Ok so this sort of came to me one night … Alternative Universe

Felicity Smoak – It at QC as always

Oliver Queen – Arrow

Diggle – Diggle

Roy – will play Felicity's half-brother from their mom's side, I have included Donna who lives in the glades with Felicity and Roy.

And all other characters are the same … Tommy is alive

All the events of the island happened just twisting how Oliver and Felicity meet.

To sort of Summarise it … Felicity is attacked the Hood saves her, the Hood keeps showing up in her life, she too finds herself needing the Hood, she falls in love with the Hood long before she finds out his identity but the question is how does she feel when she finds out Oliver is aka Arrow and will she love him all the same.

Felicity Smoak parked on the curb near the convenience store to pick up a few items for dinner. Once she had finished her shopping she rushed to her car, the hairs on her back standing up. She felt like she was being watched the entire time in the shop by some guys, fiddling with her key with a sense of panic ringing through her body she dropped them. Her hands trembled as she tried to find the key to unlock her car, she knew she should have saved up for another couple of months to get a car that can be unlocked with a button but her brother had convinced her to get a car especially with working late hours and the buses being dangerous through the glades at that time.

"Where you going beautiful" Felicity heard behind her, her body stiffened as she finally found the key and unlocked her car, she knew she was scared because you could tell which one was a car key from a mile away but her hands who were always as steady as a surgeon shook uncontrollably.

As she opened the door to her car one of the men slammed it shut. "Don't want to stay and play Blondie" Felicity stood still trying to work what to do. She could feel that there was more than one, she clutched her bag and shopping and hit the man who slammed the door with it. Her bag and shopping fell on the floor, all items spilling on the floor, as she pushed past them and made a run for it. She kicked off her heels and clutched them as she made a run. She could hear them yelling and running after her.

Her breathing begun to pick up, she knew she should head to the gym and lay off the burgers. As an arm grasped her waist pulling her into a dark alleyway she began to scream for help. As the man in dark jeans and a hoody who had grasped her around the waist placed his other hand around her mouth to shut out her screams his friend pulled out a knife showing it to her. "Scream and I'll cut your throat" the man with the knife said as the third guy held her arms back as the guy with the knife used it to cut her dress open. Felicity tried to fight off the men, she bit the man's hand covering her mouth and tried kicking the man standing in front of her with the knife.

She had never really believed that adrenaline and fight or flight what happened because she was never in a situation but now she did anything and everything to fight off her attackers.

Suddenly from out of nowhere an arrow flew in their direction pinning the man with the knife down. The other men froze as they looked around from where the arrow came from, the man with the dark jeans and black hoody gripped Felicity tighter against him shielding him from the danger out there. Another arrow flew towards the man that had let go of Felicity's arms falling backwards groaning in pain.

The Hood the city's very on vigilante zip lined down the alleyway drawing his bow to the guy holding Felicity. The hood noticed the tears that streamed down Felicity's cheeks, he noticed her ripped dress exposing her bra and cold body too him.

"Let her go and I might let you live" the Hood said his voice deep and growly through the modulator.

"Don't make me laugh, maybe if you leave I'll have my way with her and maybe not kill her" the man laughed as he licked Felicity's neck earning shivers and sobs from Felicity.

The Hood then drops his arrow; he can see the desperation and the sadness that elicits in her eyes when she thinks he isn't going to save her. The Hood then pulls out one of his explosive arrows and aims near the wall where they stand.

The man begins to laugh "You missed" he hissed at him.

"I never miss" the Hood growls.

As the arrow explodes it sends Felicity and her attacker flying forward. Felicity hits her head against the concrete she can feel the darkness pulling her under as her eyes flicker she is able to see the Hood single handily take down her attack, he takes two arrows out and jams it into each one of her attackers legs. Her hands tremble as she tries to cover herself but her vision becomes blurry and darkness caves her.

The Hood walks towards the small figure his hand cups her cheek examining her for any injuries. Unable to wake her from unconsciousness and find out where she lives he does the only thing he can think of, he lifts her into his arms like it is nothing and takes her to a safe place.

Felicity woke up a few hours later, her body laid stiff and her neck ached, she could feel something cold scraping parts of her exposed skin adding shivers and goose bumps. She blinked a few times attempting to see clearer and take in her surroundings, she knew she was lying down on something, something cold her eyes met a concrete ceiling, the room was dark, pretty dark she could only see shadows of the things that were in the room. She rose carefully feeling a headache forming she looked down at herself noticing that she no longer was in her dress that she had worn to work. Memories of what had happened with her three attackers invaded her memory, she skimmed over what she was now wearing a pair of grey tracksuit bottoms which had been rolled up on her waist and her legs and she wore a dark blue t-shirt. She wrapped her fragile arms around herself panic taking over; she had no clue where she was. Once she stood up her bare feet meet the cold ground, she shuffled slowly looking around the dark room, searching for edges something to show her a way out.

"You're awake" a deep voice says starling Felicity.

Felicity stared at the dark figure who hid in the shadows at the end of the room the light did not reflect on him at all but she saw the edges. She takes steps back slowly afraid.

"I'm not going to hurt you" the voice says.

"That's what every kidnapper says, not going to hurt you if you do as I say and somehow the victim always ends up not doing what the kidnapper says and they end up getting hurt" she says in one breath walking back slowly as she notices the figure walk slowly towards her.

"I don't know if you remember but you were attacked I …"

"Saved me and then kidnapped me for yourself" Felicity said bitterly.

"No, you were unconscious I couldn't leave you in the alleyway"

"Will you let me go, my brother will be freaking out" Felicity says her arms wrapped tightly around her waist her lip bitten trying to hide her fear.

"Of course, I parked your car and collected the items from your bag, everything is there once I get you to your car you can head home"

"Thank you" Felicity stares at the place she is in looking for clues as to where she is. "Usually the hood goes after the 1%s of the city who are corrupt and what not, you don't usually save girls from being attacked"

"I heard you scream, I wasn't prepared to not do anything they deserved a lot more than arrows in them" the voice said through the modulator.

Of course Felicity thought the Hood was a murderer everyone thought so, "Did you kill them?" she asks as her teeth clench together.

"No, but it's what they deserved"

"No I don't think I could of lived with the idea of you killing them because they attacked me, yes they are monsters but that's someone's life I … thank you for not killing them" Felicity was always a strong believer in redemption and humanity, she believed that there was good in everyone and that you just needed to know where to look. She valued human life even if some humans didn't deserve it.

"You are thanking me for not killing your rapists" he hissed.

"Please don't call them that they didn't …"

"They wanted to, they were close if I hadn't been there they would have"

"Can you take me to my car please" she begs tears now forming in her eyes as she recalls them gripping her touching her, groping her, kissing her and managing to get her dress off.

The Hood notices the tears he knew all too well that she was reliving what had happened. He held out a pair of socks for her which caught her attention from recalling the night's earlier events. Once she put them on she tucked the tracksuit bottoms into the socks finally getting rid of the cold feeling against her toes.

The Hood then held out her dress to her, a crystal blue dress she had got from a charity store she had fallen in love was no completely ruined. All it took was a shook of her head for the Hood to understand that she did not want it.

"I am sorry but can I?" the Hood says holding out a blindfold and some ear muffs.

Felicity bites her lip but nods giving him permission to tie the blindfold on and put the ear muffs on. She was terrified she had read about the vigilante being a crazy cold bloodied killer but in this moment all she knew was he had saved her from the worst thing imaginable that could ever happen to her and she felt like she could weirdly trust him.

The Vigilante lifting her in his arms Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck and casually laid her head on his shoulder not caring how long until they reach her car or that he is a complete stranger. She feels safe in his arms and all she wants to is sleep for eternity. The Hood smiles to himself when she places her head on his shoulder, he was caught off guard at first by the gesture but could tell she trusted him and was exhausted. Once he reached her car which was not parked that far away, he placed her into the passenger's seat. He got into the driver's seat and started the car, it was coming up to 2 o clock in the morning and the Glades were packed on this Friday night.

The Hood noticed that she did not make a sound the entire journey but just held her knees close to his chest. He needn't see her face to know she felt scared and vulnerable. He drove for a short while coming to a stop on a dark street where there was no one else around. He exited the car and opened the door and helped her out.

He could not comprehend what was happening at this moment, the quietness of the situation how he found the strength in himself to help her this much, he knew he should have called the police and the ambulance and wait in the alleyway until they shown up. However when faced with her unconscious timid body every instinct took over to help her.

He walked her to the driver's side of the car never letting go of her hand, he took the ear muff off "You are safe, can you get in and drive yourself home?" he asks not yet removing the blindfold.

"Yes" Felicity answers and the Hood removes the blindfold.

She blinks several times once she realises they are in a dark street she stops and looks back at him yet again seeing edges but nothing else. Felicity swallows a couple of times, "Thank you for saving me I don't know what I would have done" she swallows again fighting tears.

The Hood places a hand on her shoulder a gesture of support and understanding. "Thank you I can never thank you enough or repay you …" she says.

"I am glad that you are safe, you owe me nothing" the voice modulator says.

"I …" tears begin to sparkle out of her eyes as she shakes her head at herself.

"You were brave, you fought not most people could do that against three larger men than yourself"

"Thank you for showing up to my rescue" she smiles, "May I?" she asks holding her hands inches away from his face.

The Hood nods.

Felicity cups his face she runs her thumbs against his cheeks although she cannot see a single thing she smiles because she can tell he has good bone structure. She leans in a kisses him gently on the mouth leaving Starling City's vigilante very stunned.

"Oh My please tell me you don't have a girlfriend would you believe me if I say I genuinely meant to kiss you on the cheek" she was so glad it was dark and he could not see how much of a tomato she turned into.

"I do not have a girlfriend, goodnight Miss Smoak" The Hood says as he wraps his hands around her wrists gently giving them a squeeze and then removing them from his face.

"Goodnight Mr Arrow"

"Arrow" the Hood says confused.

"You are not at all what the papers make you out to be, the Hood very vigilanty if that is even a word, but tonight the vigilante did not save me, Starling City's Hero did the Arrow so thank you" she says with such pride as she gets into her car. "Wait" she says to him "Your clothes"

"Keep them" he shoots an Arrow zip line which pulls him of the ground onto a building. The Hood had not smiled so genuinely in a long time once on the building he watched as she drove off, taking his glove off he ran his fingers across his lips trying to savour her taste.

The Hood followed her room to ensure she got their safely, whoever this Felicity Smoak person was it had him intrigued and a part of him now felt responsible for keeping an eye on her.

Ok so let me know what you guys think and if I should continue or if it's a terrible idea and I need to shut this baby down pronto hehe