I do not own 'Teen Titans'

A good day

Beast boy.

Former member of the Doom Patrol and current founding member of the Teen Titans. The green teen was a changeling, he had the power to become any animal on Earth, and apparently off.

He had awoken feeling well rested and even a little energetic. He looked out his window to see that it was early. This was a rare occurrence. Usually he wouldn't be up until noon unless there was training or a villain. Not this time.

Today's going to be a good day. He though confidently.

He made his way to the common room where he saw the rest of his team was already gathered. Raven was reading one of her many books. Cyborg was playing a video game against Robin. Starfire was watching from the side, she was the first to notice him.

"Glorious morning friend Beast boy." Starfire greeted happily. "You have awakened earlier then usual, are you ill?"

"No, the opposite." He answered. "I feel that it's going to be a good day." He opened the fridge to get his food. "Starting with a nice tofu breakfast."

"And there goes such a potentially good day." Cyborg sighed with a shake of his head. "You could of had something wonderful, but you ruined it with that mess." He pushed the green teen away. "Step aside, I'll put you on the right track!"

"If it's not veggie-friendly, then I don't want it." Beast boy stated firmly.

"Of course it's veggie-friendly." Cyborg assured. "The veggie's will be happy that you aren't eating them!"

"And how would the animals you took the meat from feel?" B.B. countered.

"Happy knowing that they would be part of something beautiful!"

"Dude, they-"

"Do we have to do this every morning." Raven asked annoyed.

"Yes we do." Cyborg answered. "Until he learns that meat is supreme!"

"Friends, may I offer a solution?" Starfire spoke. She flew to the fridge and pulled out a container. "I offer a well known delicacy from Tamaran."

Starfire opened the container to reveal a gelatinous mass of purple. There were swollen green tendrils that squirmed around. It looked similar to the food Cyborg had eaten out of his hand during their visit to Tamaran. It even shifted and moved as if trying to crawl from the bowl she had it in.

"Um, what is that?" Cyborg asked.

"It is the perfectly aged sputflinks." Star stated. "What you ingested on Tamaran will pale in comparison."

"Aw Star, you know I'm a vegetarian." B.B sighed.

"But it is not a meat." She assured before turning to Cyborg. "Nor is it vegetable."

"Then what is it?!" They asked with growing worry.

"...There is no word for it in your language." Star stated as she pushed the food closer. "Will you partake in it with me?"

Beast Boy slowly backed away from the dish. "Well, it looks...unique, but I think I'll pass on it."

As they spoke, Robin was currently trying to sneak out of the room. Cyborg managed to see the leader just as he vanished from sight.

"You said it was a delicacy, right?" Cyborg asked, gaining a nod. "Something like that should be shared with a certain type of friend." He hinted. "One that wears hair-gel and tights."

"You mean boyfriend Robin!" She realized. "Yes, that it a most excellent idea!"

The alien princess flew off to find her boyfriend to share in their meal.

"I'm off." Beast boy stated.

"Where are you going?" Cyborg asked.

"Do you want to be here when Robin realizes we threw him under the bus?" Beast boy asked as the elevator closed.

Cyborg stood there for a second in realization.

"I think I'll go wax the T-car." The robotic teen mumbled.

Beast Boy flew over the city, enjoying the freedom of flight, as he thought of something to do.

Hmm, maybe I should get something to eat. He thought as his stomached ached.

He landed in a deserted alley and returned to human form.

He began messing with the holo-ring he had under his glove. In a literal flash, he was no longer looked like Beast boy, he was a regular guy.

He was no longer green or had any of his defining features. Instead, he was now a peach skinned guy. His hair was no longer green, but sun kissed blond that put Jericho's to shame. Even his green eyes were now a sky his clothes changed. Now he was wearing a pair of jeans and a green shirt.

This is how he would have looked if he hadn't been...Beast Boy. An average guy with an average life.

He absentmindedly ran a hand over his ear, stopping at the point that was still there. Even the fangs that he ran his tongue over were as sharp as ever. He may look normal, but it was all cosmetics, he was still him underneath.

No time to get sappy! He thought as he shook his head. It's food time!

He made his way to one of his favorite spots. A place that catered to his veggie needs.

"Let's see, I've eaten, now what?" He asked himself out loud. "Guess I'll just wander."

And stop talking to myself. He thought as some people stared.

He walked down the street to another of his favorite spots. This time for entertainment purposes.

The comic shop.

"And Rae says I don't read." He chuckled as he entered the shop, only to pause in shock! "No way!" He saw something that he thought would never be. "A Teen Titans comic!"

He made a be-line for the comic.

"Nobody move!" A voice shouted.

The people in the shop froze on command.

He never had a chance to even grab the book.

In the doorway was Control Freak with his remote in hand.

Usually he would be considered below a third rate villain, just barley above henchmen. But in a comic shop with all kinds of things to animate, he could become a legitimate threat.

"Now I want you all to-Is that a Teen Titans comic?!" He asked in excitement.

Beast Boy wordlessly handed the over-weight villain the comic, which he began reading in with glee.

Well he's harmless now. Beast boy thought.

He faintly heard the doors open, but he was aware of the breeze and what it carried.

"What's that smell?" He asked himself.

"Hm, just my personal cologne." Control Freak stated with pride. "Pizza-roma, I made it myself."

"No." Gar stated. "This is...alluring."

He turned to the direction of the scent and Control Freak followed his gaze.


There stood a true beauty.

She was in leather pants that clung to her perfectly, showing off her shapely backside. A simple shirt, one size too small, to show off her nicely developed body and toned mid-drift. And a leather jacket over it that also stopped at her mid-drift. As well as a painful looking pair of combat boots.

What stood out the most was her hair, her all white hair. It was long, reaching down to the middle of her back. She wore it so that it covered half of her face.

There was something more to her...something only an animal could pick up.

Her scent.

He didn't know what it was, he had never smelt anything like it. It completely threw him through a loop.

It was so alluring. Intoxicating. Wild!

They watched as the beauty made her way to a comic and began browsing.

"Hot and likes comics..." Control Freak spoke in disbelief. "My kind of girl."

"Dude." Garfield spoke distantly, still distracted by her smell. "I wouldn't recommend it."

Garfield himself would have attempted...something, if his senses hadn't went off. This girl was dangerous, a predator.

It would be cruel to send him in.

Garfield watched as the chubby villain made his way towards her with a unnecessary amount of bravado.

"Hello, I'm Control Freak, maybe you heard of me?" He spoke confidently. "Super villain and enemy of the Teen Titans." He bragged. "So I'll take your number and-hey, ar-"

"Beat it." She states before he finished.

He wasn't deterred by her abruptness.

"You like my homemade cologne?" He asked. "I call it pizza-roma." He leaned to her ear. "Sausage addition."

She finally closed her book and gave the Control Freak a glare.

In a flash, he was on the ground and holding his nose as blood fell through his fingers. The only signs that she had struck him was the fact that her arm was still extended and her hand was a fist.

Garfield watched her leave, carrying the scent with her.

She wanted to go buy a comic, was that too much to ask? Isn't she allowed to go one place where the local chumps don't try to flirt, and fail pathetically!?

"Hey you!" A voice shouted.

She turned with annoyance written clearly on her face.

It was a cop, and a sorry excuse of one at that. He was fat and having a hard time keeping his stomach from bursting though his uniform.

"Can I help you officer?" She asked.

"I saw what you did there." He stated.

"And what did I do officer?" She asked with false innocence.

"Don't get cute." He ordered. "You assaulted a man, that's a crime."

Great. She thought. Now this.

She tensed when she felt him place a hand onto her back. It was clammy and a little too low.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Well, it would be a shame for a pretty thing like you to get in trouble over a...misunderstanding." He leered. "How about you come with me and we sort this out."

She actually felt like puking in her-no wait, she did. Maybe she should spit in at him.

Like a shadow, a figure passed behind the cop. He managed to grab the officer's night club and dash off.

"Hey wait!" The cop shouted. "Get back here, I'm an officer of the law!"

He tried running after the thief but didn't get more than a few feet before he was exhausted. He turned back the see that the woman was gone as well.

Garfield chuckled to himself as he tossed the nightstick away.

He had no idea as to why he stole the nightstick, but he had reasons. The cop was harassing a semi-innocent girl and abusing his powers. Had he been in uniform, he would have had the man fired.

But for now he had more pressing issues, like the fact he was being followed.

Whoever was following him actually had some skill. They stayed back and moved at a leisurely pace. They didn't even focus on him and wasn't trying to not focus on him, the obvious signs of a stalking. This could have been mistaken as two people going in the same direction.

He's good. He admitted. But not good enough.

Something like that wouldn't fool him. He had experience at being hunted.

He turned to his side to see the one who had been following him. It was her, the white haired beauty.

He didn't know how she was able to get so close to him so fast, or care. She was here and that was all he could focus on.

"Usually it's they guy that tries to get the girl's attention." He stated.

"And you did." She replied coolly. "When you stole the cop's stick after following me from the comic shop."

Crud! He thought nervously. Be cool.

"Well I-" He had tried to casually lean onto the wall only to fall. There was no wall.

"Classy." She stated, there was a small pause before she spoke again. "This is the part where you ask for my number."

"I remember what happened to the last guy that asked." He stated with a chuckle. "I don't want to end up like him." He backed away. "I'd be happy with just a name."

She stared at him for a moment, her eye catching every detail about him. The way he stood, so free yet so prepared.

"Something tells me you won't go down that easily." She mumbled.

Like a flash of lighting, she through a powerful punch at him. He caught the blow, barely inches from his face, in his hand as it .

He felt real strength in her punch. Enough to pop the knuckles in his hand. Had there been anymore force, he was sure she'd have cracked or even broken a finger of his.

"Woah!" He shouted. "Sorry for asking!"

There was a small pause as they met each other's eyes. There was something in his that she liked and something in her's that put him on edge.

Wildness, though one's was caged.

"The names Rose." She stated.

He watched her casually walk away, as if she hadn't tried to knock him out.

"I'm Garfield!" He shouted after her.

He watched her disappear into a sea of people before he turned to leave.

He shoved his hands into his pocket only to feel a slip of paper. The paper contained seven digits and carried a certain scent to it. Can you guess what it was?

I new it was a good day! He mentally cheered.

Garfield had found a random alley to remove his ring and return to Beast Boy. Once he did, he became a bird and flew off towards the tower.

If he had been just a bit more aware, he would have noticed that he had an audience. One that saw him remove the ring and fly off.


While Rose was having her inner thoughts, she caught the attention of a few unwanted guests.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar?" Somebody asked. "Cause you have a pretty sweet ass."

Great. She thought. More horn-dogs.

"You looking for a good night baby?" Another asked.

She ignored them and continued on her way.

"Hey, we're talking to you!" One stated angrily.

She finally stopped and took a look at her admirers, three men. They were large and muscular with several tattoos, very intimidating to the average person. She was beyond average.

"You know what, I could use some action." She stated shocking them. "Follow me."

There was a moment of shock in the men before they realized what had just happened. They followed her into an empty alley.

I could use the warm up before I go to work. She thought.

A certain overweight officer saw her. He watched her go into the alley, followed by the large men. A panic arose in him as he saw their lecherous smirks.

It was his duty to stop them. But they're big.

He made his decision to walk away, only to freeze when she walked out with a smirk fifteen seconds later, alone.

He walked by the alley and paused to take a peek inside.

All three men were still there, but not doing well. They were each on the ground and not moving. If it weren't for the barely audible groans, he would have assumed they were dead.

She's good. He thought worriedly. Best leave her alone.

Beast Boy made his way into the common room with a smile one his face.

"And there goes the piece and quiet." Raven muttered.

"Say whatever you want." Beast boy dared with a smile. "Nothing can bring me down."

"Then I will enjoy proving you wrong." A deep voice spoke.

The teens froze at the deep but monotone voice. On the screen was the face of one of the Titan's most hates enemy.

"Slade." Robin hissed.

"Robin." Slade spoke. "I have a special surprise for you and the Titans."

"Don't you always?" Beast boy asked earning smack to the back of his head from Raven.

"True, but this one is closer to me than you can understand." Slade stated vaguely. "Come and meet us here."

On the screen were coordinates to the location.

"Let's go!" Robin ordered.

And today started so well. Beast boy thought as he followed his team.

The location Slade sent them to was an old, abandoned factory. It was miles from the nearest populated area. That meant they didn't have to worry about casualties.

"Are we really just going in because Slade told us to?" Beast boy questioned. "I mean, it has trapped written all over it."

"Of course it's a trap." Raven spoke condescendingly. "We aren't idiots."

"Whatever it is, we've no choice." Robin stated. "We need to stop Slade."

There was a noise, the sound of speakers starting.

"While I admire your determination and understand your suspicion, there are no traps." Slade assured, voice echoing from all around. "They just aren't her style."

"As if we'd believe a word you..."

"Did he say 'her', as in someone else is here?" Beast boy asked cutting Robin off.

Beast boy was answered with the sound of a gun going off.

The team looked to see a figure on the roof of one of the factory buildings.

Though she was at a distance, Beast boy was able to make out there appearance.

She wore an outfit identical to Slade's minus a few alterations. Her clothes were a skin tight leather outfit with a few chain-mail like designs. There were no Slade symbols visible on her.

Really, the only hint of Slade in her was the mask. Though, it wasn't armored, it was more like a full faced

In her hand was the gun she had fired, along with two swords on her back.

"Who are you?!" Robin asked angrily.

"Me, I'm the Ravager." She answered as she leveled her gun at them. "And you're dead."

She fired her gun again, this time at the Titans. If not for all of their experience at dodging attacks, she might have put one of them down for the count.

When the shots stopped, they looked to see she was gone.

"Titans, pair up, spread out and find her!" Robin ordered.

The Titans had did as they were ordered and split up.

It had been a rushed thing, so the pairs were at random.

"Where are the others?" Raven asked.

"I think Robin and Star paired up and Cy went alone." Beast boy answered.

"Great, I'm paired with you." She stated. "Don't screw up."

Beast boy just rolled his eyes as he changed forms. He took the form of a bloodhound for it's keen sense of smell. When he picked up nothing, he moved through a few other forms.

All he got was the smell of dust and rusty metal, with a hint of oil.

"No good." He stated as he returned to human form. "I'm not picking up a scent."

"Great, one of the few things you're actually useful for and you're still useless." She stated.

Beast boy would have made a reply but froze. A sensation ran through him that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand.

We're being watched. He thought.

Over the years and being part animal, Beast boy had developed a sixth sense. He was able to tell when he or a friend, a 'pack member', was in danger from a 'predator'. Like an animal being hunted.

He heard the subtle click of a trigger.

"Get down!" He shouted as he pushed Raven away.

"What are-" Her burst of outrage was drowned out by gunfire.

Raven couldn't tell where it had come from.

Beast boy turned his attention towards the attacker, she was on the roof. He took the form of a hawk and took off, but he didn't get far. He was distracted when a small orb dropped in front of them.

It went of in a flash, literally. A flash bomb went off close to his face. Being in the form of a hawk, his eyes were extra sensitive.

Since he was in mid flight, he lost control and crashed into a wall.

Raven looked to the attacker but couldn't see her.

"Where are you?" She asked aloud.

"Behind you."

Raven spun around, her eyes glowing and hands encased in energy.

It did her no good as Ravager delivered a powerful punch to her temple. Raven staggered from the blow

"That's the problem with you mental power users." Ravager spoke. "Your head is a major weak spot."

"Not for me!" Raven hissed as her eyes began glowing again. "Azarath Metri-"

Her words were stopped when another blow nearly knocked her over. Ravager grabbed her by her arm before she could hit the ground.

"Really, let's see what happens when your brain hits the inside of your skull." Ravager stated as she struck Raven on the temple. "Again." Punch. "Again." Punch. "And again!"

The last blow never came as Ravager was knocked away.

She straightened herself to see Beast boy in his human form. He was blinking away the remaining spots in his vision, but stayed focused on her.

"That was pretty strong for a small fry like you." She stated as she rubbed her jaw.

"You think I'm small?" Beast boy asked. "I can fix that."

He lunged for the white haired villainess while changing into a bear.

She ducked under his paw swipe and maneuvered behind him. Drawing a sword, she delivered a deep gash to his back. It was only thanks to his form's hide that it hadn't been serious wound.

But it was still deep and painful.

He turned with a back swipe only for the same thing to happen in the front. This time he fell to his back side and reverted back to his human form.

When he tried to stand up she caught him by the neck, the blade held him at bay, just barely breaking skin. As she added pressure, she didn't notice his foot maneuver around her legs. Beast boy changed into a gorilla. With the placement of his legs, he managed to knock her off balance and restrain her in his massive fists.

"Take your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" She shouted in his face.

Even in his animal form, Beast boy couldn't help but crack a smile.

First time I heard that one. He thought.

Thought her arms were bound, she still had her legs. She managed to give a powerful kick to his jaw, forcing him to release her. He returned to his human form and stepped back.

"Like that?" She asked. "Well tell me if you heard this one." She aimed her gun. "Die."

"Yep!" Beast boy answered as he changed into a cheetah and ran.

He was able to avoid the bullets, but he was slowing down. Cheetahs were only good for short bursts of full on sprints, not long distance running. But he couldn't change forms without putting Raven in danger.

As long as he was in cheetah form, she had to keep her attention on him. They were fast enough to cover the short distance in the blink of an eye. If he became bigger, he was an easier target. If he became smaller, Raven would make either excellent bait and easier prey.

He just needed to hold on until-

"Raven, Beast boy!" A teammate called in the distance. "We're coming!"

"Seem's target practice as come to an end." Ravager stated. "It was fun, better than fish in a barrel."

Ravager fired the gun, but not at Beast boy, she fired at the barrel beside them.

Out of it spilled oil. The black liquid quickly spread out as it emptied from the container. A second shot and the oil ignited into a wild fire.

"Come after me, or let your friend burn." Ravager spoke as she ran but stopped. "Next time, tell Slade to send his best after me." She ordered. "He should know I don't die that easily!"

Then she was gone.

Beast boy made his decision.

He didn't think about it, he just made his way after Raven.

"You let her escape!" Robin shouted.

"I had to." Beast boy defended. "I needed to save Raven."

"I didn't need saving." Raven snapped.

You were unconscious. Wisdom stated

Shut up! Raven snapped.

"You were unconscious." Beast boy stated.

Raven hadn't awaken from her healing trance Ravager sent her in because of the brain damage until an hour after they returned from their mission.

"Raven could have handled herself!" Robin shouted.

"Friends, should we not be glad that friend Beast boy saved friend Raven?" Starfire asked confused. "Should he have let her die?"

"Of course not." Robin stated. "It's just...that was our only lead to Slade."

"Don't worry, Slade will show himself again." Cyborg stated. "He always does."

"And then we'll finally catch him!" Robin stated with conviction.

Beast boy sighed as he sat on his bed.

He looked at the number he had been given today. It brought a smile back to his face.

It had been a good day.

Maybe I'll call her tomorrow. He thought. I hope she lets me rub her hair, never seen white hair on a girl. He thought on that. Except...earlier, with Ravager.

Realization smacked him over the head harder than Raven ever had.

"I got a villains phone number!" He stated in shock.

Review.-First TT fic. Be kind and give advice.

I also have a Danny Phantom story out.