Alright! We begin this story as a continuation of my "Sari and Transformers Prime" episodes 1 through 4 stories.

If you haven't had a chance, read those to get a detailed background. This story's universe occurs primarily in the Transformers: Prime world. "Transformers: Prime" was a 3-season long, Daytime Emmy Award-winning computer-animated television series that premiered on The Hub on November 26, 2010. "Sari and Transformers Prime" diverged from that storyline after the end of Season 2, with Sari primarily responsible for thwarting Starscream's plan to abduct the kids, thereby halting Megatron's ability to keep the Autobots from rebirthing Cybertron (well, if you absolutely can't resist, jump to Chapter 14 of Episode 1 to see how that happened).

Also in this story - since Sari originally came from the "Transformers Animated" dimension - will be characters and scenes from that dimension. Isaac Sumdac, of course, but also other Autobots, such as Jazz, and some surprises! Again, read the four episodes mentioned above for background.

As for Sari herself, at the end of Episode 4, she had completed her Cyber Ninja training and was now a full Cyber Ninja, inducted into the Corps, possessing all their powers and abilities. She's come a long way since the end of the "Transformers Animated" series, as you'll be able to see in my other FanFiction stories about her. In this one, Sari is now entering her late 20s and is Captain of the Skystrikers.

And, thanks to character development ideas submitted by another FanFiction writer, LuisJM, the kids from Transformers: Prime are not the mere humans they originally had been (in the TV series end, Fowler had made them junior Unit:E agents. Here, they are much, much more than that!). In this storyline, Jack, Miko and Raf, in various ways, were either found to be, or otherwise morphed into, powerful individuals with their own unique capabilities. Brief summaries are given below.

Speaking of LuisJM, he's also begun a new story of his own, involving, of all characters, the Skystrikers! Yes, we are collaborating on that one. It's a perfect match, since we two worked together on the "Sari and Transformers Prime" set of episodes, LuisJM helping as I said above with the character development of the kids' transformations. His new story is called "Transformers: Infinite" and is a Crossover involving the Skystrikers and his favorite game, called "Bioshock Infinite". In addition to working on this storyline separately, I'll be working with LuisJM on "Transformers: Infinite". Hope you enjoy both!

So with that introduction, let's begin this story, shall we?

Chapter 01: Beginnings

The Skystrikers; a Unit:E Special Force team, led by:

Captain Sari Sumdac, a half-human, half-Cybertronian Technorganic Cyber-Ninja. She had originally arrived in this dimension via a space bridge malfunction. Although contact with her world had subsequently been established, Sari and her two worlds have agreed for her to remain, so that she can help build this Cybertron's corps of Cyber-Ninjas, beginning with their world's very first Gakusei:

Jackson Darby: A half-human, half-Cybertronian Technorganic. Jack, although raised as a full human, discovered via an accident in his mid-teens that he possessed cybertronian circuitry in his body. At first angry at his mother June for keeping this a secret, they quickly reconciled (with Sari's guidance) and later learned that he had Cyber-Ninja potential. After her elevation to a full Cyber-Ninja, Sari became his Sensei, and he is now her Gakusei. Also on the team is:

Raf Esquivel, a 20-year old super-powered genius. Raf had been abducted by MECH for experimentation and injected with a serum as part of their "super soldier" project. The serum advanced his age, bringing him to the summit of human perfection with superior strength, agility, and senses. Most of his memory wiped, he fought the Autobots as a MECH soldier until his memory was recovered by an intervention, courtesy of:

Miko Nakadai, a Predacon Technorganic. A reckless and action-loving 16 year-old Japanese girl, Miko carelessly found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting too close to Shockwave's Predacon, who scratched her on the shoulder and infected her with its CNA. The infection led to a horribly painful possession by a demon who called himself "Predaking", and an irreversible mutation of her body into that of a Predacon. Thanks to the intervention of the Cyber-Ninjas Jazz and Sari, she was "exorcised" from his control; that's the good news. The bad news is, she is no longer human. Now a Technorganic, her primary mode is a Predacon who can transform and assume the appearance of a human, but with Predacon qualities.

The Skystrikers are directed by Agent William Fowler Of Unit:E, a clandestine branch of the United States government tasked with overseeing all extra-terrestrial matters. They operate out of a spaceship called "Skybolt".

Captain Sari and her team sat down in the Skystrikers' conference room with Agent Fowler.

"Well, I trust you've had an opportunity to get settled in your new quarters," he smiled.

"How's Huey, Dewey, and Louie?" he asked Raf.

"They're great, thanks!" Raf replied, referring to his three Unit:E-supplied robotic assistants.

"Glad to hear it. Now, this being our first official status meeting, let me give you an overview of our ship."

"Captain Sari has already introduced you to the Command Crew. Colonel Mitchell and his staff run the ship for us. He and his officers manage the ship's operations, while the Skystrikers are Unit:E's Special Tactical Force."

"I'll begin by telling you about Skybolt. Your base of operations is not an ordinary space ship. It's what we refer to as a "Phase station".

Intrigued, Raf raised an eyebrow. "Phase station?"

"Correct. Perhaps a little field trip is in order." And he led the crew out of the room to a lift . "Observation Deck," he said to the control panel, and they were taken to the highest level of the ship. Exiting, they stepped out into a large open area at the very front of Skybolt. It had four large covered windows.

"What are the windows made of?" asked Raf.

"Thick transparent aluminum," replied Fowler.

Fowler got on a comm. "Lieutenant Spark, please open the Observation Deck windows."

"Roger, Agent Fowler," and the Micromaster Senior Helmsman raised the windows' shielding. The covers began to rise, revealing the ship's current location in orbit.

"Wow!" exclaimed Miko. "Incredible!" said Jack. "Beautiful!" said Raf.

Skybolt had transitioned into twilight, and the Earth below was already darkening. The planet's curvature was visible below them, cloud cover barely perceptible in the semi-darkened sky. Above were the silvery-blue noctilucent clouds, extending far above the Earth's troposphere, and between the two atmospheres was a dark orange band, the tropopause.

They stood, speechless, as the Moon hovered in the sky to their left.

"Skybolt orbits the Earth right at the tropopause, the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere," he explained. "Normally, being situated at one of the lowest layers of the atmosphere would subject the ship to violent meteorological disturbances. However, Skybolt has the ability to phase through matter, also known as "quantum tunneling", and thus remains unaffected by winds and other types of disturbances. It does this by controlling its macroscopic quantum wave function, increasing tunneling to 100 percent."

"Very cool," admired Raf.

"Hold on!" said Miko. "So, this whole ship can phase through things like Smokescreen does with his Iacon Relic - with us inside?!"

"Very good, Miko!" said Fowler. "Exactly so!"

"Another advanced capability enables Skybolt to move in and out of a reality Unit:E refers to as "the slipstream," which can take it outside of the normal space-time continuum."

Raf's eyes opened wide! "Oh, really?" Now he was intrigued! "How often has it done that?"

"Only once or twice," Fowler replied. "Not since you all arrived. A bit of technology we got from some friends; haven't done it since, because the results when we tried it out were - interesting," he chuckled.

"We're still analyzing the logs, and I'm hoping you can assist."

"Absolutely!" Raf replied.

Fowler had Spark close the windows, and the crew headed back to the conference room.

"Skybolt is approximately the size of the Decepticon's Nemesis," he continued. "It's manned by a staff of 150 Service Members, Unit:E engineers, technicians, and other extraterrestrial recruits. As you no doubt have learned, all of its personal quarters are equipped to accommodate human, Cybertronian, and other alien guests / residents, and can be quickly fashioned to adapt to the individual user's needs - such as in the case of our Transport Technician, Ro."

"So, what's our first order of business?" asked Jack.

"We train as a group," answered Sari. If we're going to be an effective force, we need to first become a cohesive unit."

"Who we gonna fight?" asked Miko.

"Oh, we've got lots of opponents for you," smiled Fowler.


"Come on in to the training room and I'll show you." And he led them to the large enclosed rectangular-shaped amphitheater that served as the Skystriker's training room. The main entrance was in the center; the entrances to Sari's and Jack's quarters were at opposite ends, since this was also where they did their Cyber-Ninja training.

Walking in to the center of the arena, Fowler took out a portable controller. He turned to Sari and whispered. "Who should we program for?"

Sari grinned. "Decepticons?" she whispered back.

"Sounds good," and Fowler pressed a few keys. Instantly, 3-D holograms of Starscream, Shockwave and several Vehicons appeared.

"Skystrikers? Attack!" Yelled the hologram Starscream.

"Geez!" Yelled Miko, shocked at the sudden sight, and with a yellow flash, transformed into her Predacon form, hissing at the Decepticons.

"It's alright, Miko," said Sari, and turning to Fowler, said "turn off the simulation." Fowler clicked a button, and the holograms disappeared.

"That will be how we train," said the Skystrikers Captain. The room has other capabilities, like being able to simulate different locations."

"Such as?" asked Jack.

Sari turned to Fowler. "Space?"

"Uh, without the vacuum, if you don't mind," he replied. "This suit and tie doesn't include a breathing mask - and Raf's not wearing his 'Agent X' uniform."

Sari chuckled. "No, of course. But we do have the ability to simulate the vacuum of space," she told the team. Go ahead," she told Fowler. He set the controls, and pushed a button. Suddenly, the amphitheater disappeared, they started floating, and for all appearances, they were in space! With breathable air, that is.

"Whoa! This is cool!" Said Miko. She flew around a bit.

"One thing to keep in mind, Miko," said Raf. "You're able to fly around because we've got breathable air, and your wings have something to beat against. In space, they wouldn't do much good."

"So, what would I do then?"

"That's a good question," said Sari, flying around with her plasma jets. "Could Unit:E come up with something?" she asked Fowler.

"I'm sure," said Fowler. "Uh, if you all don't mind, I'd like to turn this one off. This floating around…" he burped, " making me a little queasy."

Sari smiled. "Agreed. Let's end this." And Fowler set the controls back to the amphitheater, while allowing him and Raf to float back to the floor, while the Technorganics landed themselves.

"I've programmed the training room for several simulations, including attacks from Decepticons, MECH, Space Pirates, and terrorists. That's to get started."

"And Unit:E has received additional suggestions," said Fowler, "recommendations, for example, from Lt. T'Resh based on his experiences as a Regulan soldier. He even said he'd like to join you in your training."

"That would be great, Agent Fowler!" said Sari. "I'd be honored to have him join us!"

Back at Outpost Omega One, Optimus saw Ratchet standing quietly at his console. He walked up to him. "How are you doing, old friend?"

"Oh, hello, Optimus," he replied, smiling. "I just received a nice letter from June. She's doing well at Protihex Medical Mechanics University. Here, let me share it with you." and he stepped aside so the Prime could read it:

Dear Ratchet,

I've got some free time here after a couple of busy decacycles, and wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I'm doing very well here at Protihex. The day you all left, I felt a little twinge of self-doubt, but I pushed that out of my processor, when I remembered your kind words of encouragement to me before I left Outpost Omega One. You put your servo on my shoulder and told me "June, the true measure of a medic is a caring and courageous Spark, a processor that's full of curiosity, and a drive to learn; you have proven time and time again, you are that bot!" I thought about that, and turned around and entered the school!

Classes are intense, but I've got some very good professors, and I've also met some great classmates! We all work together and support one another, and that helps me a lot. We're a very diverse group of Autobots! There's Buildup; he's a Micromaster. He was a little intimidated by us "guzzlers" until I told him about Jack - I think that made him feel more comfortable being around me. When Jack and Arcee came to visit, to talk about their desire to Spark Bond, Buildup felt much more comfortable with me. I think he's getting along very nicely here; he'll be a great medic for his home planet Micro.

I also have a roommate, Quicksync. She's an Omnicon. Very nice bot - we get along great! The bots from Omnitron are smaller than the average Cybertronian, but they can do amazing things with raw Energon! You may be familiar with it - have you ever heard of Energon Stars? She's very enthusiastic, and wants to become a rescue bot, which leads me to one of my favorite instructors, Flashpoint. She is our search-and-rescue professor. A member of this dimension's Rescue Patrol, she has on several occasions risked her life running in to infernos in order to rescue injured bots! She willingly puts herself into harm's way to help others. I'm enjoying this class the most, because back when I was a human nurse, we did not study the paramedic field much; now's my chance to catch up! :-)

At any rate, I'm learning a great deal, and am determined to do my very best. I look forward to completing my first stellar cycle, so I can do my practicum back at Outpost Omega One as your official nurse bot!

Please give my best to Optimus and the rest of Team Prime,



"What a nice letter," said Optimus. "I'm glad June is doing so well."

"At least in Sari's dimension there's an active medical university for June to attend," Ratchet sighed wistfully.

"I'm still anticipating a certain bot to be the headmaster of our own university," said Optimus, patting his friend on the back.

"Well," chuckled Ratchet, slightly embarrassed, "We'll see."

"You're doing very well, Jack," Sari spoke to her Gakusei, Spark-to-Spark. "Be patient. Processor-Over-Matter requires a fine balance between quiet meditation and intense concentration. Can you see the container with your Spark?"

"Yes. Yes, I see it, Sensei," Jack replied. He was seated on the floor of the training room, in Lotus position. Sari was seated across from him. They were both in "bot" mode.

"Now, I want you to look at all six sides of the container - at the same time. Spread your Spark sense all around the container."

"I see them. I see all six sides."

"Good, good. Now, engage your processor to concentrate. Separate the bottom side from the floor, and bring the container up. Watch as the floor pushes away from the container. Raise the container up a meter." And Jack, engaging his processor, began separating the container from the floor. The container started to slowly rise up into the air, until it was exactly one meter up.

"Excellent. How does it feel?"

"It feels good, Sensei. I sense the gravity, but not the weight. Weird."

"In P-O-M, weight is irrelevant. Remember when I picked up Starscream and slammed his face into the sidewalk?"

"Ha! Yes."

"You use your Spark sense to see and surround the object, and your processor to manipulate the matter. Hence the name, Processor-Over-Matter. Care to spin the container?"

"Gladly! How do I do that?"

"Use your processor to make the matter turn." And Jack began making the contain spin.

Raf opened the door to the training room and looked in. He knew to be quiet, as this was one of Jack's very first Cyber-Ninja training sessions and should not be disturbed. Miko was in her room playing her guitar. Sari sensed Raf's presence, but knowing it was Raf, trusted him to remain quiet. He silently entered, and stood there admiring the P-O-M display.

Jack was doing so well, Sari thought she might try something.

"Jack, someone just entered the training room. Can you tell?"

keeping the container spinning, Jack spread his Spark sense around the room. "Is it Raf?"

"Yes, good. Stop the spinning. Do you think you can move the container - slowly - over near where he is?"

"I'll give it a try."

"Make a wide circle. Don't bring it anywhere near him. Keep it in an arc about 5 meters, and take it around him and then back to us."

"OK, here goes," and the container stopped spinning, and began approaching near where Raf was standing. It didn't come straight at him, but went around him in a wide arc. Raf laughed. "This is cute," he thought. "Jack delivering a package?"

Just then, who should enter the amphitheater, but Miko!

"Hey Raf! I was wondering where you'd gone, and…Whoa, geez!" She hit the floor before the container, headed right where she was standing, would have knocked her over.

"Was that Miko?" Asked Jack.

"That was Miko," replied his Sensei. "Thank goodness for her Cybertronian reflexes. You almost smacked her with that container." The container returned back to the Cyber-Ninjas, and Jack set it back down on the floor. They came out of meditation and got up. Jack bowed to Sari. "Thank you, Sensei, for a good training session." She returned the bow. "You are most welcome, Jack! You're progressing well!"

Miko got up off the floor. "Hey! You oughta warn me before you go doing something like that!"

Raf laughed. "Miko, remember all the things Sari and Jazz were doing when she was training? Boulders flying? Huge metal debris getting sliced up in midair? I'd say when Cyber-Ninja training is going on, enter this room with caution."

"Sorry about that, Miko," said Jack. "I'm still learning how to sense who's around me."

"And Raf's right," said Sari. "Be careful entering during a Cyber-Ninja training session."

"It is my distinct pleasure to welcome the first graduating class of MECH's Advanced Agent University," said General Levichev at the Inaugural Ceremony. "You six represent the summit of human skill, strength, agility and intellect. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say you are the best of the best. With MECH you shall indeed achieve greatness."

"Please stand, to receive your commissions." And the six super-powered 20-year olds, who only a few days ago were 12-year old children, stood up. Their past memories completely wiped and replaced with whatever memory implants MECH's scientists had imbued, they all believed they had just completed years of intense individual and group training with their headmaster, General Levichev.

"Agent Lifen, come forward." MECH's new Chinese Super Soldier, Lifen is both beautiful and extremely dangerous. With knowledge of all Asian martial arts, she knows hundreds of ways to kill an opponent. "Agent Lifen, congratulations," he shook her hand. "Go see Commander Buntru for your assignment."

"Agent Demissie, come forward." MECH's Super Soldier from the Horn of Africa, he has been given all the strength and skills that had been given to Agent X (MECH believes Agent X - Raf Esquivel - is dead). "Agent Demissie, congratulations," he shook his hand. "Go see Commander Buntru for your assignment."

"Agent Ilinca, come forward." MECH'S Eastern European Super Soldier, she has been imbued with over 25 languages. MECH plans to use her to infiltrate the highest levels of the United Nations. "Agent Ilinca, congratulations," he shook her hand. "You are to report to our contacts in The United Nations Headquarters in New York City, where they have secured a position for you with Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson."

"Agent Anahi, come forward." MECH'S Central / South American Super Soldier, she will be their double-agent in the Americas, fomenting revolution and civil discord while using her beauty and wiles to lure rebel leaders to MECH's cause for world domination. "Agent Anahi, congratulations," he shook her hand. "You are to board a transport for the jungles of Columbia, where you will work with our Agents to help them infiltrate the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia—Ejército del Pueblo, or FARC-EP."

"Agent Mehrdad, come forward." MECH'S Middle Eastern agent, he is a powerful soldier, with knowledge of every form of ordnance and weapons, human and those reverse - engineered from Cybertron. "Agent Mehrdad, congratulations," he shook his hand. "Go see Commander Buntru for your assignment."

"Agent Aanan, come forward." MECH's Indian agent. Intended to be teamed with Mehrdad, he is the super hacker, imbued with all of Agent X's computer skills. "Agent Aanan, congratulations," he shook his hand. "Go see Commander Buntru for your assignment."

After the ceremony, Levichev sat in the MECH conference room to present a status report to his superiors. The room was darkened, with the exception of a single light focused on the individual giving the report. Levichev lit a Gauloises, waiting for the meeting to begin. He was sitting at a large mahogany table facing eleven monitors.

The center monitor was the largest, and showed a logo of the planet Earth with a gear border. At the bottom of the monitor was a single word, "MECH".

The other monitors flickered, and an avatar displayed, with the words "Sound Only" at the bottom.

"General Levichev, I trust the 'Graduation Ceremony' went well?" said a monitor near the center.

"Indeed. The six new agents have begun their assignments."

"And this new strategy of yours - to distribute the capabilities of the prior Agent X among the six - this will give better results than to give one agent all the abilities?" Said another monitor.

"Yes. I am going to start by letting two of them, Mehrdad and Aanan, work together. The first has Agent X's weapons expertise, whereas the second possesses his technical knowledge. This will encourage a team spirit, which will be beneficial."

"And the premature aging. That has been resolved?"

"Yes. As has the problem we had with Agent X recovering his past. That was an incorrect strategy, and my scientist has corrected his mistake. These six have had their memories entirely wiped and replaced with new, MECH memories. In fact, they believe they've just completed several years of intense training, under my tutelage."

"It is indeed a better plan," said the monitor on the far right.

"We shall see," said the first monitor. "Keep us informed of the new agents' progress."

On the Nemesis, Starscream entered Shockwave's lab to check on the progress with his new Predacon.

"So, how goes this 'Ripclaw' of yours?" he asked the scientist, looking at the hatchling. "It's been a while, and we're anxious to mount another attack on Optimus' rag tag crew."

"The Predacon is ready to emerge," he responded. "She will be imbued with enhanced processor capabilities, including a degree of self-awareness."

"Yes, you already told me that. Personally, I think it's a mistake. You'd better not have her going rogue like Airachnid!"

"Interesting tail," Starscream observed. "What's that on the end?"

"A Siphon-Claw," explained Shockwave. "It's her primary weapon."

"Oh? And what, exactly, does it do?"

"It latches on to the enemy, and injects mech-venom."

Starscream drew back in horror from the hatchling. "Mech-venom?! You keep that thing away from me!"

So begins this new storyline. What do you think? As I mentioned, there's another great story beginning, called "Transformers: Infinite" by LuisJM, which is a Crossover. He and I are tag-teaming on that one.

This story will be more or less loosely connected to it, with Sari, Jack, Raf, and Miko, but "Transformers: Infinite" will be its own story.

Thanks for reading! Please review. And if you have ideas for future chapters, let me know!