Goku Through the Looking Glass

(Sequel to Vegeta in Wonderland)

"Goku!" called Chi Chi, "Come here. There's something I need you to do!"

Goku was there in an instant; he sighed and stretched his arms.

"Sorry Chi Chi" he laughed "Halfway through a routine, heh heh."

Chi Chi sighed and smiled at her husband, "Anyway, Goku, there's something in the attic I need. Those books you were sorting out the other day, Gohan's old literary ones? We still need to finish those. After all with Vegeta's little incident the other day you didn't finish did you. Anyway it's a little heavy for me..."

Goku nodded, hiding the fact that he really didn't want to fetch anything. All that was on his mind was fighting. And Vegeta, he hadn't seen him in so long after the incident the other day. Goku looked out of the window, the forest visible in the distance. He remembered Vegeta wandering off that day and was lost for ages. Only until he had found him, unconscious and bleeding in the head as if he had been attacked. He had recovered after a few hours, but now he was avoiding people.

"You know Vegeta..." said Goku without much thought. "What caused him to get knocked out like that? Nothing usually gets him down; not even a surprise attack."

Chi Chi shrugged her shoulders.

"He'll be fine Goku," she said pretty quickly, more interested in the work that needed doing than Vegeta's problem. "Now that box of books please."

Goku grasped the box, stumbling a bit as he did so.

"Whew, she wasn't lying" exclaimed Goku. He staggered on for a little bit, the box was heavy but he could easily handle something like this. As he approached the trapdoor one of the books fell out of the box. Goku groaned and put the box down again and picked up the book.

"Hey, it's that Wonderland thing that Vegeta asked me about..." said Goku, reflecting on their little discussion. "What had Vegeta called it? Crap wasn't it" Goku laughed to himself and was about to put it back when he stopped.

"I guess a small look wouldn't matter." He looked through the book, confused about all the strange things it included. "Grow and shrink... Rabbits... That Hatter is a cool guy... Off with people's heads..." he said to himself "Isn't that what Vegeta had said?"

As he continued to read he couldn't help but pick out little bits and pieces that he remembered Vegeta mentioning while he was asleep. As he outlined the possibilities of Vegeta's dream he laughed after remembering how proud and arrogant the Saiyan Prince was.

"He was dreaming about Wonderland?" he laughed. "Wow Vegeta, no wonder you're avoiding everyone!"

He even went onto the next book and enjoyed reading that too. He spent most of his time reading and yawning every so often, it seemed to make him pretty tired.

"Mirrors leading to other worlds too?" he questioned after yawning again. "'The glass was beginning to melt away, just like a bright silvery mist...' That's a little weird if I'm honest..."

As he said this his eyes met his own reflection staring back at him and he couldn't help but think of how amazing it would be if something like that existed, but he reminded himself that he was an adult and shouldn't spend his days fantasizing over childish things. But he argued that he was a little immature sometimes especially when it came to eating. He put the book back in the box and was about to pick it up again when the corner of his eye caught the mirror again.

There was no reflection.

Leaving the box alone he walked cautiously towards the mirror. It's surface seemed to be soft and faded, a liquid form standing upright. Goku reached out but withdrew his hand.

"Like a bright silvery mist... I've got to be seeing things right?"

He began to turn away but looked back. He smiled to himself and reached out his hand again.

"There's no danger in seeing if it's real... is it?"

As his hand reached towards the mirror, he started to question on whether he was doing the right thing or not. After all, once he was in would he be able to get out again. But something tempted him, a small voice in his mind urging him to go on, urging him to enter. His mind went blank, all thoughts vanishing, as his hands touched the surface. Suddenly he was aware and a little frightened to see that he had successfully made his hand pass through the mirror.

"Okay. That's enough!" he cried withdrawing his hand again. Suddenly the sound of Chi Chi's voice filled the attic as she emerged from the trapdoor.


Her voice was so loud and so sudden that Goku stumbled. Everything seemed to go quiet as he fell forward, unable to retain balance, and hit the mirror leaving Chi Chi's screams of shock behind him.

He half expected to hit the mirror full on, waiting for the glass to smash because of his head but he fell straight through it. He landed on the other side, his face falling onto a blue carpet. He blinked once or twice and looked up. The room was different from where he just was, it was tidy and strangely empty. Pictures on the wall seemed to move and wink at him behind his back and there was a small fireplace on the right hand side of the room.

"Okay, I've seen it" said Goku gulping in shock "Now I'm getting out of here."

The mirror was still there but all he could see was his reflection, no mist and no way of getting through again. He touched it's surface and tried his best to get through again, but it was no use. He looked all around for an exit but there was nothing to help him escape.

"Damn it!" he cried. "This cannot be happening!"