
A meeting, of sorts

Jackson Andrews was a hunter (of the animal kind), he hunted for his family, to feed them. He was also very religious, he prayed to angels, and God, when he caught something, thanking them for the food.

Jackson loved bird, it was his favorite to hunt, so he want going to pass of the opportunity to shoot one.

He took aim at the bird, and, just as he fired, a larger winged shape flew in front of the bird, the bullet caught it instead, causing the creature to plummet towards the ground.

Jackson ran towards the shape, and screeched to a halt as the clearing it had crashed in came to view.

Lying in the center if the clearing was an angel. It had huge black, red and silver wings spread out behind it and was wearing only a pair of black pants. His skin was pale and seemed to shine with a light of its own, a powerful light that made it hard to look at him.

Jackson was stunned, so stunned that he almost didn't notice the bloody wound in the angels left leg, slowly leaking blood on to the ground.

The angel sucked in a breath, his eyes rolling beneath the lids. They opened slowly, taking in his surroundings, and Jackson, who had fallen to his knees in shock.

Jackson's mouth opened and closed several times before he managed to speak.

"I just shot an angel," He whispered, eyes wide, "I shot an angel of The Lord. In the leg. With a rifle. I'm going to hell."

The angel sat up, blinking slowly. He looked up at Jackson, frowning.

The angel opened his mouth and Jackson braced himself to be told that he was damned, for the angel to smite him, anything but what he actually heard. The angel looked at Jackson's rifle, scrunched up his eye brows, and said, "is that a Winchester?"

Jackson started, glancing down at the forgotten rifle. "Uh, yeah, it is, I, uh. Sorry." He stuttered, trying to understand the situation.

"For what?" The angel asked, the ghost of a smile flickering across his face.

"I...I, uh, kinda, um... Sorta shot you?" Jackson stuttered.

"Oh," the angel said, trying to stand, "that's fine, I'll just... ah." The angel slumped back to the ground, wings flapping awkwardly.

"Little help here?" He asked.

Jackson just stared. He was still staring when a second angel landed beside the first, a pair of golden wings flapping as he landed.

"What did you get yourself into this time." He second angel asked, worry lacing his tone.

"I'm fine, Gabriel, just got shot, I'll be fine, it's not an angel blade." The first one said.

"Gabriel? like the archangel?" Jackson peeped. This was way out of his league.

"Uh, yeah." Gabriel said, "I'm Gabriel, this is..." He paused oft a second, "Sammiel"

"Oh." Jackson whispered, awestruck.

"Please excuse him." Gabriel said happily, gesturing to Sammiel "he's only two million years old, barely more than a fledgling, this is his first time on Earth."

"I'll, uh, I'll go then." Jackson stuttered, turning.

Gabriel beamed at him. "You do that!"

Jackson ran off faster than Gabriel thought was possible.

"Well. That was interesting." He said after Jackson fled into the bushes. Quickly snapping away the wings he had created for Jackson to see, Gabriel watched him flee into the woods. Sam glanced up at him, one eyebrow raised.

"Sammiel? Really?"

"What?" Gabriel demanded, "it was the first thing I thought of."

Sam rolled his eyes, sighing. "Just fix the damn bullet hole."

Gabriel laughed and placed a hand over the injury, healing it with a touch.

Gabriel smirked, standing. "Come on Sammiel, lets go."

"It's Sam!"

AN- That was a relief to get posted finally. This was getting on my nerves.

For those of you reading Dead, or not; I will continue to update that as well, only slower than this one, cause I know people will read this.

Actual chapters will be longer. My prologues and final chapters tend to be shorter, but I try to make all the middle chapters at least 1k.