EDIT EDIT: Decided to fix this chapter up again. My opening statement is hilarious in hindsight because everyone who knows my work knows I went above and beyond with this fic, which lead to three role reversal AUs at the time I've written this statement.

Anyway, this fan fic idea was inspired by fan art I saw on tumblr, in which Ghirahim and Fi underwent a role reversal and I thought 'well why not combine that idea with another role reversal.' Like I said, I'm not super keen on writing an entire re-write of Skyward Sword, but I have a couple of ideas I've been dying to try out.

Chapter 1: In which someone changes the roles

I should have known my day would have ended up like this, but it just proved that the worst can happen to those you care about.

I mean, yeah, there was that incident with Link's loftwing, and Groose, but I thought for sure that would be the only problem.

It started off just fine with the ceremony, Link caught the idol, and he officially became an upper classmen when we performed the traditional ceremony atop the Goddess statue, as was per tradition- with me performing the role of the Goddess.

And then we were flying in the sky together on our loftwings. I was finally going to ask Link something...pretty important concerning our relationship.

Then out of nowhere, a giant tornado appeared. We tried to pull back but, as fate would have it, only one of us was able to get away, while the other was sucked in.

I tried to get to Link, but I was knocked back... and that's when I had my weird dream.


"...Zelda... Hey Zelda!" That was the distinctly feminine voice that greeted me as I found myself falling backwards while facing a blindingly bright light.

"Congratulations. You are the first in line of what is going to be a role reversal of the timeline. From now on, you're lineage gets to be the badasses, while pretty boy is the damsel... provided of course that you actually survive this version of the game."

"...Uh, what?" I was really confused. Game? what game? And what was that about a role reversal?"

"And we have decreed certain changes in the events of this era, starting with one that I'm sure the worthy mortals fortunate enough to observe said events will not only find interesting, but even welcome."

"Now, get going!" A second voice joined in. "We are on a Doctor Who marathon and were are now in the misfortune that is the Steven Moffat penned era. You do not wan't us to show up when Din is P. at a specific writer for a show!"

What are they talking about?

"That includes Joss Whedon!" An enraged snarl of a third voice joined in. "Darn you for killing off-"

Whatever she was going to say, I didn't pay any attention to it because something caught my eye: an unusual looking man, with pale white hair... and some rather tight form fitting clothing with diamond shapes cut out to reveal sections of his body.

Ok, I get that my gender can handle it, but how can a man handle that? Ouch.

"Also, he is the other change in this timeline." The first voice added. "Which, I'll admit, is going to be interesting. Anyway, good luck with the mission!"


I shot straight out of bed, in the midst of my confusion at the strange dream. I was quick to blame it on the stress from the events of today, before I saw my father standing by by bed. He seemed to have been greatly concerned, but that had passed as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank the Goddess you're alright!" He was breathless as he gave me a hug.

"Yeah, but Link-" I froze. Link! Oh no...

"I explained what had happened, and only when I was done did my father suddenly grew thoughtful.

"A black tornado, you say?" He placed his face against a prompt up fist. "Hmm... That was no ordinary storm. Tell, me... did anything else unusual happen today?"

I gave it some thought. "...Not...really. Other than having a strange dream involving voices saying something about a role reversal, timeline, a mission, and an oddly dressed man who reminded me of the man from Fun Fun Island."

At this, my father's composure stiffened as his expression grew dark.

"...Father?" I asked in concern, which startled him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought there for a moment. It's all very strange, but I doubt there's much of a connection between these things." He apologized as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I'm concerned for Link as much as you, but as long as he's with his loftwing, I'm sure he will be fine. Just... promise me you won't try to find him now, as night has fallen and it is too dark to spot either one."

"Sure..." I answered as he left, but, to be honest I wasn't. I'm pretty sure he was separated with his loftwing- in fact, I saw it with my own eyes! There's also the fact that the knights patrol at night, so why couldn't anyone get to fly out at night with only the light of the moon to illuminate the path?! That would have been amazing... except the loftwings don't come out at night.

... Great.

I had no idea what to do now. There was no way I could be able to get to the surface, thanks to that cloud barrier, unless I was suicidal enough. I'd put my life on the line if it meant finding Link, because he really does mean that much to me, but... ugh, now I just had no idea what to do.

And that's when I heard the giggling outside my room. And not just any kind of giggling: it was as if a man was giggling, which was something wouldn't hear very often at the academy, unless it was for a good reason.

I swear to Goddess, if that's Groose...

"Ok, what's so funny?" I demanded as I stormed out into the hallway, ready to give the guy a piece of my mind, when I saw him. "Because if that's you Groose, I'm not in the mood-"

It was the weird guy from my dream: the one with the strange clothing.

The man dramatically threw his arms out before letting out a dramatic "HA!" As if to draw more attention to himself.

"Oh great." I muttered as I went two steps back against the wall. Today was now officially the weirdest day of my life and it had to end with a creepy looking guy in tight form fitting clothing. "I'm still dreaming."

"I overheard what you said about me to your father." He chided. "Needless to say, I wasn't pleased by the implications."

I decided to ignore that for now. "So... who exactly are you?" I asked. "No offense, but I've had a lot of... things, that went on today, so could you explain, what's going on?" That's when I realized something. "You... didn't have anything to do with that tornado, did you?"

The man examined a non existent thread on his glove. "I might have something to tell you, in regards to your dear companion... if you follow me."

Despite that I found myself blushing at the notion, I demanded. "Where?"

Instead of an answer, he snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash of gray and black diamond shaped markings that quickly faded away. Before I could cry out in confusion, he reappeared all the way across the doors, to the outside.


-Sometime later-

"Ok, I admit the fact that there's a hidden room under the Goddess statue is great, but did you have to lead me all across town and almost off a ledge, when you could of gone straight towards it?!" I demanded as soon as I got farther enough into the room. Frankly, I was ticked off at how many times I almost died, and almost bitten by seemingly feral remlits, thanks to this strange person.

To my surprise, I couldn't see him anywhere in here... except for the lit torches and a statue of the insignia of the goddess, there was only a sword in a pedestal. It was a pretty neat looking sword, with an almost onyx colored blade, a gray handle, and a red stone at the center of the hilt-

And it was at that point I heard the sound that came with the diamonds and found myself ambushed as a pair of hands forcefully clamped on my shoulders. I only had to turn to see who my assailant was.

"Oh, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you, my dear." The man made an odd moaning sound of pleasure. "You are the human fortunate enough to be chosen for the role of a great destiny. The fact that we have reached this moment has made me positively giddy!"

"...Uh, personal space much?" I began to get a little nervous. Something was telling me that I shouldn't trust this man, and yet... I felt like I was supposed too? I didn't get it.

"Oh, yes, I am being positively uncivil." He let go of me and stood in front of the sword to face me. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am the spirit of the sword that stands behind you, as crafted by the god Hylia. You may call me Ghirahim." he gave me a dramatic bow. "In truth, I prefer to be indulged with as Lord Ghirahim, but I'm not fussy."

Ok...in addition to being weird, he was a tad narcissistic. Fantastic. I couldn't help but wonder who would win in that contest: this guy or Groose.

"Now come child! He made a dramatic flourish as he parted to the side. "Take up the sword and fufill your destiny!"

"Wait a moment... Did you just refer to Hylia as-?"


"Ok, ok!" I held my hands up as I obeyed Ghirahim. Man, he could get really angry.

"Oh well, I suppose I may need to put your troubled mind at ease. In truth, the answer is yes: the mysterious tornado, the unusual dreams, and the fate of your dear companion are all connected."

"Also," He added as I cautiously approached the sword. "The swordsman you refer to as Link is safe. The spirited warrior is another chosen player, fated to be part of this great mission."

That did put my mind at ease. I don't know how he knew it, but I decided to just accept it.

I went up to the sword... and pulled it out with surprising ease as I raised it to the sky. I felt it a hero out of a story book in that moment... but it was ruined when Ghirahim suddenly started squealing.

I officially recognize you as my mistress, Zelda! From here on out, and all I ask as your humble servant is for you to satisfy my taste for bloodshed upon wielding the sword-

"Whoa!" I lowered my sword as I stared in horror. "Wait a minute! Are you asking me to needlessly take away life?"

"Why else would you use a sword?"

"...Protection? Defending the helpless?"

He let out a big sigh. "It seems I have my work cut out for you. Wouldn't you agree, father dearest?"

I whipped around to see father behind us. While he was in awe as to where I was, it was evident that he wasn't impressed as to who was with me.

"I wasn't sure if this chamber truly existed, and yet the stories have been proven true. I know it has been said that this place was left to our people by the goddess herself, but I'd never-

At this Ghirahim suddenly burst out laughing. "Someone truly made a serious error when they wrote the history of your world for you. I'd give anything to see the look on his face if he knew-"

"Who?" I asked.

Ghirahim tried to compose himself. "Hylia was a man. To be precise, a mighty warrior who protected these lands. What I wouldn't give to see him in action once more: his mighty sword cleaving though hordes of enemies, as a rain of blood gushed out of their bodies and stained his armor and the earth around him-

"So, what you're saying." I continued as I tried to ignore the mental image. "Was that earlier this morning, I was actually playing the role of a warrior god- a man, to be specific."

"Yes, Mistress Zelda."

I groaned. Great, there was that and the fact the other females in Skyloft would be angry if they lost a bit of their equality with men, should this come out.

My father took this as cue to recite the legend behind the sword... and concluded with "Though not only did I not believe it would come to pass in my time, I never expected the spirit within the sword to be so-

"Breath taking?" Ghirahim supplied as he struck a pose that was guaranteed to show off as much of his physique as possible (much to my amusement).

"... Lively. The legend did say that the youth will be guided by one born of the blade- one who will be blessed with the taste for violence and gift of wisdom in equal immeasurableness, in order to aid the youth in their journey."

Ghirahim just gave my father a smug look. "Ah yes, though the oral tradition flatters me, it is inaccurate." He then recited, as if he knew the words by heart. "The youth who draws forth the guiding sword will be Hylia's chosen hero, and it is she who will possess an unbreakable spirit. She shall be burdened with the task of abolishing the shadow of apocalypse from the land: such is her destiny. With the spirt of the blade at her side-" He gave me a wink "She shall soar over the clouds and plummet below... and untied with the spirited warrior, shall bring forth a piercing light that resurrects the land."

Well, I could go over the rest of what happened, but something tells me you don't want to hear it. Because you probably know about it.

Long story short, I was given a tablet to fit into an empty crevice, stuck the Goddess insignia with the sword... and now I'm free to go to the surface.

This is all so confusing. I mean, it's wonderful that I finally get to see the surface, which I have dreamt about since I was a girl, but... I still get the sense something is off about these events.

Ghirahim was excited to return to the surface, and went back into my sword in a flash of diamonds. My father was... understandably conflicted, and not just about my intended traveling companion. I assured him that I would take care of myself and would not be alone, and that I would return to Skyloft once in awhile, to show that I was doing ok.

But there was no way I was going to wear the knight's uniform. It didn't seem right, and I was ok with wearing my dress, though I couldn't explain how, other than a feeling.

Though I still realized that I needed to keep my rather eccentric companion in check.

"You know, you really need to get over the fact that you need to kill a few monsters on your mission." I could hear Ghirahim speak into my mind, as if he were using a sort of telepathy.

"For the last time, I'm not really into killing things, and I can't promise that I'll satisfy your need for violence." I quietly snapped back.

"ZELDA!" I froze when I heard that voice. I put on my best smile and tried to put on an air as if speaking to a dear friend.

"Hey, Groose." I greeted.

"I heard that you almost died out there...uh, too bad about Link."

Ok, that didn't seem to bad.

"So... does that mean you're free right now?"

"...Yes. As a matter of fact, I'll be ready in about five minutes."

"YES!" Groose bought it as he pumped a fist in the air and dashed off. "I'll be back in a flash."

As I turned around and quickly headed off, I realized I still felt oddly, yet happily serene, which contradicted what I said next.

"Hey Ghirahim? Next time, you can beat him within an inch of his life- just promise me you won't maim or kill him. And the only scarring you will do will be mentally."

I heard a pleased chuckling in my head. "Of course, my Mistress."

The thing with the Goddesses now seems weird, but I was under the assumption that this would be a one shot. Plus I was a little sore about Steven Moffat's Doctor Who writing at the time. (No offense to him and Whedon though- both of them can make some great works, but the Goddesses were reflecting the complaints most people have with them. And yeah, they have a huge medium awareness thing going on- it was my way of dealing with the ridiculousness of what I was writing.)

For those of you who are new, that dream would not be the only moment the story would get off track, and it ended up becoming a tradition to have bonus chapters that mentioned non-Zelda related stuff.