A/N Here is a small Epilogue to Wandering Eyes and Misunderstandings. It's just a little bit to tie up loose ends. A big thank you too everyone who took the time to read it. Xx


The Snape's marriage moved on from the incident with Alyssa and although it was never perfect or plain sailing, it was happy, there was love and most importantly it was there's, faults and all.

Both Hermione and Severus got their wishes adding three more children to their family. First came Zachary, then came Benjamin, and lastly came little Zoe. She had been a complicated pregnancy and birth, arriving early and when she was born, she was so tiny compared to her other siblings. After the horrendous birth, both Hermione and Severus decided she would be their last. But neither one could complain with the life they had. It was much more than either one could have imagined, and they were happy.

Severus spent lots of time worshiping his wife, never wanting her to become insecure or doubt his feelings for her again. Hermione in return, loved and reassured Severus in the way only she could and in the long run, their love and devotion withstood every obstacle thrown at them over the years. Like any couple they argued, they disagreed, but they always came back together as one.

As for Alyssa, well it was finally revealed to Draco and the rest of the Malfoys, that she was indeed the offspring of Lucius. Who admitted to having an affair with a very wealthy pureblood witch named Helena Bertinelli. The day Draco seen Alyssa at Severus's home when she waited for an interview, he took one look at her hair and eyes, and just knew she was his sister.

Somehow he managed to convince Severus into hiring her, even though Severus later admitted she was an incredible dunderhead when it came to arranging and naming Potion ingredients. This was so that Severus could gain her trust and find out for sure whether she was a Malfoy, by getting a blood sample and doing the magical version of what muggles know as a DNA test.

With the proof in hand Draco confronted his father, who had been stunned to learn he had a daughter. Helena had kept her daughter's parentage a secret from both Alyssa and Lucius.

It was safe to assume that Narcissa had been less than pleased to learn about the news of her husband's infidelity. They had separated for a short period of time, so that she could come to terms with the betrayal. But overtime she did forgive, although never quite forgot, and even became close to the girl she saw as a daughter. Draco was incredibly pleased that he was no longer and only child and became incredibly close to his newly found sibling.

Severus also kept his promise by thanking Ginny Weasley for her help in his wife's plan. Although he never did quite forgive her for convincing Hermione to buy and wear that dress, which incidentally was never seen again. He even encouraged both ladies to go out on these pamper days, as he saw how happy they made his wife, and that was all he ever wanted her to be.

Neither Severus nor Hermione ever found out about Alyssa's infatuation with her former employer's wife. When she found out why Mr Snape had been so interested in her, she felt incredibly guilty with her previous assumptions of him. Having gotten to know him better, since he was best friends with her father, she realized just how wrong she had been. Seeing the Snape's so happy and in love she finally moved on with her infatuation of Hermione. After all who could compete with that in the end?