I'm so sorry guys it's been too long! my absence has been inexcusable! after writing a little bit of this chapter, i was hit with writer's block and got absolutely nothing done for weeks. this chapter had been very difficult to write but it is again long.

i was amazed at the response my first chapter got, it meant so much to me, all the followers and reviews far outdid my expectations ad i only hope it continues to be like that. you guys are amazing and i hope this chapter is good enough for you.

just to clear up a few questions: rose was in London, there is no bond, the va books haven't happened nor will they, this may appear as a rewrite of va but it will follow a different plot and is OOC so please bare with. if i haven't answered your questions, or you have one for me, please ask and i will reply next chapter.



A multitude of voices hit me like a shockwave as I entered the hall swarming with black and white clad guardians. Clammy stench rose to greet the wave of arrivals but I took my last gulp of fresh air before forcing my way between the bodies to a quiet spot at the far corner of the room. Stoically, I propped myself against the wall and although there was no call for it, I immediately adopted a watching guardian stance and scanned the room for all possible exits and threats. Although I wasn't acknowledged by a single soul, they parted to let me through and kept a courteous distance. It was satisfying knowing that I held these peoples respect, and that I had rightfully earned it through sheer work and determination, but at what cost? No one paused to greet me or start up conversations that contained the little social life our profession allowed us. I was treated like a wondering shadow wherever I went, although I guess that is our job, to be all knowing and invisible. A ghost. But the lack of… life meant that we could talk like a herd of geese when we were given the chance.

I silently mused at the bickering rumours that flew across the room, we are no better than the gossiping teenagers we profit from to protect at Saint Vladimir's Academy. I sympathise with the one who would have to quiet everyone who called to this emergency meeting at this ungodly hour. Not one of us knew the reason but whatever it is, it would have to be extremely important for such measures to be taken at this time of night. I must admit I had thought of a hoard of reasons on the walk over from my room but the mutterings that I had heard in less than ten seconds went beyond the boundaries of absurdity. Unlike the others, I waited in silence, occupying myself with the soft drumming of my heel against the wooden flooring to sooth the tension in my body.

I only noticed the trance I had slipped into when I was abruptly woken from it by the sudden quieting in the room. I welcomed the silence but it only lasted a second before a wave of raised voices rebounded throughout the room yet again. And they were all being thrown at the sole person standing on a small stage with raised arms trying to subdue the crowd. Finally, after many failed attempts, Alberta Petrov managed to control the crowd enough to have everyone's attention. Irritation prickled in me when a particularly loud group beside me decided to ignore the calls for silence. I lightly tapped ones back with my index finger but had no need to motion them to silence since they got the message pretty clearly with that alone. Good.

"Right then, I'm sure you are all wondering why I called you to assembly at this late hour. A situation has come to our attention which we cannot ignore. Some of you will know more about this than others but I'm sure we all reasonably familiar with it. The situation that has brought us together tonight is," she nodded her head to someone on the side line with an amused smile on her face and paused slightly before resuming, "Rosemarie Hathaway." And the room dissolved into chaos.

Rosemarie Hathaway… Rosemarie Hathaway? I had heard that name from somewhere but where didn't spring straight to mind. Confused, I glanced around the room but very few people shared my lack of understanding. However, there were some people who looked like children after their present has been taken away, cringing at the name. My brows furrowed, trying desperately to recall the name. A light bulb went off.

Rosemarie Hathaway was the junior dhampir who had disappeared from the campus two years prior. Even I had heard the stories of her destructive and rebellious personality, constantly the troublemaker. I also knew she was the gifted daughter of Janine Hathaway who refused to do anything with any raw talent she possessed. Since her disappearance, countless rumours had circulated about her whereabouts, mostly including 'bloodwhore' and pregnant speculations. But very few guardians had the same background as myself which explained my neutral position in the matter. However, my automatic belief was that she was dead. No 15 year old with minimal training and a childish attitude could survive in this world with dhampir blood. She would have most likely been attacked by strigoi before she reached the next city and I highly doubt she was armed, let alone capable of fighting back. It's a shame but I doubt a girl like her would have got far anyway, not without a major wakeup call.

"Quieten! Quieten everyone please! I know you all probably have many questions but I assure you they will be answered after we explain our leads. The following pictures were taken in London, UK less than 24 hours ago." She held the projectors remote up and an image instantly popped up on the screen. I gasped.

The subject of the frame was a plain, brick wall; but that wasn't what caught my attention. Scrawled across the surface was a blood red (literally) message which sent a ripple of whispers around the room. The blood was still a vibrant colour against the dull brick but the drips had dried to a stale crimson, indicating the message was less than a couple of days old.

'Rose Hath If you play with fire
you're going to get burned.
I shall enjoy watching the light leave your pretty eyes.

A collective gasp spread around the room, and I myself felt a shiver prickle up my spine. This was something completely un-expecting, and although we are always meant to expect the unexpected, this was something that could be classed as a joke if not for the serious tone. The pure fact that she was alive shocked me, forgetting about the fact she was in danger with someone apparently not to be messed with.

It was definitely possible she went to join the human world, and due to her previous irresponsible actions, may as well have got into trouble with a criminal gang. Secondly, she could have really pissed someone off. And thirdly, the most unlikely scenario, got on the wrong side of a strigoi. But I couldn't help but notice the fire reference. Clearly indicating an element linked often with strigoi. Whatever the situation, I had little hope for this girl who most likely had no way to defend herself, and was probably clueless as to how to hide herself in a situation like this.

Alberta allowed a reasonable pause so that we could digest the words before resuming. "As we can all see, this message if rather disturbing. I have rallied you all here today so that I can organise a…" her mouth opened and closed several times before it found words to describe the situation, "search raid. Although Rosemarie Hathaway left the academy on her own accord and is not classed as a moroi of significance in danger, she is still a pupil of this school until she legally signs out of our guardianship. Her safety and return is still our responsibility until she is of age. Therefore, I am sending thirty guardians to investigate this message and see if they can recover a certain Miss Rosemarie whilst there at it." As she spoke, the volume in the room had gradually crept higher until she was almost shouting to make herself heard, and believed that right now was the correct time to pause. I don't know about anyone one else but I was shocked to the core at her words. Never mind the illegality; it had been unheard of for a search party to be established for the sake of a dhampir, especially one of this scale. Furthered by the fact that we were talking about an un-promised teen with an ugly track record. The only reason it would be done would be if the royals had something to gain, and if there was something, it was clearly not apparent. I looked back at the message over again in my head and an image rose to the forefront of my mind of a girl laying battered and bruised across the street, cowering beneath the wrath of some merciless bastard. The image pricked my like a needle and I was whisked back to when I had witnessed my own mother in a similar position, laid at the end of my father's curled fist. A spike of anger swelled inside me but I tugged it down, he was dealt with and in the past.

"Ten guardians are going to be assigned from the campus to the search, and twenty from court. If you are assigned, please wait at the end to receive your debriefing, these decisions are non negotiable! There will be no moaning or switching attempts, you will deal with what you're given. You will be leaving for England tomorrow at light noon, only pack for a short stay. Here are the names of everyone going: Lee Fischer, Thomas Helks, George Robinson…" and on and on she went as the names slowly got ticked off. And true to her word, no one groaned or let out growls of frustration. I was guessing she had ordered this because she felt no one would be wanting to deal with this infamous Rosemarie, but most chosen were probably excited at the prospect of change and some action. I didn't pay any attention to the names, although I still kept an ear out for my own; yet as expected, it didn't come. I had thought the people chosen would be people who had previous dealings with Rosemarie, and I had been correct. I bemusedly searched the crowd for the most likely personal to be chosen as head of the raid. Hans Croft sprung to mind, along with Guardian Alto and Alberta herself, but there was a little tingling feeling in the back of my mind that it wouldn't be them. But I could have never prepared myself for who it actually was.

"Guardian Belikov."

If my guardian mask hadn't already been fully set up, my jaw would have most likely collapsed to the ground. Countless pairs of eyes swung to examine my resigned frame propped forlornly against the peeling wall, but they failed to unnerve me. My eye popped open like saucers and reeled to Alberta's face. She was looking back at my with an encouraging smile and a hint of sympathy before her mask was fully bashed up again. She quickly resumed the speech, taking everyone's attention off me and back to her whilst I got my mind straight, but none of her words registered. My mind only reeled with the imminent task at hand. Then before I knew, most of the hall started filtering out. A couple of people paused to pat me on the back and mutter congratulations but I barely noticed the faces which came forward. And then quicker than what felt like a blink, the rest of the hall filtered out, except me.

I strode forward, trying to spill as much confidence into my steps. Although the assignment was a complete astonishment, I couldn't ignore the anticipation of being out in the field again. It was the first significant amount of pressure that was being placed on me since… I was last out in the field, but a familiar bubbling feeling tickled at me. Truth is, I can't wait to feel the adrenalin again, the pumping exhilaration. Maybe I wasn't so alarmed at my mission.

Alberta looked me straight in the face, most previous emotion erased from her face, although there was a twinkle of uncertainty behind her stare, assessing how I had taken my role. But I placed a poised mask on my face, assuring her I was fine with it.

"Belikov, I know this might seem a little surprising but I truly believe you are the best one for the job. You have experience in the field and as a leader, experience most of the other guardian's here lack. Now your job for the night is to read through these files and familiarise yourself with Rose. It might look bad but this girl, she has so much fight in her, so much bursting out of her that if she is set on the right track, she could change the world. I'm trusting you Belikov," she chuckled lightly, placing a hefty folder in my hand, before turning away and making her way back towards the door. But not before turning to glance back at me for a final time, "and bring my Rose back safely will you. I've been missing her."

Once I was left truly alone in the great hall, I decided to flick quickly through the papers weighing one side of my body into a tilt. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, only a couple of pages were of proper importance. The rest were a massive stack of disciplinary records and rule infringements. I efficiently singled out the pages I was interested in and skimmed through them rapidly. There were little details for example height, weight, attitude to learning, strengths/weaknesses, friends and the details to her disappearance. Along with these was a small school photo of Rosemarie. Although she likely didn't look a thing like she did in this photo taken four years ago before her puberty spurt, it was enough for me to be capable of singling her out. She smirked mischievously at the camera, as if biding her time to pounce. Her rosy cheeks jutted plumply from her face and her chocolate eyes almost appeared too big for her face, coated by a thick layer of elongated eyelashes. She had a cute, celestial nose which perfectly aligned with the camera and her dark waves of hair cut just below the nape of her neck fluffily fanned out to match the point of her tan-skinned shoulders. I could instantly tell that this was the face of a troublemaker seeking her next victim.

Boy what have I gotten myself into?

As I descended the plane's stairs, I felt a gust of cool air flood over my body, encasing me in it's current of cold air. I tugged at my dusters sides and pulled them closer to myself, trying to break the spell of wind, it worked for only a moment. No matter how much I would have liked to stand there, looking out over the urban landscape, numb from the cool blast, I had to hurry to join my team who were already loading into the SUVs that lined the runway. But I allowed myself a moment to take a deep breath of air before taking down the steps two at a time. When my feet landed upon the frozen grass, I heard a satisfying crunch and glanced around to see the grass was covered in a transparent blanket of ice chips. The sight was beautiful, but nothing like the crystalline drops which coat the Russian landscape in winter.

When I reached my SUV, I felt a pang of disappointment when I saw the driver's seat was already taken, but I didn't complain, not wanting to make a scene in front of the people awaiting my orders. I settled with the last free seat at the back between two, unrecognisable court guardians, although opposite me was a familiar face.

Janine Hathaway.

I had only seen her once or twice briefly, but her presence stuck out like a sore thumb. She had an air of confidence and authority few possessed, and looking at her now, I wondered how she could be the mother of such an exotic looking daughter. Her pale skin typically matched the fiery, auburn hair which was tied roughly in a high ponytail, cut just short enough to display her promise mark and molnijas. Her light, haunting eyes scanned the vehicle like lasers and flicked onto me as soon as I entered the vehicle. I nodded towards her respectfully, surprised at her presence seeing since she is assigned to a moroi in Nepal. She silently assessed me and then returned the nod before turning her stare to the front of the vehicle.

By the time we reached the school, twenty guardians were already set up and awaiting my orders whilst others immediately busied themselves with a task of some sort. The school didn't appear anything other than your average infant school: with one main building, a field, reception and playing area crowded with equipment and apparatus. Randomly coloured, chalk lines covered the gravel ground and paintings littered the walls of multiple things like a height chart, bees and giraffes, times table etc. Our focus only came into view once you rounded the corner to the side of the building, and the photograph did not give it justice.

A message in cold blood was splattered across the length of the wall and smeared in so it ingrained into the brick pores. It was now a crusted, rust colour instead of the fresh scarlet shown on the photo and had a hardened consistency. It was no less than shocking, maybe even that didn't cover it, it was sickening. I was horrified anything would cause such a horrendous scene. I could only imagine what would have happened if the children had found this instead of a fully qualified alchemist in the area. I don't know what Rosemarie had done but she had messed with the wrong people.

The next hours went as a blur, always taking one step forward and two steps back. Progress was slow if not non-existent and our resources were gradually exhausting as night began to creep in. I was beginning to doubt the success of this mission; Rosemarie had vanished. If she had any sense, she would have run for the hills, and if she had, we had no chance. The blood came back as human and no more than four days old. No other strange activity had been reported and there were no signs of strigoi even living in this area. I knew the only thing left was to call a night investigation and search all surrounding neighbourhoods for sign of strigoi life or a certain young woman who is trying to escape.

My jaw clenched, it was infuriating! This had been our only lead, and it had failed. I had already sent some guardians to scope the area for anything but they'd returned empty handed. We had seen no advance for three hours and there was so little time left. Doesn't she know we are here to help? Why couldn't she just stop running for once and allow us to find her. Either she was already dead, or had picked up some pretty amazing skills of escaping guardians over the last couple of years. And it was so infuriating, yet intriguing at the same time. More and more parts of her story didn't add up and now, she was more a mysterious ghost then defenceless runaway.

I reached for my ear piece to switch to night investigation when a small movement snagged my attention. My head whipped round to see a girl no more than 17 years of age clinging to the shadows at the edge of the school ground. Her tanned complexion and dark clothing made her almost invisible apart from her head which poked round the corner. Her eyes were widened in horror as she stared at the wall in a trance.

But even through her fright, she held herself in a powerful stance, watching with her head held high and a hardened face. Her long dark curls were pulled roughly back into a high ponytail and her lean figure had all the right curves that a girl could want. Breathe came from her lips in quick gasps and she had clearly just ran here. Suddenly, she froze and her coffee eyes snapped to meet mine, long and layered eyelashes batting around them. She clung to the wall as if it was the only thing holding her up as her legs trembled softly beneath her.

Rosemarie Hathaway.

There was no doubt in my mind, I was looking directly at Rosemarie Hathaway. She watched me like a deer caught in the headlights. Her defensive stance flexed and her bottom lip quivered slightly from rushed breath that left her; but she just stood there, staring, much like me. I suddenly noticed all the people around us, as if they hadn't been there when I had first seen her. I scanned around me to see if anyone else had seen her, but nobody showed any signs of the encounter, and when I looked back, the spot she had been occupying was empty.

A crackle of electricity sounded from the walkie-talkie I held to my ear before a breathless voice projected from the tiny speaker. "I have just spotted her, travelling just west of the main road, she is heading north down a street named Orchard's Pass, it's a 5 blocks from where your positioned." My heart leapt, this is it. "Copy that," I returned, careful to keep my voice lower than a whisper. Returning the small intercom to my duster pocket, I peered into the darkness from my point behind a cluster of trees hiding me from preying eyes. Although night had fallen, we couldn't risk Rosemarie being alerted of us; and she was only five blocks away.

Seeing that no shadows stood out to my keen, Dhampir sight, I moved silently through the trees, searching for a better view of the streets stretched before me. I felt the walkie-talkie vibrate in it's case. "Belikov?" Came the small voice from my pocket. I pulled the device out once again and held it to me mouth, "Yep."
"She's on the move towards Team 2, something's not right." My breath quickened as I stared at the device, unsure what to make of the words. This mission had to go smoothly; if something was amiss, there was too high a risk of it failing. "What are your suspicions?"
"I'm not sure Belikov," he admitted before the blip told me the line was quiet. That could mean too many things, but I refused to doubt the success of this mission. We literally had her in our grasp.

The image of her face, proud and inquisitive, stuck to the forefront of my mind. The youthful lines of her face, her delicate curves and wide, deep-chocolate eyes. From that one glance, I knew all my preconceptions of her had been wrong; and when she returns, I know many people are going to get a shock.

I jogged lightly to where team 2 gathered around a deserted car park. Although I knew they were there, even I could barely see their watching figures spaced around me. I headed straight to a spare position in the ranks and spoke into the walkie-talkie "we are in position, is she still heading in our direction?"
"She is close to the outskirts of your team, heading straight into the centre." My heart rate quickened and sweat began to build in my palms, a tingle of anticipation lurched in the pit of my stomach. She was so close, and this would be our only chance before she disappeared from the face of the earth again. No matter what, this had to work, it will. My mind flashed to the night I failed and a spurt of adrenalin shook through me, fuelled by the feelings of anger and despair. I now have a second chance to make things right, even though things will never be the same again; I had to do this in his memory.

Before I could steady myself again, a lone figure appeared on the uneven ground. It was coming at a weak jog but apart from that, nothing immediately presented itself as a problem. But as she came closer to our trap, I noticed an unevenness in her step, the single arm which wrapped itself around her front, the constant effort to keep from falling to the floor. A ripple of dismay waved over me.

We had been beaten to her.

And I suddenly felt so helpless. Although I had no details on her condition, I had to think of the worst, and that would add too many complications, too many. I had already failed part of the mission, she was in a dangerous – and maybe even critical – position, all we could do was follow the plan and hope nothing else arose. If she was here, after an obvious fight, who else could be coming with her? Would our presence make her situation worse? Will she survive?

I pictured her bright face again, twisted in pain and I felt like I'd been stabbed. Whether it was my duty or not, I instinctively never wanted her to feel pain, loss and vulnerability like so many of us had to deal with. And looking at her now, I had failed her, my mission to protect her. But she continued on, holding herself just above the ground with an expression of steel. Before I could act, her knees buckled and she crumbled to the floor. My breath hitched but I couldn't break protocol.

I barely noticed the progression of our plan until Rosemarie's head snapped to movement before her. Guardian Jenson had stepped from his hidden position to advance on Rosemarie, hand out stretched in a signal of peace. Her whole body tensed but she didn't pick herself up again, sensing her fight was lost. Maybe this would make our job easier.

Until another shadow loomed on the horizon, advancing at high speed I'd only seen in one race. Strigoi. And it was after her. I couldn't help but believe if Rosemarie had escaped, he would be easy to take down. I gave the go ahead for a guardian to engage with him and eliminate him before he became a threat, and returned my gaze to Rosemarie who had also noticed the figure, as well as our attacking guardian. My brow furrowed as she let out a shriek of distress. I flicked back to the fight but only caught a body being dispatched to the ground. Great, the strigoi was already dealt with. Distress filled me when I noticed the body had been the guardian under my command. No lives to be lost, not one. Contradicting thoughts battled in my head. This was meant to be an easy threat. This was no easy threat, this was one hell of a strigoi. When I looked back to Rosemarie, her face filled with panic; how had she survived a fight with this 'N'? He must have been playing with her, letting her go for entertainment. Who could be so heartless and merciless? A strigoi. Well she was alive, and if we lost no other guardians, that's all we should be worrying about for now.

Three more guardians broke away but they lasted no longer than the last. Dread slowly flooded my body, none of us was prepared for anything like this. We had to come up with something and fast, I grabbed for my walkie-talkie and held it up.

"We can't take him down one at a time. We need to attack at the same time. Exchange blows and then retreat. When I break cover, we all advance." I didn't wait for a reply, I couldn't; only hope everyone had heard. And sure enough, when I broke cover, a ring of guardian's followed. I was the first to break away and strike. The strigoi's attention had been away from me and I aimed for a slash across his back, but he dodged without even glancing my way. Before a second thought, I retreated and two guardian's took my place.

That is how it went. We continued to exchange blows and positions, running forward and back; but very few blows landed. I was shocked at this strigoi's competence. He was so fast and strong, and it seemed he could see in all directions, I had witnessed nothing like it. But eventually, I let myself believe we were finally gaining the upper hand. More blows were landing, and the strigoi was shifting more and more into defence. Three guardians rushed forward to land a finishing blow and I held my breath and waiting for a strigoi's strangled cry, but nothing came. He was suddenly a figure in the distance, lost to us. How he had moved that fast through all of us was beyond me. And he was too fast to follow, that much being obvious. But he had escaped, he was still alive, and still a threat; what kind I didn't know. However, with the way we currently were, all we could do was watch his shadow fade and pray he didn't make another appearance. Mutters of shock echoed around us, and for a moment I forgot why we were here; allowing me to let my emotions run and catch my breath. But Rosemarie's face flashed before me and I spun, scared she would no longer be curled against the gravel, yet there she was. I'm not sure if that was worse.

Hurriedly, I ran forward and assessed her body. The first thing I saw was the puddle of blood surrounding her face like a moat around it's castle. Her face was so pale, it felt as if she would evaporate like a ghost. I couldn't let her. My body worked on auto and my arms reached beneath her broken body and pulled her towards my chest into a bridal hold. Her shaking fist clenched into my shirt, trying to pull strength into itself, but it was a feeble movement. Her eyes fluttered but decided it was a better place shut. Looking down at the girl in my arms, she looked so powerless, so broken, so vulnerable. It was like she was a different person to the strong and resilient woman I had seen before, but the curtain of hair shrouding her and the full face was unmistakeable. She was a very beautiful young girl, a face you would never forget. I gingerly pulled a lock of hair from her softly tanned face as I ran to the closest vehicle, scared I'd hurt her unconscious form. People shouted around us but they were only a blur of noise around us. The only person I concentrated on was the driver who I shouted at to go as fast as he could. Two other people leapt in with me and helped adjust Rosemarie's body so that it lay across the seats.

The SUV lurched to life, causing me to stumble slightly but I righted myself quickly. Awkwardly, I looked around for my seat –finally releasing the breath I'd been holding since Rosemarie had come into sight – but realised it was one of the seats she was sprawled across. I went to kneel before her and assess the injuries for anything life-threatening but the position was already taken by Stan. All I could do was hope she'd last the journey back.

There were two options, we either take her to a nearby moroi hospital and allow them to stabilise her until continuing the flight back to the academy, or fly straight back and have her evaluated in Montana. The sensible thing was to stop, but it would disrupt the mission and leave the remainder of the guardians stranded here with us for quite a few extra days, leading to complications of an unguarded school and moroi charges. However, I couldn't risk losing her because of one silly decision.

"Broken arm, broken ribs, potentially punctured lung, multiple bruising across body, swollen left ankle, multiple lacerations on legs and arm, head trauma, potential concussion or fractured skull, broken nose…" I couldn't bear to listen further. No, she needed medical attention and fast. I cursed under my breath before daring myself to look down at her face again. It was even paler than before, as if wrapped in white tissue paper, but her expression was peaceful in slumber, like an angel. Two tracks of red bled from her nostrils and lined the curves of her lips before trickling off her angular chin. She'd be glad her nose hadn't bent out of place and still sat neatly in perfect alignment. Although the guardians most likely had their different opinions about her beaten and bloodied condition, I couldn't miss the lean muscle and soft pink scars which layered her slim yet curvy figure like a line of protection. Only muscle which took years of conditioning. I marvelled at the mysterious girl before me; and I would never let another person underestimate her again.

"Oh my Rosemarie, what have you gotten yourself into," a soft muttering took my attention. I glanced back to see Guardian Hathaway watching her daughter before looking away again, unable to comprehend the presence of Rosemarie. Although I knew from the files that Janine had not been there through Rosemarie's childhood, no amount of distance can erase a mother's primal love for her child; and even though Rosemarie may not know it, I could see the hints of love through Janine's guardian face for her girl.

Thankfully, the hospital trip did not set us back too much, and any injured guardians were able to receive medical help as well. Luckily, it turns out Rosemarie had few internal injuries and none being life threatening; although there was the worrying aspect of her concussion and when she would wake up. We decided it would be best for Rosemarie to be treated back at the academy and behind its wards. Less than 24 hours later, we were carrying her unconscious form into the infirmary at Saint Vladimir's Academy.

As I watched the doctors carry her away, I could only think of how my job was not yet complete. Rosemarie's fate was still unclear and I wanted to do everything in my power to keep her in the best possible position. After running away like she had, I wouldn't be surprised if Headmistress Kirova expelled her ass all the way across the country, and I sure wasn't going to sit here and see such raw talent and fire be turned out to nothing. So as much as I wanted to walk out of the door leading from the infirmary, I could only make my legs move towards the sitting area to wait for the final verdict on Rosemarie's condition.

It was only mere minutes before Alberta purposefully strode through the door and made a beeline for me after consulting the nurse. "Any news?" I questioned.
"Nope, she's still passed out like Sleeping Beauty," she shook her head in exasperation, "you know, I would like to thank you for the trouble you've put in to this mission, I doubt anyone else would have brought her back in one piece. I knew you were the right person to assign this to. We can only hope Kirova also sees it as luck that Rosemarie is back here safe. Although I highly doubt that ever happening, so as long as she's not expelled, I think that's about as far as the luck will stretch. Rosemarie may be an uncontrollable and infuriating girl, but she has a good heart, and good intentions. I really hope you see that in her. Gee I don't know what I would have done if she had died." Alberta rambled more to herself than anyone, needing an outlet on the recent developments. I knew she had been close to Rosemarie, but I had no clue how close.

"What do you think of the situation we found her in? A lot of people were saying it was a strigoi 'playing with his food'," I asked, brows furrowed. Somehow, I didn't believe what the rest did but if they weren't correct, I don't see how else she escaped. I doubt she had been able to fight a strigoi 20 guardians couldn't kill, even if she had been training solidly for two years, which in itself was not likely.

"I honestly don't know what to make of this. I wouldn't say I'd agree but then again, there's no other logical answer at the moment. We will just have to wait and see. Just promise me you'll do everything in your power to keep her here and training because Kirova is wanting to talk to you." I wasn't surprised at all that Kirova wanted to speak to me, this was a big event and she herself had decisions to make. "I promise, thank you," I murmured before dismissing myself, affirming I would check on Rosemarie later in the day when her condition had progressed.

Just as I had exited the building, a petite figure barrelled straight into me in their haste. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I… I have to go."
"Princess?" I replied in shock at the sight of my charge Vasilissa Dragomir dressed in a silk nightie and crumpled jumper with hair rumpled like she had sprung from bed seconds ago.
"Guardian Belikov, oh please excuse me. I heard Rose was here. Is it true you brought her back? Is she ok? I need to see her. Please say she's ok!" The princess rambled before looking up at me apologetically. "Shh, she's fine and safe Princess; just unconscious. I'm sure the doctors will allow you in to visit but… be careful." I was taken aback at the level of emotion Vasilissa was expressing and I had no experience consoling teenage girls so it was all I could think of saying, hoping it was the right thing. What I didn't expect was for her to throw her slim arms around my large torso in a hug muttering sorry's and thank you's into my shirt. I stiffened at her display but brought myself to patting her back gently before untangling her arms from around me. Her face was bright red which contrasted greatly to her typical pale complexion and her eyelashes glistened with moist, unshed tears; green eyes darting around her like a lost child.

Like Rosemarie, she was also a very pretty young lady, but in a completely different way; like they had come from different universes. Her face was delicate and soft, big jade eyes watching innocently, locks of hair styled to frame her unblemished face carefully. It was an innocent and sweet look which was pampered until it glowed, matching her slim figure. Her personality was polite and charismatic grown from years of people scrutinizing her every move, always forgiving and understanding, a well-known trait amongst the Dragomirs. In comparison, Rosemarie was dishevelled and rude, but she had an unmissable fierceness and power.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Have a good day Guardian Belikov." She apologised quickly before spinning and pushing into the infirmary.

"So I take it the mission was a success?" Kirova questioned as I stood before her table. Funny greeting really. "Yes, there were a couple of issues but Miss Hathaway's condition is stable and improving."
"So, what developments did you recover from the mission?" And so I recounted the course of the last few days to her in detail, trying to pass off the problems like controlled mishaps and emphasising anything which helped Rosemarie's position. Kirova stared at a paper in front of her with a bored expression as I spoke for nearly half an hour.

"Right, thank you Guardian Belikov. As you can see, I'm in a compromising position. I'm sure you have investigated Rosemarie's past and her blatant disregard for her elders, or learning for that matter. Although you may believe I'd want to cast her out at the first opportunity, like you said, she has so much potential I feel like exploding when she so clearly throws it away, and she has grown on me over the years dare I say. I would hate to see her living her days in a 'blood whore' commune. But I can see no possible way that she can catch up with missed training in time for graduation. And even if she does graduate, she wouldn't possibly be allowed a moroi assignment, she'll most likely spend her days doing paper work and god only knows how much that would drive her completely insane."

I sympathised with her, and I also knew this gave me a shot at helping Rosemarie. Why Janine wasn't here pleading against Rosemarie's expulsion escaped me, but I gave my promise. "Why not give her a mentor? I had one in Russia, surely it can be done?" It stung mentioning my old mentor Galina, she had been turned strigoi a couple of years back in an attack on her moroi, her whereabouts were unknown but she had been lethal dhampir, one could only imagine what she was like strigoi. My tone was hopeful as I bargained Rosemarie's future, I didn't even remember thinking up the mentor idea before it had spilled from my lips.

"Good idea but who? Any guardian with knowledge of Rose would run for their life and I don't blame them. So who? You?" I hung my head I defeat. She was right, even when I didn't know Rosemarie like the others, I didn't want the job as a mentor. It was lazy and skittish but all I wanted to do was guard the school until Vasilissa graduated and then follow her like any dutiful guardian. Mentoring an unruly, uninterested dhampir was not one of my plans. "That's what I thought," muttered Kirova. And then I did the most impulsive move of my life.

"I'll do it."

I stared at the two girls in a trance-like state; watching through the small glass square on the door at the sleeping forms. The princess snuggled into the back of an armchair clasping Rose's hand afraid if she let go, Rose would leave her alone again; and Rose still unconscious on the hospital bed with her hair fanned around her with a hardened, empty expression on her lips. They were so contrasting – one so light and bubbly, whilst the other dark and mysterious – it intrigued me. And I still wasn't sure whether agreeing to be Rosemarie's mentor was the worst decision of my life or not. Maybe I had just bitten off way more than I could chew, but time had yet to tell. I could only hope that for her sake, she would listen to me and act appropriately to the chance she has been given. Even a blind man would be able to see her fire and promise from a mile off. I'll most likely be regretting my choice after a few days spent as her shadow but there's no going back now.

as you can probably tell, the n on my keyboard was failing so sorry if i have missed one. please leave me your thoughts in the review box and press the follow/favourite. you guys are awesome! love you