It was an irritation. An irritation that started very small then grew to be an even bigger irritation. An irritation that showed up when you least expected it. An irritation that when you thought it was over it showed up again. An irritation that made you want to throw it out the window.

That irritation was Barry Madison.

It started out being a joke that made everyone laugh. Then it slowly grew to fewer people laughing. Then several people joined in on the fun and helped him become that irritation making them an additional irritation. But mostly it was Barry who was the irritation. it was his idea. It was always his idea.

It started out on a day where nothing was going on, half the team was out on their own missions and others were hanging out around the tower. There was no chaos, no harassment, no threats, nothing. It was the calm before the storm.

It started with Thor and Jane.

They were sitting in the communal kitchen of the compound, enjoying a cup of coffee together. Well, Jane was enjoying coffee while Thor was chugging his and stuffing his face with a sandwich. Jane found his lack of table manners at times charming. He was a big goof, but when it came down to it he could eat without shoving a whole sandwich half in his mouth or get crumbs everywhere. It was just that when he felt like it he would eat like he's never seen food before.

The astrophysicist was explaining her recent project to the god of thunder, who was listening with all his focus on her. He always enjoyed it when she spoke about her work. Jane was passionate about it. Whenever she spoke she tended to ramble on and on to him and her eyes would light up. The god loved it when her eyes shone like that.

The couple were so engrossed in the topic and each other that they didn't notice the sandy-haired man walk into the room, pause as he looked between the two, and slowly back out of the room.

Barry had taken note of the smile on Thor's face as he stared at his wife. He stared at her like she was his whole world, even after all these years he still looked at her like that. Which is why it gave him an idea.

"And then we found-"

I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid.

Music began blasting through the kitchen causing the couple to stop their conversation and look around for the source. Both had perplexed expressions on their faces as they looked to one another.

"What is this music?" Thor asked, his brow furrowing.

"It's a song from Aladdin," Jane answered, raising a brow as she looked up at the ceiling, looking for a speaker.

"You mean that movie by the Disney man?" the god asked, a smile growing on his face. "The one with the blue wish granter."

Jane laughed lightly, nodding her head. "Yes with genie." She looked around again, her brow furrowing. "This is getting a bit annoying though. Where is it coming from?" she asked as the song began its second chorus.

"Perhaps Barry knows," Thor said with a smile as he pointed behind Jane.

The brown-haired woman whipped her head around to where her husband was pointing. In the doorway she found Barry snickering to himself. The young man looked up at the two and grinned as he walked into the kitchen.

"Enjoying the song?" he asked, opening the fridge and pulling out a plate with a plastic wrapped sandwich. He raised a brow to the other two as he unwrapped the sandwich.

"Barry," Jane sighed, looking at him with an unamused look, "why are you playing this?"

"I thought you two needed a little bit of background music. You two are so in love, thought this was an opportune time," he said before taking a bite and walking away with a large smile that made his cheeks puff out more because of the food in his mouth. "See ya."

"I quite like the song," Thor said, placing a kiss on Jane's head.

"I know," Jane giggled.


"So that was you who did that?" Peter asked, grinning at Barry as he and the older Avenger made their way out of the SHIELD agents' training room. "That's hilarious. What were their reactions?"

"Thor looked amused, but Jane definitely didn't." Barry chuckled as he thought back to the scientist's face when he walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, I think between Darcy and I, I think Jane's done with us."

The youngest Avenger grinned brightly. The prank honestly reminded him of when he and Ned had pranked Aunt May back in middle school. They would play the Imperial March whenever she walked into a room. She found it funny the first couple times, but after that she was close to chasing them out of the room with a dish rag.

"Are you going to do it to anyone else?" he asked as they turned a corner.

Barry hummed as he pursed his lips, glancing up at the ceiling. "I've been thinking about it. But the problem is I want to pair songs up with the couple I'm pranking."

Peter laughed shaking his head. "What?"

"When I pulled the joke on Thor and Jane, I had the song in mind to use on them. It was like I was using a song that summarized the two people," the sandy-haired man explained as they walked into the common area. He plopped down onto one of the couches, throwing his legs over the arm.

"Well what song did you use for them?" Peter asked, taking a seat in an arm chair. He leaned back into the cushioned seat, resting his arms on the arms of the chair as he waited for Barry to continue.

"A Whole New World. I thought it was fitting since Thor's from Asgard and I remember the time Jane was talking about the time she went there a few years back. She wouldn't stop talking about it to Darcy is what I heard." Barry tucked his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling in thought. "I'm just trying to figure out songs to play for others."

"Well what about Beauty and the Beast for Bucky and Tracey?" Peter asked after a moment. "I've heard Tracey say that's her favorite movie and Bucky's personality might as well be the Beast. I mean he's scary when he's fighting, but he's such a softie when it comes to Tracey."

Barry sat up, staring at the teenager with a befuddled expression. "Dude...why were you so in depth on that explanation?"

Peter pursed his lips, his eyes darting from side to side as he tried to avoid the other Avenger's gaze. He sighed and stared down at his lap. "It's my Aunt May's favorite Disney movie. She made me watch the live action one the other day and was gushing over it… Beast just sounded like Bucky. I mean he's scary!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air as if to prove his point.

"No, you're right. He can be scary when he needs to, but he does become putty in Tracey's hand practically." A mischievous smile grew on Barry's face after a moment of thought. "Which is why that's the perfect song to use."


Tracey sighed as she stood up. She had spent barely an hour in the baby's room painting the walls and already her back and feet were killing her! She was excited to be having a baby, but the pains of it were not exciting.

She placed her hands on her back and leaned back, trying her best to stretch out her back. "Little one, you're killing your mom."

"Well that doesn't sound good."

In the kitchen making a sandwich was Bucky, grinning at her as she walked in. Placing down the sandwich he met his wife halfway and placed his arms around her. The smell of mustard was strong on him as he leaned down to kiss her. Tracey immediately pulled her head away.

"Uh uh," she said, bringing a hand up to cover her nose. "You smell disgusting."

"I literally took one bite of the sandwich," he defended. "There's no way I already smell like food."

"It's the mustard…" she said, trying her best to not breathe it in. "I'm not kissing you if you smell like that."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Yesterday it was coffee, today it's mustard. This pregnancy is wearing me thin. I can't eat anything I like can I?" he mock whined with a grin.

Tracey's lips puckered and her eyes narrowed in an irritated pout. "You're worn out from the pregnancy? I think you need to reevaluate what you just said."

"Right, right," the super soldier chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender. "What was I thinking? Do you need anything your majesty?"

"A new husband," she muttered rolling her eyes.

Tale as old as time.

The couple remained silent as the music began to flood the room. Bucky's face scrunched up in confusion as Tracey's eyes widened.

"Were you watching Beauty and the Beast?" he asked, raising a brow.

"Barry!" Tracey shouted, ignoring her husband. "Where are you?"

Not a moment later Barry and Peter came off the elevator laughing together. The super soldier and hacker stared at the two as they entered the area.

"How'd you know it was me, Trace?" Barry asked after catching his breath.

"Jane told me about what you did at the compound the other day." She folded her arms as she glared at her brother. "I can't believe you're still doing this. And you brought Peter into it?" she exclaimed, gesturing towards the teen.

"Hey, he wanted to be a part of this!" Barry defended. "Now if you'll excuse me, we have somewhere we need to be." The two quickly jumped back onto the elevator before the blonde woman's wrath could get to them.

"God I hate my brother…" Tracey muttered as Bucky chuckled. "I swear if you join them you're sleeping on the couch."

"Yes ma'am," the super soldier said, placing a kiss on her head before heading back to finish off his sandwich.


"I want in."

Barry and Peter stared at the white haired Avenger, blinking a couple times. The two were playing video games on the top level of the tower when the speedster had zipped into the room. There he stood, blocking the TV screen causing the two players to put a halt to their game.

He had a hard look on his face as he stared at the two, waiting for a reply. "I want in," he repeated.

"In what?" Peter asked slowly, not sure what the older male was asking.

"I want in on your prank," Pietro elaborated. He lifted a hand up as if what he said originally was obvious. "You two are going around the tower and compound playing music on the couples, no? You just did it with Tony and Pepper yesterday."

"So you want to help us?" Barry stated, nodding his head slowly. Pietro matched his nodding, only a lot faster. "Alright then!" He grinned at the speedster, standing up from his seat. He placed a hand on the other male twin's shoulder. "Do you have any ideas?"

Pietro grinned. "As a matter of fact I do. Have you visited my sister yet?"


The Avengers kitchen was filled with smoke and the sounds of the smoke detectors going off. The smell of burnt food was filling the room fast and the two occupants couldn't get everything in order fast enough.

Wanda was waving a towel around in the air near the smoke detector, doing her best to get the smoke to clear out away from it. A hand was over her mouth, trying to keep herself from breathing in the smoke. Vision on the other hand was trying to clear out the oven and take care of the destroyed dish they were making.

"I told you," Wanda coughed out, "you were putting it in for too long."

"My apologies, Wanda," Vision spoke up once he had placed the dish on the counter. "I must have lost track of the time."

"That's kind of the big rule when it comes to cooking, Vis," the super powered woman said with a small smile. She stepped up next to the android and peered at the burnt dish. Her face scrunched up as she saw the nearly black food that was still smoking with a grey cloud rising in the air.

"Perhaps we could order a pizza?" Vision offered, giving the young woman a smile.

Wanda shook her head and smiled in return. "Is pizza your go to answer for every time a dish is ruined?"

"It is an enjoyable food," he replied with a small chuckle. "The others seem to love it, especially Clint."

"Yes, Clint does love does his dog," she mused in turn. "I think a pizza would be nice," she finished with a smile.

"Do you have a preference?" Vision asked. "There are many combinations of toppings I have seen made by many members on the team."

Wanda paused for a moment, chewing her lip as she thought over toppings. "What about barbeque chicken? Peter let me try that and it was pretty good. I think you'd like it."

"I will start making the ord-"

There you see her, sitting there across the way.

"What is this?" Vision asked, glancing up at the ceiling. "FRIDAY?"

No response came from the AI and it remained silent among the two Avengers as they tried to figure out where the music was coming from - or rather why it started. Although, the answer soon came a moment later.

Laughter was heard down the hall just outside the kitchen. Male voices.

With a deadpanned expression on her face, eyes glowing red, and a flick of her wrist Wanda brought one of the culprits flying into the room. She stared at her brother as he laid on the ground in a crumbled heap.

"It was funny, no?" Pietro asked, smiling sheepishly up at his sister and the android as the sounds of feet pounding down the hall with shouts of "Run!" slowly faded.


Darcy smiled at the man across from her. It had been a while since she and Barry had a date night. With the kids and the team, their time was taken up almost all the time. But they finally found a day that worked for them and were able to just enjoy a night together.

"The view is great," the dark-haired woman commented, staring out the large windows. Outside the sun was setting and the lights of the city were slowly turning on. It was casting an orange glow on all the buildings surrounding the area, creating a gorgeous city scene.

"Not as great as the view in here," Barry said, smiling brightly at his wife. He laughed when he saw Darcy roll her eyes with a smile on her face. It worked.

"You and your cheesy jokes," she said, shaking her head as she took a sip of her wine. "They're either cringe worthy or they successfully make me laugh."

"Well it looks like the latter one this time," he said, his smile growing a bit more.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," Darcy said with another eye roll.

"I always am-"

Barry's smile faded and his eyes widened a little as two men came up to their table. One was playing the guitar while the other was playing an accordion. Soon the man playing the guitar began to sing.

For this is the night. It's a beautiful night.

Darcy's face began to turn red as other patrons turned their heads to see the commotion at their table. She turned to Barry hoping for an explanation only to see a dumbfounded look on his face.

He turned to her, mouth hanging open as he shook his head. "I have no idea what's going on."

The man playing the accordion slipped a piece of paper onto the table next to Barry's arm, giving the young man a smile before continuing to play. The paper was a small, white card. Taking it in his hand, Barry flipped it over and groaned, resting his face in his hand.

"What is it?" Darcy asked, taking the card from his hand. Her eyes widened and she moved her gaze from the card to her husband with a furrowed brow. "I can't believe you. Why is it that whenever you pull a prank and someone has to retaliate I always end up getting caught up in it?"

On the card was a single sentence: Enjoy dinner. Love Tracey, Jane, and Wanda.

Hello everyone! I am sorry for the late update once again. Life has been busy. I had summer classes and had to move out of my apartment now that I am almost done with school. I am still amazed that I am almost graduating college. I started this series and the Winter series three years ago when I was a freshman. It's crazy how fast time flies.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This was a request from ShunKazamis-Girl (fanfiction)/sakura-soldier (tumblr).

I wanted to throw in Peter because I just saw Spiderman Homecoming the day it came out and I fell in love with him. He's a baby Avenger and I love him! I want to write something with him in it, granted this was a small part, but I wanted to test myself and see how I'd write him. I hope to write more with him soon. Maybe a oneshot of his own or a story with him and an OC I've had in mind since The Amazing Spiderman movies. We will see.

I hope you like it! I'd love to hear from you guys, so please leave a review! I appreciate any and all feedback, it helps me improve my writing and figure out what you guys would like to see.

If you have any prompts you'd like to see me write or characters you'd like to see interact with everyone feel free to message me on here, leave it in a review, or message me on tumblr at winter-is-ending.

Thanks and I hope you have a great day!