Author's Note: And so concludes this story. I may visit this timeline again, a few ideas going for me. But for now thanks again and cheers.

"You…" I lifted my head slightly to show I was listening. "You threw away everything for me," it was a question, dipped in disbelief, or was it disappointment? His tone was hard to describe, was it pity? Shame? Regret? No…it was helplessness, about his lack of power. Julius was always the one to shoulder all of the burdens, suffer all the pain, in order to protect me. And yet he couldn't save me from the one thing that mattered the most; becoming a tool for the Spirius Corporation and Bakur, staining my hands with blood, all because I was born. The wind began to pick up, carrying the scent of a storm, along with the lingering traces of blood and steel. But none of that matter.

"I only did what you have done for the last fifteen years; it was the least I could do. Besides you were going to do the same thing for me, I just beat you to it this time," I worded slowly, allowing sensation to return to my body. The pain returned along with it, but at that point my wounds didn't matter, I was able to be a brother to Julius for once. I heard him shuffling behind me; he took in a deep breath trying to find the proper words.

"So, this was all in vain," he stated. There was no emotion behind it just an observation. Was it? I found myself looking back to the Land of Canaan. Did Bakur defeat Chronos? Did he get his 'purely human' world? What about Elle? Guilt rose up in my chest as I wavered for a moment thinking about her. But didn't she go through with this to save me? Hesitating now, would only insult her wishes. I shook my head clear of any doubts. What was done was done.

"No-," I began but was cut short when I heard Julius' writhing in pain. He was struggling to stand, clutching his arm in agony. I barely saw the catalyst begin to chase up the rest of his arm when he fell to his knees; I threw my blades down running to his side. I knelt down in front of him grabbing his shoulders as pain continued to shake his body. I shook my head no, trying to steady his form. We've come this far, don't give up now. Please, I need you Julius.

"Ludger," he gritted against the pain. I felt his eyes on me, losing focus for a moment before really looking at me. "Or maybe…" I knew that look; I gave a reassuring smile, holding him tighter. "This is the world I wanted too." He returned my embrace as best as he could. I fought back the tears, trying to settle the torrent of memories that came rushing back. I slowly released him, standing up gaining new strength as I offered my hand. He accepted and I pulled him to his feet.

Julius leaned against me, that nostalgic tune reached my ears. I didn't bother holding back the tears this time; I picked up the Hymn within the next step, leaning on him for my own support. Two brothers leaving the world to ruin; I couldn't care less, as long as I had Julius let the world fall to destruction. We'll create our own perfect world.