There was a magna written in Japan

It was very popular throughout the land.

Then someone said, "An anime it should be!"

And so the magna came to life on TV.

And the people loved it, and it wasn't long

Until the show and game were as big as Pokemon.

Then a country overseas heard of the show,

And so the anime America came to know.

The anime fell to the mercy of the translation

The dubbers, they altered, twisted, changed and had fun

Destroying an anime that was good enough fro Japan.

The anime became an evil dub by the dubber's hands.

Yuugi lost a "u", but while he's still cute,

Half his intelligence and wit went down the chute.

Yami no Yuugi, or "spirit" as he is called,

Is still his hot self, but his name has been seriously mauled.

Jounouichi became Joey, girls think he's really good lookin',

Joey's not from Japan, no, Joey—he's from Brooklyn.

Honda became Tristan, a very mysterious guy.

In Japan, he's probably interesting. The dubbers didn't try.

Anzu becomes Tea, the friendship princess,

She was cool in Japan, the dubbers made a HUGE mess.

Mai is now a Valentine; she's quite the beauty queen.

Although she becomes nice, the dubbers made her mean.

Ryou gets to keep his name; he's friendly like a kitten.

But the dubbers screwed his ethnicity up, so now he's from Britain.

His Yami is quite psychotic, although he's got lots of fans,

The dubbers screwed him up as well; they should be hit with frying pans.

Seto keeps his name, a cute, snobbish millionaire,

He goes from bad to good, a constant dub flair.

Mokuba keeps his name too, a faithful younger brother.

In magna he was an evil kid, in anime he's quite the other.

Grandpa's name is Solomon, a wise man indeed.

But in the dub he's really not important, another dubbers' creed.

Duke gets his name mauled too, the king of dungeon dice,

When Yugi beat him at his game, he became really nice.

Bandit Keith has a complete makeover; he's an American punk,

He threatens people by pointing fingers, what's up with that funk?

Pegasus's name is inverted; his mind is truly twisted,

Although his past is clear to us, this future is quite misted.

Rex Raptor is completely changed, the king of dino dueling,

In Japan he was kinda important, here—who are they fooling?

Weevil is a changed man, too. He's come across as annoying,

He barely plays a part in this—the dubbers need new employing.

Shaadii loses an "a" and an "i", a man shrouded in mystery.

He's important in Japan; here he's been in one show, oh the misery!

Rebecca may be the same person; she gets in all our hair,

She actually might have been smart, but why does she talk to the bear?

Don't get me started with Malik and Isis; it's a touchy subject.

As I read the fics starring these two I think, "I haven't seen them yet!"

So as you can see through this poem, I really have tried,

To express my opinion about the dubs, they must all be FRIED!

~AN~ My opinion about the dubs. Why do they have to go and ruin a show with stupid slang (that's quite out of date, mind you), unnecessary cuts, character maulings and plot changes? Why? WHY?!? Don't get me wrong, the dub can be ok, but there needs to be some change. And not just with Yu-Gi-Oh. Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Dragonball Z, Digimon, Hamtaro, Pokemon, and several others have been mauled by dubbers. :P Eh, but enough ranting. Read and review!

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