Dipper walked into the forest, walking past all the 'KEEP OUT' signs painted in bright yellow. It was a long walk, toward a large open area. As he peered through a bush, he saw creatures run around. A small Deertaur, about 5, was bounding toward him, her white hair and white deer parts a beautiful combination. Her large green eyes darted to a small patch of dandelion, the small Deertaur bending down to eat some. As she looked up, she saw Dipper. She ran over to a human, or atleast she looked like one. She pointed to Dipper and started talking, the girl walking over. She was the same age as Dipper, but taller. She yanked Dipper into the open. She raised her hand, and a Barn Owl gave her a stick. She waved the stick which had a single leaf. Dipper gasped as she sent a red beam his way. Then he fell unconsious.