Sorry I didn't update earlier. School and work got in the way of writing.

Karma's POV
When Amy tells me that she forgives me, I feel a rush of relief wash over me. but I can see she's still a little apprehensive, especially when I ask her about the rest of her night. I cried myself to sleep that night. I was so mad at myself and wanted to rush over to her house in the morning when I woke up, but I knew that she needed time. "Um n-not really. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. But, I'm scared of how you'll react." she confesses. "Amy like I said I could never hate you. What's so important you feel like I'll get mad?" I ask softly. She hesitates and I see she takes a moment to build up the courage to say, "I got drunk and... I... I slept with someone." She confesses answering my question about how her night went. I feel myself step back in shock and know my face shows exactly that, shock. I know I feel more than just shock, but I really don't want to think about that right now. Not until I'm alone and aren't rushed to get to class. When she sees my reaction, she sighs, runs a hand through her hair, fixing her beanie, and sighs before she says, "I know. I know. I shouldn't have done that, but it happened and I can't take it back." When she sees I'm not saying anything, I notice she's about to freak out and that snaps me out of the shock. However when I do get out of the shock, I get word vomit and end up saying, "Um, well did you like it? Who did you have sex with?" I also want to show that she can't lose me, that I'll always be her best friend. She smiles gratefully, but then the smile turns into a sheepish one. "Uh, yeah I liked it, but you won't like who it was with." she says. "How do you know I won't? Look Amy just tell me, alright? I will always be here." I say trying to comfort her. She nods, takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes before saying "It was Soleil." I feel my jaw drop and I hear myself say the only thing that comes to mind "Oh." "Oh? That's it?" she asks cautiously when I don't say anything else. "It's a bit of a shock, but I'm fine." I say making her sigh in relief. I want to ask her why she did it before I remind myself that it was my own fault. She got drunk because of me, she slept with Soleil because I broke her heart, and for some reason I am more angry at myself than I was before.

Before I can say anything else, the warning bell goes off signaling we only have five minutes to get to class. We rush down the stairs and run to our lockers before going to history. When we walk through the door, I can't help but think Seriously? What the hell is she doing here? when I see Soleil sitting at the desk next to Amy's and apparently I said it aloud when Amy replies, "I knew I forgot to tell you something" while walking to her desk. "You knew? When the did she tell you?" I whisper while I sit at my desk, the one on the other side of Amy's. "Hey Amy... Karma." Soleil says. "Hey" Amy replies while I just grunt in hello. I can see that my response is amusing to Soleil if the smirk she has says anything. It only makes me clench my fists, while Amy leans back in her seat and takes a deep breath. About halfway into class I pass a note to Amy when I notice Soleil is busy.

K: What is she doing in class? I thought she was doing independent study.

A: Her parents are making her go to classes since she got two C's last grade check

K: How many classes do you have with her? I have no idea why I ask this but decide not to think anything of it.

A: Um... all of them. She hesitantly gives me the note. I clench my teeth together and answer her.

K: So I share five classes with her? I ask even if I'm more angry at Soleil having all of her classes with Amy than the five I'm going to share with her.

A: Pretty much, but hey we have Gym with her and we're playing dodge ball so you might be able to hit her. This makes me smile since I know that even if she does like Soleil she still tries to comfort me.

K: Maybe. Do you want to have a girls weekend to try to get back to how things used to be. But if it's too weird I totally understand and we can just hangout later. This causes a smile to show up on her face making me feel proud that I was the one that caused it.

A: It's fine and sounds fun. I miss our girls weekend. She replies making me feel ecstatic that she didn't push me away.

Just as I'm about to reply back, the bell rings and we stand up to pack up our stuff. I walk up to Amy and say "How about I go over to your house at 4?" "Sure that'd be fine. I'll see you for gym." I nod and as I try to go to the door Soleil bumps into me. We glare at each other and then I turn and walk out going to my English class.

Amy's POV
After Karma leaves, Soleil and I walk to our creative writing class. "Wait, why the hell are you going to have a girl's weekend?" She asks when I tell her. "I want us to go back to how we used to be." I reply. "Look we both know that's never going to happen. Don't look at me like that, you know it's true. She rejected you two days ago, and you know very well that it hurts you to even mention it. You will never be able to look at her and not remember what it felt like to kiss her, you'll never be able to spend time with her and not have the desire to hold her close and in your arms, but mostly you'll never be able to be just friends with her when you know what it feels like to love her. No matter how much you wish you could." she says with a sympathetic look making me see the truth in her words but also that she's talking from experience and I wonder how much Liam has hurt her. I know I won't be able to see Karma like I used to, but that doesn't mean I won't try. "Look I get it. You're right but I'd rather try to see her as only a friend and deal with the heartache than lose her completely and suffer the heartbreak of losing the person I love and my best friend." I say and she nods before suggesting "How about you invite Lauren to join you guys that way she can be a buffer." "I'll think about it." I say when we enter the class, knowing Lauren already has a lot going on with her. That she's about as stressed as I am.

Lauren's POV
I can't believe Tommy just spilled my secret. I know I didn't really love him, but wasn't our relationship enough to keep the secret. Shane catches up to me after he finished taking the pictures. We talk for a bit but one thing he said stuck with me. That I shouldn't be embarrassed about being an intersex. I know it's probably true, but I can't accept it. Not yet. I had to suffer enough with my mom passing away. She was the one who really supported me. My dad tries, but I can't help but feel as if he constantly wishes I was normal. This has strained our relationship a lot, and he usually makes up for it by giving me whatever I want. To make it even worse I slept with Liam and I don't even know what he thinks or if he's going to say anything. Shane may have promised no one would and I trust Amy and Karma would be less likely to do anything, but I'm not so sure about Liam. I'm not a dude as Tommy stated. I was born with only a single X chromosome. It's called Turner's Syndrome, and the reason I need the hormones is to make up for the missing X chromosome. That is one thing that bugs me is that when you say intersex they think hermaphrodite and not other things. Because of my condition I only have one ovary, and I needed to take the morning after pill because the doctor isn't sure if I'm sterile or not. I didn't want to take the chance.

After my talk with Shane I decide to just leave and go home. I don't feel like running into any of them, especially not Tommy or Liam. At around lunch time I get a text from Amy wondering if I went home. When I reply that I am, she says that she's having a girl's weekend and wanted to see if I could join them since I was having a crappy day and she wanted a buffer. I am surprised that she cares, and say that I'll join them but since I am me, I text Soleil telling her to show up like at 6:30 to make things more interesting. She replies that she'll go since she likes rubbing Karma the right way and also that she wants to make sure no one kills anyone. I have to agree that it is a possibility.

Tonight is definitely going to be interesting.

I'll try to update soon with the sleep over. I would also really appreciate some suggestions, so review or PM me.