SPN- Haunted House


Background- Cas's first time at a haunted house

I can handle the long, awkward stares, sure. I can handle the fact that Cas is never more than a foot away from Dean. Easy. I'm even somewhat alright with the fact that they haven't admitted their feelings yet. For the time being. But this- this is excessive. Pulling a prank- a little immature, but honestly a refreshing change from near death experiences and psychological traumas. Dressing up as the joker, that's what I'm not okay with.

We're in line for the haunted house. This is Deans big idea- we say it's a costume party. We say there's a job there. Cas gets freaked out and confused, Dean has a good laugh. He never said anything about a goddam costume. And he certainly never said anything about dying my hair green in the middle of the night.

I look at the two of them. I can barely hold back a grin- they're such a couple. Batman and robin. Seeing Cas out of the trench is crazy enough, but add on a vibrant, skin tight costume. It's funny. Dean as batman- well, that just brings back memories.

I stay out of their little conversation as we wait, and then it's our turn to go in. Dean pulls out some piece of junk store prop and claims it's his emf reader. Repeats to Cas the plan and the fact that the place is so very haunted. I give Cas a nod and roll my eyes at Dean, and then we go in.

It doesn't take five seconds for it all to go to hell. One of the actors was hiding behind the door. He made the mistake of grabbing Cas's shoulder from behind. When Cas sucker punched him, I swear I heard his neck snap. I caught him as he dropped, but behind me another actor jumped Cas. Dean kicked his knees in, and some other people from our group thought it was part of the experience. A ten year old boy kicked my leg, and so, with my green hair and lipstick smeared face, I grabbed his head and pushed him to the floor.

That's about when the screams and gasps started. Castiel, masked vigilante of The Lord, had decided it was time to start teleporting. From one side of the room to the other, he would appear, knock out anything that breaths, then dissapear. Dean and I tried to yell at him to stop, but he dissapeared to what I assume was the floor above us, considering the direction of the screams. Dean and I looked at each other, then at the room around us. There were about seven unconscious people scattered, and plenty more injuried or just cowering in a corner. Dean ran for the steps.

About five minutes later he came back down with Cas and the body of some actor. He was bleeding. Cas had assumed that he was a monster, and pulled his angel blade on him. Dean laid the poor guy down and Cas, confused and frowning, healed him. That's when the cops came, and we ran out the back and all the way to the impala. We sped off and Dean starting laughing. I looked at him angrily- his little stunt had nearly gotten someone killed, but then saw Cas in the rear view mirror and couldn't help but laugh too. Cas was not amused. It took him several hours and even more beers to understand that it was all a joke, that there was never any monster, and that he was on the eleven o'clock news because he had technically committed mass assault. He didn't actually laugh about it until the next morning at breakfast, when he saw that my hair was still green.