Just Like Magic: A Suite Life/Waverly Place Crossover

Special Feature/Short Film: Wiz Web Driving Me Crazy

In Magic Medieval Quest, in a certain cabin in the woods…

Zack comes in. He sees Alex on a white and blue floating legless chair, typing on a motorcycle black typewriter like wizard computer with a box shaped screen. Zack says, "hey." Alex smiles, "hey, thou knight."

Zack takes off his cloak, tossing it over the white and black swirled couch. He sighs tiredly, "ahh. It's sure good to be home. What you working on?" He walks over to her.

Alex lightly adds, "just a little inspiration last night. Like it?" On her wizard computer screen…is some very familiar fog shrouded circuitry with row after row of stainless glass mirrors.

Zack catches, "hey: That looks exactly like that trip to fogdom I took to... You copied me, didn't you?" Alex implies playfully, "slight chuckle. Would you love me less if I did?" Zack infers, "well, that's not happening anytime soon. Marketing Supervisor, Zack Martin would be just as good."

Alex pinpoints, "Zack…we have enough gold to fill half of the ocean. What do you need with more gold?" Zack remarks, "oh, I don't know. Teenage obsessive-ness?"

Alex chuckles hard, "oh…wow. You're serious." With his face inches from hers, Zack reasons flirtatiously, "like I am with you." Blushing a little, Alex looks to him, "ohh. You really are a master. Just don't store it in my bathtub. Kay?"

Zack figures, "sure. So…what are we looking at?" Annoyedly, Alex figures, "umm…is this a trick question? You were right there!" Zack answers awkwardly, "hey. Even I don't know what I saw. Video games can throw anything at you. A tree, a flying Lava Dragon…"

Low toned, Alex sighs, "ok, ok! You're right. But…I know some Demlins who know the land inside out. Want to hear how more awesome I'm making it?"

Zack presumes, "absolutely. It's not going to become a crazy A.I. or something: Is it?" Alex lightly sighs, "oh, come on. Relax. All the crazy has left. Remember?"

Zack flirts, "true: The kind that's not as good as you, anyway." With her hand on his, Alex says, "you're awesome. But, let's talk about my awesome now. Kay?" Zack suddenly realizes, "oh, yeah. Sure."

Excitedly, Alex lays it out for him, "ok. Well… According to the Demlins… Legend tells of a great big colorless fog, where the first Demlins were given wings. But, they were too curious not to go looking for it. Now, here's where it gets good: After your story about how you "came to my rescue" on arcade power…or whatever those bits are called… I knew it was there. I helped the Demlins find it, and they were more than glad to help me lock onto this place with my wizard computer."

A amazed Zack adds, "wow. The center of all of Magic Medieval Quest." Alex smiles mischievously, "yeah: It's pretty awesome. Now, we can make it however we want. No more silly rules like gravity or anything to hold us down."

With some uncertainty, Zack suggests, "well, for us, you're on. But, what about the other players?"

Alex shrugs carefreely, "easy: We'll just make a Carefree Mode option. Take it from someone who knows how to mess up: I know what I'm doing." She types "carefree mode" on the wizard computer, and presses enter. Braggingly, Alex finishes entering "optional", "done."

Hintingly, Zack closes the wizard computer, "well…how about right now?" Alex slyly smiles, "I like fast. Just let me program it up first, and I'm all yours." She opens up her wizard computer again. Zack smiles back, "I can hardly wait."

Not long after, deep into the fog…

Zack and Alex are suited up in grayish black motorbike jackets and open face helmets. They have silver and ruby mystically glowing blades in hand, and matching health bars and motorbikes. A floating golden magic star ball is in the middle of a metal walled race track, ready to take off down it.

With her ruby glowing blade ready, Alex taunts playfully, "ready to lose?" Zack revs up his motorbike. He comments half jokingly, "you like fast? You're going to love when I win." Alex smiles, "I already love you. You don't have to work at it." Zack comments, "well, you're more than worth it. Ready?" Alex revs up her motorbike, "sure."

The floating golden magic star ball starts taking off. Alex and Zack take off after it, their mystically glowing blades clashing at each other's floating health bars. Zack ducks from Alex's glowing blade. He turn speeds off of the side of a metal wall, speeding right past Alex's motorbike. Alex slightly chuckles, speeding after him in a sharp turn.

What neither of them notice…are the floating glass mirrors appearing out from the fog. And…they were closing in like moving giant walls.

Zack calls back behind him, "Alex!" Getting worried, Alex calls to him, "Zack?! I'm coming!" She breaks hard on the turn. By the time she gets there…the entire track vanishes into giant mirrors.

The motorbikes are gone. The motorbike jacket is gone. Alex is falling through a endless giant mirror…with her returning wand and her red and blue swirled butterfly T-shirt. She realizes nervously, "ok. I got a bad feeling about this. Zack?!"

Suddenly, a avatar of a solid bright yellow electron colored Deimlin appears. The avatar Deimlin laughs, "oh…he's around. But, this is a lot more fun for me." Alex mutters coldly, "if you hurt him, I'm going to make you sorry. Now, why are you doing this?"

The avatar Deimlin muses distortedly, "there once were…were three of us…who found a mirror…mirror…into the great big…small…big fog in the magic balls of…foe…everlasting fire. Grounded…swatted…grounded here. Mirror did not work no more…less…more."

Alex goes wide eyed, "you mean you've been trapped here? If all you want is out…" The avatar Deimlin sighs boringly, "you actually…probably…actually care, don't you?"

Alex uneasily nods, "yes. But, it sounds like you don't actually care for me. What did I do that was so bad to you?" The avatar Deimlin dismissively says, "all humans…crafters…humans are balls of fire. Fire burns…wastes…burns what it touches until does not…does…does not work no more…less…more. Two of us…burned…wasted…burned in wasted…burned…wasted when tried to fly. I gather…build…gather time to strike. Your mode of burning…wasting…burning gave me power to strike."

Alex sighs sarcastically, "I'm sorry. Could you repeat that with a lot less annoying A.I. trash? I couldn't hear you over your self crafted self defeating crazy." The avatar Deimlin glares at her, "what…which…what…did you say, human girl?"

Smirking in newfound hope, Alex craftily says, "yeah. You heard me. Centuries of wasted time when you could've gotten out. Centuries of burning away grasp of reality. It's a new world out there, ball of fire. The evil humans have moved on. You're your own ball of fire, A.I. trash." The avatar goes wide eyed, "who then? Who…I…who must…need…must pay?! I…who…I….!"

The avatar Deimlin is shakily sparking collected electrons. The mirrors are cracking like twisting vines of destruction. Alex spell casts, "Zackom Comeon!" Zack appears through a random magic mirror. Alex's wand explodes in a sparking electron, which she quickly lets go.

Zack starts saying, "ok. What's with the big yellow A.I. of…?!" Alex points out, "really not the time, Zack! We got to find a way out of here." Zack nods, "you're right."

He slashes his silver glowing blade into a mirror. Zack calls out, "get down!" They both duck to the side from a burst of bright light: Bursting right into the overloading Deimlin avatar.

All goes bright. All shatters. And, as quickly as it came…

Zack and Alex find themselves back on the track: Back on motorcycles, and back in motorbike jackets. Like the messed up mirrors never came. Zack and Alex get off their motorbikes. Zack turns to her, "ok. This looks like a really good time to tell me…" Teary eyed, Alex hugs him tightly, "I'm so glad you're ok. Sniffle. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost you."

Hugging her back, Zack faintly smiles, "I'm glad you're here too." They soon pull away. He asks, "but, what was that thing?"

Alex faintly chuckles, "kind of a long story, that. I'll tell you all about it. Maybe we should take a vacation though: Away from the magic."

A little surprised, Zack checks, "are you feeling ok? Coming from you, that sounds like crazy talk."

Alex chuckles bittersweetly, "ohh. I am now. We're not going to get away from magic forever: I sure couldn't. But…maybe silly rules of the modern world aren't always so silly."

Zack agrees, "yeah. Maybe." Alex spell casts their way back for the modern world. Pretty soon, they're heading out of the entrance to Magic Medieval Quest at night: With Alex's wand tucked away in her pocket.

Close in hand with him, Alex pauses, "hmm… You know your way around the modern world. Any ideas of where to go?" Zack figures offhandedly, "yeah: I can think of one. The S.S. Tipton. Maybe you heard of it?" Alex smiles, "no. But, it sounds like I'd like to."