I think Fanfiction had a glitch the night the final chapter went up, so if you don't remember reading it be sure to check it out! :)

"This girl isn't afraid of zip-lining, crocodiles, or singing in public but she won't go scuba diving with me!" Lincoln complained, draping his arm around Rikki.

It had been a couple months since the two had gone on their first date, but from that day on they were inseparable. They seemed to feed off of each others energies, constantly thinking of new and exciting things to do. Rikki hadn't yet told him that she was a mermaid, but Emma knew she was planning on revealing the secret soon. Cleo, Bella, and Emma had all given her a thumbs up. Lincoln was definitely trustworthy.

Emma looked at all of the couples surrounding her and had never felt so loved and so connected with so many different people.

Cleo and Lewis were reading over some scientific findings together in one corner of the table, doing everything simultaneously without even realizing it.

Will and Bella, who Emma had gotten to know much better over the past few weeks, had their hands all over each other and were talking about scuba diving with Lincoln and Rikki.

Then there was the other half to her couple. Zane was aimlessly playing with her hair as she leaned into his chest. Everyone was deliriously happy and in love. It was too good to be true.

Eventually Bella had to run back to her house, Lincoln had to go to work and Lewis had to take a call from America.

"Let's go do something." Zane told her softly.

"Like what?" Emma asked.

"We could...take my boat out. Like the good old days." he smiled. Emma nodded and they left hand in hand. They walked along the wharf to where Zane's Zodiac lay waiting. Emma realized that the boating suggestion hadn't been a spontaneous one; there was an entire picnic waiting for her on the Zodiac. Emma blushed and thanked Zane again and again. He wasn't usually the type to do something so thoughtful. But then again, that's what she loved about him: he was always surprising her.

Zane drove the boat a mile out to sea and the two sat there for hours, talking, eating and laughing together. Zane had made lasagna and he brought a bottle of wine. Emma sipped from her glass and laughed along to a story she'd heard at least six times before. It never got old.

The sun and the moon were both low in the sky by the time they finished eating dinner. Emma was about to suggest heading to shore soon when three smooth heads popped out of the water next to them. Emma laughed at the surprised expression on Zane's face. Only they couldn't get privacy in a boat a mile from shore.

Emma kissed Zane, thanked him yet again, and then dove into the water after her friends. Zane started up the boat and Emma watched him drive away, waving with a huge, uncontrollable smile on her face.

Alright so once again...a huge and final THANK YOU to the supporters of this story. You know who you are. Many have been there since the beginning and others have joined in slowly, but I appreciate every one of you. I wasn't sure how people would react to a Zemma fic but I'm so happy with the response I've gotten. When I started writing the Wrong Goodbye I had no idea what sort of direction I would take with it so it's been fun.

Now that I've finished it, I'm taking a little break from posting for a while. I really hate making people wait weeks and weeks for the next update, so I want to complete or nearly complete a story before I post it. Here are a few that I'm writing or am about to write at this very moment:

Reversals of Fortune: Rikki, Emma, Cleo and Bella are all in their final year of University and they have grown apart and changed a lot over the years. A beginning of the year party brings the mermaids back together and they try to reconnect their friendship while they each deal with problems of their own.

Fight or Flight: this is a war story inspired by the book series "Tomorrow When the War Began" by John Marsden. Australia is invaded and taken over by an enemy force while the H2o characters are camping on Mako Island. They return to the mainland to find their houses empty and their families kidnapped. They decide to fight back although it means putting everyone's lives at risk.

Fairy Tails: a series of one-shots featuring the H2o characters in stories and situations inspired by fairy tales.

How Did We Get Here?: Cleo, Emma, and Rikki's stories from when they were younger up until they turned into mermaids.

I have a lot more story ideas but here are the ones I started working on! I'm a few chapters into Reversals of Fortune, about half-way done with Fight or Flight, and less than a chapter into Fairy Tails. Let me know how you liked the ending of The Wrong Goodbye and which story you'd like to see next from me! :) Also I picked the cheesiest chapter name ever, make sure you check it out because I couldn't resist.

You can also check me out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook through my fan page for Cariba Heine! My twitter and Instagram is CaribaDaily, and my Facebook is / Caribadaily. Thanks for everything and hopefully I'll be posting something new soon! :)