3 Weeks Later

The weather was unnaturally warm for this late in the fall, but it served the St. Pius girls' field hockey team perfectly for their mid-season barbecue. A kind of morale-booster, as Emma had phrased it, though honestly, it was more of a show on her part of goodwill towards the other families she'd been getting to know better. And would continue getting to know. Such a small community as St. Pius didn't lend itself well to her trademarked one-woman wolfpack modus operandi, and her coaching position was a perfect jump-off to send the old persona packing. Right now, it was still at the 'noble effort' level, but Emma definitely thought things were improving.

The players were running around, trying to be helpful, while the parents and relatives did the actual work. Except for Ruby, of course. She was sharing a large flannel blanket, and fruit salad, with the school's new health teacher, Victor Whale. A smarmy looking sort, but Emma was reserving judgment until she got to know him better. A mouthwatering aroma of hot dogs and burgers rose into the air from their staked spot in Franklin Park, and the upbeat sounds of Queen drifted out from the old radio that had been tuned in to WZLX, intermingling with little-girl shrieks.

Emma had Henry assisting her as the chief grillmaster, when she felt him nudge her in the side.

"Your boyfriend's here."

"Henry, what did I tell you about that? Killian's just…someone I get along with, and we hang out sometimes. No labels."

He gave a truly award-worthy eyeroll. "Okay, Mom. A man that you know, who's also a friend, that you kiss and hold hands with, is here." He raised an eyebrow. "You know, 'boyfriend' is way easier to say."

"Alright, Grand Master Sass, you can take a break from grilling duties. Don't wander too far."

"Thanks!" He took off in the direction of the pond.

"Hey, beautiful," a deep voice purred in her ear.

She whirled around. "Hey yourself," she said starting to lean towards him, when a small throat clearing startled them both. They looked down.

"Don't mind me," Gwen grinned broadly up at them. "Pretend I'm not even here."

"We'll do better than pretend," Killian shot back, giving her a prod on the shoulder. "Go play with your friends. Or eat. Just—give us some grown-up talk time."

"You don't have to water things down for me, Dad, I can take it. Just tell me to leave because you want to snog your girlf—"

"Off you go!" he said, turning her around. "March!"

She obliged, shaking her head at them as she went.

"You know," Emma said, pointing the spatula at Killian, "I could tell she was exceptionally bright, but I hadn't noticed just what a lip she's got on her. It's okay," she continued when he looked about to say something. "Henry's got the same…wit." She moved to turn back to food duties. "I'm sure you'll pick up on that soon enough."

"Aye?" he said, lips brushing her ear as he turned her back towards him by her hips. "Quite sure of us spending more time together, are you?"

She smirked, recognizing her own words coming back at her. "Actually, yes," she said, linking her fingers loosely through his belt loops. "I'm quite confident on that front lately."

It felt strange. Strange but good, these past few weeks. Upon Emma's insistence that she didn't know how to do relationships, Killian had decided he'd be the one to show her what she'd been missing all these years, both the silly and the serious.

She hadn't been lying. Swan certainly was a challenge, but Killian thought he was proving an equal match to her. The day after their first date had been a workday for him, and once he was off the boat, the sky had already gone from fiery pink to a deep purple. And by the time he'd arrived home and ordered some dinner for himself and Gwen, he decided not to call. He didn't think their…whatever it was at this stage was at the point of receiving late phone calls on school nights.

He'd called the next day. Several times, in fact. And the day after that. No answer, no return call.

One day wasn't cause to wonder, but two days of radio silence? She was avoiding him, no doubt in his mind. Well, she could only run for so long, because practice was the next day, and he planned to be a very attentive parent spectator.

Emma had at least had the decency to look embarrassed when she spotted him loping over from the parking lot. After she'd organized the girls into some drill or other (he was hopeless at naming all those bloody maneuvers, having been focused on the coach primarily since the first practice), she came over.


"Been busy, Swan?"

She fidgeted. "I'm…sorry, Killian. I just, I was drunk, and I pushed too fast—"

He took her by the elbow, discreetly, on the arm not facing the few biddies that had come to roost for the afternoon. "You weren't that inebriated. What's bothering you? Is it because you kissed me?"

A pretty flush stole over her cheeks. "Maybe. It's just…new."

"Emma." He guided them both over to the bench in front of the players practicing, pulled her down next to him. "I told you I wouldn't push anything before you were ready. And I meant it. Think I was pulling your leg?"

"No. No, it's me…"

Killian leaned back. "Am I actually getting the 'it's not you, it's me' sod-off speech?"

"No!" For a minute, she seemed to forget where they were as she reached out and gripped his damaged hand tightly. He noticed a few glances their way, but didn't move a muscle, as though some rare tropical bird had just decided to alight upon his head.

"Killian," she said, lowering her voice. "I don't want you going anywhere."

He felt a leap in his chest, the tension roll out of his shoulders. "Truly?"

"Yeah. I was just kind of surprised with myself. The way I felt…after the date."

Well, at least she was calling it a date, that must be progress, he thought before she continued.

"I felt like a…like a goddamned teenager. I wanted to call you the next day, but then I remembered you were working, and isn't the guy supposed to call first? But then you did call, and I was nervous I'd say something stupid."

"Stupid? Such as?"

"Like…like ask you to see a movie, or get coffee, or…I don't know. Mostly, I…I just wanted to see you and… kiss you again." She looked down, pulling at a hangnail.

Killian bit his lip. He would've laughed at the whole comedy of errors, if Swan hadn't looked so mortified. He took his chances, and slid his hand back into hers.

"Swan," he said gently, an edge of amusement in his tone. "That's what people do when they want to go on another date. When they like someone."

"Well, I don't know!" she burst out, stopping herself when she noticed some of the girls look over. "I told you I was bad at this relationship nonsense."

"Not bad," he said, leaning closer, bringing them shoulder-to-shoulder. "Just out of practice. But," he grinned down at her, "I have a feeling it's going to be fun re-learning the basics with you, eh?"

"The basics?"

He settled a hand lightly against her lower back, out of view of prying eyes. "Aye. Not ready for the advanced league yet, Swan. But I'm game when you are."

And so he had. At least what he deemed to be "basics". Truthfully, Killian didn't feel much more clued in to the world of dating than Emma. He felt woefully out of practice too, but he didn't want her to know that. She was looking to him for some sort of guidance, after all. During the weekdays, they'd gone for frozen yogurt, and yes, a movie, but for the weekend, he was already forming a bigger plan.

"Ever actually gone fishing, Swan?" he asked in one of their evening phone conversations.

"Foster home living usually isn't concerned with rounding out your extracurricular activities."

"Well…I want to change that. Fishing, Swan. Saturday morning. Come to the same dock you did for our dinner date."

"Do I need to bring anything?"

"Warm clothes and the realization that you'll probably smell like a tuna by day's end."

She giggled. "Sexy."

"You don't know what that word on your lips does to me, woman."

"Knock it off, loverboy."

It had been a blast. Well, Killian had had a blast seeing that Emma was having one. He'd accosted Liam for this mission to run the boat while Killian was the one helping with the fishing part of the trip. She actually hadn't done bad (though she'd had his help), catching a modest-sized haddock, and crowed about it the remainder of the day. After lunchtime, a restlessness had settled over them, and after one too many Sam Adams Oktoberfests, they were racing around the boat as though they were no older than their children. Killian had insisted that there was no better place to act out the famous Titanic scene, and since she needed more romance in her life….Emma had, of course, adamantly refused. This led to a boat-wide chase, Killian laughing, Emma shrieking and evading him, and Liam giving Killian the throat-gagging motion every time he made a lap past him.

Once the beginnings of sunset started to show on the horizon, Liam guided them into port. When Emma went to thank him for his help for the day, he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

"Tis I who should be thanking you, lass."

She stared at him. "Why?"

He angled his head towards Killian, who was packing up their catches for the day. "Any lady who can make my little brother titter like a sodding schoolboy all day deserves my respect." He leaned in, winked in a manner exactly like Killian's. "And my sympathy."

She smiled.


"Emma, I…actually wanted to ask you something. A favor, really." He toyed with one of his pendants.

"So serious, Jones. Problem?"

"No, no problem exactly. Just maybe…pushing the boundaries of taking things slow. In your opinion."

She moved her hands up, held onto his biceps. "Well, out with it."

He looked down, tracing some pattern into the jeans on her hip. "Thanksgiving is next week, you know."

"I'm well aware."

"I've never been one for celebrating the American holidays, or anything, but I thought it might be a good opportunity to, you know…have the whole gang, so to speak…"

"Killian, are you asking my tiny family to get together with your tiny family to gorge on turkey for the day?"

He avoided her eyes. "The thought had crossed my mind."

She laughed, and he looked up, surprised. "Usually we just get together with Ruby and Granny for something small. An actual Thanksgiving-sized…Thanksgiving could be nice. And it's not like our two hoodlums don't know what's going on." She frowned for a moment. "But our apartment is pretty small. I mean, our table's barely handled four in the past. Can't imagine how seven would work."

"You know, love, I have a house. And a dining room complete with a dining table."

"Are you inviting us over, Killian Jones?"

"Perhaps. If you're good."

She slid her hands over his shoulders, linked them around his neck. "I accept. As long as Ruby and Granny can come."

He made a face in Ruby and Victor's direction. "Must I invite that ponce as well?"

She leaned forward to nip his lip. "Be nice."

"Found you!"

Henry's head jerked up from the soccer game he was playing on his phone, turning around and giving Gwen the stink eye.

"Do you have to do that every time?"

She ignored that, came and plopped herself next to him on the bench.

"So, how about you help me with my math problems next week at Thanksgiving?"

His eyes narrowed at her. "What're you talking about?"

"My dad thinks he's sneaky, but I'm pretty sure he's inviting you guys over for Thanksgiving dinner next week."

He shrugged. "If that's the case, sorry kid. I'm a tutor. Everyone knows teachers and tutors don't work holidays."

She looked a bit miffed at first, but then settled herself more comfortably, let her legs swing above the grass.

"S'alright. You guys'll be coming over more soon anyways."

Henry turned, raised an eyebrow at her. "And how do you know all this? Are you a psychic, or what, ki—Gwen? No offense, but how do you know how long this'll last?"

Gwen looked over the back of the bench. Emma and Killian were still talking, too far away for her to hear. Not that she needed to. Their hands were on each other's waists, their noses bumping, foreheads touching. Smiling.

She turned back. "Oh, I have a feeling they're gonna be awhile."

A/N: Thanks for all of you who came along on my 1st CS FF adventure! I really appreciate the support.