Title: Munchkin

Disclaimer: Once Upon A Time and its characters belong to Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. Not Mine!

Warning: K+

Author's Note: New Story that I have had for a long time! Thought I should get it out finally! For those of you who have wondering where I went, I finally got my first teaching job and haven't had time for much else! So here is a little something I have had for a while and I actually have quite a bit more that just needs editing! :) Hope you like it! I do :) Enjoy!

Munchkin: Chapter 1

Mr. Gold agreed to teach Emma magic since Regina wasn't exactly very thrilled with Emma. Emma however didn't think that her parents needed to know about her recent dealings with Mr. Gold. She knew how they felt about her learning magic in the first place and she knew they wouldn't like the idea of her learning magic from Rumple. She knew some about magic, but she thought it would be a good idea to learn more before their was another crisis at hand. She knew her parents weren't against her using magic, but they wouldn't be thrilled with her teacher.

Henry was with Regina for the week so Emma decided it would be the perfect opportunity for another lesson with Rumple. She also had the day off from work. Her and her father had been sharing the duties of Sheriff since she decided to stay in Storybrooke. She had been spending the day with her mom, but made an excuse up that she was feeling tired and wanted to go home when it was time for her lesson. For the most part it was easy to sneak off to her lessons because Henry and her had gotten their own place not far from her parents' loft, but it was just not as easy when she was with her parents before a lesson.

"It's not working. I can't do it." Emma said in an annoyed voice after an hour of practicing magic.

"Yes, you can." Rumple said through gritted teeth. Emma was powerful, but she was a difficult student at times especially when she was frustrated. "And remember concentrate on what you want and only that or else you will get something different. Then use your emotions to fuel your magic."

Emma rolled her eyes. Rumple was so aggregating at times. She tried again, but lost focus of what she was trying to make happen.

A moment later there was a flash of bright, white light that emanated from Emma until you couldn't see Emma anymore. Then the light was gone and a little blond girl with Emma's adult size clothes was sitting on the floor.

"What happen?!" Emma yelled from her young body.

"You tell me, dearie." Rumple retorted. "You did it." Rumple added with a scoff.

"How do I undo it?" Emma asked in an angry voice.

"Only you can figure that out. Now, I suggest you call your parents. Our lesson is over." Rumple answered before heading into the back room.

Emma glared at Rumple as he disappeared from her sight. She looked down at herself seeing her small hands and short legs. She was tangled up in her adult clothes. She struggled to get out of the mess, but failed.

She couldn't call her parents this was so embarrassing, not to mention they didn't know about these lessons. She had to fix this and fix it now.

Emma concentrated as hard as she could on turning back to an adult, but nothing happen. She kept trying over and over again until she realized it was useless. She searched for her phone and finally found it in her jean pocket.

She debated for a second on who to call. Mom or Dad? She just lied to her Mom about where she was going, but her Dad probably was home by now so they are probably together.

Emma sighed and called David's phone.

"Hey Emma." David answered.

"Um can you come get me?" Emma asked with a grimace on her face.

"Sure, but aren't you at home?" David asked in a confused tone.

"No I actually went out. Can you just come pick me up?" Emma said.

"Why? What's wrong? Why do you sound funny?" David asked in a frantic voice.

Emma grimaced before responding, "It's nothing, I just need you to come and get me."

"Where are you?" David asked beginning to get suspicious of Emma's vague answers.

"Gold's." Emma answered.

"Why are you at Gold's? Are you sure you are okay?" David asked getting more concerned and frustrated as their conversation went on.

"I'll explain everything when you get here, I promise. Just get here soon." Emma said thoroughly annoyed at her situation and she could sense her father's growing frustration and worry.

"Okay, we will be there in a few minutes." David replied before ending the call with a sigh.

'We.' crap, Mom is coming too. Well she mays well find out sooner rather than later. Emma wasn't sure what to do since she couldn't get herself untangled from her own clothes. So she just sat there every once in a while trying to reverse what she did, but it was no use.


"Mary Margaret. Emma needs me to go pick her up from Gold's. Something is wrong." David said as he grabbed his coat.

"What? Why is she at Gold's? She said she was going home because she was tired." Snow said with a confused expression.

"I don't know, she was being very vague over the phone, but she wanted me to come right away." David replied.

"We are coming too." Snow said as she got up to put Neal in his car seat.

"She said she was fine and if something is wrong I could call you." David said knowing it was useless trying, but he didn't want to drag them out if it was nothing.

"Something is obviously wrong, so I am coming." Snow said seriously.

"Ok, let's go." David said as he picked up the car seat with Neal in it and ushered his wife out the door.

"If she is fine, why does she need to be picked up? Something doesn't add up." Snow wondered.

"I know that's what I am thinking, but she said she would explain everything when we got there." David replied.


Snow and Charming didn't know what to expect when they got to Gold's shop. All they could think about was that Emma needed them so when they rushed into the shop with Neal in Snow's arms, they were confused when they didn't see Emma, but saw a little blonde girl sitting in the floor in the midst of a pile of clothes.

"Finally, you guys can take her off my hands." Rumple said as David and Mary Margaret walked in.

"Take who off your hands? Where's Emma?" David asked in an angry voice.

Emma rolled her eyes. They obviously didn't realize she was right there.

"Why she is right here, she shrunk herself. Now, if you would kindly take your daughter. I could close my shop." Rumple said in an annoyed, yet bored voice.

David and Snow looked over to the little blonde girl who was glaring at Rumple.

"Emma?" Snow asked tentatively as she walked closer.

"Yeah, it's me." Emma said grumpy. Then she turned back to Rumple. "Tell me what I need to do to change back!" Emma yelled and glared at Rumple.

"Already told you Ms. Swan, only you can figure that out. Goodbye, Dearie." Rumple said.

"Wait. Did you do this to her?" David asked in anger at Gold, thinking he had done this to his daughter.

Rumple chuckled darkly. "Uh no. Your daughter did this to herself. If she had been listening to me, she would have done it right instead of shrinking herself." Rumple replied.

Emma grimaced; her secret was about to come out.

"What were you trying to do? Why were you here?" David asked Emma.

"Oh I see what's going on here. You haven't told your parents I'm teaching you more about magic." Rumple said with a chuckle before walking into the back room once again.

Emma was glaring at the place where Rumple was just standing and trying her best to avoid her parents' eyes.

"Would you like to explain to us what is going on?" David asked as he knelt in front of his recently shrunken daughter. Snow was on the other side of Emma with Neal in her arms looking at Emma with a shock expression.

Emma grimaced and then tentatively looked up at her Dad. "I shrunk myself."

"Well we can see that. Why didn't you tell us that you were letting Rumple teach you magic?" Snow asked.

Emma looked over at her Mom. "I figured you guys wouldn't like it." Emma replied in a quiet voice. "Can we go now?" Emma asked, wanting to leave Gold's.

"Yes, but this conversation isn't over." David answered. "So how did this happen?" David asked in lighter tone.

The young Emma looked at her dad and almost started crying. Emma was shocked at the emotions that were trying to overwhelm her and she pushed them back. "I'm not sure." Emma said with watery eyes.

"Are you okay?" Charming asked as he looked over Emma's small body. She must be 3 or 4 years old, but he couldn't be sure since he hadn't had much experience with children.

"Yeah. I'm just stuck." Emma replied in an annoyed voice as she looked down at the tangled mess.

"I see." David chuckled. She was really cute at whatever age she aged back to, but she was still adult Emma.

"I can help you with that." Snow said as she started to use her free hand to get Emma untangled from adult Emma's pants and boots. David had to help as well and as soon as Emma was free from the clothes and she stood up. Her shirt was more like a dress now coming down to her knees.

"Oh you may need this." Rumple came out again and performed some magic to get a car seat that was age-appropriate for Emma.

Emma was beyond frustrated with him and now that she was free she started to run at him, but found herself in the air before she got halfway to him. Her father swept her up in his arms to stop her. "Let me down, I'm going to kill him!" Emma yelled from her little body.

Rumple chuckled from the threat and handed David the car seat.

"Thank you. Is she in any danger from this?" David asked, ignoring the glare he was getting from his daughter.

"Well all magic comes with a price, but I don't think that magic itself will harm her." Rumple replied.

"Change me back, Gold." Emma yelled.

"Good luck with that one. I have a feeling you will need it." Rumple said with a grin as he pointed to Emma and then turned to give his evil smirk to Emma who was now glaring at him.

"Thanks, Gold." David said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice as he held Emma in one arm and the car seat in the other. "Let's go." David said to his wife who had Neal and Emma's boots and pants.

They started to walk out the store and Emma realized her father wasn't planning on putting her down. "Hey, I can walk."

"You have no shoes and it is a little cold out today." David explained.

"I would be fine!" Emma whined as she started to pout in David's arms. "Mom?" Emma pleaded.

"Your father's right. You could get sick walking outside without your shoes." Snow replied.

"Agh. Fine! Can you just take me home?" Emma asked in a grumpy, emotional voice. She didn't want anyone to see her like this and she was getting really emotional like she could burst out in tears from her anger.

"Yes, Emma, we can." Snow said softly as they made their way to Snow's station wagon. She could tell Emma was frustrated mostly with herself and embarrassed by her current predicament.