scent mixed in Sesshomaru's stench. This time he was going to slaughter his Ifu kyodai and then he would get his frie…. er shard detector back. Coming to a stop, he saw both Kagome and Sesshomaru standing across the field. Something was wrong though. Not only was the wench not tied up, but she was armed. "So bastard, you decided that you had enough of her whining and are returning her? Come on wench, we have lost enough time already. It is time you started making up for your mistake in shattering the Shikon non Tama." Inuyasha glared when daiyoukai merely smirked. "Hardly hanyou. The Miko is now this Sesshomaru's slave and weapon. One which will now be employed." Turning to the Miko, he issued his command. "Slave, subdue the hanyou."

Kagome gasped as she heard Sesshomaru's command. He could not seriously expect her to fight her friend. Still the cuffs burned and pulled until she reluctantly raised her bow. With a soft 'I'm sorry' she charged her arrow and sent it flying to her former protector. Kagome was grateful when her friend dodged the first arrow, but the cuffs reminded her that she still had a command to fulfill. Deliberately aiming to injure rather than kill, she fired arrow after arrow. She had hoped that Inuyasha would leave after seeing her betray him. However, she had not counted on the Houshi to inform him of the spell. When Inuyasha heard the announcement that her aura was bound by Sesshomaru's, he became enraged and charged the daiyoukai. When he had closed the distance to a few yards, Kagome succeeded in hitting him the leg. A second arrow took in him the shoulder and her friend went down on one knee. Since she was only commanded to subdue him, Kagome was finally able to lower her bow. But she could not block out the pain of hurting her friend and silent tears began to stream down her face. Bowing her head, she felt Sesshomaru cup her neck in a possessive grip, his other hand coming to rest on her head. Then, he began to stroke her hair, like one would a pet that had pleased its owner.

Inuyasha was shocked when Kagome fired an arrow at him. How could the wench betray him like that? Then he heard Miroku call to him. "Inuyasha, their auras are intertwined and Sesshomaru exerts enormous pressure on the onna's. He is forcing her actions." Inuyasha snarled. Leave it to that bastard to force another to do his dirty work. He began running towards the two, determined that he would save his Miko. He was just glad the onna was such a poor shot. Unfortunately, that assumption no longer proved true, as he had to dodge arrow after arrow. When he was finally able to near his goal, he felt a pain in his leg and looked down to see an arrow sticking out of it. His distraction proved his undoing, as a second arrow took him in the shoulder. Unable to resist the purification that pulsed through the arrows, Inuyasha felt his legs buckle and fell to his knee, desperately trying the keep the injured one in a semi-upright position so that arrow would not go deeper. Looking up to glare at his Ifu kyodai, Inuyasha was shocked to see the daiyoukai possessively holding the Miko while simultaneously stroking her hair. "Stop that you bastard" he yelled "She ain't no pet."

Sesshomaru knew that the Miko would resist his command. However, what better way to hurt the hanyou than to have his own friend attack him. He was actually rather grateful to the Houshi for telling Inuyasha the reason for her attack. This distracted the hanyou and allow the Miko to take him down in fairly short order. After Inuyasha had fallen, he was not surprised at the waves of anguish the Miko was putting out. After all, she still considered the whelp a friend, and had hoped that this battle would end in her rescue. 'Hn,' Sesshomaru thought. 'Soon she will learn that her place will always be at my side'. Placing a hand on her neck and head, Sesshomaru began to stroke the Miko's hair to show her that he was pleased. This had the added bonus of enraging Inuyasha further. At the whelp's declaration that his Miko was not a 'pet', Sesshomaru decided to take the opportunity to torment him further "Indeed hanyou," Sesshomaru smirked. "The Miko is not a pet, but a slave and a weapon. However, a dull sword avails its master little. As such, this Sesshomaru rewards success as much as he punishes failure. Even when that success is coerced." As he continued to stroke the Miko's hair, Sesshomaru's attention was drawn to the second human. Stepping forward, the Houshi held up his right hand. "I cannot allow this farce to continue any longer" the Houshi declared. The, with a cry of "Kazaana" he removed the beads from his hand. Suddenly, a strong wind rose, drawing him towards the Houshi. Sesshomaru was able to anchor himself with his aura, but lost hold of the Miko. He watched as the onna flew towards the Houshi, amazed that a holy man was willing to kill an innocent to win. Then, as suddenly as the winds rose, they fell and the Houshi neatly sidestepped the flying Miko. Standing in from of the rest of the group, he once again removed the beads from his hand and began drawing everything into the void.

Sesshomaru drove his aura onto the ground, allowing him to keep a stable footing. However, he was slowly being drawn towards the Houshi's void. Looking for the Miko, Sesshomaru saw that she was out cold, a small kitsune trying to shake her awake. Deciding he would have to take care of the nuisance himself, Sesshomaru got ready to use his poison whip. However, before he could unleash his attack, a hive was thrown in front of him and a swarm of insects appeared. The insects made no effort to avoid the wind and flew straight into the void in the Houshi's hand. After a dozen or so had entered the abyss, the Houshi replaced the beads and collapsed, complaining about poison. Just as the kitsune was leaving the now-awake Miko to tend to the Houshi, Sesshomaru heard a voice from the top of the hill. "The saimyousho shall deal with the bothersome Houshi, Sesshomaru-sama." Said a figure cloaked in a white baboon pelt. "You may now end the annoying hanyou's life without inference. Consider it a gift from Naraku."

Sesshomaru kept a calm face, but inwardly he was seething. 'How dare that fool interfere with my battle?' Sesshomaru then call out his poison whip. However, rather than using it to attack Inuyasha, or even the Houshi, he made quick work of the remaining saimyousho. He then flashed to the mysterious intruder, appearing behind him in an instant. "This Sesshomaru needs no help. Especially from one so cowardly as to send a puppet in his place." With that, the daiyoukai used his claws to cut the figure in two. Soon, it had completely dissolved into earth and roots, a broken wooden doll clattering to the ground. Looking at the shocked group, Sesshomaru then addressed the Miko. "Slave, retrieve the Shikon shards that these fools carry. Since there was interference in the battle, you may purify the poison from the Houshi." Sesshomaru then walked over to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha watched as Sesshomaru approached him. He knew that he was at a disadvantage, but he would fight. He would fight for Tessaiga. He would fight for his life. But most of all, he would fight for Kagome and the rest of his pack. Inuyasha may act like he did not care, but that had always been a lie. After centuries of being alone, it felt good to belong, even if it was just for a little while. When the daiyoukai reached him, Inuyasha struggled to his feet and raised his sword. "So, despite all of the nonsense that you spew about only using you own power, you still want the Shikon no Tama? And you are a coward enough to hide behind an onna. You say that I dishonor otou-san's blood, but you are the real disgrace." Sesshomaru look at the hanyou coldly and then kicked the Tessaiga out of his hand. Back-handing Inuyasha, he knocked him onto his back and then ground his foot into the hanyou's wounded shoulder. "Seek not to judge you betters" Sesshomaru said. "This Sesshomaru needs not the Shikon. However, it poses a threat to the Western lands. As lord of that domain, this Sesshomaru is compelled to take it into custody. As for using his slave, why should such a thing be seen as a disgrace to this Sesshomaru? She is a weapon, no different than a sword. And you, hanyou, needed to be taught that she belongs to this Sesshomaru, now and forever." Turning to the Miko, Sesshomaru ordered "Finish quickly slave, the stench here turns this one's stomach, and this Sesshomaru has given more mercy than is deserved."

Kagome could not believe it when Sesshomaru gave her permission to heal the Houshi. True, she had to steal the Shikon shards, but at least he would live. Going quickly to the Houshi's side, Kagome took the bag containing the shards. She then let her healing energy wash over his body, cleansing the poison and sealing wounds. "Please forgive me Houshi-sama. I have no choice to but to obey him if I want to heal you." Leaning closer as if checking a wound, Kagome whispered in his ear. "Please have Inuyasha tell my family that I am safe. But he should not mention that I am a slave or prisoner. Just tell them that I have to travel with Sesshomaru for a time." Miroku took the onna's hands in his. "It is Kagome correct?" At her nod he continued. "You have nothing to apologize for Kagome-sama. You are bound by a spell, but still keep your heart pure. That is no mean feat. For such a strong onna, I can think of only one request" Pausing, began to stroke her bottom and then continued. "Would you please do me the honor of bearing my child?" Inuyasha groaned as Sesshomaru growled. How big of a baka could the Houshi be? Kagome slapped the Houshi as hard as she could with a cry on "Hentia". "Please forgive me" Miroku said. "I cannot control myself around such beauty." Kagome got up with a huff and walked over to Sesshomaru. "He seems to be fine now master" She said, throwing a glare at the Houshi.

While speaking to the hanyou, Sesshomaru was keeping tabs on what the Miko was doing. He would not put it past either her or the Houshi to use this chance to try breaking the bonds. Of course, they would fail, but that was not the point. However, he was intrigued when the Miko whispered about Inuyasha visiting her family. She said that she came for far away, so how would the hanyou be able to visit them? Then the Houshi had the nerve to proposition His weapon. Truthfully, if the onna had not slapped the so-called 'holy man' he likely would have gutted him for the insult. Fortunately for Inuyasha's pack, the Miko returned to his side and declared that she was done. Deciding that it was time to take their leave, Sesshomaru grabbed her arm and formed his light orb, streaking to where he could feel Jaken's aura.

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After Sesshomaru left, Miroku got up and, painfully, made his way to Inuyasha. "What were you thinking, you baka?" Inuyasha yelled. "Sesshomaru may be a bastard, but he takes being a lord seriously. Propositioning something that he has claimed as his is a suicide wish". Miroku shook his head. "I figured that Inuyasha. But Kagome-sama gave me a message and I wanted to distract him from trying to see what she was doing." Inuyasha snorted. "So what was so important that it was worth risking your life over?" Miroku sighed. "She wants you to reassure her family that she is safe. However, she does not want you to tell them what her exact position is. Only to say that she must travel with your nii-san for a time." "Humph, Ifu kyodai." Inuyasha said, turning his head. "And why should I go to that trouble after what the wench did to me?" "Inuyasha," Miroku scolded. "She had no choice. And it is the least that you can do for someone that is suffering so." "Fine." Inuyasha groaned. "But first we have to get our asses back to Edo. That is the only place that I can get to her family. Besides, Kaede baa-san has been worried about the wench. I guess we should let her know that Kagome is still alive." "Good idea." Miroku said. "Maybe she will even have some idea on how to break the spell that Sesshomaru has her under." With that, the Houshi proceeded to summon his servant, Hachi, to transport them back to Edo.

Arriving back at Edo, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo immediately went to Kaede's hut. The elderly Miko looked surprised when she saw the state that they were in and went to gather her healing herbs. As she began treating their injuries, the three travelers filled her in on the most recent events. "Tis a difficult situation indeed, Inuyasha" Kaede said, spreading unguent on his arrow wounds. "Young Kagome has no choice but to attack ye, and ye are reluctant to attack her. Whilst I have heard that it is possible to bend another's power to your own, I know not the exact mechanism the Western lord has used. As such, I cannot tell ye how to break the spell." "Keh," Inuyasha grumbled. "Fat lot of help you are, hag. So there is no way to get the wench back to normal?" Cuffing Inuyasha on the back of the head, Kaede continued with what she had been saying. "If ye will allow me to continue Inuyasha, ye must observe young Kagome and determine where the influence is stemming from. Once ye know the source of the spell, then ye can remove it." Rubbing his head, Inuyasha glared at the others in the hut. "Easy for you to say. If we are close enough to Kagome to 'observe' her, then we are close to Sesshomaru. That means that we are fighting for our lives. It is not exactly a situation where we can calmly look for the spell he is using." Standing, Inuyasha began pulling on his juban and hoari. "Now, do any of you geniuses have any idea of what I am supposed to tell Kagome's family? It's not like I can show up and say 'your musume has to stay with a heartless bastard, but she says hi.' I have to figure out some kind of lie that they will believe" Miroku glared at Inuyasha. "Kagome-sama specifically said to Not worry her family, Inuyasha. What did you tell them when she was first kidnapped?" Noting his friend's flattened ears, the Houshi sighed. "You haven't told them, have you?" Inuyasha looked at the ground. "How could I Miroku? I said that I would protect her and I failed." Shaking his head, Miroku wondered how Inuyasha could possibly think that leaving the onna's family with no information about her fate was better than the truth. "I am disappointed in you my friend. You have left them to worry and wait. However, this can serve in your favor. Since they are unaware of her kidnapping, and of what your nii-san is like, you can simply tell them that the Western Lord requires her services for a time." "Ifu kyodai." Inuyasha responded automatically. Then he turned to leave the hut. "I guess I better get this over with." Inuyasha then ran to the old well, never realizing that their discussion had an audience, or that he was being followed.

Dissolving his light orb, Sesshomaru looked around the camp that Jaken had set up. Deciding that the area was sufficient, he turned to his retainer. "This Sesshomaru has business that he must attend to. Remain here with the Miko." He then looked at the onna, who had moved over to the edge of the camp to sit down. "Miko, you will obey Jaken the same as you do this Sesshomaru. Do not use your powers until this one's return." Receiving a nod from Jaken and a 'yes master' from the Miko, Sesshomaru again formed his orb and traveled in the direction that Inuyasha and his pack had gone. If the hanyou knew the secret of the Miko's origins, then following him could prove enlightening. Touching down outside of the village, Sesshomaru shielded his aura and scent. He then jumped through the trees, trailing the whelp and his pack to the center hut. Sesshomaru settled in to listen as the elderly Miko tended wounds and the hanyou and Houshi debated on how to break the bonds on his Miko, and what should be told to her family in the meantime. Once Inuyasha left the hut, Sesshomaru ghosted behind him, never making a sound or allowing his shadow to be shown. However, he was surprised when the whelp jumped into a decrepit well. He was even more surprised when that same well glowed blue and released a powerful aura. Walking carefully to the well, Sesshomaru looked over the edge and saw that all signs of the hanyou had disappeared. Debating on whether or not he should try to follow, Sesshomaru decided that it would be too much of a risk at this point. Instead, he returned to the forest to await Inuyasha's return. It was more than 2 hours before the well once again released a flair or light and magic. Then Inuyasha jump out carrying several strange bags, and odd pieces of paper in his hair. Continue to keep his presence concealed, Sesshomaru followed him back to the elderly Miko's hut.

Inuyasha was cursing under his breath as he returned to Kaede's hut. It had taken him over an hour to convince Kagome's family that she was alright. Then he had to wait for her kaa-san to get together her 'homework'. There was not much that he could do when she foisted that, as well as some welcome supplies, on him. If he had declined to take the things to Kagome, it would have look suspicious. Then, to top off an oh so wonderful visit, the old Negi had walked in and started pelting him with those worthless sutras. Pushing his way past the matted screen, Inuyasha dropped his burden and plopped down next to the fire. "Well, it took a while, but I finally convinced them that the wench is fine." Looking at the others in the hut, Inuyasha grimaced. "I have to say though, it is a good thing that they know nothing about youkai in Kagome's era. Otherwise, my story about Sesshomaru asking her for help would never have worked. No self-respecting youkai with power would ask for a Miko to help them, and a daiyoukai even less so." Miroku looked at Inuyasha and gave a half-hearted smile. "At least it is done. But I have to wonder what you brought back? And why you have sutras in your hair?" Inuyasha cursed and started pulling the offending slips of paper out. "Kagome's jii-san is a Negi. The minute he heard that I did not have his magomusum with me he started throwing this shit my way. Fortunately he does not have enough power to purify Myouga, let alone me. As for that other crap, Kagome's kaa-san insisted on sending back the stuff from her 'skool'. Tutoring things I guess. I couldn't exactly refuse without giving away the fact that I was lying through my teeth." Gesturing to a large yellow back pack "I will just put it with her other things for now. She also sent along some dried food stuff. That, at least, will be useful." The old Miko and shard hunters continued to discuss the events beyond the well until late at night, then settled down to sleep. None of them noticed when a green mist seeped into the hut.

Sesshomaru listened with interest to the report that the hanyou gave. Much of it was matching up with the Miko had told him already, but some of it made no sense. What did the whelp mean by 'her era'? And how could a shrine family not know that youkai and Miko do not generally consort with one another? Also, the idea that a Negi would not have enough power to purify the weakest of youkai was unimaginable, unless his powers and weakened with age. No village would allow someone like that the position. Once the whelp and his pack went to sleep, Sesshomaru allowed some of his toxin to seep into the hut. He wanted to look through the things that had been brought back, and did not want to be disturbed. Going through the odd bags, the daiyoukai noticed that they were of an unusual material. And the article within were like nothing he had ever seen. Picking up one of the odd parchments, Sesshomaru noticed that it was a list of questions dealing with history. Then his eyes widened. These 'history' questions asked about times that were centuries into the future. That well was a portal through time as well as space. If it led to the Miko's home, then she was ever more valuable than she had first appeared. Tucking the set of questions into his sleeve, Sesshomaru decided it was time to return to the camp and confront the onna once and for all.

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As soon as Sesshomaru landed, Kagome stumbled over to a tree and sunk to the ground. She was physically and mentally exhausted. Lost in her thoughts about what had just happened. She barely registered that the daiyoukai had begun speaking. However, when she felt the magic of the cuffs suppress her powers, she looked up, hoping that he was not angry. Fortunately, he seemed to just be giving instructions and a simple 'yes master' was enough to appease him. After Sesshomaru had formed his orb, Kagome realized that the command had been because he was leaving. This was the first time that he had gone away since they started traveling, and he probably did not trust her to not escape. Bringing her knees to her chest, Kagome put her head down and began to think. If Sesshomaru was cruel enough to make her fight Inuyasha, what else would he do? She had not been actively trying to overcome the cuffs, wanting to give Sesshomaru time to think she would not try to escape, but it was impossible to wait any longer. She Had to get away, before he made her hurt innocent people. While trying to figure out what she could do the escape, Kagome had lost track of her surrounding (note to self, stop doing that), and so she was surprised when Jaken began poking her with his staff. "Quit lazing about, you filthy ningin. Sesshomaru-sama will expect that camp is set up properly and that you have been fed before he returns. Start gathering firewood and clearing out places to sleep." Kagome rolled her eyes, making sure that the toad youkai could not see it. That was Jaken's job and he was well aware of it. But she also knew that the little imp did not appreciate her being around, nor the fact that Sesshomaru seemed to treat her better than his retainer. Deciding that fighting Jaken would only serve to hurt her chances of escape, Kagome simply stood up and started to set up camp. After piling leaves for a bed and digging a fire pit, Kagome turned to the annoying youkai and spoke. "Jaken-san, I will need to go into the woods to gather firewood." Jaken looked up from where he was resting against Ah-Un. "Very well wench. And hunt for your dinner while you are at it. I am not going to let you waste our supplies when you are more than capable of fending for yourself. You have 1 hour. After that, I am sending Ah-Un to retrieve you." Kagome glared at Jaken. 'That jerk. 1 hour is nowhere near enough time to gather wood, hunt And get some fruits or vegetables to have a proper dinner. Not trusting herself to reply, Kagome turned on her heel and stalked into the forest. After several trips to get a decent supply of wood, Kagome took her bow and went to hunt. She was just about to shoot a small pig when voices scared it away. Cursing to herself, she decided to see who was making such a ruckus. Sneaking quietly to a small glade, she saw that there were two shonens and a young on'nanoko. To Kagome's horror, the on'nanoko was on the ground and the shonens were kicking her. Without pausing to think, Kagome rushed over to the kodomo and threw herself over her body. "Stop it. You should be ashamed of yourselves, hurt someone much smaller than you." The shonens were taken aback at the sudden interruption, but then began glaring at her. "Get out of the way wench, this is no concern of yours. That brat has been stealing from our village and we are going to teach her a lesson." Kagome stood up and put her hand one her bow. She would not be able to use her arrows at this distance, but she could use the bow to strike them. "It is my business when a bunch of cowards decide to beat a kodomo to death. I don't care what she did, there is no way that she deserves this. Besides, look at her. The poor dear is half starved." "Hmph," one of the shonens snorted. She is nothing but a worthless orphan. The village is kind enough to let her live there and work for food, but she repays us with treachery. Now move or we will give you the same treatment." Kagome put the on'nanoko behind her while lashing out with her bow. Whipping the shonens across their legs and faces, Kagome silently thanked Sesshomaru for including hand – to – hand in her training. After a few minutes of this, the shonens decided to leave. They were used to getting their own way and did not know what to do when people fought back. Kneeling down, Kagome gathered the young on'nanoko in her arms. Walking back to stream that she had passed a little while ago, Kagome began to wash he wounds and check for broken bones. "Are you ok sweetie?" Kagome said in a soothing voice. "Those shonens are gone and you're safe." Looking up at Kagome, the kodomo gave a big smile then threw herself into a hug. Giggling, Kagome hugged the on'nanoko back and asked. "What's your name?" The kodomo looked at the ground shyly and whispered 'Rin'. "Well Rin," Kagome said, reaching into the sack that she had been gathering food in. "Are you hungry?" Laughing at the vigorous nod that Rin gave, Kagome pulled out several vegetables and berries that she had gathered. "Well, I don't have much, but I am more than willing to share." As Rin began to eat, Kagome stood and gave a half-heated smile. "Rin, I have to finish hunting or Jaken is going to be very angry. " Looking at the kodomo's sad face, Kagome had an idea and pointed to the clearing they were camped in. "Listen Rin, in that direction there is a clearing where we are camped. I want you to come over there after dark. But you can't show yourself. As soon as Jaken goes to sleep, I will bring you some more food, Ok?" After Rin nodded, Kagome ruffled her hair and walked away to hunt. Finding a nest of rabbits, Kagome shot two and began to make her way back to camp. She wished that there was a way that she could get Rin out of this situation. But there was no way that Sesshomaru would let her travel with them, and Kagome would not want to expose the on'nanoko to the daiyoukai anyway. 'Oh well, at least I can make sure she has one good meal.' Kagome thought as she entered the clearing. It seemed that the Kami were smiling on her, as Jaken had fallen asleep against Ah-Un. Grateful that she would not have to put up with his annoying voice, Kagome dug a pit and then began to clean the rabbits. After burying the uneatable parts, Kagome skewered the rabbits and went over to the fire pit. Not wanting to wake Jaken to ask him to start the fire. Kagome pulled out the flint and steel Sesshomaru insisted that she carry and went to work trying to light the tinder. After several tries, Kagome had the beginnings of a cook fire and set to work preparing dinner. Just as she had put the rabbits over the fire, she heard Ah-Un growl and stand up. Surprised, Kagome looked at the dragon to see that he was staring off into the woods. Looking in that direction Kagome saw a flash of movement. Suddenly, there was an otoko standing in front of them.

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While Kagome was hunting for dinner, another type of hunt was going on several miles away. A wolf youkai was running as quickly as he could, hoping that her would be able to elude his pursuers. Unfortunately for him, a pack of wolves appearing in his path and attacked. The youkai fought hard, but was outnumbered and was brought down in short order. Then a whirlwind seemed to come out of nowhere, and another wolf youkai appeared from its center. "Well, well, finally caught you. Did you honestly think that you could get away with stealing from me?" The first youkai cringed. "I'm sorry Koga, please have mercy. I promise it won't happen again." Koga glared at the underling that had dared defy him. "Give me the Shikon shard and I might go easy on you." Trembling, the wolf youkai reached into his hoari and pulled out a shard. Placing it in Koga's outstretched hand, he said "Thank you for your mercy. I know that this is cause for banishment, so I will leave these lands at once." Koga grabbed the thief by the head. "Who said that I was going to let you go? I only said that I might go easy on you. So, since you cooperated, I will give you a quick death rather than torture." With that, Koga beheaded the thief and turned to walk away. However, a shift in the wind brought the presence of two other youkai to his attention. "Come kodomo-tachi," he said to the wolves. "I need to see who is trespassing on my territory."

Koga ran to where he smelled the new youkai scent. Stopping in a clearing, he saw that there was a two-headed dragon with toad sprawled next to it. The dragon was saddled and obviously a pet. But what really drew Koga's attention was the onna that was staring at him. She smelled of wisteria and lightning, a powerful combination. Still, he was here on business. He could sort out the onna later. "What are you fools doing in my territory" Koga demanded. The toad youkai stood up and began to sputter. "What do you mean your territory, cur? These are the Northern lands and you are definitely not the lord." Koga sent a glare to the small youkai. "I am Koga, leader of the wolf youkai tribe, and these are my hunting grounds. Now explain yourself before you become my latest prey." The toad youkai picked up a strange staff and began to advance on Koga, when the onna spoke.

Kagome had slowly backed away from the wolf youkai. With her powers sealed, she would only be able to rely on ordinary arrows, so she wanted as much room as possible to shoot. During the argument between Koga and Jaken, the young Miko was carefully studying her opponent. Then, as Jaken began to advance on the wolf, Kagome suddenly realized why she was feeling so nervous. "Jaken-san, wait." Kagome cried. "He has a shard in his right arm and one in both legs." Koga looked up after she yelled and gave her a penetrating look. "Very good onna. Tell me, how did know where my shards are? Not even my tribe knows where I have placed them." Kagome gulped and moved closer to Ah-Un. She had a feeling that this was not going to end well. As she was trying to come up with an excuse that did not mention her powers, Jaken opened his big mouth (err, beak). "That ningin belongs to Sesshomaru-sama. Of course the greatest of the four cardinal lords would have someone that can see the Shikon No Tama shards." Koga whistled, signaling the wolf pack to join him. As the wolves surrounded the trio, he spoke. "Belongs to Sesshomaru, huh. I've heard of him. He may rule the Western lands, but he has no business here. And everything on this territory belongs to me. Give up the onna and I will not have my wolves use you as chew toys." When Jaken activated the Nintoujou, sending a burst of flames towards Koga, the wolves began their attack. Jaken was fighting desperately, and Ah-Un tried to protect her, but Kagome soon found herself in Koga's arms. "Tell Sesshomaru that I thank him for his generosity." With that, Koga ran off, leaving several dead wolves and an injured toad.

Oh dear what can the matter be. Seven old ladies… Oops, sorry, old camp fire song (which I do not own either). I mean, oh dear, Inuyasha has now learned Kagome's fate. And Sesshomaru knows Kagome's secret now and intends to get the entire story from her. However, Kagome may be lucky if she is able to tell that story, since she is now in Koga's hands. And what will happen to Rin if she shows up at the camp, but her benefactor is not around?