Hey everybody I'm sure that many of you are asking yourself "why is this guy suddenly doing a Fairy Tail fic when he's already got three crossover stories posted?" Well let me say that I am a big Fairy Tail fan and Miraxus is my second favourite couple right behind GaLe which will always be my number one Fairy Tail couple.

As for why I'm writing this well I had always intended to start writing Fairy Tail stories when I first opened up my account but I just ended up putting so much work into A Blazing Blue Star that I completely forgot to actually start writing for a while. Until finally my friend Karl better known as TheSchizophrenic encouraged me to write a Miraxus fic let me just say that she is one of my absolute favourite authors who puts so much heart and work into every chapter so if any of you like Miraxus then make sure to check out her account and start reading her AMAZING stories.

Thanks again for giving me that little push Karl you're one of the greats!

Just another reminder in this story the Nine Demon Gates were all beat, Face was de-activated and Acnologia and Igneel never showed up.

It had been three weeks since the defeat of Tartarus and things were finally starting to return to normal in Fiore. The Magic Council had started rebuilding with Doranbolt having the most authority of all the survivors of Jackal's attack. He was making every effort to form a new council as quickly as possible to help restore order throughout the nation.

Minerva had returned to Sabertooth and had adopted their new ideals about members treasuring their nakama. She had also become an advisor to Sting alongside Rogue. Even though the White Dragon Slayer was undoubtedly an exceptionally capable mage who seemed perfect for the role of Master he was lacking somewhat in the mental maturity department but luckily Minerva and Rogue were able to pick up for that.

Back in Magnolia the Fairy Tail guild had just finished repairing their guild building. Things were also starting to look up for a certain Lightning Dragon Slayer. Even after being cured from the poisoning of the Magic Barrier Particles by taking an antidote made from the remains of Temptesta, Laxus and the rest of the Thunder Legion were only now fully back to normal. They had to go through some pretty harsh rehabilitation before the got back on their feet.

It was just a regular day at Fairy Tail, hundreds of jewels worth of furniture destroyed, fire, iron and ice flying through the air and a few unconscious bodies here and there.

Laxus was never the kind of person who got involved in the guild's daily brawls. Despite his rather arrogant personality he actually had a very good handle on his temper….well at least he had gotten a handle on it after his expulsion and return to Fairy Tail.

For some reason ever since he had recovered Laxus found his mind was filled with thoughts about a certain silver haired fellow S-class mage. Nowadays Laxus even found himself glancing at the woman from the table he shared with the Thunder Legion every now and again trying to figure out why she occupied his head so much recently.


"Laxus!" The Lightning Dragon was snapped out of his daydream when he heard the familiar whining of his green haired captain. "Huh? What is it?" Laxus asked turning to see Freed once again invading his personal space. "I've been calling you for over five minutes and you've just been staring in the same direction without saying a word." Freed said.

Five minutes? I was really looking at her for that long? Laxus thought a little surprised. "Yeah it's not like you to space out like that. I mean sure you're not exactly the most talkative guy but there's a difference between being silent and spacing out why where you staring in that direction anyway?" Evergreen asked but Laxus just shrugged and took a sip from his mug. "He was starin' that way cuz Mirajane's over there." Bixlow said with his "babies" echoing the word starin'.

Laxus suddenly tensed and spat his drink back into his mug and proceeded to glare at the now laughing Bixlow. "The hell're you talking about?" Laxus asked clearly annoyed. "Oh come on I've got six pairs of eyes watchin' ya so don't try and deny that ya were eyein' her up." Bixlow said slyly. "I…was not." Laxus said turning his face quickly when he felt the unfamiliar sensation of heat in his cheeks. However his friends were able to catch a quick glimpse of his blush.

"He just blushed didn't he?" Evergreen asked Bixlow to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "Y-yeah." Bixlow answered just as shocked. "But…..he never blushes." Evergreen said and Bixlow nodded while Freed seemed to be sweating waterfalls.

Evergreen and Bixlow looked back on forth between Laxus and what he was staring at, it was definitely Mirajane who was laughing with Lucy and Levy.

"You don't think…" Bixlow started. "Actually I do think that Laxus is..." "SICK!" Freed suddenly interrupted gaining everyone's attention. "He must still be sick from the particles maybe he hasn't recovered yet. Yes that must be the reason. Laxus you really should go home and get some rest." Freed said once again getting a little too close to his idol.

"But I'm fi-." "I INSIST!" Freed said raising his voice slightly yet still managing to sound polite. "Well okay as long as it means I don't have to deal with you freaking out for a few hours." Laxus said as he got up and started to leave.

Evergreen and Bixlow just gave him disapproving scowls at his obvious denial. As Laxus exited the guild hall he seemed unaware that a pair of cerulean eyes watched his back until he was out of sight.

That night Laxus just laid in his bed trying to get to sleep. "Fuckin' idoits'll be the death of me I swear." Laxus thought outloud as he yawned and felt his eye lids getting heavy.

Just before his eyes shut fully a single fragment of a memory crossed his mind.

"We won't forget your bravery. We'll have you back on your feet in no time. Just take it easy for now." He heard a gentle voice say before sleep finally claimed him.

So what do you think? I know it's short but I'm still working out the plot and all first chapters are short. Thanks again Karl for encouraging me to write a Miraxus story I'll make sure that you'll enjoy this story every bit as I do yours. Would greatly appreciate any reviews from Miraxus fans. Miraxus 4EVER!