A/N: So there is about 2 chapters left after this one and if some of you haven't already you should check out my new story 'I Hope You Let Your Intuition Precede My Reputation'. Anyway, please review and I hope you like it.

"So, what are you going to do with all you're money San?" Brittany asked, they had just come out of the second meeting where Santana was awarded another five million dollars for the hiding of evidence when she was hit by Matt.

To say she was overwhelmed was an understatement, she had never had this much money in her life. She hadn't even ever thought she would have this much money in her life but sometimes life throws you a curveball and now here she is with a big load of cash.

"I'm gonna do what I planned to do three years ago" Santana replied.

"And what's that?"

"I'm gonna ask Quinn to marry me"

As she heard these words Brittany squealed in excited and lunged in to hug Santana tightly. Santana was a little taken back by the sudden force of Brittany but wrapped her arms around the blonde to return the hug nonetheless.

"I'm so happy for you San, if there is anyone who deserves all of this it's you" Brittany said once she let go of Santana.

"Thanks Britt, do you think she'll say yes?" Santana asked, she was still incredibly nervous about asking Quinn wondering if it was too soon for them since Quinn was just fresh out of an engagement already.

"Of course she will! She loves you more than anything Santana" Brittany replied back. There was no doubt in her mind that Quinn would say yes. If there was a couple that was meant to be together, it was Quinn and Santana.

"I hope so. I've waited a long time for this"

Brittany smiled at Santana warmly, she hated that Santana had gone through so much but now everything was getting back on track for her and she loved that.

"Are you going to get a new ring or stick with the one you've got?" Brittany asked.

This was where Santana wasn't sure, she definitely had the money to buy Quinn a new, expensive ring but she fell in love with the one she bought the first time. It was simple and elegant and it just spoke Quinn to her.

"I think I'm going to stick with the one I have."

"I'm glad you said that, Quinn would love any ring you got her but that ring was perfect for her"

Santana smiled at Brittany's comment, it calming her nerves slightly.

"So, where are you going to do it?"

Santana chuckled at Brittany, it was like she was playing 20 questions.

"I think I'm going to do it in our apartment" Santana replied.

It had been about a month since the last meeting in which Santana won the case against Matt and was granted ten million dollars and from then Quinn and Santana had found the perfect apartment for them. Santana could afford a great place in the city so the money wasn't a problem although Quinn did protest at first that she wanted to help pay for it Santana beat her down saying that Quinn can help with other stuff. She wanted them to be able to live comfortably and she had seen Quinn's face as soon as they walked in, Santana saw how Quinn fell in love with it and that was the deal breaker for Santana.

They had moved in two weeks ago, with most of their stuff unpacked they were finally living the life they had meant to all along.

Another great thing was that Quinn had gone back to school to finish law school, when Santana had gotten into the accident she had stopped altogether because she just couldn't focus on it when Santana was lying in that hospital bed and when she was with Matt she was playing the role of the 'politicians wife' or fiancé rather, but now she wanted to finish it. She wanted a career she was proud of and not to just sit at home all day like she did with Matt, she did not want to be her mother.

Speaking of Judy, both her and Russell were not happy that she had left Matt, they specifically said "You can get past it Quinn, he is a good man" even though Quinn had told them all about how he drunkenly hit Santana with his car and lied to cover up what he had done. Quinn didn't really know what she was expecting from them, they had never been fond of her relationship with Santana and they most likely never would. They acknowledged it but they just didn't accept it. Quinn didn't care though, well she did a little but she wasn't going to let it stop her.

It wasn't just Quinn who had a career set in mind for her, Santana too had a job lined up. Santana didn't want to be one of those wealthy people who did nothing for a living she wanted to do something. So she started volunteering with a group who helped kids get off the street. She didn't need money and this way she could help people.

"Whatever you do, Quinn will love it" Brittany said back to her. Brittany was sure that Quinn would still be just as happy if Santana proposed to her at a burger king.

"Quinn will love what?" Quinn's voice spoke up as she walked up to the two girls.

"Nothing" Brittany quickly replied.

Quinn eyed her for a second but then let it go and turned towards Santana. "Sorry I've been gone for so long, the bathroom line was huge"

"It's alright babe" Santana smiled at her favourite blonde as she intertwined her fingers with Quinn's.

"So, have you two got any plans for tonight?" Brittany asked.

"I'm not sure" Quinn shrugged.



"I don't know, I just assumed that you would be having sex on a big pile of cash" Brittany responded casually like it was the first thing someone would do when they had that amount of money.

"You know what, that sounds like a perfect idea" Santana replied, smirking at the thought. "If you'll excuse us Britt"

Quinn chuckled at this.

"See you guys later" Brittany waved as the two girls walked, well practically ran out of the room.

"Well fuck that was fun" Santana panted as she rolled of Quinn.

Quinn grinned lazily at the brunette as she turned on her side and placed her arm over Santana's waist and her head into the crook of Santana's neck. Santana's arm responded fast and went around Quinn's waist to bring her in closer.

"Definitely, my legs are going to feel like jelly for the rest of the day"

Santana smirked at that, it was a great little ego boost.

"I don't know how I'm going to cope at school today" Quinn commented, she had to go into law school for a couple hours later on.

"Well, I'll be here waiting for when you get back" Santana replied.

"In bed? Naked and waiting?"

"If you want" Santana winked at the blonde.

Quinn grinned at her girlfriend, she was beyond happy right now. She was back with Santana and it felt like this was what was supposed to happen in her life. The three years apart that they had were now long gone and they could just be who they were meant to. They had the rest of their lives to look forward to and she loved that.

"I love you" Quinn said, she could never say that enough to Santana.

Santana smiled, "I love you too".

It was later on when Quinn was out at school when Santana got up and got out everything for tonight. After her talk with Brittany a few days ago she finally realised the way she wanted do it all. She was going to propose to Quinn in their apartment on the balcony overlooking Central park. It was Quinn's favourite part about the apartment and Santana's too, definitely the perfect place for her to do this.

She had sprinkled rose petals all over the floor with an isle clear to lead her to the balcony and then she had lit some candles to make the place look romantic. Also since it would be dark by the time Quinn would get home they would be able to see all of the lights in the city, they had the perfect view to do this.

She had everything set up she had on a beautiful dress which she knew that Quinn loved on her and glasses of champagne were out and ready on the balcony all she needed was for her gorgeous girl to get home.

Once she heard the door open Santana's heart began to beat ten times faster.

She heard a quiet "Oh my God" come from Quinn's mouth which made Santana smile. As she heard footsteps come closer and closer Santana turned around to face the open door which Quinn was now coming through.

Santana saw the shocked look on Quinn's face.

"San? What's going on?" Quinn asked, still shocked to her core at what was happening.

Santana grinned, and since she didn't have a speech prepared she began to speak from the heart. She crouched down on one knee and as she did this Quinn's hands flew over her mouth in surprise and she gasped.

"Quinn, ever since Mr Schues not so wedding you have been the girl who captured my heart and ever since then I have never regretted a day that I've spent with you. Sure, we've had our fights but they have always resulted in some hot make up sex"

That made Quinn chuckle.

"Anyway, I've never really been good with giving speeches but you are the love of my life Quinn Fabray and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to build a life with you, I want to have kids with you, grandkids, I want everything but most of all I want you to be my wife. So, Quinn Fabray, will you marry me?"

Santana lifted the small box and presented the ring to Quinn. She saw a tear fall out of Quinn's eyes as she saw the ring and that was when Santana knew that she made the right decision to go with the original ring.


"Yeah?" Santana had to ask twice as she stood up.

"Yes Santana, of course I'll marry you" Quinn lunged for her now fiancé and hugged her tightly.

Happiness erupting from both of them right now as Santana wrapped her arms around Quinn's waist and picked her up and spun her around. When she put Quinn down she stepped back slightly from Quinn.

"This is yours" Santana got the ring from the box and as Quinn placed her hand out Santana put the ring on Quinn's finger.

"It's so beautiful" Quinn couldn't believe this was happening, she had thought that life couldn't get any better than it was just hours ago but now, she was on cloud nine, and that was all down to her fiancé in front of her.

"I know that I could now by you a better one but when I bought this three years ago all I thought about when I saw it was you"

"I love it Santana and I love you" Quinn grinned as she wrapped her arms around Santana's neck.

Santana arms placed around Quinn's waist.

"I love you too. So, how about we go and celebrate this the proper way" Santana suggestively said giving Quinn her signature smirk.

"What do you have in mind?" Quinn responded, knowing exactly what Santana was talking about.

"I'm thinking we head over to the bedroom and I show you what I have in mind"

"Well, lead the way, fiancé" Quinn loved calling Santana that.

"God, I love hearing you call me that" Santana responded.

"Fiance" Quinn repeated once again and as she heard this Santana lunged forward and connected her lips to Quinn's, nothing could take away the happiness they were both feeling right now. She was finally about to get her happy ending.