Hey everyone I apologize for the long wait but my second year of college has started and it's A LOT of work. I'm getting assignments nearly every day so it's taken a while to get used to how busy things are but hopefully I should be able to update a little more regularly now that things are starting to calm down.

It's also the reason why I haven't been able to post anything for Miraxus Week which sucks and I really detest my college right now from denying me the chance to work on something that I'm passionate about, I have gotten some of them written and I plan on posting them at a later date.

We're finally heading into the double digits now! I hope everybody enjoyed the last chapter I really enjoyed writing my first Miraxus lemon just hope it wasn't bad or anything.

Just so everyone knows there will be multiple lemons and lime moments in this story and I won't be saying which chapters have some steamy moments in because that would kinda spoil the chapter. I always give a warning for the first lemon just so people know that there will be love scenes in this story, though you'd think the M-rating would do that but for me but it's just a small courtesy I like to show to my readers.

And all of you out there who like Miraxus then I definitely recommend you check out Noir by FreyjaBee it's a really great story and be sure to check out FallenArkAngel's treasure trove of Miraxus masterpieces! To me those two are some of the best Miraxus authors on the whole of FanFiction so be sure to check out their amazing works.

And also check out Unexpected Hopeless Romantic's great story 'Gentlemen's Club' I'm not joking when I say this story is hilarious! It's impossible for you to keep a straight face while you're reading it. It's also really cute and a good story in general so if you like Miraxus, Gale or Jerza or you just want to have a laugh then check that story out.

To Gordon Hail: Thanks for pointing that out, I re-read chapter 9 a few times and I saw that Laxus called Mira 'demon' waaaaaayyy too much. So thanks again for mentioning that I'll be sure to not use Laxus' nickname for Mira too much or too little

Well everyone I hope you enjoy the chapter and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

When the sun rose, signalling everyone that it was time to awaken from their slumber, Mirajane didn't feel like being very cooperative with the sun today.

She groaned in annoyance and buried her face into her pillow, hoping to escape the troublesome sunlight that was depriving her of her beauty sleep.

However all feeling of sleep seemed to ebb out of her when she noticed that her "pillow" was surprisingly firm and warm.

She could also feel a light but strong heartbeat pulsing beneath her.

Mira slowly turned her head up and smiled when she saw her dragon still sleeping.

Recently she'd had the pleasure of being able to see Laxus genuinely happy quite a few times but this was the first time she had ever seen him look so peaceful.

Mirajane stared at his sleeping face and her smile seemed to widen when she heard him letting out very faint snores. He looked so…..childlike, his usually hard and scowling face was completely at ease. If you looked at him now you'd never think that this man was one of Fairy Tail's strongest wizards and a dragon slayer on top of that.

While she was staring at him, her eyes became drawn to the distinct lightning bolt-shaped scar on his right eye. She'd always wondered how he got it, the only person who probably knew was his grandfather and even though her inner gossip addict had tried to sway her on many occasions to try and find out what the tale behind the man's scar was she had refrained from doing so out of respect for her fellow S-Class wizard.

There were plenty of rumors and theories as to how he'd gotten it; most people thought that he'd gotten it while he was out on a job which wasn't too hard to believe since pretty much everyone in Fairy Tail had sustained some kind of scar over the years, it would be weird if you found a member of Fairy Tail who didn't have some kind of scar.

Still, there were some people that believed there was a less….dignified reason as to how he had gotten his scar. One such theory was that he'd taken a knife to his face and carved it in himself to try and make himself look cooler. Considering the man's ego it wasn't too difficult to believe.

But even though she was Fairy Tail's self-proclaimed Queen of Gossip, Mira would just have to accept that there probably was a rational cause for it.

It'd always been a source of fascination for her, his scar.

At first glance it was so simple and yet it just suited him so well, it'd probably look good on him even if he wasn't a lightning mage.

Plus it made him look pretty hot too.

Mira was just lost in thoughts of admiration for one of the man's most noticeable features as she reached up and slowly traced the marking with her finger, albeit gently so that she didn't wake him up.

"If you wanted to touch the scar you coulda just asked Mira."

She jerked her hand away when she heard the gruffness of his voice but smiled slightly when he peeked open his left eye to look at her.

"I guess so, but that would be pretty boring." she replied with a giggle, "It's much more fun trying to be all sneaky about it."

Laxus sighed before moving the arm that was wrapped around her waist upwards so he could pat her head.

"You're a lot of things woman but sneaky is not one of them."

"I am too sneaky." Mira said with a small pout.

"Oh yeah?" Laxus asked, tilting his head to look down at the woman who was still wearing that adorable pout, "Tell me one time where you've done something sneaky without anybody noticing."

"Well one time I put a little too much sugar in Lisanna's coffee even though I know she doesn't like it when her coffee is too sweet." Mira said in a rather confident tone as is she was completely convinced that she had just proved the man wrong.

Laxus just stared her, he wasn't sure what was stranger the fact that she gave such a silly answer or that she actually believed that making someone's coffee a little sweeter than they usually like counted as doing something sneaky.

Knowing her she probably just did it by accident since it was hard to believe that she would do even something as small and insignificant as that to her siblings.

"Mira," he started with a sigh and a shake of his head, "That don't count as doing something sneaky."

"It does too! I did something without anyone noticing how is that not sneaky?"

"It just isn't."

"No fair changing the rules Lax."

"I ain't changing the rules, I'm just stating a fact."

"No, you're cheating."

"I'm Laxus Dreyar Mira, I ever need to cheat to win."

Both of his eyes were fully open then, just staring down at the other pair of blue eyes bellow him. They just stared at eachother for a few minutes before they both starting laughing.

"Hahaha, you really are egotistic aren't you?" Mira said in between her giggles.

"I ain't got no idea what you're talking about Mira, it's like I said before I'm just stating a fact."

"You know most girls don't really find narcissism attractive."

"I think I might know a little bit more than you about what women find attractive." Laxus said reaching out a hand to give her nose a gentle poke causing the woman to giggle.

"Anyway unless they're you then I don't really care what any other girl thinks."

Laxus closed his eyes and lowered his head back down onto the pillow to avoid making eye contact with the woman.

Geez, they hadn't been together all that long and she already had him saying mushy stuff like that without even thinking about it. Just what kind of hold did the demon have on him anyway?

The demon in question just smiled and snuggled even closer to the man.

He hummed in approval when she started stroking his chest and she could've sworn she heard him make some kind of purring noise when she started to trace the outline of his tattoo.

"Hey, Laxus."


"Well you know how long lasting relationships are built on trust?"


"Well I really want what we have now to last a really long time and don't get me wrong I trust you with my life you know that right?"

Another grunt.

"But I was thinking that maybe to make the trust between us a little stronger that maybe we should tell eachother something about our feelings towards one another."

Laxus opened his eyes and looked down at her with a slightly confused expression.

"So you wanna know something about my feelings towards you?"

"Well….yeah, I'll ask you something about your feelings and then you can ask me something about my feelings. Is that okay?" she asked looking up at him.

Honestly Laxus was a little iffy about it. This sounded more like something a group of girls would do when they were hanging out while they were braiding eachothers hair or something. It did not sound like something he would do. Ever. He didn't talk about feelings it just wasn't who he was.

But then again he had done a lot of things recently that were rather out of character for him and how was he supposed to say no to her when she was looking at him with those big, beautiful, baby blue eyes?

"Sure, if you really feel that strongly about it." he said with a shrug.

Anything to make the demon happy.

"Great! Okay, I'll go first since I brought it up."

"Fine with me." Laxus said still sounding rather disinterested although Mira seemed to be too excited to notice which Laxus just couldn't understand, it was probably just going to be a simple question with a simple yes or no answer that just wasn't worth even mentioning.

"What was it about me that made you fall in love with me?"

Or it could be an incredibly loaded and complex questioned that could mess up a person's brain!

Dammit! Why did love have to be so complicated? Why couldn't it be a simple and straight forward feeling that was easy to figure out huh? Then again if it was so easy and simple to understand then it wouldn't really be love.

Laxus just inhaled and exhaled deeply before finally giving the woman an answer.

"I'm not too sure myself. I guess if I had to give a reason it would be because you were….different. When we were kids you were one of the few people that always saw me as me, as Laxus, not just the Master's grandson. You remember when we first met?"

"Yeah of course I do, I'd been in the guild for about two months and you'd just gotten back from an S-Class job that lasted three months and then we went to get a job from the request board and we ended up grabbing the same flyer, then we ended up arguing for a really long time." Mira said giggling at the memory.

"Have to admit that I was surprised that you had such a mouth on you at such a young age. Some of the cusses you threw at me I'd never even heard before." Laxus said with a smirk while Mira's face reddened slightly from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about that, I was really rude to you for no reason at all."

"It's fine I didn't exactly respond in the best way either." he said with a chuckle.

"Anyway it was kinda refreshing."

She looked up at him at that one, "What do you mean?"

"Even when I was that age I'd already made a bit of a name for myself as a mage so I was kinda used to people just rolling over for me instead of picking a fight. Apart from Erza, Natsu and Gray there weren't that many other people that would've even tried to swipe a job I had my eyes on so it was kinda nice to have someone else who had a little spark in 'em around the place."

"Anyway, like I was saying even from when we first met you always treated me just the same as you treated everybody else. It always pissed me off how nearly everyone in the guild would treat me differently just cuz I happened to be related to Makarov, so even though I probably didn't know it at the time I really did appreciate that you didn't care about that at all."

"But Laxus," Mira interrupted hardly even blinking as she continued to stare at him, "There may not have been many of them but there were still plenty of other people in the guild who didn't give your relation to Master a second thought like Natsu, Erza, Cana, Gray, Freed, Ever, Bicks-"

"Are you gonna let me finish or not?" he grumbled. Laxus disliked being interrupted while he was speaking enough as it was but he found it even more irritating that Mira had the gall to interrupt him while he was being all soft and mushy, which for the record was not something that he was often, except when he was around the demon of course.

Couldn't she appreciate that?

She just giggled, "Sorry Grumpsus."

"Hey! You said you weren't gonna call me that anymore!"

"If you recall correctly, I said that I wouldn't call you that for the rest of the evening. As you can see it's morning now so I can call you that as much as like."

Laxus just growled but Mira just laughed in response, he was so cute when he got angry over silly stuff.

"As I was saying," he started up again rather loudly so that the woman knew to be quiet, "You always talked to me without any kind of fear or kiss-ass talk and you never hesitated to make it known whenever I pissed you off, even when you lost your magic if I ever made you mad you still talked to me as if you could rip me a new one whenever you felt like it."

He chuckled at the memory of the demonic glares she would send him while an embarrassed blush once again stained the woman's face. It vanished when she felt his large hand stroke the back of her head, tenderly fiddling with her silver locks of hair.

She looked up and saw him smiling right back at her with both eyes open.

"As long as I've known you Mira, you've always stood out, you've always been different. Just the fact that you were so unlike any other woman I'd ever known just made me feel drawn to you but I think that I finally fell for you after you watched over me after I'd been poisoned during our fight against Tartaros."

Mira's eyes widened and she propped herself up slightly with her arms still on his chest.

"Wait, you mean that you…..heard what I said back then?" she asked a little in disbelief.

"Well I haven't always remembered." he said putting both his hands behind his head, still laying on the bed.

"It only came back to me after I took that coconut to the head a few days ago but looking back I guess I'm pretty lucky that it fell on me."

"Why's that?"

"Cuz if it wasn't for that damn fruit shaking those memories loose then it probably would've taken me a lot longer to realize that these feelings that I have for you are well…..love."

Mira smiled at his words and shimmied up to kiss him which he was more than happy to return.

"So," he said when they separated, trying albeit failing to stop a grin from spreading across his face, "I answered your question so I think it's about time that you answered mine."

"Okay what do you wanna know?"

"Well I've been curious about this ever since you confessed to me, but just how long have you had a thing for me anyway?"

Mirajane started to feel uneasy once more which was evident as when timidly moved back down and pressed half of her face into her dragon's chest. It was actually quite a comforting place she felt less embarrassed when she laid against it, who would've ever guessed that using Laxus Dreyar's pecs as a pillow could actually be an effective way of calming one's nerves.

"Well, I've had feelings for you for…..a while." she said slowly.

"I figured as much," Laxus said closing his eyes again as if in thought, "Afterall I was the one who confessed first and I doubt that you just happened to fall head over heels at that exact moment which means you must've started feeling like this a little while back. So how long are we talkin' here? A few weeks? A couple months? Don't tell me a yea-"

"Ever since I joined the guild!"

She said it so fast that he barely registered it but he heard every word. His eyes practically popped open at her admission. He was so shocked that he just sat up so fast it was almost a blur, since the woman that elicited this reaction was still laying (comfortably) on the man's chest she had no choice but to sit up also.

"Wait," Laxus said as he slowly turned to look at her, the utter shock on his face still clear to see, "You mean you've been in love with me ever since we were kids?!"

Mirajane almost dropped the sheets she was using to cover her breasts when she heard his question.

"No! No! No! No! I didn't mean it like that?!"

"Well what the hell did you mean?!"

"Stop yelling at me!"

"You started yelling first woman!"

They glared at eachother for a bit until Mira just took a deep breathe in and out in order to calm herself down and it seemed to work although her face was still noticeably flushed from her hasty response.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to raise my voice."

Laxus sighed before answering, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have yelled at ya. You just caught me off guard is all." he said scratching the back of his head.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. I just kinda answered without thinking it through so I ended up saying something that wasn't entirely true."

"Huh? So you mean you haven't been in love with me for as long as we've known eachother?"

Laxus' tone was a mixture of relief and disappointment. He was relieved because if she really had been in love with him for years then that kinda made her sorta like Juvia, and while Laxus wouldn't mind at all if Mira swooned for him over everything he did and worshipped the ground he walked on the thought of her following him around all the time and hording a bunch of merchandise themed after him kinda freaked him out.

Not that he disliked Juvia or anything but sometimes the way she acted around Gray was a little off putting since it kinda reminded him of how Freed would act around him sometimes and the last thing he wanted was for Mira to become some kind of insane stalker, that would definitely put some strain on their relationship.

But despite that he couldn't help but feel a pinch of disappointment at the thought of Mira not being in love with him, no matter what the context was.

"Well not exactly."

"What's that supposed to mean?" just how many times was this demon gonna mess with his head?!

"Well you see the thing is," Mira started shifting her shoulders nervously as she spoke. "When we were kids I kinda…..had a crush on you."

Laxus just blinked before he smirked, obviously regaining his composure.

"Oh? Is that so?" he said smugly.

Mira just gave him an annoyed glare.

"Yes Laxus, I did have a crush on you. But it's not like you can blame me I was just 14 and you were this quiet, mysterious, strong, handsome, cool, rebellious guy who wasn't that much older than me."

Mira got lost in the thoughts she recalled she had when she laid eyes on an 18-year old Laxus for the first time.

"You were just so dreamy an-"

"Oh so I was dreamy now was I?"

That smug triumphant tone of his snapped her out of her childhood fantasy and she looked over to see the man wearing a particularly irritating shit-eating grin.

"Shut up."

"Hey you're the one who said it not me." He said holding his hands up in surrender but still keeping his smirk in place.

"I mean I've received a lot of compliments from women but dreamy is a new one."

"Just quit talking about it." Mirajane squeaked, trying very hard to keep herself from screaming, which was rather difficult considering she was feeling a combination of annoyance and embarrassment which to be honest, wasn't really anything new when it came to Laxus.

She did feel a little bit of jealousy and anger though, even though she knew he was joking hearing about the other women that Laxus had been with was not exactly one of Mirajane's favorite pass times.

"Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." Mira emphasized to make sure the man got her message.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Laxus thought, it was just a few minutes ago that she was interrupting him. Guess the demon didn't like it too much when things got flipped on her.

"It was just a silly childish crush that everybody gets at some point and it went away after a year or two. But despite that I always felt sad whenever I'd see you and Master argue or when you'd belittle Fairy Tail."

Laxus' smirk pretty much died at that point, he never liked recalling the kind of person he was.

"And as you said before, you had this impeccable talent for being able to make me so mad without even trying. That always confused me, how I could handle serving and cleaning up after a bunch of rambunctious wizards daily and even get hit by airborne bottles and furniture without getting the least bit annoyed but when it came to you I always lost my cool so easily."

Despite that what she was saying wasn't exactly complimentary she still smiled as if it was.

"Then when Master expelled you, I felt sad."

Laxus perked up slightly hearing that.

"Some of it was because I could tell how heartbroken Master was right after it happened but also because I missed you."

"Really?" Laxus asked in disbelief and Mirajane merely nodded and hummed in response.

"After you left it was never quite the same around the guildhall, at least for me anyway. Even though you were hardly around because of all the jobs you took just knowing that you might never be coming back made it seem like something was missing." Mira said clutching the bed sheets even closer to her chest.

"And then just like that, you suddenly re-appeared on Tenrou Island it was pretty shocking to say the least, no pun intended." She said with a giggle while Laxus' lips arched slightly but he never took his eyes off the woman.

"Then I saw how much you'd changed since you'd been gone, how you were willing to put everything on the line to protect Master and the rest of Fairy Tail and it just made me so happy. I think it was around then that my old crush for you resurfaced except this time it developed into something much stronger than that."

Laxus was full on smiling now, he just couldn't help it. The words that Mirajane was saying were making him incredibly happy for some reason. Must have been something to do with that demonic hold she had on him.

"That feeling just seemed to keep getting stronger as time went by and then funnily enough it wasn't until you and the Thunder Legion and Mr. Yajima were poisoned that I realized that I had completely fallen in love with you. I just wished I had realized it sooner, I hate that it had to take me almost losing you to realize how much you mean to me."

Mira stopped talking when she felt a warmth envelop the hand that was still on the bed, she looked down and saw a larger hand that she was all too familiar with covering hers.

She looked up and saw Laxus looking right at her with a serious expression.

"Listen Mira if getting contaminated by Magic Barrier Barriers is what it took for me to realize my feelings for you then I'd gladly do it again in fact I might've actually thanked that Tempester bastard if he hadn't kicked the bucket after I kicked his sorry ass. I'd rather go through the hell of being poisoned a hundred times over than keep on living without ever realizing what I feel for you. I love you Mirajane so don't you go saying that you feel guilty about not falling for me sooner, if me getting put into a coma was what it took to wake us up then I'm fine with that. I'd never take the chance of us going on never figuring out that we love eachother. You're mine now demon, how it happened or what caused it to happen doesn't matter nearly as much as the fact that it did."

Mira's eyes widened as she felt her heart go on a rampage inside of her chest while her breathe become caught within her throat as if the organ's indomitable palpitations had taken a hold of it and refused to let go.

She had never imagined that Laxus' response would be anything like that, in actuality Laxus was probably more surprised than she was that he was capable of saying something like that. Guess it was just another sign of how badly he had it for the demon and if he was being honest with himself he didn't mind saying stuff that made him seem soft as long as it was only for her.

Yeah, only for her.

"I love you too, you silly grumpy dragon!"

"Hey! Mira just wait a min-oof!"

She just felt so happy and emotional that she just had to hug him! Unfortunately it would seem that in her excitement, she had propelled herself towards the slayer with a tad more force than she had originally intended and since she had caught him off guard he didn't have any time to balance them, which resulted in both of the S-Class wizards taking a tumble out of the bed they were sharing.

Only the lower part of their legs remained tangled on the bed spread while the rest of their bodies had landed square on the floor.

Mira of course, wasn't hurt in the slightest since she had landed on a mass of chiseled and defined muscle, Laxus on the other hand had met with a less than appealing landing surface, namely the cool polished marble that made up the floor of their suite.

Mira looked up to find Laxus staring back at her with a rather unamused frown.

"Ow." he emphasized with irritantation while Mira just smiled sheepishly at him until they both broke out into another fit of laughter.

"Sorry about that." Mira said untangling her legs from Laxus' and pushing herself up from his chest so that she could sit.

"Well if you're really sorry," Laxus said grinning wickedly. "I can think of a way that you can make it up to me."

Mira squeaked when she felt something hard prod at her lower thigh. When she looked down to see what it was she realized that she'd let go of the sheet she was using to conceal herself meaning that she completely bare in front of the man and once she knew that, it wasn't exactly hard to figure out what was poking her.

The squeak of protest that came up Mira's throat came out as a sensual moan when Laxus began to fondle her breasts, his hands squeezing and kneading as if they had a life of their own, only pausing so that he could pinch and gently tug at her rosy pink nipples.

Laxus leaned up so that he could begin sucking and nipping the woman's neck while she just arched her neck to give him better access, her moans coaxing him to continue.

One of his hands ceased its ministrations and began to move slowly down the woman's torso so that he could feel every inch of her silky smooth skin.

Mira's head was just clear enough that she could register what Laxus' hand's destination was.

"L-Laxus w-wait." She gasped, barely able to form a sentence.

"What is it?" Laxus grumbled against the soft flesh of her neck, the vibrations of his sinfully low but smooth voice sending a shiver down the woman's spine.

"C-Can I have a shower please?"

Both his hands stopped their movements and he drew his head back so that he could stare at her.

"Now why would you wanna do that?" he asked.

"W-Well I didn't get the chance to have one last night and I just feel a little…icky." she replied making sure to avert her eyes knowing that if she looked into his smoldering gaze for too long than she wouldn't be able to make herself leave.

"So I'm icky now?" he said pretending to sound hurt but it looked like Mira's head was too foggy for her to pick up on his sarcasm.

"No! I don't think you're icky or nasty or anything like that," she had to look at him then but she felt her cheeks go aflame when she did, "It's just that….I want to be clean for you when we….you know."

Mira felt like she was going to die of embarrassment, Laxus on the other hand was using every ounce of will power to keep his face straight and keep himself from breaking into laughter at how Mirajane was acting.

But it was pretty hard, his little demon was just too damn cute!

"Okay fine, you can have your shower." Laxus said before leaning in to press his lips against hers in a kiss which slightly caught her off guard but that didn't stop her from leaning into him and returning it.

"But," Laxus said breaking off the kiss so that he could speak, "As soon as you step out of that bathroom you're mine." He whispered into her ear then giving it a little nip making her squeak.

He helped her get to her feet although she was a little weak in the knees from his earlier actions, he pressed another kiss to her temple which cleared her mind some.

"Don't take too long." he said giving her behind a little squeeze before ushering her towards the bathroom.

He kept smirking until she disappeared from view and then he just sighed to himself, he had gotten a little carried away while teasing her and had in turn made himself even more riled up than he already was. But it wasn't like he could have a cold shower since the bathroom was already occupied and he couldn't exactly take care of his problem himself since he was fully intent on getting it on with the demon as soon as he laid eyes on her again.

Another sigh, all he could do for the moment was patiently wait for the woman to return while doing his best to ignore his own erection.

Easier said than done.

Mira was having a similar problem of her own, it seemed that no matter how much she tried to concentrate on the hot water and actually freshening herself up her thoughts kept on drifting back to how good it felt when Laxus' hands caressed her body and those thoughts in turn caused memories of the previous night of passion she shared with the man.

She could feel a familiar heat start to come into being within her and spread throughout her body, she had to wrap her arms around herself believing that the heat would completely envelop her and cause her heart to melt right then and there if she didn't.

Once she'd finally gotten around to washing herself she exited the shower and dried off her body and her hair she wrapped herself in a towel although she did think to herself that it was a rather pointless action since she'd be out of it soon enough if Laxus' previous eagerness was anything to go on.

When she re-entered the bedroom she and Laxus were talking before but was surprised to find that he was no longer on the bed were she had just left him.

That's odd where in the world could he have gone? Mira thought as she stepped closer to the bed curious as the where he dragon had wondered off to.

She stopped when she could feel a presence behind her but when she turned to see what was there she let out a surprised squeal when she was actually tackled onto the bed.

Mira looked up to see Laxus looking down at her, he was giving her a look that made it difficult to tell what he was thinking but it was some kind of mixture between agitation and arousal and honestly him looking at her like that was only making Mirajane hotter.

"Thirty minutes," he growled although he wasn't shouting at her and there wasn't any real anger in his voice just gruffness, "You made me wait thirty fucking minutes you really are a sadistic little demon aren't you?"

She was going to say something but he took the liberty of opening that towel up for her and she shivered when she felt the air hit her skin.

"Damn you smell good," he said leaning down to rest his forehead against hers smirking when he recognized the smoky desirable look in her eyes, "You actually smell good enough to eat."

Mira couldn't help but gasp when Laxus started to leave a trail of searing hot open mouth kisses starting from her cheek and then moving down to her jaw, she moaned when he got to her neck but he quickly moved on to her collarbone.

Each time he kissed her, Mira felt as if she was being burned with a branding iron there was no pain however just the overwhelming burning passion and love her dragon held for her seeping into her skin and just like with a branding iron Mirajane could feel both her body and her heart being marked as his and his alone and honestly she couldn't help but feel utterly satisfied with being his demon.

Laxus paused and lingered for a while when he reached her breasts, taking extra time to plant several long kisses over every inch of both of them. They were one of his favorite parts of her body afterall and he wanted to take extra time to make sure that he appreciated them properly.

Mira moaned hotly when he took the pink peaks of her mounds between his lips but he focused solely on sucking on them like a newborn babe while Mira just arched her back in a way that Laxus loved.

After releasing them he gave both nipples a courtesy flick of his tongue before he continued his descent down the woman's body who was rendered a panting mess as a result of his actions.

He started kissing her stomach next where he then paused to insert his tongue into her naval which was both surprising and pleasurable to her.

There was ofcourse another reason why Laxus was doing all of this besides giving himself and his demon pleasure. To him her body was completely new and uncharted territory and he was hell-bent on exploring every inch of it, he wanted to know exactly how to please her, what made her moan, what made her whimper and sob and what drove her absolutely crazy. These were all things that Laxus Dreyar was determined to know.

Laxus lowered his head even further and finally reached his destination, Mirajane's womanhood.

It was a thing of pure beauty to him, her outer folds her the same eye-catching pink as her nipples while her inner folds were a slightly darker shade of pink and the juices of her arousal kept pouring from her core. The colors of her pussy contrasted perfectly against her pearly white skin like a flower in full blown amongst a field of white snow.

It was the first time that Laxus had looked at a woman's naked body and thought of it as beautiful. He'd been turned on by other woman's bodies and had been physically attracted to dozens of them. But they'd only ever been sexy to him, never beautiful. Mirajane's body was a perfect combination of both.

The alluring scent of the woman's arousal was overpowering to Laxus eventually he couldn't hold back anymore and leaned his head in to press a long lick against her inner petals.

Mira was finally starting to catch her breathe back after Laxus' earlier actions but her eyes shot open at the unfamiliar sensation of her most private part being licked.


She moaned rather loudly while Laxus inwardly congratulated himself for making Mira make such a wonderful sound. Laxus continued to taste his demon, she tasted batter than he could have ever imagined. That small sample he got of her last night was nothing compared to the real thing, he hadn't even been tasting her for all that long but he already knew that he was completely addicted to her.

Eventually simple licks weren't enough to satisfy him he wanted to taste every single drop of sweet nectar that her flower held within it's mesmerizing pink petals. In order to do so he thrust his tongue inside of her.


Mira let out another moan that was even more vocal than the last one, she couldn't help but thrash her head and upper body around as she felt the velvety muscle wriggle around within her, tasting every inch of her. At first it felt very strange but the uncertainty soon morphed into a wave of euphoria and bliss.

Laxus felt as if he was losing his mind, he reveled in the way that she constricted around his tongue. Deciding that he wanted to be even closer to her then, Laxus wrapped his mouth around the entirety Mira's opening locking his lips against Mirajane's lower ones in a kiss.

Mirajane practically screamed at this throwing her head back as another wave of pleasure came crashing down on her, his actions had pushed the flexible muscle invading her body even deeper into her cavern while Mira had to grip the bedsheets so hard it was a wonder that they didn't rip. Mira finally gathered enough strength to peek her eyes open and was welcomed by the sight of Laxus' face between her legs while his hand hands stroking both of her outer thighs with him once again tenderly caressing her guild mark.

Actually watching Laxus devour her sex while his tongue continued to curve, swirl and flick inside of her was actually making Mirajane even more aroused than she already was which one would think at this point would be impossible.

When his tongue finally brushed against that special soft spot Mira could start to feel the familiar wave of her own orgasm start to pass over her.

"Oh God, Laxus! I'm going to-I'm going to…..Ahh!"

Mirajane came hard while Laxus just drank up every fluid that she produced, so much came out that Laxus had to gulp a couple of times.

After he was finished with his meal, Laxus pushed himself up and wiped the extra fluid on his mouth with the back of his hand, smirking when he looked down at Mira's disheveled state. Her white hair pooled around her head but it was rather messy from all the thrashing her head had done, her bangs were particularly askew, there were red marks in the areas were had kissed and sucked and her cheeks and skin general were aflame.

"Wow demon you're the best thing I've ever eaten, I think I'm addicted to you already." he said huskily while he licked off any leftover juices on his hand.

Mira's face just went red at his words for the umpteenth time, "D-Don't say embarrassing things like that Laxus!" she squeaked covering her face with her hands to try and hide her own embarrassment while Laxus just chuckled to himself.

Seriously, was there any way his demon could get any cuter?

Mirajane lowered her hands when she felt him grab her butt with both hands and lift her up so she was in his lap.

"Not that I didn't enjoy that or anything, cuz I totally did but it's no fair if you're the only one who gets to enjoy themselves. How 'bout we feel good together?" he asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Mirajane shivered when she felt his still rock hard cock push against her entrance.


Mira cut of her sentence with a moan when he entered her, she'd just came a few seconds ago so her body was even more sensitive than it usually was, her body shivered so violently upon his entry that she had to grab onto his broad shoulders in order to steady herself.

Laxus groaned rather loudly, she was still pretty wet so he was able to sheathe himself within her right up to the hilt on the first thrust without any resistance at all.

It hadn't even been a full day since they last had sex but to Laxus it felt as if it had been years since they had.

It felt so warm and soft and tight inside of her and it made him feel so good that honestly Laxus thought he was going to bust a nut right away.

They both just remained motionless as they panted, both of them getting used to the feeling of being one once more.

Once they had properly composed themselves, Laxus and Mira just stared into eachother's eyes, each of them silently telling the other how much they loved them.

They leaned in and kissed passionately with Laxus recognizing that as his sign to go ahead and start moving. He tightened the grip he had on her behind and started to thrust into her with a fair amount of force right from the start but this didn't seem to bother Mirajane in the slightest.

He was able to slide in and out with ease while Mira and Laxus just kept kissing moaning hotly into eachother's mouths.

Laxus couldn't have felt better, the taste of her tongue was almost as delicious to him as the taste of her juices was, the feeling of her breasts rubbing up against his chest was heavenly and he was so deep inside of his lover that it was almost like she was swallowing him whole.

Mira was also feeling incredible, the taste of her previous orgasm was still fresh on her dragon's skillful tongue and while it was a little strange tasting herself she still felt a degree of exhilaration in doing so.

I want him to feel good. Mira thought as they continued to make love.

In an effort to make him feel even greater pleasure Mira hoisted herself up using her hold on his shoulders as a support and started to lower herself down onto him so that she could meet his thrusts as he lifted her up and down.

His grip on her soft ass tightened even more at her actions and when Laxus could feel himself move into the deepest depths of her core he knew that neither one of them was going to last must longer especially when he could feel the tip of his cock press against that bundle of nerves inside of her.

A part of him wanted to savor this moment but the majority of him just wanted to make his demon cum so hard she'd be seeing stars!

Deciding to go with his instincts Laxus' increased the pace of his thrusts and raised her up and down even faster.

Their moans grew in length and volume as they both felt their climax approaching.

"Laxus! I'm co-comin-ooohh!"

"Fucking hell Mira! Shhiiiiiiiit!"

The both came at around the same time with Laxus growling as his orgasm exploded while Mira just cried out his name at the feeling of his passion shooting into her.

Laxus was conscious enough to make himself fall onto his side so he didn't crush her but quickly turned so that he was on his back and she was on his chest with them both still riding out the dwindling flickers of their joint orgasm.

He took to playing with her hair as they just laid their in a comfortable silence.

"I pretty much had a shower for nothing didn't I?" Mira asked as she placed a kiss on his chest.

"Well it wasn't for nothing, now we get to go and freshen up together." Laxus said looking down at his demon with a smile.

Mira just gigled before looking back up at him with a smile of her own, "Okay but I think you're gonna have to carry me to the bathroom cuz I'm pretty sure my legs are like jelly at this point."

Laxus laughed really loudly at that, his laugh was loud and booming like thunder.

"You ain't gonna hear no complaints from me demon." Laxus said taking her into his arms and carrying her bridal style.

"I hope you know that we're only going in there to bathe and nothing else Laxus."

"We'll see." Laxus answered smirking down at her as they entered the bathroom to clean eachother.

He was sure he had a pretty good chance at getting something more than bathing out of this, but if he didn't then that was fine too.

He was always fine as long as he was close to her.

Phew I finally updated, I PROMISE that I won't take nearly as long with the next update. I just want to thank everyone who has followed, favorited and reviewed this story so far. I know it's pretty bad compared to some of the other amazing stories out there but I really do appreciate any attention that this story gets.

Please leave as many reviews as possible because they really do mean a lot to me. I know it's a little late to be saying this but I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and I truly wish you all a Happy New Year.