I do not own "Teen Titans"

Family Dinner Date

Beast Boy was pacing around his room in a panic.

His team would be meeting his girlfriend! Not their eyeballing her from a distance. Not their popping up on his date and giving him their support, but they would be judging her! And he was afraid of how she would respond.

Would she judge them badly?

Would she reveal who she was? And that he knew?

Would she attack them?

Would she break up with him?

These things were driving the changeling crazy!

Maybe...maybe I should pay her a visit. He thought. Just to make sure that everything is going well.

As if the day was out to prove him wrong the alarm went off. There was trouble in the city.

"Titans!" Robin's voice shouted over the intercom. "We have trouble! It's Mumbo, he causing trouble at the bank!"

Beast Boy groaned before he pulled out his communicator. "I'll handle this Robin."

"You ca-"

"Give me five minutes and I'll have him ready for the police." He stated before hanging up.

Beast Boy turned into a golden eagle, a bird that could reach speeds of 150-200 mph and flew towards the bank.

He arrived just as Mumbo was leaving the bank with a sac of money.

Not breaking his momentum dived in behind the magical villain and snatched the wand from the villain's hand. With the villain now powerless he returned to his human form.

"I warned you villains!" Beast Boy stated. "I have to introduce my girlfriend to my family and hope they like each other, I won't let someone like you ruin it!"

Mumbo paled as he began backing away, he had heard of the warning from Control Freak and Dr. Chang. Without his wand he was powerless before the green hero.

"E-Everyone likes a little magic, right?"

"I have a magic trick for you!" Beast Boy smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes. He held up the wand. "I'm going to make this magic wand disappear! So do me a favor and think of England."

It was another five before the police arrived and found the villain who was ready to surrender. And begging for a Proctologist.

Beast Boy returned to the tower to see that everyone was dressed in their nicest civilian guise, business casual. All but one. Raven was in the corner of the room in her usual uniform, meditating.

"Uh, Raven." Beast Boy called. "It's time to go."

"Have fun." She stated without looking at him.

"But, aren't you-"

"Not going."

There was a tense silence as everyone looked back and forth between the two, unsure of what would happen next.

"Raven...I know that we never get along too well, but if you ruin this for me...I will annoy you like never before." The changeling stated. "I will start walking around in my underwear, twerking at awkward moments. I will start calling you momma and sniffing around your legs which I will dub dem legs."


"I will change into a starfish and dismember myself and regenerate until you have an army of Beast Boys around you twenty-four seven. Every moment of your life filled with me making a joke or pulling a prank. All the while wearing a troll-face."

To prove his point, Beast boy dropped his pants to reveal he was wearing green briefs. Turning over, he began smacking his own bottom while looking Raven dead in the eyes.

"It's this what yous wants!?" He asked. "Is this what yous likes momma!? I wills do this for years if'n I has to!"

Moments later, Raven found herself inside of the T-Car which was disguised to look like a blue Ferrari. She didn't remember how she had gotten there or how she had gotten into her civilian outfit, but she was there. She just...needed the stupidity to stop.

With nothing better to do and not wanting to risk more of the stupidity, she began meditating. Better to spend her time doing something to help her deal with what was to come.

She didn't meditate for long.

"I hear music!" Star stated excitedly.

"Is that...'Def Leapord-Pour some sugar on me' playing?" Vic asked.

Turning to the sound of the music, they saw...a sight.

There was Rose and another woman, in a pair of short shorts and a wight tank top, washing her car.

As the Titans, in their civilian guise, left the car, Rose took notice of them.

"Hey, Kori, Rachel!" Rose called. "Would you like to join us, we have extra shorts!"

"Oh, yes!" Kori exclaimed happily. "I would love to wash the car in the booty shorts!"

"Got one for a donk like mine?" Asked Bee as she slapped her shapely bottom.

All of the guys jaw hit the ground. This was like something out of a dream. Or the start of a cheesy porno. Several hot women washing a car as they playfully sprayed each other with the soapy water.

"How can you stand there like that?" Raven asked. "You can't be happy with them parading around like that?"

"Hey, Vic?" Gar spoke up. "Would you be okay if my girlfriend started making out with yours?"

"Yes...yes I would." Vice answered, not taking his eyes off of his girlfriend. "Hey, Dick, would you be okay if my girlfriend started making out with your ex?"

"Yes...yes I would." Dick answered, not taking his eyes off of his ex. "Hey, Gar, would you be okay if my ex started making out with your girlfriend?"

"Yes...yes I would." Gar answered, not taking his eyes off of his girlfriend.

Suddenly, all three guys turned to Rachel who was still just frowning at the sight. When she noticed their attention on her she frowned even harder. She knew what they wanted and she glared at them with her red eyes to show that she wouldn't be apart of it.

This went on until the car was squeaky clean.

"That was so much fun!" Starfire cheered. "Oh, I wish we could continue!"

"Well this car is as clean as it'll get." Rose stated. "And it looks like your ride is in nice shape as well. Looks like we'll have to-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence as Victor and Garfield hopped into the car and took off. They proceeded to make three deep donut holes in the ground, splattering the car with mud. Without missing a beat, they parked in front of the girls and smiled.

"Is this filthy enough for you?"

. . .

"Friend Rose, this had been a most wonderful start to a wonderful day." Kori stated

"Well I hope I can keep you all this happy into the evening." A new voice spoke.

The group turned to see a refined man dressed as a butler standing in the doorway. Rose walked to the man who handed her a towel to wash away the grime and smiled to the others.

"This is my butler, Wintergreen." She introduced.

The Butler's eyes trailed down each of them before stopping on Richard, something that everyone took notice on.

"You're Richard Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth's boy." The butler stated, more than asked.

"You know Alfred?"

"Yes." The Butler answered before leaning in close. "I want you to tell him that winter is coming for that Brit. He'll know."

The Titan leader reeled back at the comment, not knowing how to respond. He didn't know why, but he felt as if Rose's butler had just made a threat towards Alfred. It definitely didn't sit well with the Titan leader.

"I'll...make sure he get's the message."

"So, you're Rose's boytoy." The Butler stated more than asked as he turned to Garfield. "I'm curious as to how you caught her attention."

"I'm...very funny." The hero offered nervously/

"Hm. Lunch has been prepared for you all in the dining room." The Butler stated. "Mr. Logan, if you'd be so kind as to follow me into the study, there's someone who'd like to meet you."

"OOOH!" Vic stated.

"Should I be worried?" Garfield asked jokingly.

"Only if you've already slept with Ms. Rose." The Butler stated as he led the hero away.

. . .

Garfield entered the room and saw an interesting sight. From wall to wall was an alignment of animal trophies. A stuffed bear in the corner. A lion's head mounted on the wall. A bear skin rug in the center of the room, and so many others.

However, there was one thing that stood out. Over the fireplace was a mantle, the kind people hung the heads of big game on, such as lions. For some reason it was blank and that made Garfield nervous, even if he didn't know why.

Jericho just sat there, stroking a white rabbit. He sat there with a small smile, never taking his eyes off of the guy dating his sister.

"So..." Garfield began, hoping to break the silence. "Nice bunny you got there."

Jericho held the creature out to Garfield with a smile, hesitantly the shape shifter took it. He began rubbing the bunny in an attempt to sooth his own nerves. That was until he noticed how unnaturally still the creature was. And cold.

"This bunny is dead." Garfield stated. Jericho just handed me a dead bunny.

If there was any doubt that he should be worried it was as dead as the bunny. The not so subtle threat seemed to be the start of whatever was planned as Jericho just smiled and rung the bell. As if he had been waiting at the door, the butler walked in with a rifle in his hands.

"About time." The butler spoke.

Jericho said nothing as he handed the butler a box of bullets that he had beside him.

"Uh, what's going on?" Gar asked nervously.

"I need you to know I'm not doing this out of any personal negative feelings towards you." Wintergreen spoke as he loaded the rifle. "I'd do this to any boy she'd bring home."

"D-Do what?"

"Or girl." The butler added, once he finished loading. "I like to think I'm a progressive guy."

Jericho nodded in agreement, he'd support his sister's love as long as she was happy. But man or woman, only the best was good enough for his sister.

"I washed that girl in the sink when she was a baby." The Butler continued. "I was there for her first words, her first steps, her first kill. I helped her become who she is when her father wanted nothing to do with her." He sighed at the last part. "Now, I'm sure you're a nice young man. Being a hero and all, but priories."

"You know about that?" Garfield asked nervously.

"I know everything about Rose." The butler stated.

"Since you can basically go anywhere, I'm leaving you in the hands of someone who can be anyone." He continued, motioning to Jericho. "He will hunt you down until sunset and if he catches you he will remove one of your eyes."

Garfield looked between the two in fear, the stone like faces they wore really terrified him. Then he did what neither had expected. He laughed, it was loud and full of happiness. None of the nervousness he previously portrayed.

"I get it, this is some 'brother's duty' type of threat, right?" Garfield asked as he looked between the two. "Scare the boyfriend and get him going! You got me! The eye part was overkill though."

Jericho said nothing as he stood up and began undoing the top few buttons of his shirt to reveal a necklace. There were shriveled orbs on it, like dried grapes. It took the changeling a moment to realize that they were eyes. Human eyes! Made from, presumably, Rose's previous boyfriends!

They were serious!

"None have escaped." The Butler stated.

"J-Jericho, you're a Titan!" Garfield stated as fear began rising inside of him. "A hero!"

"You forget something important." The Butler stated. "He's Slade son. And he knows you fucked his sister."

Jericho aimed the gun.


Wintergreen entered the dining area to see the group of teens enjoying the meal he had prepared for them. It warmed his heart to know that his skills were appreciated.

"Oh man, I love this!" Victor stated as soon as he saw the butler. "I thought I knew meat, but I was wrong! I need more of this meat in my mouth!"

"I wish to consume more of the meat as well!" Kori spoke as she devoured her food.

"Please, you're all making me blush!" Wintergreen spoke. "It's simply a Filet Mignon wrapped in bacon, some seared mushrooms and steamed rice with mixed vegetables."

"I have to say I've never had a steak like this before." Richard stated as he consumed his food as well.

"Well it's nice to know that Alfred isn't as cracked up as he'd like to be." The butler stated, silencing the Titan leader.

"You butlers and your rivalries." Rose stated as she ate.

Wintergreen turned to Rachael, the only one who hadn't acknowledged his food. "So, how's your steak?"

"It's okay." Rachael answered.

Rose froze, her cutlery falling out of her hand as she looked at Rachael in shock.

"Just. Okay?" The Butler asked as he removed his glasses. "Young lady, I murdered this cow in front of her own young. I did this so when they're grown up and ready to eat their vengeance will give them such immaculate flavor it will dance on my palate."

The group stopped eating as they processed what the butler had just told them.

"I-I never thought I'd say this, but I can't finish my meat."

"Young man, you'll take that meat into your mouth and swallow or that car of yours will be windowless and a few tires short."

"You did not just threaten my baby."

The butler smiled, while he was sure he couldn't best the teenage hero in physical combat, there were other ways to do battle. He turned his attention to the machine man's date.

"Young lady, have you two ever sat down and discussed your future together?" He asked, causing Vic froze at the implication.

Bee thought on it for a moment before smiling. "Well, I see myself as a career woman but I'd like to have a family one day."

"This is wonderful food!" Vic stated as he shoveled it into his mouth as a form of surrender.

"We should talk about our relationship and the next steps to take." Bee stated to her boyfriend.

"Can I have seconds?" Vic asked, not meeting anyone's gaze.

"Vic, I'd like you to come and meet my parents!" Bee stated.


Sorry for the wait, but don't worry, next chapter is already in the works!

NEW IDEA! Would you all like to see Beast Boy taking over the Doom Patrol or join the Hive Academy in a secret X-Men like fashion? If so, vote 'YES' for my newest story DOOM'S PATROLLER or HIVE CLASS 101 in the review. Should it be a harem, or a single love interest? First to 10 gets it!