"Dad?" Sophia called from the top of the stairs.

Morgan turned his head toward her voice. He and Savannah were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. They didn't often get time to do that between taking care of Hank and Savannah's work schedule, but she had the night off and Hank was in bed. Sophia was doing homework in her room, she had been pretty walled up studying for the SATs, but she was starting to panic again.

"Yeah, baby?" he called back.

"Can you come up here?" she asked.

Morgan frowned, he could hear a change in her voice and he rose from the couch. "What's wrong, Sophia?" he asked as he saw her standing there.

"I don't feel well," she mumbled.

He scanned her face. "Come here, baby girl."

She headed down the stairs and he could tell she was exhausted. She had her hair thrown up and she was in an oversized sweater and leggings with no makeup on. "I'm so stressed out," she whined and she reached out for him and buried his face in his chest.

"It's okay, I got you," Morgan soothed as he wrapped his arms around her. "You need to take a break."

"I know," she said. "But I don't have time."

Morgan exchanged a glance with Savannah. "You need to make some time," he said as he guided her to the couch to sit between the two of them. "Let's talk about it, about how hard you've been studying, about how you need to take some breaks, and find a balance."

"I don't want to talk about it," she mumbled.

"Sophia," Morgan said softly in the way where he draws out the name. It was a silent warning that he didn't like her response.

"My SAT practise scores suck," she mumbled again. "And, I have a headache."

"Probably because you've been up studying late every night," Morgan eyed her. "You need to sleep."

"Some of the people at school take those pills that help you stay up to study," she said slowly.

"What pills?" Morgan frowned.

"There like a study aid," Sophia said. "I forget what they're called, but they give you more energy to focus and stay awake."

"Adderall?" Savannah asked. "Sophia, those are really dangerous."

"But, they're prescribed," Sophia frowned.

"Because they're amphetamines," Savannah said. "Not to mention that they're highly addictive."

"Yeah, baby, promise us that you will never take them," Morgan said seriously.

"I promise," she said and leaned into Morgan.

He smirked and put his arm around her as he glanced at Savannah. He knew she was tired and would probably fall asleep now, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to let the conversation end there. Savannah could sense that and she shook her head slightly as she watched Sophia seem to relax for the first time in weeks.


Reid slipped into Sophia's room when he got home late from work. She was passed out on her bed with a textbook and notes spread around her. He couldn't help but smile as he started to clean up, knowing that she had fallen asleep from studying so much. He was proud of her, but he was a bit worried at how hard she was pushing herself. He knew she had been trying extra hard lately, on all fronts, trying to make up for everything she had put them through the past few months. She had a tough time, and they didn't blame her for it, but now she was back on track and maybe taking things a little too far.

He gathered her notes and picked up her backpack to put them inside and that's when he noticed the bottle of pills. He frowned and pulled out the unmarked bottle and looked inside. He knew immediately what they were and his little bit of worry for her sky-rocketed in that moment. He racked his brain, trying to decide if any of her behavior over the last few weeks gave off any signs, but he couldn't think of anything concrete. She was more focused, more concentrated, staying up later, but he was also working more and he just wasn't sure.

He wanted to wake her up and ask her about them, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. She looked so peaceful in that moment. Despite his best judgement, he left the pills in her bag and turned out the lamp on her nightstand before he slipped out of the room. He would watch her over the next few days, and then he would bring it up when he had a better idea if she was using them or not. He wanted to calm down too, and not jump to conclusions, and he wanted to find the best way to talk about it because he'd be lying if he wasn't blaming himself right now.

"Daddy?" Sophia mumbled.

He turned in the doorway. "It's okay, sweetheart," he said. "Go back to sleep."

"What time is it?" she asked. "When did you get home?"

Reid walked back into the room and sat down on her bed since it was clear she wasn't going to just go back to sleep. "I just got home," he said. "It's a little after midnight."

"Are you staying home for awhile now?" she asked.

"I hope so," he said. "We're supposed to have a few weeks working local."

"Can you help me study?" she asked. "My SAT scores aren't good enough."

"Sure, honey, but you've been all consumed in your studies lately," he said. "How about tomorrow we just have a day where we relax?"

"Can we have a Doctor Who marathon and order Chinese food?" she asked.

"Absolutely," Reid smiled and put a hand on the side of her head before he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Get some sleep, Sophia."

"No, wait," she reached out and grabbed onto him when he went to get up. "Can you stay in here tonight?"

"What's wrong, Sophia?" he asked. She was getting better at talking about her emotions and what she needed from them, but they usually still had to ask and even pull it out of her sometimes.

"Nothing Daddy, I just missed you," she said. "You've been gone for almost a week."

"I missed you too," he said. "But, I still know when something is bothering you."

Sophia sighed and sat up in her bed as Reid turned to face her. "What if I don't get into a good college?" she asked. "What if my grades aren't good enough, or my SAT scores aren't good enough, or I'm just not good enough?"

"You are always enough for who you are supposed to be," Reid reminded her. "What do you think is a good college?"

"Daddy," she whined. "You and Mama went to Caltech and Dad went to Northwestern."

"Sophia, you don't need to follow in our footsteps," he said. "I haven't even heard you talk about what you want to study, and suddenly you're obsessed with getting the perfect grades and scores."

"Yeah, because I don't want to disappoint you again," she blurted out like it should be obvious.

"Is that why you're taking pills?" he raised a brow at her when she went wide eyed and silent. He reached into her back and pulled out the bottle. "You think I don't know what these are? Where did you get them?"

"They're not mine," she mumbled.

"Sophia, you've been up late studying every night for weeks," he said. "You're worried and you're on edge, I knew something was off with you but I didn't think it was this."

"If I was taking them I wouldn't be passed out at midnight," she defended herself.

"Tell me the truth, Sophia." Reid said.

"I took them from Caitlin," she said. "She bought them off of someone, and after Savannah explained how dangerous they were, I made her give them to me."

"That's very smart of you," he nodded. "But, you should have given them to one of us."

"You just got home," she said. "I was going to talk to you in the morning."

"Okay, fair enough," he nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Daddy, I think she's still using them," she said. "I even tried giving her my notes to help. That's why I've been up late, I've been making doubles of all my notes."

"Sophia, if you think she's in trouble we need to talk to her Mom," he said.

"I thought maybe Savannah could talk to her," she said. "I don't want her to hate me."

"She's not going to hate you, she might be upset at first," he said. "But, Sophia it's better to have an angry friend than a dead friend."


Sophia and Reid had a plan to talk to Caitlin about the pills. They were going to bring her over to the house with her Mom and they were all going to talk it through. Morgan was going to come too, he had a connection with Caitlin that was more than just Sophia's Dad. She would probably listen to him more than her own Mother.

Caitlin found out what was going on before they could put their plan into motion. Sophia was never a good liar and Caitlin was really good at reading her. She got defensive and they got into a big fight at school. A teacher overheard some of it and when the lockers were searched, Caitlin ended up sitting in the principal's office with a lot more students than the school realized.

Her Mom was at work, like usual, and Caitlin had no idea how she was going to call and tell her what was going on. They needed the money too, she couldn't pull her from her shift for her messing up. She ended up calling Morgan, and he came to pick her up. He sorted some stuff out with the school, he called her Mother, and he brought her home with him.

She was sitting on the porch stairs when he finally came out to talk to her. She didn't know how she was going to face him or anyone every again. She didn't even know how she got here, facing expulsion from high school because of drugs, a drug she was addicted to. And, that wasn't even the whole story.

"I talked the school into a suspension," he said as he sat down beside her. "I convinced them that this was a one-time thing. You were stressed and you bought some pills because they were so easily available at that school. It helped that so many students were caught."

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"What's going on with you? This isn't like you, at all. I know your Mom raised you better than this." He frowned. "You have always come to me when you couldn't go to your Mom. I made sure you knew that."

"I know," she said through the tears.

"So, why didn't you come to me when this first started?" he asked.

"Because, I'm not actually your kid." She said. "Sophia is my best friend and you guys are like family, but you aren't really. I can't dump my problems on you and ask you to be the Dad I never had."

"You don't have to ask," he said. "I have supported you, lectured you, hell, I've even grounded you before, because you are like family, and like family is still family. Spencer is like my brother, do you think that means I don't treat him the same I would a biological brother? So, again, why couldn't you come to me?"

"I did something really stupid," Caitlin admitted.

"More stupid than taking drugs?" Morgan raised a brow at her.

She nodded slowly and took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him. He opened it with a frown and shook his head. "Is this what I think it is?"

"A fake prescription on Savannah's pad?" she nodded. "I didn't actually go through with it, but I still stole it."

"Why would you do this?" he asked and raised a brow when she didn't answer. "Hmm?"

"I don't know," she admitted and he could feel her defeat. "Sophia confronted me about the pills and I gave them to her. She went upstairs to hide them and Savannah's prescription pad was just sitting on the desk by the door. I can't believe I actually took one."

"You filled this out?" he asked and she nodded. "Did you go to the drug store?"

"I sat in my car, but I couldn't bring myself to go in." she said.

"Do you know how serious this is?" he asked. "This is a crime."

"I know," she said as new tears fell. "But-"

"No, no but." He said firmly. "This is illegal, that's number one. It's also morally wrong, that's number two. And, you took advantage of our trust, that's number three. You want to hear the rest of the numbers?"

She shook her head. "Disappointing you is the worst part," she said. "You guys are going to hate me and I don't even know if Sophia is still my friend, or if you'll still let her be my friend."

"Look at me," he said. "I don't hate you. I am really worried about you. That you would take drugs, that you have been taking drugs, and that it brought you to the extreme of almost committing a crime. Do you see the difference?"

"Yes, but I don't deserve it." She said. "

"Yes you do," he said softly. "You messed up big time here. But, you've never messed up like this before and I will make sure you never do again. Do you hear me?"

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are," he said. "Let this be a wake-up call for you. Not everyone catches a break like you just did, and you did, so you remember this if you think about taking drugs again."

"I'm never going to forget this," she said. "Derek, when they searched my locker, I was so scared. I can't believe I let it get this bad. I don't know what happened, or how I got here."

"This is what drugs do," he ran a hand down the back of her head. "They cloud your judgement, your reasoning, they rob you of your life."

"I need help," she looked at him.

"We're going to help you every way we can," he nodded and wrapped an arm around her.