„...and we can take him out and we can play with him and if he becomes too noisy and starts getting on your nerves you can give him to me and I then I can-"

"Perform experiments on him?" Levi finished Hanji's sentence.

"W-what are you talking about Levi? Don't be ridiculous! W-why would I do such thing, hehe…" Hanji laughed nervously.

"Hanji, please, I've known you for about 2000 years now, you can't fool me"

"Yeah, guess I can't, huh… I can't believe that that hell is over and that so many years have passed."

"Yeah, me neither", answered Levi, lifting his head to look up at the sky.

"Though I must I'm still a bit sorry there is no more titans" said Hanji, that creepy grin of hers revealing itself.

"You need help."

"So rude! Levi you just can't understand how marvelous creatures titans were. For example-"

"Stop right there! I don't need to hear more useless shit about titans. This conversation is over!"

"You're so boring Levi." she pouted.

"I don't give a shit. Just shut up."

"Okay, okay but that aside, are you still looking for him?" asked Hanji turning her head to look at Levi, worry clearly shown on her face.

"Who, Eren?"

She slowly nodded her head.

"Honestly, I don't know where to look anymore…" Levi sighed. "I searched for him all these years, no matter how many times I was reborn, but he never showed up. Even after that promise we made all those years ago, I'm losing hope. I don't know what to do anymore" said Levi, one silent tear threatening to escape his eye.

"O-okay, let's toss ugly memories aside for now, this is supposed to be the happy day, you're getting little brother, right?"

"Yeah, you're right", said Levi fighting back his tears.

"I bet he is gonna be adorable and chubby!" Hanji waved her hands around excitedly.

"Hanji, it is a fact that all babies are ugly as fuck when they are just born." said Levi matter-of- factly.

"Why are you so pessimistic? You are gonna be horrible big brother, I feel sorry for that kid!" she pouted, again.

"I am just stating facts and besides, what is there to be optimistic about? I'm just gonna have some little shit screaming and crying all day long and all night long, not giving me a moment of peace or sleep. And not to mention that babies are filthy."

"And so came the words of the almighty OCD. You are such piece of shit! Did you know that?"

"Shut up, shitty glasses!"

At that moment Levi's phone rang…

"Hello, dad?"

"Levi, it's over! Your mother tried really hard. You have a little brother now, isn't that wonderful? You should come and see him, he is so beautiful."

Levi had a feeling his father was getting a little too excited, but it's okay, it was his first child anyway. Levi was adopted. He found out about that two years ago, on his thirteenth birthday.

"Yeah, I'm coming right away."

"Little shit came, I gotta go"

"Okay and make sure to call me when you get home, shitty big brother!" she said playfully.

"Tch…" was the only thing Levi said before turning on his heel and going towards the hospital.


"Excuse me, my mother just gave birth to my little brother and I am supposed to go and see them." said Levi to a kind looking woman at the reception.

"Of course sweetie, tell me your mother's name."

"Carla Jeager."

"Let's see… Ah, found her. Your mom is in the room 234 on second floor."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem dear and congratulations" said smiling lady.

"Yeah, thanks I guess"

"Don't worry dear, you will get used to him soon. I have younger sister myself so I know" she chuckled.

She didn't get an answer from Levi after that. He just turned around and waved weakly going to find his mother's room.


As Levi entered a completely white room he saw his mother lying on the bed, holding a baby and his father sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"Ah, Levi you're here, come" she was smiling so brightly. Levi didn't think he ever saw his mother smile like that. Seems like having a baby really is a big deal.

"Look Eren, that's your big brother, his name is Levi" said his mother while pointing at Levi with her index finger.

Levi's eyes widened at a mention of Eren's name. It can't be, right? That was just a coincidence. There's a lot of people with same name. That couldn't be his Eren, right?

"Here, you can hold him if you want to" said his mother, slowly handing baby to him.

As Levi took the baby into his arms, he slowly opened his big turquoise eyes and smiled. Levi expected him to start crying, he was a baby after all, but he smiled. And those beautiful teal-green eyes, only Eren could have eyes like that. There was no doubt now, that was Eren. That baby in his arms was his Eren. Levi lifted his hand to caress his little cheek, but Eren took hold of his index finger and squeezed it tightly. That's when he realized, Levi was crying. It was like Eren wanted to comfort him, to say that everything will be alright. He brought Eren closer to his face and pressed their foreheads together "Took you long enough, shitty brat." Levi sobbed quietly, so just Eren could hear him. Tears kept streaming down his face.



" Heichou, you need to leave." , said Eren weakly, blood coming from his wound.

"No! Eren, I won't leave you!", screamed Levi, tears rolling down his face, one after another.

"Heichou, it's end of the road for me, you have to keep living, to kill all titans in my stead, please."

"NO! EREN NO! I'm not leaving you!"

"Levi, we have to go!" Hanji screamed from behind them.

"See Heichou, they're waiting for you, you have to go. It's time to part"

"Eren…no, no. Don't say that. I can't go on without you. Eren…" Levi cried even harder.

"LEVI!" Hanji screamed again.

"Heichou, one day, when we are reborn, we will live in world with no titans and we will be happy together, so until that day comes, please, let me go. It will be in no time you'll see." Eren was becoming weaker with every word he said, he didn't have much time left.

Levi just looked at him tears still streaming down his face. It couldn't end like this. He won't be able to go on. He will break. If his fate was to be broken he would rather be broken along with Eren than left to rot away on his own. That's why it couldn't end this way.

"I promise…" said Eren planting a weak kiss on his lips and with that his eyes closed.

"Come on Levi!" Hanji pulled his hand.

Levi struggled, reaching out towards Eren with his free hand.

"No, no, NO! EREEEEN!"

End of flashback


Levi wiped the remnants of tears from his eyes with his free hand. He was still holding Eren. He must admit that Hanji was right. Eren was adorable baby.

"Levi, honey, are you okay?" asked his mother.

"I'm fine mom"

"I don't remember seeing you cry like that since you were baby." said Grisha

"Shut up old man!" He was right though. It was really out of character for Levi to act this way.

"Now that's my son", his father chuckled

"He's beautiful", Levi whispered.

"He is, isn't he?" his mother smiled softly.

Door slowly slid open and a tall raven haired man in long white coat walked in. Levi recognized the man. That was his mom's doctor.

"Okay, now I would ask Jeager-san and Levi-kun to leave. I have to check is everything okay with the little one and the Mom. Is that okay?"

"Yes of course, let's go Levi", said Grisha.

Levi wanted to stay with Eren just a little longer, to hold him just for a little bit, but they had to part, for now. 'We just reunited and they're already taking you away from me' he thought. He slowly kissed Eren's forehead and hesitantly handed him over to their mom.

"It's okay Levi, you will see him again soon, don't you trust me to take care of him?" asked his mom, smiling sweetly.

"I know mom, I trust you."

And with that they were on their way.

He still couldn't believe this was happening. He finally found him. Eren finally fulfilled his promise. They were finally reunited.

When they came home Levi just fell on his bed, tired. Not long after he fell asleep with thoughts of his little angel occupying his mind.

A|N (So that would be first chapter of reunited, hope you liked it. If I had any grammar mistakes or something of the sort I'm sorry, English is not my first language.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye, bye)