Notes: So, this one has been sitting on my computer for a long time, waiting for it's turn to be posted (but it's still incomplete). Thanks to KMW1968, who I bounce ideas off, even when they don't make sense. I hope this lives up to a little bit of what you imagined.

So, new story. This chapter is a little different to my previous stories, it's been written like a bunch of reports. There will be things that might not be accurate in future chapters because most of these have been written by 'E' and she doesn't know everything.

Intersect Neal

Open: 'Intersect N[eal] Project'


Find: 'Intersect N' replace with 'Intersect Neal'

Find: 'Personality N' replace with 'Neal'

Find: 'Subject B' replace with 'Bryce'


Report Summary – Message from E to Orion (dated: 2003)

'Intersect Neal Project' proposed to the Director: A bid to understand what went wrong with Agent X and unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the Intersect's ability to overwrite a human's attributes.

'Intersect Neal' is a personality Intersect designed to overwrite the subject's attributes and replace them with the attributes of a programmed identity, henceforth referred to as 'Neal'. This Intersect will be uploaded into a subject and the subject will be monitored over a number of months.

Bryce has volunteered to be the subject of this trial.

Neal is programmed to be a man in his early twenties who grew up in Witsec. Neal idolised his father before finding out that he was a corrupt police officer from his father's old partner, after which he left Witsec and has lived on his own. I have been programmed in as said partner. The programmed history with me means Neal will trust me.

Intersect Neal will also provide Neal with skills not possessed by Bryce, painting and other forms of art. Neal does not possess affinity with computers and hacking as Bryce does.

Neal will be activated in New York where I and a small team of select agents will monitor him over the course of this project.

Progress Report (dated: 2003)

A few days into the Intersect Neal Project and we have seen no signs of attributes belonging to Bryce.

Neal showed no confusion upon waking in the prepared apartment. He moved as if he lived there, just as expected. Bryce moves and acts as if he has been Neal for all his life.

The mistaken delivery of Star Trek themed books, something which Bryce would like, did not interest Neal. Upon opening the box, Neal handed it back.

Progress Report (dated: 2003)

We are at the one week mark and the project is moving along as expected.

Yesterday, Neal met an odd little man wearing a toupee in the park. The man in question managed to trail him back to his apartment. Neal showed none of the training Bryce received in identifying and eluding a tail.

The odd little man was impressed with the bonds Neal forged, which appears to be how Neal has chosen to use the skills we programmed him with. The odd little man made Neal a proposition.

Picture attached – Who is he?

Progress Report (dated: 2003)

One month since the commencement of the Intersect Neal Project.

The odd little man, Neal refers to him as 'Mozzie', keeps eluding the agents assigned to track him. He appears to have taught Neal his tricks. Visuals of Neal have been lost at times. Tracker is still fully functional.

Neal has begun creating numerous alias and spying on various people and corporations. He appears to be attempting to integrate himself in [Vincent Adler's] select circle.

Hours of observation and discussion have concluded that these actions are not a consequence of Bryce fighting off the Intersect programming; rather it is due to the Intersect Neal programming subsequent interaction with the odd little man.

How is it that we can't identify him?

Extracts from the Report Compiled in the wake of [Adler's] scam and disappearance (dated: 2004)

Reviewing the data of the past few months, I wonder how we missed it. [Adler] hinted at his plans to Neal during those final few interactions.

Evidence gathered from Intersect Neal Project suggests that personality Intersects predispose subjects to the criminal element. Neal has attracted the attention of the FBI and toyed with its agents.

- Neal lost: Tracker Malfunction

A few days after [Adler's] disappearance, the tracker assigned to Neal was disabled and he also disappeared off the radar.

We were ready to test our Intersect Removal Program on Bryce. Plans have been changed. Our main priority has shifted to the capture of Neal.

Neal eludes all attempts at capture. Despite programming him, no one is able to explain how, why or what his next action may be. Neal appears to be on a crime spree which has caught the attention of a number of law enforcement agencies.

We have reviewed all files these agencies have on him. Curiously, while programmed to be able to handle guns, Neal doesn't use them. And even though Neal has not been programmed with the martial arts training Bryce possessed, he has yet to respond in a violent manner towards anyone.

Attempts made by me to contact Neal and convince him to return to us have been mostly ignored. Neal seems concerned for my safety and refuses to see me.

It would appear that some of our fears about creating another Agent X are unfounded. While Neal has overtaken the original personality, he has not risen to the level of national security risk. Neal goes out of his way to try not to hurt people and has a reputation for being non-violent.

Neal has been captured. A failed heist in Copenhagen landed a companion of his in hospital and presented us with the chance to grab him when he attempted to visit her. He was transported back to New York via Denmark and France where we set up an Intersect Removal Program.

The program appears to have restored subject's original personality. The skills programmed into Intersect Neal are no longer present in subject.

Due to how long Bryce possessed Intersect Neal, he shows signs of difficulty with processing time. Unfortunately, we don't have time to explore all the effects prolonged exposure to the Intersect has on a subject as Bryce had been assigned to a mission in Lisbon.

Extract from Report on the Revival of Intersect Neal Project (dated: 2005)

Intersect Neal has resurfaced in Bryce and taken over his mind. We are uncertain as to how this happened and whether something triggered the change. We can only conclude that our Intersect Removal Program was not as successful as we first believed. It appears to be no more than an Intersect suppressor and its effects wear off in time.

Bryce dropped off the grid only a day after completing a mission in Bogota, Colombia. Bryce has quickly become one of the best and the Director has made getting him back our top priority.

Neal is infamous. His crimes are getting bigger each time and are impossible to track or prove. Neal continues to elude all law enforcement agencies, including us. He has numerous aliases and is cautious, especially when it comes to us. Once again, any attempts to convince Neal to visit me have failed.

An Agent in the FBI is the only federal agent we have monitored who has gotten close to capturing Neal. Neal interacts with him and his team as if this is a game. Perhaps we can use this to our advantage?

Status Update (dated: 2005)

Neal has been arrested, charged and shipped off to a SuperMax facility. We have intercepted his transport and set up screens at the prison to ensure that his disappearance isn't noticed.

A new Intersect Removal Program was used to remove Intersect Neal. Bryce was disorientated as he woke and listened to our reports on what Neal did with a mix of surprise and horror. He claimed to be able to remember some of it; these claims were backed up when he interrupted reports with events that had yet to be mentioned.

Once again, the skills programmed into Intersect Neal faded upon removal.

Status Update (dated: 2007)

Bryce broke into a secure NSA facility and was shot dead. I am unable to see the body and so, am unable to determine if his sudden rogue actions were connected to Intersect Neal.

Report on the Pending Status of Intersect Project Neal (dated: 2009)

Bryce was alive and I was not informed. After being shot in 2007, he was revived by Fulcrum, a hostile espionage organisation. He was shot again three weeks ago by an agent of the Ring. When the CIA revived him, Neal resurfaced. As he was drugged and confused, I managed to convince Neal that he was in the prison infirmary after being shivved in the shower.

A number of different Intersect Removal Programs were used on the subject but none appeared to work. Intersect Neal has completely taken over Bryce and we haven't the first clue how to remove it.

It has been decided that Neal will be placed back in prison. I will monitor his progress until a way of permanently removing the Intersect is developed.

Status Update (dated: 2009)

Neal escaped. With only three months left, he walked. Instead of serving four more years for his escape, Neal made a deal. Neal has an electronic monitoring anklet and a radius. While this makes it easier for us to track his movements, it also makes it more difficult for us to extract him when the time comes.

Status Update (dated: 2010)

The girl who Neal broke out of prison for died in an explosion. While Bryce didn't care for this girl who Neal romanced, Neal is upset and looking for find the person who killed her.

Status Update (dated: 2010)

Neal turned a gun on the man he suspected of killing his girl. The security tapes show him performing stunts which were not programmed into Intersect Neal. Either he learnt during his crime sprees or he was unconsciously tapping into the training Bryce received.

Neal did not shoot anyone. His FBI handler managed to talk him down.

Status Update (dated: 2011)

A new Intersect Removal Program appears to have been created. Neal is currently under too much scrutiny from the FBI after a warehouse explosion and his suspected acquisition of the contents of a NAZI submarine. There are plans in place to catch Neal if he runs as well as plans in motion to get Neal to DC if he doesn't.

Extracts from Report detailing failed attempts to reclaim Neal (dated: 2012)

Our first attempt at reclaiming Neal involved sending a CIA agent who has spent years undercover in the FBI. His task was to bring Neal to DC.

During this time, Neal turned up on my doorstep. We had a talk, during which I assessed that Intersect Neal still has a firm hold on the subject. There was no sign of subject's original personality.

I gave Neal back his stolen property. The plan had been for the CIA agent to grab him with it and use it as leverage to bring Neal with him to DC. Unfortunately, Neal managed to slip through the trap through the combined effort of his FBI handler and an insurance investigator.

Even so, we thought we had him. The agent managed to put everything in place to bring Neal to DC.

Neal must have been warned, somehow. He ran. All our resources were tied up in the CIA agent's plan and we were unable to catch him in time. We lost him.

Our second attempt at reclaiming Neal was a partial success as Neal was brought back to New York and not DC. An NSA agent undercover with the FBI as a bounty hunter was the main face of this operation. He started a global search but focused most of his resources in New York. He believed that the FBI agent in charge of Neal will help us find him. He wants me to give my emergency contact method for Neal to the FBI agent. I am apprehensive as the contact method will only work once.

The FBI agent tracked me down. At first I refused his offer to help him with Neal but his wife made an interesting case. After confirming with the NSA agent, the emergency contact method was handed over to the FBI agent. Our suspicions were confirmed as the FBI agent managed to use the emergency contact method to locate Neal.

The FBI agent also went after Neal and warned him about the other agent after him. The FBI agent and Neal set up an op together which allowed them to capture one of the FBI's most wanted and reinstate the deal with the FBI. The NSA agent's hand was forced and he consented to Neal returning to New York.

Excerpt from a Message from E to General Beckman (dated: 2012)

With the visit from Neal and the agents, my cover is at risk. The marshals are planning to move me, as is protocol when someone in Witsec has been exposed as I have.

It is my recommendation that we bring in Agent Carmichael and his team. They have shown great success in outmanoeuvring agents who are Human Intersects and dealing with faulty Intersects.