A/N: I couldn't focus on my dissertation reading today, so I wrote this chapter instead. I hope you guys like it, it's the last one. I really want to say a massive thank you to everyone who's been reading this. I didn't expect such a great response for a short story that I wrote in the spur of the moment. You've all made it so fun – seriously, this has been my best fanfiction experience to date. Also, of course, shout outs to the original prompter - Nadine - and Alex over at castlefanficprompts on Tumblr, without whom this would obviously not have been possible.

He stared at her, feeling like something was crumpling inside of him. God, he was such an idiot. Why hadn't he just waited a couple more hours before asking Gina to accompany him to the Hamptons?

"Beckett," he croaked, "I-"

Kate shook her head. "It's not your fault, Castle." Looking at the ceiling, she muttered, "I should have been honest with you, honest with myself, and said yes when you asked."

"If I'd just been patient," he argued earnestly, unable to keep his eyes from her despite the fact that she didn't seem able to look back at him. There was no way he could justify in his head letting Beckett shoulder all the blame for their missed opportunity. Sudden pain originating at his hand and wrist broke his gentle tone. "Shit!" He'd completely forgotten about the milk he had been steaming for Kate's latte, and some time during her confession he'd removed his hand from around the pitcher to prop himself against the counter. He hadn't felt the metal growing hot while he had the wand tip submerged; he hadn't heard the milk start to boil over until he could feel the liquid spilling over and scalding his skin.

"Shit, Castle, are you okay?"

Beckett was panicky as she reached past him for the machine's dial, spinning it quickly to cut the steam before taking the hot pitcher of milk from him with her sweater sleeves pulled down to protect her fingers and palms. As soon as it was on the surface top, she dragged him to the sink, thrusting his hand under cold water that got more frigid and soothing by the second.

"Are you okay?"

He peered at his hand, twisting it under the water flow to get a better look at his pink skin. As yet the burn hadn't blistered and although it stung, it didn't seem to be in need of medical treatment.

"Think so," he replied, though he kept his hand under the running tap anyway.

Scrubbing her hands down her face, Kate sighed and leaned away from him, standing in the corner and resting against the countertops. She needed the space even if she couldn't make herself move too far away when he was injured, minor as it was.

"What now then?"

He shrugged. There were so many ways to answer that question. He knew what he wanted but what about her? What did Beckett want? He hoped it was still him, but he couldn't help being afraid it wasn't.

Kate was an extraordinary woman. He found it hard to believe that there wouldn't have been at least one rebound guy in his absence after she broke things off with Demming. He knew how attractive she was – he'd been in her company long enough to notice how almost every man she walked past would often stop what they were doing to watch. She had to have had offers. And it wasn't like he was even free either. Even if he and Gina were apparently in the middle of an argument, he wouldn't feel comfortable starting something with Kate while he was still technically back together with his ex-wife. He'd experienced an affair before. It wasn't pretty; it was messy for everyone involved and, even if he knew in his heart that he still didn't really love Gina, he wouldn't put her through that.

"I can't just forget," he finally said, his tone cautionary. She just nodded as though that was the exact response she had expected.

She knew he meant he couldn't forget her admission, but for her it was different. She couldn't forget how it felt that day watching him walk away with his ex-wife. Despite months of trying, she still couldn't push away the hurt whenever she thought about him picking Gina over her. And she wasn't sure she was ready to open herself up to him again – it had been costly the last time.

"But I'm still…"

"Right, you're with Gina," Kate muttered.

He couldn't help adding, "Probably not for long," and earning himself an eyebrow raised questioningly. "I hadn't told her I invited you to spend the summer with me first," he explained, leaving only his tone to hint at how unhappy his girlfriend was with him. She opened her mouth to tell him that he was still with Gina, subtly telling him she wouldn't partake in an affair, but he cut her off with a simple, "I know. I just need some time."

She nodded. "I can do time." Time would be good, it would allow her to get over the pain of rejection, help her heal a bit more before she took down her wall again and tried being something serious with him.

A/N: So somehow this story went from light and funny, to kind of ridiculous, to a bit heavy… but I hope you've still enjoyed it! Any time you've got to spare and tell me what you think would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for reading, you guys!

ALSO, 2 days! I hope everyone enjoys the end of the hiatus and the season premiere!