Harry walked into the house, he was sun burn and dying for a drink when his uncle stood stopping him from heading towards the stairs. The man's face was red Harry wondered if it was because he need to eat more greens or that he was pissed off at him, he was taking the last option. "Where is it boy?" Harry frowned and looked at him

"W…What do you mean?" The teen asked, Vernon grabbed Harry by his arm tightly and dragged him into the living room and pointed to the mantelshelf and snarled

"MY GRANDMOTHERS CLOCK!" He yelled at him, the teen jumped and looked to where the clock was sat, it was the only in this house that was beautiful Harry thought.

"I…I don't know."


I've been outside all day, this is the first time I've been in!" He told him as the wale pushed him against the wall between the fire place and the empty book shelf.

A fist collided with Harry's stomach, making the teen double over "LIER WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT!" He screamed again as Harry held his stomach before being pulled up by his hair making him whimper

"I didn't do anything." He cried as another fat hand punched him across the face making him fall into the coffee table

"Freak I'm going make your pay for lying to me." He knelt over Harry pulling out a Stanley knife out of his pocket and pushing the angler blade out. Harry was shaking his head trying to move himself

"I've been in the garden all day, it wasn't me uncle. Please the house has been locked!" Harry pleaded with him as the fat man took the blade to Harry's cheek.

Harry's horse face aunt came running down the stairs as she heard the scream, more worried about the neighbours calling the police she wanted Vernon to stop "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She screeched at him. Her husband looked up at her blood now smearing his clothes as he stood

"The freak took my Grandmother's clock!"

"What? No he didn't I took it to get it fix after it stopped ticking." She hissed at him, He looked blankly at her for a moment before looking down at Harry who was curled shaking

"You took it to get it fixed." He said

"The boy has been outside all day." She told him. Vernon put the Stanley knife and put it in his pocket

"Right then... I'm going to get cleaned up and then going out." He said walking over Harry "Boy clean your mess up." He said as he walked up the stairs.

After Vernon left Petunia pulled Harry up and saw him wince at the cuts, looking at the wounds like they would give her some horrid disease she saw that they were only slashes and not punchers. "Get cleaned up and go to bed." She told him, Harry nodded quietly and limped up the stairs as she set to work cleaning up the mess her husband made. Harry heard her on the phone to someone as he slipped into the bath room pulling off his ripped clothes and slipped into the shower and closed his eyes wincing as the cuts were cleaned by the water.

There was a soft rapping on the door that made Harry look at the white door "Y…Yeah." He said hoarsely. The door open and a face he was so glad to see walked in "Pro…Professor Lupin." He whispered feeling tears gather in his eyes

"Oh cub." He said seeing him as he walked into the room pulling a large sickly green towel and warped it around the poor boy pulling him into his arms

"W…What are you doing here." His voice is broken and raw as the werewolf holds him

"You aunt called us." Harry didn't move from the safety of the wolf's chest as he felt himself start to shut his mind down


"Just rest Harry let me and Siri look after you okay, you can close your eyes a sleep your safe with me."

"Okay dad." Harry whispered as he let his eyes finely. Remus closed his eyes feeling his heart break for this 13 year old in his arm as he waved his wand healing him.

A dark hair man poked his head around the corner and looked at them, he saw the last of the cuts fading leaving small sliver lines where the cuts were. "Moony?"

"We can't leave him Padfoot." Remus said kissing Harry's forehead, Sirius walked in and warped his arms around them both of them

"We won't even if it means turn our back on this war we will protect our cub." Sirius whispered to him as they started to leave the bath room.

Dumbledore was beyond mad when he learnt that Remus and Sirius had removed Harry from his Aunt's and Uncle's home in the middle of the night. He pushed way into Grimmaled making the people in the kitchen jump at the sudden flash of the old man "Where is he?" He snapped at Sirius

"In bed a sleep and that is where he will stay until he wakes up." The dog growled, it seemed over the years that his animagus side started to bleed into his human side, like canines teeth are more dog like and his growl.

"I don't care I am taking him back to his Aunt and uncles!"

"She called us! That fat wale was cutting him using him as s punch bag! My god Albus how bloody long have you known this has been happing!" Remus snarled as he stood up slamming his fists onto the table "He will not be going back to that house or that family Albus. I will not you damage my cub." He snarled as Sirius stood next to Remus trying to calm him pulling back the wolf inside of him

"Fine he will remind here for the rest of the holiday, but at the end of the 4th year he goes to them." Dumbledore snarled at them, Sirius walked up to the withered old man and looked into the fake caring eyes

"Over…my…dead…body." He hissed "You dare take him back there I will…"

"You will do what?" The old man hissed

"I will take Harry's memory and take it to Rita Skeeter." He growled, Dumbledore didn't say anything as he left the house.

Once he was gone Remus sat back down feeling his whole body shake in anger and fear "Why do I feel like we signed our own death warrant." The wolf whispered, Sirius warped his arms around the wolf and closed his eyes

"Remus I want you to do something for me." The wolf looked up at him with honey amber eyes

"I want you to take our and…go to Fenrir." Remus pulled back from him blinking at him. He stood up running his hands down his face as he paced looking back at Sirius

"Are you insane? You know what he will demand from me?" Remus asked looking panicky "He will want me to bite him turn him!" Remus cried out, Sirius grabbed the wolf's arms and held him

"He will came back here with auras and say you are on the dark Lord's side and they will kill us on the spot and take Harry back there he will have no one then." Remus hung his head before looking up at him

"W….What about you?" He whispered

"I will keep them away from our cub as long as I can." He smiled at him trying make him believe it will be okay they kiss for a moment before they hear a small voice at the door.

They looked to see Harry standing there in the oversize PJ's of Remus, his eyes were still dull and looked at both of them quietly "Cub?" Sirius whispered as he stood next to Remus

"Don't let Dumbledore send me back, I will do anything not to go back there."


"I…If you need someone to cook and clean I can do that or or someone to warm your bed…"

"HARRY!" Remus yelled making the teen stop and looked up from where he was standing by the fire place, he couldn't even remember moving from the door

"We won't want to hurt you like that… why did you say something like that?" Remus asked walking over to him

"It's what people do when they need help…that's what Dumbledore said."

"Dumbledore told you, you should offer yourself up for sex for help?" Sirius asked, feeling his chest tighten, Harry nodded and looked down at the floor, that had a purple stain that was made by Fred and George when they gave Ron Rainbow vomit sweets.

"H…How long has he being making you ask that?" Remus asked, feeling sick

"Since my first year, he said it was a wizard thing? W…Was he wrong?"

"Yes Harry it was." The 13 year old curled in on himself and latched onto Remus crying into his shoulder.

"Okay Siri I will take him to Fenrir."