"I'm pregnant."

Shattered glass broke the silence.

"Sheriff Swan?"

"Uhh… Right, you are pregnant. - What?! You're pregnant?! So, should I file a report over this?"

Regina could only sighs to the idiotic response from that idiot Sheriff. Yes, that was correct. She was the most idiot person Regina had ever met.

"No, I'm not here for that. I'm telling you I'm pregnant with -"

"Why are you telling me this instead of the father?" the Sheriff interrupted while cleaning the mess.

Regina sharply inhaled a deep deep breathe knowing and actually expecting this whole situation when dealing with the moron. "I'm trying to tell you that -"

"Wait, let me guess." Emma interrupted again while sweeping the shattered pieces with unnecessary overly swayed hip, with her back to the irritated Mayor. The Mayor decided to ease herself, sat on the opposite chair of the Sheriff's table while trying to calm herself from snapping at the Sheriff. No, not yet.

"Oh. Oh my God! Is it Graham?"

"Sheriff Swan, that man died three years ago remember? And dear, what kind of logic is that when I'm here with 5 weeks of pregnancy? Mmmh?"

"Right, how about Archie? Since you're frequently meeting with him?"

"That is for business purposes. ONLY." She punctuated. "For I are very fond of sex, I will never ever spread my legs to a married man. And do you realize who are we talking about? This is Archie. He is into man." Line of nerve started to appear on Regina's forehead. Be patient.

"Yeah, we shouldn't mess with Sidney's guy." Emma sheepishly grinned. She walked out from her office with the cleaning stuffs. After several minutes, she appeared with two glasses of orange juice and handed one to Regina. Regina muttered 'Thank you' and actually relieved after a whole day of dehydration. Today indeed was a very busy day.

"So, if not Archie." After a long paused. "NO! No. No. No!" Regina raised her eyebrows, another line of nerve appeared. She was almost at the edge her limit. Who knows who else in the Sheriff's small brain. "Don't tell me it's Leroy. Oh, please Regina. That is not so you, your Majesty." Emma gaped, not believing her own very logic fact. In this case, only she could thinks of that.

Regina snapped. That's it. She rose from the chair and walked toward the Sheriff, stood face to face to the gaping mouth lady. "For God's sake, Emma! I'm carrying your baby! Our baby!"

Again. Shattered glass broke the silence.

Emma blinked. Several times. Glass pieces were on the floor, left her with empty hand, empty mind, empty lung. Wait. What?! My Baby?! What the hell?! I'm a woman for God's sake! IMPOSSIBLE! Magic? She's pregnant. 5 weeks. Pregnant. 5 weeks. Oh GOD, oh GOD! That night!

Emma shook her head vigourously.

"Are you done with your monologue, Sheriff Swan?" Regina asked while drinking another sip of her juice. Delicious, I should remind myself to ask the Sheriff what is this juice's brand.

"Let's get married."

Another broken glass. And this time was Regina's.

"Let's get married." Emma said seriously.

Not believing what she heard, Regina froze. The glass of her juice slipped from her numb hand. She only came to the world by the loud crashed and a cold wet sensation from the splashed juice on her bare leg, that were not covered by her dark blue pencil skirt and matching 4-inch heels.

"Let's get married, Regina." Emma sounded pleading.

"What?!" Regina shook her head still not believing what she heard.

"Look, Regina. Look at me." Brown dark eyes met emerald jades. "Regina, I know I sounded crazy. These whole scenes are crazy. You're pregnant. That's my baby there. That's crazy enough. You see, my whole life I'm a runner. I ran from my responsibilities, ran from any sequences, ran from anything that I thought endangered me, ran from possibilities that could make me stuck there forever."

"Sheriff Swan, this whole conversation that we had, it's just to inform you this is your baby. Not more than that. I'm not asking for responsibilities. So don't worry about-"

"No." Emma said sternly. "I'm not finished. I told you I'm a runner. But I'm not longer the same person after Henry come to my life. I missed his 10 years life. And I'm not going to let off my hold from this baby. Never."

"Stop!" Regina argued. "I am fully capable of raising Henry into a good person for 10 years on my own, and I am will do the same for my baby. I told you I'm pregnant because you deserve to know it. But you don't deserve to take away my baby from me! You took Henry from me, my son hate me because of you. My son! And now you want to take away my baby from me?! NO, Sheriff Swan. You don't have any right to take away my children!"

"Regina. I never meant to-"

Regina scuffed. "Of course you meant everything you did. You are the Saviour, you saved everyone from the Evil Queen, giving back their happy ending. I'm the Evil Queen, nobody care about my happy ending. I let them took mine before, I sacrificed my happiness, my son, just to give him what he want. No way I'm going to let you snatch away my only chance of happiness."

"Let's get married."

"Don't you understand, Sheriff Swan? I'm not selling myself to marriage."

"Let's get married." Emma said again. "Do it for the baby. For Henry. Hate me, punish me, or torture me, use me if that will make everything okay. Let's get married, Regina. Our children needs both of their parent. I'm not giving up on this baby like I did to Henry. I'm not letting you go through this alone." Regina opened her mouth to interrupt, "shhh. Listen to me, Regina. I know you are very capable of doing this alone, but no. I'm not letting you to turn away from me just because of your hatred. I'm not going to let you go through this by yourself, because I knew how difficult it is, how lonely it is when you are alone. No friend, no family."


"What?" Emma disbelieved. That was easy.

"I won't repeat twice, Sheriff Swan."

"So, you agreed to marry me?"

The Mayor walked out from the Sheriff's office, and glanced at the still body. "Are you coming, Sheriff?

"Huh, where?" As Emma was confused. What with the sudden change from the Mayor?

"My office, of course."

"Of course.-mmm, why?

"We are not getting married if we only stand here do nothing, Sheriff."

"Congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you, Dr. Hopper. Sidney. And keep this only among us." Regina said.

"So-" Emma broke the silence after their witnesses leave the Mayor office. "—that's it?"

"Don't tell me you want your white gown, roses on the floor, Snow White cry at the side?" Mmm. Snow White cry over her daughter marrying her sworn enemy. That's actually quite a pleasing sight.

"At least we should get a cake or a ring." Emma pouted.

Regina waved her hand. Emma yelped when she felt something warm on her left hand, on her finger exactly. "Wow." As she contemplate her ring finger, now occupied by a foreign band- a fitted white gold ring, engraved with a full cycle of princess cut diamonds.

"I guess it reach your standard." Regina satisfied, now scrutinized her own finger.

"Wow. My hand feels weird. I never has ring before, this feel weird. A good weird." Emma said sheepishly.

"Well, enjoy now as much as you can, dear. Before we announce our sweet marriage to your parent. And Henry."

"Oh shit."


"Sorry. Oh sh-! I totally forgot about them! What should I say? That I knocked you out, that we married? What should I do? What should I do? Regina, what should we do?" Emma agitated.

"We? No, dear. Everything is on you. You said you wanted to be responsible. And now, don't tell me you are too scared to tell dear mummy and daddy?" Regina smirks.

"Come on! You know how bad Snow will react to this." Emma pointed to both of them.

"Where is the confident, Sheriff? After the long speech you've given me? And plus, you are the one who said that I can 'hate you, punish you, torture you or use you', remember? I'm simply using my privilege here. So, I said you deal with them." This was fun, Regina thought.

Emma's jaws dropped. She shook her head, disbelieved. This is great. "Right, your Majesty." She rolled her eyes. "I'm the Savior. Savior saves everyone, and that everyone include the Highness. The Evil Queen." She mocked

Regina rolled her eyes. "We should tell Henry first." Regina hesitated, "But I'm scared that he thought I did something to you to marry me. Cast a spell or take your heart or any ways that he believed evil me will do."

Emma looked at Regina, and for a second she saw something new, something she never expected from the former queen. There was something she recognized from herself in the eyes of the woman in front of her. Anguish. Desperate. Vulnerable. Scare. Pain. Rejection. Emma knew these vocal, she knew them, friend with them long enough, lived with them for forever until they became her. So, when she saw that second in Regina's eyes, she understood everything. Her heart clenched. At that moment all she wanted to do was to take that woman in her arm. But no. She just stood there, silently.

"I told you, I'm the Savior. Leave everything to me." Emma said jokingly trying to ease the tensed. Regina puffed.

The newly formed family seated at the bench near the beach after picking up Henry from school that early evening. Henry felt awfully odd sitting between his two mothers. Rather strange to see both of his mothers, at front school, waiting for him, TOGETHER. And more, his fussy mother, to his surprised allowed Emma to drive her beloved BMW car when they decided to go to the beach. No one was allowed to come near the car, nor touch it. NO ONE. And yet, Emma sat at the driver's sit nonchalantly. Suspicious, very suspicious.

Emma rubbed her palms on her tights nervously. She glanced at the corner of her eyes, assuming the brunette sneered at her. Instead she saw Regina stiffen at her sit, stared blankly losing herself in the gleaming of sun on the wide sea in front of them.

Emma cleared her throat, getting attention from their son. "Henry, your mother and I have something important to tell you."


"Yeah. Your mother and I, we are-mmmm"


"We are, you know?"


"We are married, Henry." Regina said, at the end. No longer be able to keep her patient.

"What?! Ma?"

"Yeah, kid. We are married." Emma smiled stupidly. Like she being caught doing something embarrassing.

"But why?" Henry turned to his blonde mother.

"Why? Well-"

"People only get married when they're in love with each other. But Ma, you hate Mom. And you hate Ma, mom." Henry interrupted.

"Then, you are right. I love your mother. She loves me. That why we are married." Emma said, ignoring Regina who looked at her with shocked. Totally shocked. If Henry was giving the same attention to his brunette mother, like he gave to his blonde mother, he would notices his mother terror at Emma's statement. Luckily, or he will become more suspicious than he was toward his two mothers.

"But I thought you both hate each other!"

"No, I never hate your mother. She never hates me. I told you we love each other, Henry." Emma tried.


"Henry, we thought you would be happy if we can live together as a family. You, your mother and me, and soon you will have a-"

"Wait, I will have what?" Henry confused.

"You will have a brother or sister?" Emma looked at Regina, pleading for help.

"You will have a sibling soon, Henry. I'm pregnant." Regina explained.

"What?! You are pregnant? Who?" Henry looked disgusted and that hurt Regina. Emma noticed her expression. And then, the mask appeared again.

"It's our baby." Emma said.

"Look, I'm 13. I know where baby come. That's impossible, you are woman."

"Henry, nothing is impossible with magic." Emma convinced. "Your mother and I have created a life with magic, you see? There, in there is a special baby just like you." Emma pointed to Regina's still flat tummy.

"Yes, Henry. That's true." Regina looked at Henry.

"So, both of you really are married." Both women nodded. "That's mean we're going to live together? As a family?"

"Yes, as a family." Regina caressed his soft hair. It surprised her that Henry accepting the gesture. She knew it was a big step from Henry to accept her again, and yet this simple embrace gave her heart more space to hope again.

"And you are pregnant?"


"And I'm going to be the coolest brother ever!"

"You are going to be the best brother ever, Henry." Emma relieved that her son could accepted the fact that both of his mother can formed a family together. It was a relieved. She looked up at Regina, and now she was beyond relieved as she saw the other woman smiled for the first time today. Genuinely.

"Henry, can we keep the baby as a secret? For now?" Emma asked as earlier, Regina insisted not to announce her pregnancy to other, except Henry. Emma frowned at first, but then understood the woman request. Snow and David, or any other citizen of Storybrooke will use this against Regina, and came up with any means to break the marriage, saying stuff such as that was not Emma's child or, Emma's was under her spell, etc etc etc. These were reasons why at early today, Emma suggested Regina to bind their marriage with magic. Regina shocked as if Emma was dumb to not knowing what she had asked. Of course, Emma knew what it's meant by bound marriage. She studied, for God's sake. She owned magic herself, she's product of true love. She needed to understand magic in other to control her magic. So, she did read! Bound marriage meant two people bind their soul together. It was the sacred enchantment that bonded two people forever. Nothing will separate them. No spell can break them. So, when Regina combined their magic together, Emma knew she cannot run away. No. She will not run way again. This was her way to be responsible. She will prove it to the mother of her children, if it meant stuck forever with the woman that hate her so so much.

"Why?" Henry asked as they parked their car in front of the diner to meet Emma's parent.


"Okay. I will protect my little boy or sister?" Questioning the gender, but Henry understood his parent motive to keep the baby as a secret.

As the family entered the diner, they directly noticed two familiar figures at the middle of the diner. Great choice of seat. Emma sighed. Regina noticed Emma restless. Also noticed gazes on them but chose to ignore them. Such a peasants. As they reached their booth, Emma felt a small palm supporting softly on small part of her back. Then, she just realized that she's been holding her breathe from the moment they entered the diner. She glanced over to the hand's owner, and saw a small smile on Regina's face.

"I will move in to Regina's mansion." Emma started as everyone quietly having their meal. It was already tensed when Emma invited her parent to have dinner with Regina and Henry. And now, sitting together on the same table, each second felt like hour.

"What?!" Snow shrieked.

"I said I will move in to Regina's mansion. As well as Henry. I already moved few of our stuffs during the day and other will be on this coming weekend."

"Why?" Snow asked incredulously. "What you did to our daughter, you bitch!" Now David turned to Regina.

"Language! I will not comprehend any attitude that will influence my son especially those ill-mannered of your. Believe me, I did nothing Charming. In fact, is your daughter who did 'thing' to me." Regina turned and smirked to Emma who was seated at the extra chair at their booth.

Emma cheeks turned red, as well as Henry, who somehow shyly knowing what was that his mother preferring to, shifted uncomfortable while devouring his meal. Now, her parent gazes turned to her. "Well, literally." She said while sarcasticly giving Regina a 'Damn, woman. Thank for your help.' look.

Snow and David looked at their daughter with conflict. Emma sighed. You really have the 'best' idea to be responsible, isn't? Marrying your parent's bloody hot enemy? Way to go all out, girl. "Well, we're married. Me and Regina." That gained a loud gasps from other livings in the diner.

Snow's eyes widened, David shook his head trying to believe what his daughter had said. "What?!" They both said at the same time. Seems like today, the newlywed kept on getting that word a lot for their 'sweet marriage'.

"I- -you- - we. Why?!" Snow said still not believing what she had heard.

Here we go again. "Because we love each other, no other reasons are more valid than that." Emma said, tried her best to look confident and convincing. She grabbed Regina left hand, pulled their holding hand up to show their wedding rings.

Snow abruptly stood and pulled David out of their booth. Emma surprised by that, and somehow she disappointed by her parent action. But couldn't pull out why she felt that way. Regina smirks, satisfied with her enemy torment, and then she noticed Emma's expression. The blonde looked disappointed. No, she looked sad. Regina felt a wave of pain in her heart by the sight, why would she felt pain for the blonde? Why would she felt like she cared for her? Cared? No. She's not. No. Regina left her thought as she heard a bell rang indicated that the Charming already gone for the evening.

Emma felt nervous as they reached the mansion. Right now, the scene just reminded her to the system, when she reached her new foster family house. It took her back to the sore flashbacks, but it felt different. It really different, she thought. Because this was her new home. Her real home.

Her home.